How to compare date in logstash. I want to compare date with a constant date value. The below code fails in Logstash with ruby exception.
if [start_dt] <= "2016-12-31T23:23:59.999Z"
I finally figured it out. First convert the constant date from string to date using logstash date plugin. Then you can compare this date with your date field.
add_field => { "str_dt" => "2016-12-31T23:23:59.999Z"}
date {
match => ["str_dt", "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"]
target => "constant_date"
if [start_dt] <= [constant_date] {
my date which is in below format
"_messagetime" => "08/08/2022 22:18:17.254 +0530"
I am using date filter in my logstash
date {
match => ["_messagetime", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"]
but I am getting
Can anyone plz suggest what might be wrong with my approach
The date filter must match the entire value of the field. It cannot just parse a prefix. Also, your date filter has YYYY-MM-dd, but your field has dd/MM/YYYY.
You can parse that field using
date { match => ["_messagetime", "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"] }
to get "#timestamp" => 2022-08-08T16:48:17.254Z. Note the trailing Z in the value of [#timestamp] -- all timestamps in logstash are stored in Zulu / UTC timezone.
your error it's caused by the " +0530" string in the _messagetime field content.
To fix this, one option is :
Remove this string before the date plugin, you can do this with use of grok or dissect
For example :
filter {
grok {
match => { "_messagetime" => "%{DATESTAMP:newdate}%{DATA:trash}" }
Apply the same date plugin conf wich must work on new content now without " +0530" occurence
I have a collection that is having updated timestamps in epoch milliseconds. I have a python config that gets start date and end date parameters.
I have to form a query to filter this data
start date - 16-Feb-2022 (something like this)
{createTimestamp: {
$gte: ISODate("2022-02-16T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2022-02-17T00:00:00.000Z")
is there a way to convert the start date to epoch and pass that to Mongoquery?
something in python
startdate = int(datetime.fromisoformat("2022-01-01").timestamp())*1000
enddate = int(datetime.fromisoformat("2022-02-16").timestamp())*1000
query = {"updateTimestamp":{"$gte":startdate,"$lt":enddate}}
# myresult = collection.find().limit(5)
myresult = collection.find(query)
still, listing whole data? any issue here?
I have date field like this 1994/Jan In CSV .How to change it into date format.
What i am trying is this :
filter {mutate{convert=>["field_name","date"]}}
But its not working
Try this :
match => [ "field_source","yyyy/MMM"]
target => "field_target"
I have stored input data in date format in postgres database, but when I am showing the date in browser it's showing date with timezone and converting it from utc. For example I have stored the date in 2020-07-16 format. But when i am showing the date it becomes 2020-07-15T18:00:00.000Z. I have tried using select mydate::DATE from table to get only date but its still showing date with timezone. I am using node-postgres module in my node app. I suspect it's some configuration on node-postgres module? From their doc:
node-postgres converts DATE and TIMESTAMP columns into the local time
of the node process set at process.env.TZ
Is their any way i can configure it to only parse date? If i query like this SELECT TO_CHAR(mydate :: DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') from table i get 2020-07-16 but thats lot of work just to get date
You can make your own date and time type parser:
const pg = require('pg');
pg.types.setTypeParser(1114, function(stringValue) {
return stringValue; //1114 for time without timezone type
pg.types.setTypeParser(1082, function(stringValue) {
return stringValue; //1082 for date type
The type id can be found in the file: node_modules/pg-types/lib/textParsers.js
It is spelled out here:
date / timestamp / timestamptz
// {
// date_col: 2017-05-29T05:00:00.000Z,
// timestamp_col: 2017-05-29T23:18:13.263Z,
// timestamptz_col: 2017-05-29T23:18:13.263Z
// }
bmc=# select * from dates;
date_col | timestamp_col | timestamptz_col
2017-05-29 | 2017-05-29 18:18:13.263 | 2017-05-29 18:18:13.263-05
(1 row)
I have a csv file which store up cpu usage. There is a field with date format like this "20150101-00:15:00". How can I change it to #timestamp in logstash as shown in kibana?
Use date filter on that field:
date {
match => [ "dateField" , "yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"]
It will add the #timestamp field.
See documentation here: