I'm not sure how to get multiple outputs from a for loop to print on the same line in a window. I'm using the built in Window function from uagame with python3.x. Here's what the code looks like:
for char in a_word:
if char in user_guess:
window.draw_string(char+" ",x, y)
window.draw_string('_ ',x, y)
y = y + font_height
This keeps displaying as:
And I want it to print as
_ _ _ _
Any idea how to get each character or _ to display on one line? This is for a WordPuzzle/Hangman type game.
Use this as a example, and hopefully you will implement the same to your code.
for i in range(1,10):
The output looks like
Define a empty list and append your characters then print all at once
for char in a_word:
if char in user_guess:
y = y + font_height
I am trying to make a program to print a list separated with space but I do not want the space in the last ?
I tried using string method but want more efficient way to do it.
There is not a lot to go on with the information you have provided but from what I understand may be this could help:-
l = ["Hello", "this", "is", "stackoverflow"]
n = len(l)
for i, ele in enumerate(l) :
x = " "
if i == n-1 :
x = ""
print(ele,end = x)
I am doing an hangman game in python and I'm stuck in the part where I have a random generated word and I'm trying to hide the word by replacing all characters with dashes like this:
generated word -> 'abcd'
hide word -> _ _ _ _
I have done the following:
string = 'luis'
print (string.replace ((string[i]) for i in range (0, len (string)), '_'))
And it gives me the following error:
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
Please give me some types
You could try a very simple approach, like this:
word = "luis"
print("_" * len(word))
Output would be:
>>> word = "luis"
>>> print("_" * len(word))
>>> word = "hi"
>>> print("_" * len(word))
The simplest is:
string = "luis"
"_" * len(string)
# '____'
If you want spaces inbetween:
" ".join("_" * len(string))
# '_ _ _ _'
However, since you will need to show guessed chars later on, you are better off starting with a generator in the first place:
" ".join("_" for char in string)
# '_ _ _ _'
So that you can easily insert guessed characters:
guessed = set("eis")
" ".join(char if char in guessed else "_" for char in string)
# '_ _ i s'
x = input("enter input: ")
if x == "hello":
print ("it does")
How would I detect if x has hello stored even if it has other charaters/strings?
This is as simple as using the in keyword.
x = "123hellomore"
if "hello" in x:
print("Hi there")
This only detects hello, if it is unobstructed so still in one word (not like "**hel*lo")
If entered input is single string then x below will be array of one element, if entered input is space separated strings (string of strings) then x will be array of multiple strings, below code handles both options
x = input("Enter input: ").split()
for y in x:
if y=="hello"
print("it does")
the python code is printing this
instead of this
this is the code some of it doesn't do anything because it has been commented out so just ignore the associated variables
X = 0 #majic number
L = 0 #lines
i = 0 #list intilising varble thing
x = 175 #cordinates are x and y
y = 0 #dont set x&y above 175
Del = x + 1
X = y*176
x = x+X
stuff = []
for L in range(0,7):
for i in range(0,7):
i + 1
i + 1
print(*stuff, sep='')
in the current settings it supposed to print a 8*8 board. i have fiddled around with the position of the i + 1 but it didn't seem to make a difference.
if someone knows how to get in a alternating pattern that would be great.
when i did that i just got abbbbaaa. i should of mentioned this early but the end goal is to create a game of chess in the terminal.
Just use the increminting operator '+='. i + 1 means nothing in your code and wont have any effect if you removed it. It should be as follows:
for L in range(0,7):
for i in range(0,7):
i += 1
for works very differently in Python than it does in, say, C.
Also, in Python, you only very rarely need to use indices, especially since using iterators is more efficient.
I think you were trying to achieve this with your example:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
x = 3
y = 2
stuff = []
for L in range(y):
for i in range(x):
# the list now looks like this:
# stuff = ['_', '_', '_', '\n', '_', '_', '_', '\n']
# It contains y*x strings, each length 1.
# This is something like "char **stuff" in C.
output = ''.join(stuff) # this creates '___\n___\n'
Note that the variables i and L are actually never used, we are just using the number of items represented by each range to iterate over.
Or if you don't care about the strings being stored in a list and just want to print the rectangle:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
x = 3
y = 2
for L in range(y):
print('_' * x) # by default, print appends '\n' to the end.
'_' * x just repeats the string '_' x times, creating another string, '___'
I'm writing a program to play the game hangman, and I don't think I'm using my global variable correctly.
Once the first iteration of the program concludes after a correct guess, any successive iteration with a correct guess prints the word and all of its past values.
How can I only print the most current value of word? This chunk of code is within a while loop where each iteration gets user input. Thanks!
#lettersGuessed is a list of string values of letters guessed
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
global word
for letter in secretWord:
if letter not in lettersGuessed:
word=word+' _'
elif letter in lettersGuessed:
word=word+' '+letter
return print(word)
The Output:
#first iteration if 'a' was guessed:
a _ _ _ _
#second iteration if 'l' was guessed:
a _ _ _ _ a _ _ l _
#third iteration if 'e' was guessed:
a _ _ _ _ a _ _ l _ a _ _ l e
#Assuming the above, for the third iteration I want:
a _ _ l e
Note: This is only a short section of my code, but I don't feel like the other chunks are relevant.
The main problem you are facing is that you are appending your global variable every time you call your function. However, I think you don't need to use a global variable, in general this is a very bad practice, you can simply use the following code considering what you are explaining in your question:
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
return ' '.join(letter if letter in lettersGuessed else '_'
for letter in secretWord)
I also think that it is better if you use a python comprehension to make your code faster.
every time you are calling the function getGuessedWord you are adding to `word, You can not use a global:
secretWord = "myword"
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
word = ""
for letter in secretWord:
if letter not in lettersGuessed:
word=word+' _'
elif letter in lettersGuessed:
word=word+' '+letter
return print(word)
Or you can solve this by setting word at a constant length, (not as nice and harder to follow) e.g: word='_ '*len(secretWord), then instead of adding to it, replace the letter word=word[:2*i]+letter +word[2*i+1:]
Example here:
secretWord = "myword"
word='_ '*len(secretWord)
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
global word
for i, letter in enumerate(secretWord):
if letter in lettersGuessed:
word=word[:2*i]+letter +word[2*i+1:]
return print(word)