azure ad b2c auth in web app not showing social options - azure

I have enabled two identity providers i.e: facebook and google in my azure ad b2c tenant, but when I test them from within the portal with Run Now on the signup sign-in policy, only email option shows up, I've also tried and linked it up with my web app .NET CORE 2.0 app and there as well only email option shows up.
I followed official docs to create and save identity providers in my tenant, please let me know if there is an extra step which I don't know about. Following is a link to google + identity config

Ensure that you have config the social identity data provider in the policy that you used to login. Refer the link below:
Azure Active Directory B2C: Built-in policies


Customising Azure API Management Developer Portal's user management

I am trying to customize the Developer Portal in the APIM.
One thing that is important to me is user management. I want to use Azure AD B2C to handle all of my user Authentication/Authorization and remove DevPortal's own sign-in/signup section.
I could get rid of those widgets but the User profile is the issue now. My problem is not about widgets.
I don't see anywhere to update the user profile.
User info is so limited (user_name, last_name)
I want to update users from AD B2C and see that extra info in the portal. Is there any way to update user dto in the portal?
I want to update users from AD B2C and see that extra info in the
portal. Is there any way to update user dto in the portal?
One of the workaround you can follow to achieve the above requirement,
To customize the APIM developer portal by adding authentication method as Azure AD B2c we need the following perquisite first;
Create AzureAD B2c tenant.
Add user flow (Signin-signup policy)
Register an application in that tenant .
Add secret and copy the value to use in next .
So, To remove the identity as username and password you can delete them as shown below;
After creating all the aforementioned perquisite now click on Add and select the identity as Azure AD B2C and provide the required details.
For e.g;-
Select the identity as Azure AD B2C and provide the required details;
After done with the above steps Navigate to Developer portal and click on sign to check if the Azure AD B2C authentication is added or not.
For more information please refer this Tech-community blog |How to integrate Azure Active Directory B2C into Azure API Management Developer Portal.
And this ;
MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATOIN| How to authorize developer accounts by using Azure Active Directory B2C in Azure API Management .
Similarly, If want to authenticate with Azure AD we can do in the same way by selecting identity provider as Azure Active directory.

Google One Tap SignIn with Azure B2C, .NET Core and Blazor Webassembly

I'm currently using Azure B2C as identity management server to give my Blazor Webassembly client access to a .NET core API, but find the sign in flow to be a bit clunky. I've looked at Google One Tap sign in which is much more smooth but I'm not sure if that can be integrated with Azure B2C or if I need to throw that out. Can Google One Tap signin be incorporated Azure B2C and what are the basic steps to do so? And if that is not possible what are my alternatives?
You can configure Azure AD B2C to allow users to sign in to your application with credentials from external identity providers like Facebook, Google and GitHub.
Google One Tap is part of Google Identity Service, it's a type of Google Authentication without using password and we can use Google Identity Service along side with Azure AD B2C.
First we need to to register Google as an identity provider for your Azure AD B2C tenant, as described in this document.
You need to create a sign-up or sign-in policy, as described at Azure Active Directory B2C: Built-in policies, and add Google as an identity provider for this policy.
Check this example of using Google Identity Provider with Azure AD B2C for more information.

ASP.NET CORE 5 - AD Authentication

I would like to build a web site that will allow any customer to login using their Azure AD. How can I do that? I have used previously authentication with Azure AD for my organization but how can I enable that for any customer? Sort of allowing customers to login with Facebook or Google, instead, when they click login they will be redirect to Azure AD.
If you want to use a personal account or social account to log in to the Azure AD application, you only need to modify the manifest configuration of the existing application, and then change the /tenant id endpoint to the /common endpoint.
To change the setting for an existing AD App, navigate to the Manifest blade of it in the portal, find the signInAudience attribute, set it with AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount or PersonalMicrosoftAccount.

Azure B2C dont use webview

I'm pretty new with Azure and all its services and I want to use Azure B2C to provide authentication to local users and FB providers. However, I noticed that I cant use the workflow I have defined in my mobile app because Azure has a redirect URL to load a browser and show the web page defined by them or custom according to the policies defined for sign in.
I've been googling for a while but doesn't seem there's an option to have a webAPI that receives data from the mobile app and authenticate against the Azure B2C.
Does anyone know if there's a way to not use the redirect URL and use the app login workflow?
Currently, Azure AD B2C doesn't have support for this.
However, work to support for the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow in Azure AD B2C is in-progress.
This new feature will enable the mobile app to collect a user credential and POST it to the B2C tenant for validation.

How to configure SSO for Azure AD B2C?

As per Azure AD B2C documentation we can configure SSO for Azure AD B2C application. We want our user to do self-registration for the application thus opted for AD B2C.
However after creating B2C tenant account and configuring all the policies. I am unable to find option to configure SSO. Since after 30th Nov 2017, Active Directory will only be available in new portal. Kindly provide reference wrt new portal.
. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
SSO integration in Active Directory is totally different from SSO integration in an application through AD B2C. It took some time for me to verify all the links and steps. Hope this will help others.
Below are the steps to configure SSO in AD B2C. Create AD B2C and configure all the policies.
Once you have configured all your policies go to ALL policies node, it will list all the present policies in your application. Then click on singin policy. Alternatively you can directly click on sign in policy.
Once you click the EDIT option, you will see the option for 'Token, session and single sign-on configuration'. Configure those and you are done to use SSO.
For more details about the token, session and sso config please refer here
Create couple of application to verify that the SSO is working fine.
Happy Coding.
As the document in the your question said,if you have multiple applications and policies in your B2C tenant, you can manage user interactions across them using the Single sign-on configuration property. You can also add external identity provider like Google, Facebook and etc.
If you want to know how it works and how to configure SSO in Azure AD B2C, you can refer to this document.
Also, If you want to configure SSO for applications in your B2C tenant(the Directory).
Go to Azure portal > Enterprise applications> Add Non-gallery applications or in applications in Gallery.
After adding apps in Enterprise applications, you can select your app and enable SSO for it.
Hope this helps!
Adding custom applications requires Azure AD Premium.
You can also active Azure Active Directory Premium free for one month.
Now, you can add your own custom applications in Enterprise Applications and then configure SSO for it:
