Play mp3/audio on Google Drive preview at specific time - audio

I have an audio file (e.g. mp3) located on Google Drive and accessible at a direct url that looks like where there is a small sliding bar timeline scrubber and play/pause button that let the user hear the audio (and supposedly control the location in the file, but this feature is not working for me on Chrome on mac…; advice on this appreciated).
I would like to start the playback at a specific time. How can this be one? Is there a way to do it like one can do with video files hosted on Google Drive by adding a parameter like t=15s to the video url, like in YouTube?

Drive API doesn't have the seekTo method in Youtube API but you can add the t=123s at the end of the video url and it will work just like it.


Azure media player not playing uploaded video on MS Azure Media Services

I'm trying to use Azure Media Services. For demo purpose I've uploaded a video directly on the portal then clicked to encode this uploaded video in 'H264 Smooth Streaming 720p' preset.
This scheduled a encoding job which generated another (off-course larger) file which I published to get the manifest file URL.
I can play this video on the portal itself but when I use the given URL I get the following error:
A network error caused the video download to fail part-way. Please check your network connection or try again later. (0x20200000)
I'm taking help from this Channel9 video.
Please help me on this.
Please add &format=smooth to your URL and it should work!
Otherwise, on the page check "Advanced Options" checkbox and select Smooth from the Format dropdown and click on "Update" button.
When you paste your URL into the URL input, delete the existing sample URL that is already there. The existing URL looks like placeholder text but it is not. I fell into that trap too.
Here is a screenshot of your video playing and here is the URL of it playing.

Display web sites and web apps with Chromecast

Can Chromecast be used to display a web site or web app? All the sample sender/receivers I've seen so far show how to play videos. The docs posted so far are minimal as best, just an API reference with little explanation what any of it does. I just want to send a URL of my choosing and have that page displayed on the TV. There's no user interaction required past that point. Assuming that's possible, does anyone have sample Chrome sender and receiver code for that?
I was able to modify the Github sample Project > googlecast/CastHelloText-chrome
to show a web page.
In the receiver.html file, I replaced the DIV with an IFRAME and styled it for 100% width and height.
Then in the displayText() function I changed innerHTML to src.
The only modification made to the sender chromehellotext.html was to replace YOUR_APPLICATION_ID with the app id created by registering the receiver.
Note that some sites like Google and Yahoo will not display inside an iframe. If you really needed to do that you could skip the iframe and just set window.location.href to the URL. That, of course, will overwrite your receiver code so the only way to change URLs would be to manually disconnect first and reload. I tried using instead but that did not work.
One could imagine writing a Custom Receiver that has an iframe that wraps any website. Your sender would could then send webpages to your receiver, and the onLoad would set the the URL of the iframe. Don't have any code, but it's fairly simple to write.
There is a simple way to do that with the hellotext sample. You can send the html by typing that into the text field.
<iframe src="" style="width:1280px;height:720px"></iframe>
To provide extra info from the current answer, as this post comes up near top on most searches.
Thing to search for is Digital Signage, this is the sort of industry word.
following GreenScreen Chromecast works okay. Greenscreen
host solution is Sign Simple - which looks to be same approach as Greenscreen without you needing to host the receiver web page.
Similar hosted solutions using Raspberry Pi can be found.
Of note: with GreenScreen and the CastHelloText, I could not get 1080p only 720p, some comments mention Video only in 1080p, but Images in 720p, which I take to mean html pages aswell.
Chromecast can indeed be used to display an arbitrary URL.
This can be done from plain old Chrome, using 'url-cast-receiver'. (Usable 'demo' page, GitHub project page.)

Showing a YouTube video in a Google Chrome extension

I would like to embed a YouTube player onto a page and show it to a user. If a foreground popup is used to host the player then, when the popup loses focus, the player is destroyed because the entire popup is removed.
I was hoping to use webKitNotifications.createHTMLNotification() and embed a player inside of an HTML Notification, but the spec has since been deprecated.
Just curious if anyone has any really crafty ideas on how to achieve this? I suspect hosting the YouTube player on a background page is a violation of YouTube's Terms of Service.
Looking through the dev. channel APIs: - Too restrictive compared to HTML Notification. Doesn't look like I can embed a YouTube player inside one of these guys.
and... that's really about it.
Advice appreciated. Thanks.
You can simply have an HTML file in your extension for your page, for instance video.html, list it in your manifest under web_accesible_resources, and show it using:
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('video.html')});
Inside your page you can use whatever method you want to embed the YouTube player.

Embed YouTube videos in thirdparty player

Is there any website video player that I can embed YouTube videos in that also displays a playlist?
I want to be able to see the playlist and as far as I know the YouYube provided player that allows for playlists doesn't show the list unless you click on the playlist button in the top left. I want something with a playlist under or beside the video window that shows at all times.
youtube uses an iframe (as simple as that) to deliver content. Any website can display youtube playlists if the url in the "embed code" has the variables to do that. I forget the url but I am sure it is possible. I hope I got your question right...

How to display a video in spotify advertise page?

I am new with the spotify app. I try to display a video in spotify's advertise page. However none of the things that I was trying work (jw player, flow player, youtube iframe. html5). Any hints?
Any external hosts with assets you request need to be added to the RequiredPermissions part of the app manifest:
In order to display a video in the spotify you have to fulfill following requirements:
your video file has to be stored on the 3rd party server.
you have to use open-source video player (e.g “JW Player”).
you have to create a html file that will be your lightbox. This is the file that you will embed in the video file and player library.
image file for background of the player.
Destination URL must be open in new browser window.
And don't forget to add the address of host your host to the permissions in spotify's manifest file!!!
Example: here
