Unable to install node-sass in my project [closed] - node.js

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am doing wes-bos Learn Node course. When I run npm start it shows - cannot find module node-sass. And when I try to run npm install node-sass --save, it gives me the following errors.

Uninstall node-sass: npm uninstall node-sass
Delete package-lock.json, and clean the cache: npm cache clean --force, then do npm update, npm install, npm update. then again try to install node sass: npm install node-sass.
If this doesn't work, Try to rebuild node-sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
If that too doesn't work then i suggest to delete package-lock.json, node-modules and npm cache folder and do npm install , to install all your dependencies again. make sure you have a package.json file with all your dependencies listed.
The package-lock.json file has some issues(it doesn't update when package.json changes) as mentioned here:https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/16866
"Touching package.json by hand may make your package.json to be incompatible with package-lock.json". do npm update to update the package-lock.json file.
to completely disable package-lock creation:
npm config set package-lock false
Update (16 july 2022):
As node-sass is depricated(https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-sass), it is recommended to use dart-sass instead and upgrade the node version to v16 at least.

Try this
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-sass --save


gulp 4.0.0 shows npm outdated

I am running the latest available Gulp.js 4.0.0 and yet somehow npm says this:
> npm outdated
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
gulp 4.0.0 4.0.0 3.9.1
To solve the issue I have done:
npm update
npm update -g
remove node_modules and run npm install lependu answer
remove node_modules, npm cache clean -f and run npm install lependu answer
Is there a way to fix this?
npm had some issues with publication of new packages this week and the week before too. See this So I guess an npm cache clean -f would help. If not, you can do nothing more, than wait.

What NPM command should users run if the package.json file has been updated?

If I update the package.json file in an NPM workflow app, what command do existing users run to update their local node_modules dependencies?
To start using it, they run:
$ npm install
So what do they run if there is a change to the package.json file? Or do they just delete the folder and re-run the npm install command?
To re-validate the package.json and install adjusted versions or new packages:
$ npm install
The one thing this won't do is remove packages that aren't in package.json. To do that, run:
$ npm prune
If you've only changed package versions and not added new packages:
$ npm update
If you you've updated a specific package version:
$ npm update {packagename}
You should either do
npm install && npm prune
npm upgrade && npm prune
npm install will be faster than npm upgrade because it only updates packages in node_modules if package.json demands a newer version. npm uprade, on the other hand, will download updates to dependencies if they are available, which may include bug fixes. For ≥npm-5, you should use npm install because npm upgrade will have the side-effect of modifying any package-lock.json file which should not be modified unless if you are the package’s maintainer.
npm prune is necessary because the updates to package.json may have removed dependencies. If you do not run npm prune, packages installed by a prior version of package.json will remain in the node_modules directory that would not be there if you freshly downloaded/cloned the project and ran npm install. Due to how some packages conditionally call require() or even scan the node_modules directory, leaving packages which were removed from package.json can result in unexpected behavior.

"libsass bindings not found. Try reinstalling node-sass"

So today I was trying to install MeepBot for StreamMe, and I ran into the error that says: "'libsass' bindings not found. Try reinstalling 'node-sass'." I reinstalled it like a million times. I have tried: "npm un/install --save-dev node-sass," "npm rebuild node-sass," etc. Can someone please give me an answer to my problem?
Picture: http://prntscr.com/axbxu8
P.S. keep in mind, I am using CentOS 6.
According to node-sass project's README.md only binaries for "popular platforms"(i.e. Windows/Mac) are included and you may need to build for other platforms like CentOS.
Here are roughly the steps (reading the readme would give you a better idea):
- cd to the node-sass directory within your project source.
- node scripts/install.js
- node scripts/build.js
Should see a message like Binary is fine; exiting.
Try to run npm rebuild node-sass again and it should work!
have you tried reinstalling everything? rm -rf node_modules; npm i. i've had to do that multiple times before.
otherwise, npm rebuild node-sass should work unless there are multiple versions of node-sass in your dependency tree - then maybe not. are you using npm v3+?
I would suggest try upgrading your gcc compiler as node-sass uses gcc to compile. And then try this -
npm rebuild node-sass
If that doesn't work then try runing this code (you must be using node version 4 or above).
npm install -g n
rm -R node_modules/
npm uninstall --save-dev node-sass
npm install --save-dev node-sass#2
npm install
npm -g install node-gyp#3
npm rebuild node-sass
If you are using multiple version of node then you will have to run npm rebuild node-sass every time you change node version.
You can also use gulp-sass npm install gulp-sass#2 if you want.
I was facing this issue. In my case the parent package.json was referring to new version of node-sass but the version of gulp-sass was referring to old node-sass. As soon as I updated gulp-sass to latest version, and ran 'npm rebuild node-sass', issue was gone.

How to shrinkwrap devDependencies, but not install them unless necessary?

I have a bunch of devDependencies needed in order to run test suite and have production dependencies locked down with npm shrinkwrap. The problem is that when I run npm install, only production dependencies are installed, in order to install devDependencies, I have to remove npm-shrinkwrap.json and run it again.
Now if shrinkwrap contains devDependencies as well, they get installed in production, where they are not required. Surely there should be some command line arguments to force only normal dependencies to be installed?
September, 2016:
As others have mentioned as well, there were some huge efforts to enhance the shrinkwrap feature starting with npm v3.10.8.
Thanks to this, it'll be possible to keep your devDependencies locked while installing only the production dependencies:
npm shrinkwrap --dev
npm install --only=prod
2013 answer:
As stated in the NPM docs:
Since npm shrinkwrap is intended to lock down your dependencies for
production use, devDependencies will not be included unless you
explicitly set the --dev flag when you run npm shrinkwrap. If
installed devDependencies are excluded, then npm will print a warning.
If you want them to be installed with your module by default, please
consider adding them to dependencies instead.
Basically, or you lock down all deps, or only the production deps.
Not even running npm install --dev or npm install --force can transcend the shrinkwrap functionality.
It looks like this feature was recently added in v3.3 of the npm client per the changelog
You'll now be able to run npm install --only=prod to achieve the effect you wish.
EDIT 2016/09/13
I've tested out npm v3.10.8, and this functionality now works as expected. We've shrinkwrapped our devDependencies and can install only prod dependencies when we deploy.
I think it's worth mentioning that this feature should start working as expected very soon. According to this github issue, tons of people were running into the same problem, and according to this pull request, it will be in the next release (scheduled for 2016-09-08).
With the pull request merged in, all you would have to do is:
npm i --only=prod
As to npm 5 (I've tried on 5.5.1 and 5.6.0), --production (--only=prod) flag is problematic.
When package-lock.json exists in the folder,
npm shrinkwrap --production
simply changes the file name to npm-shrinkwrap.json.
How I managed to solve this issue is to run:
npm prune --production
and then run:
npm shrinkwrap --production
This is fixed in npm 3.10.8; npm install --production shouldn't install dev deps in a shrinkwrap created by npm shrinkwrap --dev: https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v3.10.8

How do I update devDependencies in NPM?

npm update seems to just update the packages in dependencies, but what about devDependencies.
Right now you can install devDependencies by running npm install ., but this doesn't work for npm update .
Any ideas?
To update package.json in addition to the local modules, run
npm update --save-dev
Alternatively, the same command to save time
npm update -D
You can view the full detail of update, or any command for that matter through
npm help <cmd>
Install npm-check-updates (https://www.npmjs.org/package/npm-check-updates), then jump into your project folder and run:
And to update and save changes to your package.json file:
npm-check-updates -u
These steps worked for me :
npm install -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm update
npm install
npm outdated - for an overview what's outdated
npm install -g npm-check-updates - as pointed correctly by Michael
ncu -u - it'll automatically update all dependencies (also dependencies, i.e., it's of course different than devDependencies) versions in package.json, without reinstalling it yet. It'll just change the "numbers" in package.json
npm update - actual dependencies installation
(Optional, depending by scenario) you might need to use the flag --force, or (new in NPM v7) --legacy-peer-deps to complete the process. You can read about difference between those 2 on What does npm install --legacy-peer-deps do exactly? When is it recommended / What's a potential use case?
(Optional) you can validate it using ncu -u and for correctly updated dependencies you should see the text All dependencies match the latest package versions :)
This problem does no longer excise with the current version of NPM (1.3.11).
Update works fine with: npm update
If you are using outdated npm version it might be the problem. So before any other commands execute:
sudo npm install npm -g
or (if above doesn't work):
sudo npm update npm -g
Then relaunch the console (in order for changes to take effect).
Now you can check your new npm --version and if it is up to date execute:
npm update
or (if you prefer):
npm update --save-dev
I ran into the same problem as OP had, and found no solution, so I decided to write a Grunt plugin that will auto-update my devDependencies..
It's on Github, I'd love to get some input and collaborations in order to make it the best tool that NPM hasn't provided.
Basically it will auto-update your outdated development dependencies with a simple Grunt Task.
What worked for me is installing individual dev dependencies like this
npm install react-test-renderer#15.6.1 --save --only=dev
i found the answer onhttps://nodejs.dev/learn/update-all-the-nodejs-dependencies-to-their-latest-version and this is working for me for all the major release as well
npm install -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm update
to check the outdated package use
npm outdated
One (slow) way to do force the update, is to remove the node_modules directory, and then do npm install again.
This was a known bug of the npm update command, which has been fixed on the development branch of npm, see here:
It should land on the latest stable version of npm pretty soon.
