angular2 add dynamic fields that comes from collection value using formBuilder - node.js

I want to add dynamic input field in form using formBuilder (input comes from database ). eg. In collection i saved multiple fields and i want to create from based on that fields that i saved in collection (LIKE::-
Collections Name: Custome_fields
In above collection in save below fields
And now i want to create input in form using above fields name:
For this i am using below that:
<div [formGroup]="studentCustomeField" *ngFor="let customField of customFields;" class="col-md-8">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="" id="Label_padding">{{customField.label | titlecase }}</label>
<input formControlName="customField.label" [(ngModel)]="student.customFields" type="text" class="form-control adstu_btn" placeholder="{{ customField.label | uppercase }}">
Below is code in my component.ts file:
.then(customFieldsData => {
if(customFieldsData) {
this.customFields = customFieldsData;
console.log('Testing: '+JSON.stringify(this.customFields));
this.studentCustomeField ={
customFields.label: [''],
} else {
console.log('component else');

I do not know the exact structure, of your CustomFields object, but assuming it is something like:
const CustomFields = {
Age: 12,
Height: 13,
Name: "Antonio"
You can use the following code to generate the form group:
const formGroup = Object.keys(customFields).reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = [customFields[curr], Validators.required];
return acc;
}, {});
And you will get the following object as formGroup
// {
// Age: [12, Validators.required],
// Height: [13, Validators.required],
// Name: ['Antonio', Validators.required],
// };
this.studentCustomeField =;


Filtering node.js (express, mongoose) app

I am trying to a node.js application (express, mongoose) and I want to give the option to the user to filter the data they receive through checkboxes. In the front end I store the user's choice in cookies (I do not know know if there is a better way) but I failed to filter the data in my database. The html code is that:
A modal that gives the user the option to check for specific data
<div id="modal">
<div id="modalContent">
<h3>Filters</h3><svg xmlns='' id="closeBtn" class='ionicon' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><title>Close</title><path fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='32' d='M368 368L144 144M368 144L144 368'/></svg>
<form method="GET">
<input type="checkbox" class="save-cb-state" name="Vasilopoulos" value="Vasilopoulos">Vasilopoulos
<input type="checkbox" class="save-cb-state" name="Masoutis" value="Masoutis">Masoutis
<input type="checkbox" class="save-cb-state" name="Web Only" value="Web Only">Web Only
<input type="checkbox" class="save-cb-state" name="In Store" value="In Store">In Store
<button type="submit">Αναζήτηση</button>
My model is that:
The checkboxes are filtering for storeName and/or offerType (The problem is when the user wants to filter both data)
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const offersSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
imgLink: String,
title: String,
startPrice: Number,
discountPrice: Number,
pageLink: String,
storeName: String,
offerType: String,
discountPercentage: {
type: String,
trim: true
module.exports = mongoose.model("Offers", offersSchema);
The first two checkboxes are referring to StoreName attribute of my model and the last two are referring to offerType
The code in my controller is this:
async function getOffers(req) {
const cookiesArray = Object.values(req.cookies);
const page = parseInt( || 1);
const sort = req.query.sort || "discountPrice";
const itemsPerPage = 10;
let products;
//If cookiesArray length is greater than 0 means that the user has check at least one checkbox
if(cookiesArray.length !== 0) {
products = await Offers.find({ offerType: { $in: cookiesArray}, storeName: { $in: cookiesArray } })
.skip((page - 1) * itemsPerPage)
} else {
products = await Offers.find()
.skip((page - 1) * itemsPerPage)
return {
category: "offers",
currentPage: page,
hasNextPage: itemsPerPage * page < totalProducts,
hasPreviousPage: page > 1,
nextPage: page + 1,
previousPage: page - 1,
lastPage: Math.ceil(totalProducts / itemsPerPage)
getOffers is a helper function that my controller uses to fetch data. I tried to use the in operator but if the user check one or two values from the first two checkboxes and one or two values from the last two check boxes the in operator fails.

Selecting first element from the dropdown [ select tag ] cause the backend to crash but selecting other works just fine

I'm building a simple app with node.js and reactjs but the problem arises when I want to add book especially while selecting dropdown value.
In the select tag when I select the first element it crashes the backend but when I select the second or below it they work just fine. What could be the reason behind it ? Dropdown menu has been filled correctly. My code is :
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
export default class AddBook extends Component {
state = {
name : '',
author : '',
publishers : '',
pages :'',
genres : [],
genre : '',
addedMessage : null
async componentDidMount() {
const genres = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/genres')
this.setState({ genres :})
onInputChange = (e) => {
this.setState({[] : }) //looks for name
onFormSubmit = (e) => {
const book = {
name :,
author :,
publishers : this.state.publishers,
pages : this.state.pages,
genres : this.state.genre
}'http://localhost:5000/api/books', book)
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.log("error occured while posting data ", err))
//alert("book added successfully !!!")
this.setState({addedMessage : 'Book added successfully'})
window.location = "/books"
render() {
const { name, author, publishers, pages, genres, addedMessage } = this.state;
return (
<div className="container">
<h2>ADD BOOK </h2>
{ addedMessage && <h2 style={{textAlign : 'center'}} className="alert alert-info">{addedMessage}</h2> }
<form onSubmit = { this.onFormSubmit }>
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="name">BookName:</label>
<input type="text" required className="form-control" id="name"
placeholder="Enter Book name" name="name"
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="author">Author:</label>
<input type="text" required={ true } className="form-control"
id="author" placeholder="Enter Author" name="author"
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="publishers">Publishers:</label>
<input type="text" required className="form-control"
id="publishers" placeholder="Enter Publishers Name"
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="pages">Pages:</label>
<input type="number" required className="form-control"
id="pages" placeholder="Enter No of Page" name="pages"
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="genre">Category:</label>
<select type="select" className="form-control"
{/* <option value="selectCategory" onChange={this.onInputChange}>Select</option> */}
{ genre => (
<option key={genre._id} onChange={this.onInputChange} value={}>
{ }</option>
<button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
My backend is up and running and has successfully fetched the genres[ categories ] , but I am not able
to figure out why selecting the first doesn't work but others just work fine. How should I solve it ?
It shows the following error for this case.
Error: Book validation failed: genres: Path `genres` is required.
at ValidationError.inspect
at formatValue (internal/util/inspect.js:718:31)
at inspect (internal/util/inspect.js:287:10)
at afterInspector (internal/errors.js:682:14) {
errors: {
genres: ValidatorError: Path `genres` is required.
at validate (E:\nodejs\nodejs\MERN_STACK_Book\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schematype.js:1178:13)
at E:\nodejs\nodejs\MERN_STACK_Book\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schematype.js:1161:7
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at SchemaString.SchemaType.doValidate
at E:\nodejs\nodejs\MERN_STACK_Book\node_modules\mongoose\lib\document.js:2387:18
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:11) {
properties: [Object],
kind: 'required',
path: 'genres',
value: '',
reason: undefined,
[Symbol(mongoose:validatorError)]: true
_message: 'Book validation failed'
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
And code for my book schema is as follows
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
//schema for genres
const bookSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name : {
type : String,
required : true,
trim : true,
unique : true //title is made unique.
author : {
type : String,
required : true,
trim : true
publishers : {
type : String,
trim : true,
pages : {
type : Number,
required : true,
trim : true
genres : {
type : String,
required : true,
trim : true
create_date : {
type : Date,
default :
//It will create books collection in your database and documents
//inside that collection will have fields from bookSchema when you save first document.
const Book = module.exports = mongoose.model('Book', bookSchema)
//get the books
module.exports.getBooks = (callback, limit) => {
// Book.find(callback)
//get single book
module.exports.getBookById = (id,callback) => {
// Book.find(callback)
module.exports.addBook = (book,callback) => {
Book.create(book, callback);
module.exports.updateBook = (id,book,options, callback) => {
const query = {
_id : id
const updatedBook = {
name :,
author :,
publishers : book.publishers,
pages : book.pages,
genres : book.genres
Book.findByIdAndUpdate(query, updatedBook, {} , callback);
module.exports.deleteBook = (id,callback) => {
const query = {
_id : id
Book.findByIdAndDelete(query, callback);
I checked some of the similar answers in the stackoverflow but couldn't figure out why I'm getting that
Here's the problem with your code :
The first option of the dropdown is chosen by default, and thus "selecting" the first option doesn't trigger the Category dropdown's onChange function (because the selected value doesn't really change).
Since the default value of this.state.genre is an empty string, the genres property of the book you send to the backend also has genres as an empty string.
Finally, Mongoose does not accept an empty string for a required string field, which gives you the Path 'genres' is required error.
Try switching to another option and back to the first. It will work then because the onChange function will then get called and this.state.genre will be set properly.
There are a few ways to fix this:
Add a placeholder option to the dropdown - something like "Select an option...". Then the user will be forced to select a genre from the dropdown and onChange would be called.
Or, in componentDidMount, set this.state.genre to the first genre of the list of genres you fetch.

In React, how do I display the results from an API get request?

I've created API's for a standard transaction application (using mongoDB for DB), I have API's for users, products and orders. I managed to use and display the information stored about users and products, however, when I try to follow the same code for displaying my orders (which shares objects from products and users, in mongoDB collections) I get stuck. I know this has something to do with how I've named (const { _id, username, useremail, productname, productsellprice } = order;) as the _id works.
Other details: using= axios for http requests; context api with hooks (useContext, useReducer)
Im new to all this so forgive me if I've left out crucial information.
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import OrderContext from '../../context/order/orderContext';
const OrderItem = ({ order }) => {
const orderContext = useContext(OrderContext);
const { deleteOrder, setCurrent, clearCurrent } = orderContext;
const { _id, username, useremail, productname, productsellprice } = order;
const onDelete = () => {
return (
<div className='card bg-light'>
<h3 className='text-primary text-left'>
{_id}{' '}
style={{ float: 'right' }}
'badge ' +
(productsellprice === 'professional' ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-primary')
{'£ ' + productsellprice}
<ul className='list'>
{useremail && (
<i className='fas fa-marker' /> {useremail}
{productname && (
<i className='fas fa-marker' /> {productname}
className='btn btn-dark btn-sm'
onClick={() => setCurrent(order)}
<button className='btn btn-danger btn-sm' onClick={onDelete}>
</div >
OrderItem.propTypes = {
order: PropTypes.object.isRequired
export default OrderItem;
I want to display the order data in a simple ui card. Currently it only displays the order_id
When you print order in console, you get this,
Object product: {_id: "5d1a62c40d16f11d94009a7a", name: "Lead18", sellprice: 104} saledate: "2019-07-03T19:08:05.630Z" user: email: "" name: "Kevin Kane" _id: "5d1cd8fbc02bc928d83ea109" proto: Object _id: "5d1cfd156cd4673840981c5d" proto: Object OrderItem.js:6 Object product: {_id: "5d1a62c40d16f11d94009a7a", name: "Lead18", sellprice: 104} saledate: "2019-07-03T18:43:14.409Z" user: {_id: "5d1cd8fbc02bc928d83ea109", name: "Kevin Kane", email: ""} _id: "5d1cf74207fa3337cceb5e1e" proto: Object
It means you are getting object inside object.
So instead of this,
const { _id, username, useremail, productname, productsellprice } = order;
You should use Destructuring nested objects,
const { product:{_id: product_id}, user:{name: username}, user:{email: useremail}, product:{name: productname}, product:{sellprice: productsellprice} } = order;
Here I am not sure which _id you want to show, if you want _id from user object then use this use:{_id}.

How to add card holder's name to Stripe checkout using Elements?

I need to add an additional field to my custom form, I want to add the name of the credit card.
I tried in the following way:
var cardNameElement = elements.create('cardName', {
style: style
//, placeholder: 'Custom card number placeholder',
<div id="card-name-element" class="field"></div>
But this does not work, in its documentation only allows to perform these procedures validating only four elements or data: cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc, postalCode.
How can I add the name of the credit card and validate it using stripe.js
My code:
var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh');
var elements = stripe.elements();
var style = {
base: {
iconColor: '#666EE8',
color: '#31325F',
lineHeight: '40px',
fontWeight: 300,
fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue',
fontSize: '15px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7E0',
var cardNumberElement = elements.create('cardNumber', {
style: style
//, placeholder: 'Custom card number placeholder',
var cardExpiryElement = elements.create('cardExpiry', {
style: style
var cardCvcElement = elements.create('cardCvc', {
style: style
/*var postalCodeElement = elements.create('postalCode', {
style: style
function setOutcome(result) {
var successElement = document.querySelector('.success');
var errorElement = document.querySelector('.error');
if (result.token) {
// In this example, we're simply displaying the token
successElement.querySelector('.token').textContent =;
// In a real integration, you'd submit the form with the token to your backend server
//var form = document.querySelector('form');
} else if (result.error) {
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
document.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="token" />
<div class="group">
<div class="card-container1">
<span class="title-card">Card number</span>
<div id="card-number-element" class="field"></div>
<span class="brand"><i class="pf pf-credit-card" id="brand-icon"></i></span>
<div class="card-details">
<div class="expiration">
<span class="title-card">Expiry date</span>
<div id="card-expiry-element" class="field"></div>
<div class="cvv">
<span class="title-card">CVC</span>
<div id="card-cvc-element" class="field"></div>
<button type="submit">Pay $25</button>
<div class="outcome">
<div class="error"></div>
<div class="success">Success! Your Stripe token is <span class="token"></span></div>
What I want to do:
Elements does not support collecting the cardholder's name at the moment. It focuses on collecting:
Card number
Expiration date
ZIP code (in some countries)
If you want to collect the cardholder's name you have to build your own field for the name and submit it to the API during token creation:
var card_name = document.getElementById('card_name').value;
stripe.createToken(card, {name: card_name}).then(setOutcome);
You can see a live example on jsfiddle here:
As I struggled like an idoit on this for a while. As of Feb 2019 you can add tokenData object with information on the details of the card. For Example:
let custData = {
name: 'Firstname Lastname',
address_line1: '21 Great Street',
address_line2: 'Shilloong',
address_city: 'Chicago',
address_state: 'Illinois',
address_zip: '12345',
address_country: 'US'
stripe.createToken(card, custData).then(function(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the user if there was an error.
var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
} else {
// Send the token to your server.
If you're using "PaymentIntents", which you probably should be if you're EU based / SCA compliant, then the format for this has changed again slightly...
payment_method: {
card: cardElement,
billing_details: {
name: 'Jenny Rosen'
).then(function(result) {
// Handle result.error or result.paymentIntent
stripe.confirmCardPayment docs:
billing_details object docs:
I use Meta-Data for custom fields such as cardholder name:
... create({
amount: myAmount,
currency: 'USD,
description: "Put your full discription here",
source: tokenid,
metedata: {any: "set of", key: "values", that: "you want", cardholder: "name"}
idempotency_key "my_idempotency_key"

How search value inside an object in Redis?

I'm newbie to Redis and Nodejs, I've watched this tutorial and i'm trying to search users by name,
Here is the object, returned from redis when i pass the id:
first_name: '‪john',
last_name: 'doe',
email: '',
phone: '543313305',
id: 'user001'
Here is the function of the search :'/user/search',function (req,res,next) {
let id =;
client.hgetall(id ,function(err,obj){
error:"user doesn't exist",
} else { = id
user:obj, });
I've tried to replace the search by id to search by first_name by doing this:
First I've changed the field name to "first_name" instead of "id"
<h1>Search Users</h1>
{{#if error}} <span>{{error}}</span>{{/if}}
<form class="form-inline" method="POST" action="/user/search">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="first_name" placeholder="Search" class="form-
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Search">
And than I've changed it in the app.js ;'/user/search',function (req,res,next) {
let first_name = req.body.first_name;
client.hgetall(first_name ,function(err,obj){
error:"user doesn't exist",
} else {
obj.first_name = first_name
user:obj, });
The hgetall method that you are using in the search function of the method looks up a hash by the key, which in this case is the user id and returns all of the fields of the hash from Redis.
There is no function to search over the fields of the hash. If you need to be able to map from a first name to a user, you will need to manually build a secondary index using a data structure such as sets, that allows you to go from first name to the users that have that first name.
