npm package toggle version? - node.js

Installed the gitbook and gitbook-cli modules, because of an incompatibility problem, multiple versions are installed, how to switch the package version of the module ?
$ gitbook ls
GitBook Versions Installed:
* 3.2.3
Run "gitbook update" to update to the latest version.

According to Documentation,
By default, GitBook CLI will read the gitbook version to use from the book configuration, but you can force a specific version using --gitbook option:
$ gitbook build ./mybook --gitbook=2.0.1
Therefore change the book config version to the required version or use the above line to force the build.
If you do not need a particular version just uninstall it.
$ gitbook uninstall 2.0.1


How to downgrade Thrift version on Ubuntu?

I am using Thrift version 0.14.0 on my Ubuntu (20.04.2 LTS).
However, I need to downgrade it to version 0.9.3 for working purposes.
I try to replace version 0.9.3, remove the current thrift version but it doesn't work.
Despite many ways to install the custom version, the current version is still 0.14.0 (thrift --version)
Can you give me the solution? Thank you so much.

Problem to Install pyspark of version 2.3

I was trying to install pyspark 2.3 from the last couple days. But I have found out Version 3.0.1 and 2.4.7 only so far. Actually I was trying to run a code implemented in pyspark 2.3 as a part of my project. Is that version still available now ? Please send me the essential resources to install pyspark 2.3 if it is available to install as well as shareable. As it seems tough to me to implement that code in version 3.0.1.
Pyspark 2.3 should still be available via Conda-Forge.
Please checkout
There you will find the following and more packages for a direct download:
If you don't want the raw packages, you can also install it via conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pyspark=2.3.2

Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions 3.0.5 results in Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Version=

I upgraded Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions to version 3.0.5 and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis cannot be loaded anymore. I downgraded to version 3.0.3 and it works fine there.
Is this a bug?
This seems to be a bug indeed :
I updated my all fun app projects to 3.0.5 from 3.0.3. They built just fine and executed fine too. I noticed microsoft.codeanalysis.common has version 3.3.0. I explicitly installed Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis -Version 3.4.0 and everything still works just fine.
May be you can explicitly install package with Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis -Version 3.4.0 and try? You can also find out which package is dependent on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Version=

best_score_ parameter from GridSearchCV from spark-sklearn doesn't work with version 0.2.3

I am looking to use best_score_ parameter from GridSearchCV function, but it looks like that is not present in the latest version of the library spark-sklearn (version 0.2.3). When I'm trying to uninstall the latest version and reinstall and older version (with version 0.2.0) with the command
pip install spark-sklearn-0.2.0
It does not work. How can I install older versions of spark-sklearn library in my cluster environments? best_score_ parameter seems to work fine in version 0.2.0.
There is a known issue with spark-sklearn version 0.2.3 for not having best_score_ parameter in gridSearchCV. The issue can be found here at
To install older version of the library, use the following command:
pip install spark-sklearn==0.2.0

Which protobuf version should I build?

I'm missing on Ubuntu 14.04.
I tried to install Protobuf 3.0.0 but got, built Protobuf 2.5.0 but got
I don't want to continue randomly building Protobuf versions to find out which produces and I can't find anywhere where it says which is the right version.
Build Protobuf 2.4.1 version. After building this version it will create .
