Local Npm module "grunt-sass" not found. Is it installed?
Running "serve" task
Running "clean:server" (clean) task
0 paths cleaned.
Running "generateConstantsFileWithConfig" task
Running "ngconstant:local" (ngconstant) task
Creating module config at app/res/config/config.js...OK
Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task
Warning: Error: Cannot find where you keep your Bower packages. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
To resolve any problem related with the npm module you could use: —unsafe-perm
when you are installing that module or package. For example if you have problems when you install bowel and node you could use:
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm && bower install —unsafe-perm
which solve the problem I had.
I've just finished installing create-react-app successfully.
But, when I create a new project like below command, error happens.
Could you please give me a recommandation?
system env.:
- aws lightsail 1vcpu, 0.5G ram / ubuntu 18.04
- nodejs version : 13.9.0
- npm version : 6.13.7
- create-react-app version : 3.4.0
~$ npm create-react-app my-app
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts with cra-template...
core-js#2.6.11 postinstall /home/ubuntu/my-app/node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/core-js
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
Aborting installation.
npm install --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts cra-template has failed.
Deleting generated file... node_modules
Deleting generated file... package.json
Switch to Yarn
It was a raised issue on github a couple of years back..
it was solved after switching to yarn.
These commands could not solve the issue.
npm cache clean --force
create-react-app my-apps
Switching to Yarn worked!
npm install -g yarn
yarn global add create-react-app
create-react-app my-app
See if this helps!
This error is due to the fact that a dependant module named core-js is trying to run a post-install script. This post-install script spawns a child process and runs a shell script there. For some reason Node sets/assumes a wrong bash path by default. I had to manually change the path by running the following command.
npm config set script-shell $(which sh)
Note: For Windows you might have to setup your own bash.exe by installing something like git-bash and then you could assign the path similarly.
Try this: npm cache clean --force
I'm stuck.
I tried almost everything. From reinstalling, updating and installing in a different order.
First I used:
$ bower install
Everything went great so far, but at the end I got this:
bower date.format#~1.2.3 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads https://github.com/tiger-seo/date.format.git",
exit code of #128 fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/tiger-seo/date.format.git/': Server aborted the SSL handshake
Additional error details:
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/tiger-seo/date.format.git/': Server aborted the SSL handshake
I ignored that (don't know if it's necessary) and build the Node Packages with
$ npm install
and got this:
Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task
Warning: Error: Cannot find where you keep your Bower packages. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
The npm-debug.log can you find here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/istqfl11xulkod9/npm-debug.log?dl=0
My installed versions:
Bower: 1.8.0
npm: 3.10.10
node: v6.11.0
Ionic: 3.3.0
Cordova: 7.0.1
When doing grunt bower:install grunt throws the following error
kaushiks-MacBook-Pro:ama ghost$ grunt bower:install
Running "bower:install" (bower) task
Warning: Cannot find module 'bower' Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
kaushiks-MacBook-Pro:ama ghost$
I have tried npm install bower -g but still din't work. Please help.
You probably need Bower as a local dependency and not global. If you are using grunt-bower-task you should've downloaded Bower from its dependencies already - but since the error specifically says that it cannot find module bower you should install it locally in your project's root with npm install bower -D.
The -D option is shorthand for --save-dev which only installs the dependency if NODE_ENV environment variable is development, which it is by default.
I get the following error when I try to run "grunt install" on a Ubuntu 14.04 box that has the latest nodejs installed from NodeSource.
jit-grunt: Plugin for the "install" task not found. If you have
installed the plugin already, please setting the static mapping. See
Warning: Task "install" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Here is the part of Gruntfile.js related to jit-grunt:
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
express: 'grunt-express-server',
useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin',
ngtemplates: 'grunt-angular-templates',
cdnify: 'grunt-google-cdn',
protractor: 'grunt-protractor-runner',
injector: 'grunt-asset-injector',
buildcontrol: 'grunt-build-control'
Can someone point to the right direction?
What is the grunt install task? Can you please paste your package.json file here so we may see your dependencies?
The reason jit-grunt is outputting that error is because it cannot find a node module folder named grunt-contrib-install, grunt-install, or install, with a tasks/ folder with JS files that register a Grunt task named install.
Do you mean either of these packages? If so, you have to call them via their registered task names:
- https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-npm-install – grunt npm-install
- https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-auto-install – grunt auto_install
For the grunt-auto-install package, you will need to add it to jit-grunt's static mappings, like you have with grunt-express-server and others.
If it's not the above, apart from "maybe you mistyped?", the only other answer I can offer is similar to the assumption #waqas-ahmed made: that you mean to install dependencies and devDependencies from your package.json file, and that perhaps you mean to call npm install, not grunt install.
Try as below:
1) npm install -g grunt-cli
This will put the grunt command in your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.
Note that installing grunt-cli does not install the Grunt task runner! The job of the Grunt CLI is simple: run the version of Grunt which has been installed next to a Gruntfile. This allows multiple versions of Grunt to be installed on the same machine simultaneously.
2) npm install grunt --save-dev
The easiest way to add Grunt and gruntplugins to an existing package.json is with the command npm install --save-dev. Not only will this install locally, but it will automatically be added to the devDependencies section, using a tilde version range.
for further assistance follow this link
I have cloned a repo that has Yeoman installed.
I installed node, as well as Yeoman npm i -g yo. When I run grunt I get an error stating:
Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks'
Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.
What else do I need to do to be able to run this repo successfully?
The first time, you have to run npm install.
This will install all the needed dependencies as described in the package.json
Subsequently, if anyone add a new dependency into this file, you will need to run npm install or npm update again.
Actually besides npm, you should also download bower dependencies.
So it's 2-step:
npm install
bower install
If you don't invoke bower application may launch, but later you may encounter problems such as the lack of libraries.