How do you create a chart in Stimulsoft on grouped data? - stimulsoft

I have a data returning in a data set that looks like this:
Department 1 Product Name Units
Department 1 Product Name Units
Department 2 Product Name Units
Department 2 Product Name Units
Department 3 Product Name Units
Department 3 Product Name Units
I have added a Group Band that will group by Department and in the group footer band a summary that will sum units by Department.
I want to show a bar chart with the Department as the argument and the Units as the value. But all I get in the report is each record repeated in the chart, i.e. not grouped by Department. Do I need to define a relationship and use that as argument in the chart series?

You have to use the AutoSeries properties (under Series tab) in order to get your data grouped by something This way you would have a different serie for each different value you used on your Auto Series Key Data Column


How to access non-pivot data in a pivot measure in Excel

Excel - I have built a pivot table showing the number of projected transactions. I have changed my screenshot to make it a little easier to understand. I have total projected vehicle sales in a pivot table. I have another section of data which shows how many reps we have for each vehicle type. I have set up a relationship between these 2 objects. I want to create a measure (which I can then add to the pivot table) which divides the various numbers by the rep count... In effect I want each number in the cars section divided by 62, each number in the Trucks section divided by 39, and each number in the Motorcycles section divided by 34.
The code I am using is
=[Distinct Count of Opportunities] / LOOKUPVALUE(Table1[Reps], Table1[Vehicle Type]], [Vehicle Type])
To try to simplify, I am just using the 2nd part of the calculation...
=LOOKUPVALUE(Table1[Reps], Table1[Vehicle Type]], [Vehicle Type])
I am getting the error: The value for Vehicle Type cannot be determined. Either Vehicle Type doesn't exist or there is no current row for a column named 'Vehicle Type'.
What am I doing wrong here?

Dashboard in Python widget + interact

I have a dataframe with 15 columns and I want to create dropdowns out of those columns populated by dependency on each other. For example, if my first column is 'country' and if I select 'France' then I want all other 10 dropdowns to change their values accordingly to what is in the dataframe for France.
Also, every time I change values in my dropdowns, I want to make different plots acoording to what has been selected in a columns_to_plot dropdown. I have tried everythign I could think of but nothing seems to work and there are no complex examples online where many dropdowns interact.
dropdown_country = [France, Spain, ....]
dropdown_year = [1991, 1992, ...]
dropdown_car = [BMW, Opel, ...]
dropdown_color = [blue, black, ...]
Those are the columns I want to plot against country, year and car columns for example (the rest of columns in a dataframe are listed in this dropdown, not their values as in dropdowns above):
columns_to_plot_dropdown = [total, sales, ....]
So if I select France in a country dropdown I want to see only years in a year dropdown that correspond to France and only cars that correspond to France in year 1992. Color dropdown also needs to be updated only for France in 1992 and selected type of car.
Then if I select sales column in columns_to_plot dropdown I want to plot country, year, car and color columns for sales.
I have tried Python Interact widgets and Dash as well but couldn't make it work. Any help would be much appreciated.

Level of Detail on the primary data sources in tableau

I have one excel that contains the demand for each part by city:
e.g: the demand for part a for New york is 100 and 1+7=8 for Atlanta
I have another excel containing the inventory level for two warehouses: rural and urban:
e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 50 for part a and warehouse "Urban" stocks zero for part c.
First I joined these two excels with the demand excel being the primary:
I googled about LOD (level of detail) in order to find out the inventory fulfillment for each warehouse by City
-- count the number of unique parts by each city for the demand:
calculated field [a] = { fixed [City]: countd([Part Number demand]) }
-- count the number of parts that are in stock (inventory level>0) by each warehouse:
calculated field [b] = { fixed [City],[Warehouse Location],[Part Number volume]: countd (if [Inventory Level] > 0 then [Part Number demand] end )}
-- calculate the inventory fulfillment %:
calculated field [c] = calculated field [a] / calculated [b]
and I got the following table and I think it is showing the correct fulfillment % by warehouse for each city: e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 33% of unique parts needed by Atlanta.
Question 1: as I include more part numbers into the excel, I only want to consider the top 10 parts by volume needed for each city. I was trying to do the same thing with LOD to first find the total quantity needed per part per city:
{fixed [City], [Part Number demand]: sum([Part Number volume]) }
But it counts the quantity from both excels and I am just wondering if it is possible to only count the quantity from the primary excel (demand not the inventory),
Question 2: once I could count the total quantity needed, how do I transfer it into a filter so that I could only select top 10 parts by demand.
Apologize if these questions are dumb and appreciate for any advice!!

Count Index based on Multiple Conditions - Excel

I have a table with order records for each Product Type. The columns contain information like Order Number, Customer Name, Product Category, Product, and Order Receipt Date.
My goal is to find the quantity of orders that fall into the below conditions:
New Customers Ordering any Product Category for the First Time
Existing Customers Ordering from any Product Category for the First Time
Reorders from any Product Category
What would be the best way to go about this?
Think I figured it out:
I created two columns for records: "First Product Type Order?" and "First Order?"
"First_Product_Type_Order": IF(AND(Order2=Order1,Product_Type2=Product_Type1),First_Product_Type_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=D2)*($Product_Type$2:$Product_Type2=Product_Type2))>1,"Reorder","First Time Order"))
IF(Order2=Order1,First_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=Customer2)*1)>1,"Existing Customer","New Customer"))

Pragmatically Get Count of Pivot Table Data

Suppose I have some sample data like so:
and I create a Pivot Table and order by Product > Sales Rep > Sales
If I want the # of sales John had for Product1 I would do =GETPIVOTDATA("Sales",$A$3,"Product","Product1","Sales Rep","John")
But how would I get a count of the entries there are. i.e. for Product1, John had 4 and Kevin had 2
Is it possible to get this count using GETPIVOTDATA()?
To get this you need to add another Sales field to the values section and change the "Summarize By" to Count. Then the formula will =GETPIVOTDATA("Count of Sales",$A$3,"Product","Product1") will get you the count of Product Overall.
