Advice on dynamically combining mpeg-dash mpd data - mpeg-dash

I'm doing research for a project that's about to start.
We will be supplied hundreds of 30 second video files that the end user can select (via various filters) we then want to play them as if it was one video.
It seems that Media Source Extensions with MPEG-DASH is the way to go.
I feel like it could possibly be solve in the following way, but I'd like to ask if this sounds right from anyone who has done similar things
My theory:
Create mpd's for each video (via mp4box or similar tool)
User make selections (each of which has a mpd)
Read each mpd and get their <period> elements (most likely only one in each)
Create a new mpd file and insert all the <period> elements into it in order.
I imagine this may be problematic if the videos were all different sizes formats etc, but in this case we can assume consistency.
So my question is to anyone with mpeg-dash / mpd exterience, does this sound right? or is there a better way to acheive this?

Sounds right, multi period is the only feasible way in my opinion.
Ideally you would encode all the videos with the same settings to provide the end user a consistent experience. However, it shouldn't be a problem if quality or even aspect ratio etc change from one period to another from a technical point of view. You'll need a player which supports multi period, such as dash.js or Bitmovin.


Open multiple positions in Backtrader

Does someone know if it's possible to open multiple positions with only a single data feed? I am trying to do a second buy whilst in a position, which doesn't seem to be possible.
Nobody seems to adress this issue. Does anyone have any experience with Backtrader and have any input?
If you are just trying to buy more stock to add to your position, then yes, you should be able to do this and if you cannot recheck your strategy code in next.
If you are trying to track two separate positions of the same data...
One cannot have two separate positions in the same data feed. You may trade additional positions if you like but they will be combined in Backtrader. Even if you use two strategies you will still have one combined broker.
The reason for this is to simulate as near as possible real world conditions. If you have a brokerage account you most likely would have just one postion. (I know there are exceptions)
One solution would be to track your trading manually in a dictionary trades that result from different signals/sub-strategies. It's a bit more tedious to develop but very doable.

Methods for determining acoustical similarity (but not fingerprinting)

I'm looking for methods that work in practise for determining some kind of acoustical similarity between different songs.
Most of the methods I've seen so far (MFCC etc.) seem actually to aim at finding identical songs only (i.e. fingerprinting, for music recognition not recommendation). While most recommendation systems seem to work on network data (co-listened songs) and tags.
Most Mpeg-7 audio descriptors also seem to be along this line. Plus, most of them are defined on the level of "extract this and that" level, but nobody seems to actually make any use of these features and use them for computing some song similarity. Yet even an efficient search of similar items...
Tools such as and seem to use some simple spectral analysis, file system location, tags, plus user input such as the "color" and rating manually assigned by the user or how often the song was listened and skipped.
So: which audio features are reasonably fast to compute for a common music collection, and can be used to generate interesting playlists and find similar songs? Ideally, I'd like to feed in an existing playlist, and get out a number of songs that would match this playlist.
So I'm really interested in accoustic similarity, not so much identification / fingerprinting. Actually, I'd just want to remove identical songs from the result, because I don't want them twice.
And I'm also not looking for query by humming. I don't even have a microphone attached.
Oh, and I'm not looking for an online service. First of all, I don't want to send all my data to Apple etc., secondly I want to get only recommendations from the songs I own (I don't want to buy additional music right now, while I havn't explored all of my music. I havn't even converted all my CDs into mp3 yet ...) and secondly my music taste is not mainstream; I don't want the system to recommend Maria Carey all the time.
Plus of course, I'm really interested in what techniques work well, and which don't... Thank you for any recommendations of relevant literature and methods.
Only one application has ever done this really well. MusicIP mixer.
It hasn't been updated for about ten years (and even then the interface was a bit clunky), it requires a very old version of Java, and doesn't work with all file formats - but it was and still is cross-platform and free. It does everything you're asking : generates acoustic fingerprints for every mp3/ogg/flac/m3u in your collection, saves them to a tag on the song, and given one or more songs, generates a playlist similar to those songs. It only uses the acoustics of the songs, so it's just as likely to add an unreleased track which only you have on your own hard drive as a famous song.
I love it, but every time I update my operating system / buy a new computer it takes forever to get it working again.

Is there a way to get download all the statistics on events at once from Flurry?

We are bumping into limitations with Flurry. We use events and parameters to track some game play info (like number of KO/map) but 1/ the limit of 15 parameters per event is a problem and 2/ the visualisation is not good (for instance Ko/map is shown by map so we have to open each event one after another).
We are trying to build a better visualisation with excel using the CSV files provided by Flurry, but then again we need to download the 50+ CSV files and it's really not convenient.
Is there a way to get all the information in one CSV or to get the information another way?
As a side note Flurry support is not answering any of our emails. :(
thanks for your help!
Have you tried checking out playtomic instead. Sounds like it might match your problem better.
They have an API to access your data. So you should be able to access it realtime.
You might also want to check out

Simple audio filter-bank

I'm new to audio filters so please excuse me if i'm saying something wrong.
I like to write a code which can split up audio stored in PCM samples into two or three frequency bands and do some manipulation (like modifying their audio levels) or analysis on them then reconstruct audio samples from the output.
As far as i read on the internet for this task i could use FFT-IFFT and do manipulation on the complex form or use a time domain based filterbank which for example is used by the MP2 audio encoding format. Maybe a filter-bank is a better choice, at least i read somewhere it can be more CPU usage friendly in real time streaming environments. However i'm having hard times understanding the mathematical stuff behind a filterbank. I'm trying to find some source code (preferably in Java or C/C++) about this topic, so far with no success.
Can somebody provide me tips or links which can get me closer to an example filter bank?
Using FFT to split an Audio signal into few bands is overkill.
What you need is one or two Linkwitz-Riley filters. These filters split a signal into a high and low frequency part.
A nice property of this filter is, that if you add the low and high frequency parts you get almost the original signal back. There will be a little bit of phase-shift but the ear will not be able to hear this.
If you need more than two bands you can chain the filters. For example if you want to separate the signal at 100 and 2000Hz it would in pseudo-code somewhat like this:
low = linkwitz-riley-low (100, input-samples)
temp = linkwitz-riley-high (100, input-samples)
mids = linkwitz-riley-low (2000, temp)
highs = linkwitz-riley-high (2000, temp);
and so on..
After splitting the signal you can for example amplifiy the three output bands: low, mids and highs and later add them together to get your processed signal.
The filter sections itself can be implemented using IIR filters. A google search for "Linkwitz-Riley digital IIR" should give lots of good hits.
You should look up wavelets, especially Daubechies wavelets. They will let you do the trick, they're FIR filters and they're really short.
Downvoting with no explanation isn't cool. Additionally, I'm right. Wavelets are filter banks and their job is to do precisely what is described in the question. IMHO, that is. I've done it many times myself.
There's a lot of filter source code to be found here

Audio normalization/fixation?

I am using some audio fingerprinting technique to mark songs in long recordings. For example, in radio show records. Fingerprinting mechanism works fine but i have a problem with normalization (or downsampling).
Here you can see two same songs but different waveforms. I know i should make some DC Offset fixation and use some high and low gain filters. I already do them by Sox using highpass 1015 and lowpass 1015. And i use wavegain to fix the volume and DC Offset. But in this case wave forms turns to one like below:
But even in this case, i can't get the same fingerprint. (I am not expecting %100 same but at least %50 would be good)
So. What do you think? What can i do to fix records to have same fingerprints? Maybe some audio filtering would work but i don't know which one to use? Can you help me?
By the way, here is the explanation of fingerprinting technique.
Your input waveforms appear to be clipping, so no amount of filtering is going to result in a meaningful "fingerprint". Make sure you collect valid input samples that have a reasonable dynamic range but which do not clip.
