How can I make unit test on a nodejs app? - node.js

I want to make some unit tests on my nodejs app in order to test the insertion of a user on a database or the read of a user from the database.
I'm using Objection.js such an ORM and I searched through the net how to do these Test, thus I found Sinon to mock a database or a model.Concerning this issue I found also this question Mocking database in node.js?.
For example if I have a table Users contains 10 users, is there any solutions to get all the rows of such table for example of fetch if a user exists in the table? I don't really understand the concept of mocking and if it is the suitable solution to make such tests?

There are lots of libs for unit testing of NodeJS such as Moca, Chai, Jasmine.
here is some tutorial link:


How to do testing of Nodejs API's without getting any change in actual DataBase?

I am doing testing on Nodejs APIs using mocha and chai. Each time when I do testing, the database populates with some new entries, is there a way to avoid these entries in my database while testing and keep the database unchanged?

How can I run database file before test suites in jasmine.json

I'm using nodejs to create an end to end test suite for our API. Before each test runs, I need to insert database records for that test. Many of the tables in question do not use native auto-increment type fields for their primary keys.
(I know, bad database design. But I don't have control over that.)
Instead, I have a Postgres database server to connect.
As I begin to set up my tests, I am finding that my transactions are colliding with each other because of the asynchronous nature of javascript. Basically, the transactions are getting the same sequence numbers and then trying to commit on top of each other. So unique constraints are failing.
The first solution that comes to my mind (I'm open to others) is to just set up all of the database records before any tests run. But to my knowledge, Jasmine's beforeAll() function only applies to the file that it's in. I need a beforeAll() function that runs before all Jasmine tests run in all files everywhere.
Does Jasmine have something like that? If not, is there a way I can create a controller in nodejs that will set up the test cases in the database and then spawn jasmine programmatically?
Thanks in advance!

How to test Node API with DB data?

I'm coming from Rails world,
On rails I used FactoryGirl to create some db data before testing api.
I've searched on the web for similar methods and I couldn't find any good results.
How do you test your API if you want to insert some db data before?

Unit test with rollback on express

Hi I´m trying to make a unit test creating some fake data and executing a request (using supertest) to check if the controller works well.
The problem rise up when the controller tries to get the fake data, because it exists only inside the transaction.
So my questions are:
Did someone make a junit like test using node.js and express?
How do you manage the database data? How do you do rollback on it?
Thanks in advance.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are trying to run a bunch of api calls with some fake data, but you are unable to actually get the data from database?
If that's the case, one of two things I would suggest:
Allow your api to update the db, then retrieve from db. When your tests are done, you can do the full clean up at that point (that can be achieve via the after() in mocha)
Use sinon.js, and stub all db calls to return some fake data that you know.

Testing locomotive.js with Mocha

I am building an app with locomotive.js, and I am looking to build my test suite using the Mocha test framework. I am also new to TDD/BDD in general, so please take that into consideration. I am curious if anyone can point me in a good direction to start testing a locomotive based app.
My biggest question would be:
How do I test a controller's actions?
Can I test an initializer?
Are there best practices around creating test request objects?
Testing controller actions
It depends on what exactly you want to test. Controller actions usually either return content, or pass (perhaps in case of errors) the request along the server stack, so testing them means using something like supertest to check for the correct responses (the supertest page also mentions how to use it together with Mocha)
Can I test an initializer?
Testing an initializer by itself is difficult, because they require to be run within the context of a LocomotiveJS application. However, you could create a test just booting up the application, which during the booting process will also run all initializers. I just added a simple Mocha-based testing framework to my Locomotive + Sequelize boilerplate project which shows how to boot the Locomotive app from within Mocha.
Are there best practices around creating test request objects?
If you mean how you can check responses to requests, look at the aforementioned supertest or perhaps mocha-headless.
