Azure Logic Apps not able to establish a connection - azure

I'm following the next tutorial: I had some problems with connecting to Twitter in Chrome, switched to Edge and was able to make the connection.
However for the sentiment analysis, created earlier in the tutorial, I'm constantly getting, in both browsers, the messages
Please check your account info and/or permissions and try again.
I thought first that it would take a while before the service would kick in gear so I took the same Key1 and went to the API overview from where people can test the service after providing the key. And that worked.
So I'm wondering on how to continue or how to solve the connection problem as the analysis service key works out.

As the time of writing this answer only cognitive accounts deployed into West US region are supported with the logic apps connector. However we are aware that cognitive services recently rolled out a number of new regions for text analytics, and are currently deploying the fix to support other regions. By the end of this week any region should be supported. For now, the workaround is likely best approach (deploy a West US-based cognitive service account).

I had the same issue when trying to login with Chrome.
Edge resolved this case and my resources are deployed in North Europe.

I had the same issue
Please check your account info and/or permissions and try again+text analytics+logic app
when trying establish connection with Text Analytics Cognitive Service from Logic Apps.
I had deleted Text Analytics API and Recreated in Wets US Region and its working fine.


How can I reduce network latency for using from recognizer

thanks for your time. I am using Azure form recognizer of Azure cognitive service. It works well for most of my users. However, for Chinese users, Azure China has not released this product.
So Chinese users must request the Azure global endpoint and the issue comes :
the latency is pretty high, sometimes , it comes out as 5000ms. So is there anyway to reduce the latency? Or any workaround ?
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks !
As #GauravMantri recommended, you could host it in a region close to China.
If it still comes out as high latency, you can try this way that recommended by the Microsoft partner consultant:
Deploy an APIM service in Azure China.
Put your Azure global endpoint behind the APIM and expose APIs by APIM. Let your Chinese users access the Azure global endpoint via APIM could greatly reduce the network latency.
I have tried it before and it works for me.
There is an Azure Form Recognizer that runs in containers.
It is marked as "retiring". But maybe you could run it in AKS in China until Azure China has released this product.

Is there any way to get Azure status update only for some services and regions I am using?

Is there any way to get Azure status update only for some services and regions I am using? For example, I am using Cloud Services in West US. When this service in West US is down, I want to get an alert for it. I don't care about other services and other regions.
If you set up alert notifications for your application, you'll get notified when any of the underlying services you're using are not functioning properly. An alert will ensure that your service is available and working.
If you get an alert about a service issue, that's when I would first take a look at the Azure status dashboard, and then take a look at your application logs to troubleshoot.
Another trick is to create simple URL's in your application that do a quick service test. For example, let's say you're using blob storage in the west datacenter. You could set up a page that does a test write/read to ensure that service is working. This will give you a 100% accurate indication if there is a problem. Since the cloud is highly distributed, and services statuses don't update immediately, I find this method highly preferable.
You would then point your alert monitoring at URL's like this:
The Azure Status website has the information your need for all Azure regions.

Is there a checklist of action items that documents porting an Azure app from North America to China?

I'm trying to deploy an Azure application that is currently working on Azure North America to Azure China. The service bus namespace has changed, for example, from to
This results in numerous problems. Geeks with blogs addresses some of them.
However, even simple things like namespaceManager.QueueExists() fails with:
uri provided does not match service bus domain:
This is when trying to reference WindowsAzure.ServiceBus.
Is there a great list somewhere that gives all the changes that need to be made?
For each of the Azure services the following documents provide guidance for using Windows Azure in China:
In C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version>\Config, you will find servicebus.config. You need to change the host names to use the ones for Azure China. Change the following:
relayHostName =>
stsHostName and acmHostName =>
That should fix the QueueExists issue. Let me know of any other issues!

Azure service how notify a posible degradation service?

I have got two database (SQL azure) in North America, I'm getting error that the applications can't Access to the server.
I didn't update the application or database, so I supose that there are a problem with sql azure service. How can I notify Microsoft of this problem?
To 'notify' Microsoft, you have very limited options.
They have their own support forums.
They have their own support ticketing system, that costs a pretty penny but is the fastest way to get their attention.
They have their dashboard, which in my own experience is terrible. It is not a true representation, ever. The updates are very very late.
You also have StackOverflow - but there will be little that we can advise on if there is a problem on the Azure infrastructure side of life.
To help aid in your Azure support woes, I would suggest you get an account with Pingdom and get MetricHubs for your subscription. These will help in showing what goes down, when, how often, and for how long. It can help show if the problem really is in your application or not.
I would also ensure you have diagnostics set up, and log everything you can.
Many many people forget or don't know about the transient error problems. Microsoft have a huge article on it, but it does trip people up a lot.
The Azure Management Portal should also be able to give you a quick summary of if your roles & instances are actually up, healthy and stable.

Using Windows Azure In Europe and the middel East

I've built my application in .net and SQL Server 2008.
Having looking for a hosting solution I stumbled upon windows azure.
I saw that currently its only available in the US.
Can I use the service if I live outside of the US?
If I upload my website up there and people try entering, will people from outside of the US be blocked?
Sorry for posting an unrelated program question. I am not receiving an answer anywhere else, and I can see that there are several questions regarding azure which are not program related here.
Windows Azure has a data center hosted in northern europe. Your users won't be blocked no matter where it is hosted. See this link for status and locations.
We have an Azure hosted application in the US. One of our developers is in Pakistan. He has no issues developing against our Azure Table Storage there or using the application. Also, he is impressed with the overall speed of the application compared to other web applications he uses which are hosted locally and in the US.
Obviously an app hosted in the same region would be quicker all things being equal. However, we have been really happy with the "quality" of the service from Azure and overall it probably offers better performance even outside the region than a poorly managed shared hosting environment. Also, you can change the region where your Azure app is hosted. So, over time, as new regions are added you can migrate your app to that region.
Nope it won't be blocked. But, it would be more sluggish due to latency compared to the locally hosted applications. Also, if you are in EU you might want to check the data protection act. It is illegal to store some private data concerning EU citizens on the US based servers.
