Events not tracked in App Center - azure

I am trying new Visual Studio App Center platform for mobile apps. It gives me the crashes and the installed versions OK, so the app secret and SDK are configured OK.
But when I try to track custom Events, according to this tutorial I get "No events found" in the Mobile Center dashboard. I try with my app in release and debug mode, without results.
My code (Xamarin.Forms):
public MyClass()
Analytics.TrackEvent("Video clicked", new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Category", "Music" },
{ "FileName", "favorite.avi"}
There is the constructor, so I am sure that these lines are executed.

MobileCenter.Start needs to be called before Analytics.TrackEvent or Analytics.SetEnabledAsync.
If you are using constructor, then you need to move MobileCenter.Start to constructor as well.
Your solution is working probably because you made that code execute later (and thus after MobileCenter.Start) with async but you don't need to do that (and you don't need to call SetEnabledAsync at all, it's true by default and persisted).

Solved. I need to execute the lines in an async method, not in the constructor.


Why my custom C# extention does not execute when deployed to Spotfire WebPlauer/Consumer

I have a simple custom Add-in that just displays a message to the user.
namespace GeorgiSpotfireCustomExtention
public class GeorgiEvent : CustomApplicationEventHandler
protected override void OnApplicationInstanceCreated(AnalysisApplication application)
MessageBox.Show("On Application Instance Created");
That is my CustomAddIn class:
public sealed class CustomAddIn : AddIn
// Override methods in this class to register your extensions.
protected override void RegisterApplicationEventHandlers(ApplicationEventHandlerRegistrar registrar)
registrar.Register(new GeorgiEvent());
I am just trying to learn the package deployment process. When I am running it locally - in the installed Spotfire Analyst client it displays the message just fine:
However, when I package the extention, add it to the server (via the "Deployments & Packages" section, adding the "spk" file and then saving the area, the message is not shown when I try to open a document in the WebPlayer/Consumer.
Notes: I am choosing "TIBCO Spotfire Any Client" for my intended client in the Package Builder when building the spk file.
from the Spotfire Wiki (emphasis mine):
WinForms graphical user interface is a component of the .NET Framework and not something supplied by Tibco Spotfire. It's not recommended to implement solutions using Forms, but sometimes it could be handy when debugging. There is no commitment that it will work in future versions of the Analyst client. Forms are not supported on the Web Player.
the example listed on the wiki is for IronPython, but presumably the same holds true for C# extensions.
Correct. My assumption, and I don’t really know a lot about .NET, so this is not absolute, is that the form is rendered on the machine executing the code. In the case of your example above, the dialog would pop on the Node Manager host. If you’re really set on using an alert like this, you can accomplish it in JavaScript with an ‘alert()’. There is probably a way to render dialogues o in the web client too, but I don’t know it offhand.

Xamarin Android: Can I not create a new object of my MainActivity?

I have a location mocking method in my main activity. Unfortunately, I cant put this method into another class (yet!). So, I need a service, to call this method from my main activity every 5 seconds. So i created a countdown in within a service that, while the app is in the background, should run the method in my MainActivity. But it doesnt.
public void OnTimedEvent(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
Log.Info("2", "CountDown ausgeführt!");
var test = new MainActivity();
This is my code. As you can see, I'm installing a new object of my Main Activity and then ask for the method in within this activity. This does work. Well at least Visual Studio does not complain. If I now debug my app on my phone, nothing happens. I dont get no errors or anything.
Now, when I run this app Step by Step and it reaches this point
"var test = new MainActivity();"
I get "Frame not in Module".
So, it basically crashes as soon as I ask it to install a new object of my Main Activity.
May anybody tell me why this is?
Unfortunately in Android you cannot create Activities like this, they need to be instantiated by the OS. Also, instantiate a whole Activity only for a method is not ideal, I suggest you to find the way to get that method/function out of that Activity so you can use it anywhere in your program.
Did you create your app via Xamarin Forms? If you did, you can utilize the Xamarin Forms MessagingCenter for background services and then you can call your mock location tasks.
This is the link for a very helpful walk-through and example of MessagingCenter.

Servicestack Multitenancy dynamic plugins

We are moving from an on premise-like application to a multi tenant cloud application.
for my web application we made a very simple interface based on IPlugin, to create a plugin architecture. (customers can have/install different plugins)
public interface IWebPlugin : IPlugin
string ContentBaseUrl { set; get; }
We have some plugins that would normally be loaded in on startup. Now i'm migrating the code to load at the beginning of a request (the Register function is called on request start), and scope everything inside this request.
It's not ideal but it would bring the least impact on the plugin system for now.
I could scope the Container by making an AppHost child container which would stick to the request:
Container IHasContainer.Container
if (HasStarted)
return ChildContainer;
return base.Container;
public Container ChildContainer
get { return HttpContext.Current.Items.GetOrAdd<Container>("ChildContainer", c => Container.CreateChildContainer()); }
problem case
Now im trying to make plugins work that actually add API services.
appHost.Routes.Add<GetTranslations>("/Localizations/translations", ApplyTo.Get);
But this service is unreachable (and not visible in metadata). How do i make it reachable?
I see you execute the following in ServiceController AfterInit. Re-executing this still wouldnt make it work.
//Copied from servicestack repo
public void AfterInit()
//Register any routes configured on Metadata.Routes
foreach (var restPath in appHost.RestPaths)
//Auto add Route Attributes so they're available in T.ToUrl() extension methods
.AddAttributes(new RouteAttribute(restPath.Path, restPath.AllowedVerbs)
Priority = restPath.Priority,
Summary = restPath.Summary,
Notes = restPath.Notes,
//Sync the RestPaths collections
appHost.RestPaths.AddRange(RestPathMap.Values.SelectMany(x => x));
solution directions
Is there a way i could override the route finding? like extending RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
Or could i restart the path compilation/caching? (would be enough for now that the service would be reachable tenant wide )
All configuration in ServiceStack should be contained within AppHost.Configure() and remain immutable thereafter. It's not ThreadSafe to modify ServiceStack's Static Configuration at runtime like trying to modify registered routes or Service Metadata which needs to be registered once at StartUp in AppHost.Configure().
It looks as though you'll need to re-architect your solution so all Routes are registered on Startup. If it helps Plugins can implement IPreInitPlugin and IPostInitPlugin interfaces to execute custom logic before and after Plugins are registered. They can also register a appHost.AfterInitCallbacks to register custom logic after ServiceStack's AppHost has been initialized.
Not sure if it's applicable but at runtime you can "hi-jack Requests" in ServiceStack by registering a RawHttpHandler or a PreRequestFilter, e.g:
appHost.RawHttpHandlers.Add(httpReq =>
? new CustomActionHandler((req, res) => {
//Handle Route
: null);
Simple answer seems to be, no. The framework wasn't build to be a run-time plugable system.
You will have to make this architecture yourself on top of ServiceStack.
Routing solution
To make it route to these run-time loaded services/routes it is needed to make your own implementation.
The ServiceStack.HttpHandlerFactory checks if a route exist (one that is registered on init). so here is where you will have to start extending. The method GetHandlerForPathInfo checks if it can find the (service)route and otherwise return a NotFoundHandler or StaticFileHandler.
My solution consists of the following code:
string contentType;
var restPath = RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
//Added part
if (restPath == null)
restPath = AppHost.Instance.FindPluginServiceForRoute(httpMethod, pathInfo);
//End added part
if (restPath != null)
return new RestHandler { RestPath = restPath, RequestName = restPath.RequestType.GetOperationName(), ResponseContentType = contentType };
technically speaking IAppHost.IServiceRoutes should be the one doing the routing. Probably in the future this will be extensible.
Resolving services
The second problem is resolving the services. After the route has been found and the right Message/Dto Type has been resolved. The IAppHost.ServiceController will attempt to find the right service and make it execute the message.
This class also has init functions which are called on startup to reflect all the services in servicestack. I didn't found a work around yet, but ill by working on it to make it possible in ServiceStack coming weeks.
Current version on nuget its not possible to make it work. I added some extensibility in servicestack to make it +- possible.
Ioc Solution out of the box
For ioc ServiceStack.Funq gives us a solution. Funq allows making child containers where you can register your ioc on. On resolve a child container will, if it can't resolve the interface, ask its parent to resolve it.

Hosting and initialising multiple MVVMCross ViewModels for the MvxTabViewController

I need to create a Tab view in iOS. I tried to do this by simply adding a UITabBar to an MvxViewController but I could not get that to work (See this question if interested)
I am now trying to go use the approach MVVMCross and Apple seem to push me towards, a TabController.
In our Core project we have 4 ViewModels that are displayed from one or more places using a ShowViewModel call and are initialised with a customerNumber.
In Android and Windows Store we have separate Views for each of these ViewModels. I do not want to change our Core implementation to support iOS. I will create a new ViewModel called TabbedCustomerViewModel and that will have 4 properties, one for each of the hosted ViewModels.
Using a custom MvxTouchViewPresenter registered in the iOS project I can listen for requests to Show one of the Customer views and then switch the Request to TabbedCustomerViewModel. I have that working, the new ViewModel gets created and the initialisation paramaters that would have been passed to the original VM are passed to the intercepting VM's Init method.
The problem I am having is knowing how I should be initialising the hosted VMs. I assume I am going to have to ctor, init and Start them manually. Has anyone got any thoughts on how to do this?
The N-25 Tab Tutorial does not have to worry about this as its hosted VMs are not standalone so don't have Init and Start dependencies
I have the initialisation of the VMs working now too. When the View loads it checks if it is within a Tabbed UI by looking at the ParentViewController.
If it is it calls a custom method on the new TabbedCustomerViewModel. I have copied the code that MVVMCross use and added it to the new Method
mvxViewModel.CallBundleMethods("Init", this.initialisationParameters);
if (reloadedState != null)
mvxViewModel.CallBundleMethods("ReloadState", reloadedState);
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception.MvxWrap("Problem initialising viewModel of type {0}", mvxViewModel.GetType().Name);
The initialisationParameters and reloadedState are stored by TabbedCustomerViewModel when it is initialised so that it can pass it down to the ViewModels it is hosting

My custom Windows Service is not writing to my custom Event Log

I have written a custom Windows Service that writes data to a custom Event Log (in the Windows Event Viewer).
For dev'ing the biz logic that the service uses, I created a Windows Form which simulates the Start/Stop methods of the Windows Service.
When executing the biz logic via the Windows Forms, info is successfully written to my custom Event Log. However, when I run the same biz logic from the custom Windows Service, information is failing to be written to the Event Log.
To be clear, I have written a library (.dll) that does all the work that I want my custom service to do - including the create/write to the custom Event Log. My Form application references this library as does my Windows Service.
Thinking the problem is a security issue, I manually set the custom Windows Service to "Log on" as "Administrator", but the service still did not write to the Event Log.
I'm stuck on how to even troubleshoot this problem since I can't debug and step into the code when I run the service (if there is a way to debug a service, please share).
Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing my service to fail to write to the event log?
I use it like this. There can be some typos. Writed it on my phone browser...
public class MyClass
private EventLog eventLog = new EventLog();
public void MyClass()
if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("MyLogSource"))
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("MyLogSource", "MyLogSource_Log");
eventLog.Source = "MyLogSource";
eventLog.Log = "MyLogSource_Log";
private void MyLogWrite()
eventLog.WriteEntry(ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
To debug a running service you need to attach to the process. See here for the steps.
You could also add parameter checking to the Main entry point and have a combination service and console app which would start based on some flag. See this SO post for a good example but here's a snippet:
using System;
using System.ServiceProcess;
namespace WindowsService1
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args == null)
Console.WriteLine("Starting service...");
ServiceBase.Run(new ServiceBase[] { new Service1() });
Console.WriteLine("Hi, not from service: " + args[0]);
The above starts the app in console mode if there any parameters exist and in service mode if there are no parameters. Of course it can be much fancier but that's the gist of the switch.
I discovered why my service wasn't writing to the Event Log.
The problem had nothing to do with any part of the code/security/etc that was attempting to write to the EL. The problem was that my service wasn't successfully collecting the information that is written to the EL - therefore, the service wasn't even attempting to write the log.
Now that I fixed the code that collects the data, data is successfully writing to the event log.
I'm open to having this question closed since the question was amiss to the real problem.
