Openshift 3 FREE- custom domain - dns

I am trying to migrate my app from Openshift 2 FREE to Openshift 3 FREE. I've managed to do everything, but the custom domain. In OpenShift it was very easy - add an alias to the app + modify some CNAME records in your domain. Now I do not find it easy.
Could anyone elaborate?

OpenShift Online Starter does not support you being able to use a custom domain. Only OpenShift Online Pro support customs domains at this point in time.
The only way to have a custom domain with OpenShift Online Starter, is to use Cloudflare or other service which can act as a proxy in front and which accepts requests for your custom domain name and forwards on requests onto OpenShift at the generated hostname given you.


Azure Static Web App custom domain with GoDaddy is no working

I've a static Blazor website hosted on azure and I've set custom domain for it. The issue is custom domain is working while root domain doesn't work. Why? Though, I've added required DNS records for my domain.
Azure Custom Domains
I followed this guide by Microsoft to setup everything.
You need to follow the guide how to set up Apex domains:

Adding webapp server to namecheap domain that is already in use for gmail domain service

I have setup a domain on namecheap and I'm currently using it for gmail/google workspace.
I would also like to deploy a webapp to the same domain - I have the site setup on digitalocean.
When I went through the process of adding the NS values to the domain panel in namecheap I realized it removed the server that allowed the email setup.
How do I safely service both the webapp and email servers from the same domain? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Figured it out - namecheap doesn't support what I want to do.. I can either
Use the two services it does support (wix or weebly)
Handle the email domain setup from digitalocean
On further reflection this definitely makes sense, but I wish it were slightly easier :P

How to test Azure Web App that requires custom domain without using public DNS

I have an Azure Webapp on a Standard 1 Small App Service Plan, I deployed my application successfully to the webapp, but now I need to test it using a specific domain name that on client side could be configured using hosts file.
The problem is that the Azure webapp will only "recognize" the custom/specific domain (ex: if I configure a Custom Domain that uses public DNS and I can't (at this moment) configure the existing domain name to be a CNAME to the Azure webapp because it is production environment, I can and will make the CNAME after the application is tested not before.
My application requires to be called by the specific domain name.
So how can I test my application on Azure webapp using a custom domain but without using public DNS using only my hosts file client side?
note: this problem doesn't even exist in AWS Beanstalk so why is this so complicated with Azure webapp. Its pretty basic
You can preemptively associate your custom domain name with your web app and test it via a client using the host file. To verify domain ownership, Add a TXT record. The TXT record maps from awverify.<subdomain> to <appname> Steps to do this are outlined here:
Using App Service, I don't think you can do this.
It configures the underlying app to only listen for domains configured in the Web App.
So if you don't add the domain as a custom domain, requests won't be routed to the app.
The reason is that IP addresses are shared, so Azure relies on the Host header to route your request correctly.
You can add the custom domain without CNAME / A record by using the awverify record mentioned by Ken.

Do I still need to use a service like DNSimple if I want a naked domain for my Heroku app?

Researching past posts makes it seem like you have to use a service like DNSimple in order to have a naked domain (i.e. "") for Heroku apps. I am wondering if that is still true, or if I can achieve this using only my app server.
I am using Namecheap BasicDNS and my app is a node/express app hosted on Heroku.
Thanks in advance for any tips. I am just trying to make sure before I purchase. Thank you.
You can't point your apex domain to an hostname (hence to Heroku), because you can't use a CNAME for the apex.
Consequently, the only way to point your root domain to a service like Heroku is by using a DNS provider that provides a CNAME-like feature for the root domain, that is what DNSimple calls ALIAS.
You can also find more information in the Heroku documentation.

Multi-tenant Azure dynamic wildcard CName

I am trying to create a multitenant Azure website which is a way for people to sign up and get their sub-domains. I have followed the instructions in here ( and manage to get all * CNAME to according to (
Here is the problem
if I go to I'll get the 404 server error. However if I log in to Azure and go to my website Manage custom domains and add the then everything would work fine.
The idea behind the wildcard is I can add tenant pragmatically/dynamically. Is there anyway to automated this process or add a wildcard in the azure Manage custom domains. Is there any difference between app cloud service and website?
Thanks for your help
I end up using cloud services instead of websites. You don't need to configure the custom domain names in the control panel anymore. Just simply point cname and your good to go.
Did you check out the use of Amazon Route 53 to configure the domain mapping in Azure, it seems that there are options.
Please refer the following links
Sub domain mapping in windows azure
Add custom Domain to azurewebsite
