Transpose 2 columns into 8 columns (consolidating the data from column 1) - excel

I have a spreadsheet of tons of data; about 370,000 rows in my first export. However, it looks like "A" in the screenshot link below. I need a quick way to format this data to look like "B" in the screenshot link below. Does anyone have a trick to do this?
I've been able to do it manually, but with so much data (and the fact that I will be exporting many more of this same type of data), it's going to take way too much time. The steps I take to do this manually are:
Filter the data to show only 0 from column A
Copy the entire column B range
Paste into a new sheet under the first column
Repeat steps 1-3 for numbers 1-7 from column A
This is how I made the screenshot.
EDIT: Someone marked this as duplicate. Please re-read the way the other ticket is displaying the data. It is in no way the same as what I need other than splitting into multiple columns. I need the data to remain linked to the "0-7" numbers I have on the left side. It can't simply be split for printing purposes. The end result will eventually be a chart.
Here's what my data looks like with the answer from the linked ticket:
EDIT2: I guess it's not completely obvious from my explanation, but I know little to nothing about Excel functions/statements.
EDIT3: #ScottCraner's answer in the comments did what I needed. Different than the answer in the linked ticket.


Excel MATCH returns N/A all the time

I know this question is everywhere but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have table that I cannot change the sort order on. The real data is a much larger table.
What's in the screens shot is just sample data because I thought maybe it was something in the real worksheet that was preventing it from working. Also, in the real sheet, the data in columns A through C are drop down values so there's no chance of a typo there. I have updated the drop downs to just Text and Number cells in this example.
The only thing I can think of is it's something sort related. But again, I cannot sort the table. VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, I can't get those to work either and I'm pretty sure the syntax is correct.
Please, help me understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm pretty frustrated and thanks to everyone in advance.
I've verified cell formatting:
Columns A and D are Number and Columns B and C are Text
I've tried the following:

Transfer Excel row data into its relevant columns

I've lost days to this problem.
To solve this issue I have amassed 6 sheets of different data with different attempts. I've tried offsets, dynamic ranges, vlookups, counts, countifs, left, right, row, everything. I can't get around it.
What I want to do is transpose data in the following format:
Into its correspondingly named four columns to reach the desired outcome:
Inconsistency of each individual product's data is the issue. Product 9 has two product options and two prices, whilst the tenth product has no description and no options.
I also have the original data in the following format if it is of use.
Any help or resources greatly appreciated.
I have gotten by with excel for the past few years without learning VBA, therefore a formula approach is most welcome. Though, if necessary, I am not massively intimidated by learning the language if needs be as I am a novice in CSS and HTML and dabbled in a couple of programming languages.
Edit 1 - A more concise way of viewing the issue is contained in this image where the data is on the left and the outcome is on the right.
Edit 2 - This is a link to a google sheet subject to request in the comments below. I have included all relevant information and some other stuff.
EDIT: you've added clarification since I put this together. I'll leave it in, because it is a partial solution and may lead you/someone to a full one.
(it supplies only 1 result if there are multiple matches for a particular product and information type, but handles missing information).
I have a solution. In your second example of the input (product #, type and information columns across the top), insert a new column between B and C. In the first data row of that new column, combine the text from the product # and 'Type' columns, i.e
C2 = A2 & "," & B2
Result of C2 should be "Product 1,Product Name"
Then for your transposed results table, all you need is a valid list of product #'s, and you can use a simple vlookup on C and D columns. You just have to construct a matching search term that combines the required product # with the type you are looking for.
The formula in H2 below is constructed so that you can drag it across and down as necessary.
You'll get N/A for anything that doesn't have an entry, and you'll get whatever vlookup usually does if it finds duplicate matches.

Looking at independent, unrelated, values in two columns, find where information matches in both cells and remove duplicates into two new columns

Thanks for any help here. I've been racking my brain (and searching online I promise) for a while on this one.
I'm looking at columns A and B that have unrelated information, but sometimes the information in columns A and B are duplicates. For example cell A2 says "Frank" and B2 say "1". then cell A3 says "Frank" and B3 says "1". The information is a duplicate across two columns. The rest of the names in this example can be anything, Frank, Sally, Robert, etc.. and the rest of the numbers in column B can be anything (Image of example attached). If the information is a duplicate I'd like to output a reduced list using two new columns.
These functions need to be operable in real time. As data is added the equations must update in real time. I also can't concatenate because I need info to stay in two columns. I've see a lot of examples of doing this for 1 column of data using an array (see example 2), but I don't know how to build one that considers two columns. 1 column example: =IFERROR(INDEX($T$2:$T$9, MATCH(0,COUNTIF($X$1:X3, $T$2:$T$9), 0)),"") Any ideas how to build this out so it works for two columns?
I'd like to avoid using VBA if possible, but if it's the only way so be it. I want to avoid using VBA because a lot of people touch the spreadsheet and it's a lot easier for me to fix a function than code. Gotta love humans!
Thanks so much for your help!
example example2
The simplest way that I can think of is:
a) Select your data, and paste elsewhere either on same sheet or a new one.
b) Select one of the cells in the copied data
c) Go to the Data menu tab, and click Remove Duplicates
d) Click OK
Create a new column C that concatenates columns A and B. Then remove duplicates on the basis of column C.

Excel 2010 Chart Data Range Reference

I'm sure this question has inevitably been asked and answered but despite a couple of days of searching I haven't been able to come up with a solution.
In excel (2010) I have a section of data referring to test results. The data looks roughly like this:
Each run inserts a new line at the top (row 2) with the latest results. From this I am trying to produce a chart that shows only the results from the last 7 runs, so the data in B1:E8. I can do by either direct reference, named range or converting to a table. The problem with the first two methods are that when I insert a new line under the headers the range then splits so that I have B1:E1 and B3:E9. The table method is slightly better in that it includes the newly inserted row but keeps the range set to the same bottom row (so it ends up referencing 8 rows of data).
Am i missing something obvious here? I'd prefer the data to be listed like this with the newest on the top, but I'm sure I can change it so the newest is at the bottom if anyone has a good idea!
Thanks in advance!
You can use INDIRECT formula on another worksheet to capture part of your table from Sheet1, like this:
And then specify that as your chart data range.
Just remember to use INDIRECT as array formula:
Enter =INDIRECT("Sheet1!B1:E8") in Sheet2!B1 cell.
Select B1:E8 range.
Press F2 and then Ctrl-Shift-Enter to make it an array formula.
I would use a Pivot Chart.
You can apply a filter on these charts to only look at the Top X results. So if you filter to show Top 7 by Date, then this should do the trick.
You might need to lookup a quick tutorial on Pivots and Pivot Charts if you don;t have any experience though.
They are incredibly valuable though, so I would recommend it regardless.

rotating columns into rows with excel

I have an excel sheet that looks like this:
dont ask me how this happened, but somehow things that should be columns are in this sheet as rows...
you can see the repeating Account numbers and the words in column c, imagine everything rotated 180 degrees. And insert blanks or nulls for the field that doesnt exist for that specific Account number.
In short it should end up looking like this:
I cant think of an easy way to do this inside of excel. But perhaps with some VBA code?
what would be the easiest solution? and how do I implement it?
I know this question isnt very clear, but if you leave some directing comments, I would be happy to edit this question till it makes sense. Thanks!
You don't need VBA for this :)
I am taking a selective example to show how you can proceed.
Let's say your data looks like this
Now, create a Pivot of your data. This will give you unique Account numbers. See the screenshot below.
Then create a table with the respective headers as shown in your screenshot and copy and paste the unique Account Number from your pivot there.
Now you are ready to pull up your data. So as per the above screenshots enter this formula in cell B13. Note this is an Array formula. You have to press CTL + SHIFT + ENTER
Simply do that for the rest :)
