How to update document by ID without using model - node.js

I have Card model and I have an API where I'm looking for a document by ID."/api/postcomment", async (req,res) => {
const data = req.body
const reqUrl = req.headers.referer
const re = new RegExp('([a-zA-Z0-9]*$)', 'i')
const fixedUrl = reqUrl.match(re)
try {
await Card.update({_id: fixedUrl}, {$push:{'comments': data}})
const card = await Card.findById(fixedUrl)
return res.json(card)
} catch (err) {
throw err
It works fine. But now I have few more models. All should work the same way to them. But how can I make this code reusable for every model?
Or maybe there is a way to pass a name of my model to API? and then use it like this:"/api/postcomment", async (req,res, modelName) => {
const data = req.body
const reqUrl = req.headers.referer
const re = new RegExp('([a-zA-Z0-9]*$)', 'i')
const fixedUrl = reqUrl.match(re)
try {
await modelName.update({_id: fixedUrl}, {$push:{'comments': data}})
const item = await modelName.findById(fixedUrl)
return res.json(item )
} catch (err) {
throw err

Solution1: You can create two helper functions and call the from the router. Both function accept the model object:
let updateDocument = (model, fixedUrl, data) => {
return model.update({ _id: fixedUrl }, { $push: { comments: data }})
let getDocument = (model, fixedUrl) => {
return model.findById(fixedUrl)
}"/api/postcomment", async (req, res, modelName) => {
const data = req.body
const reqUrl = req.headers.referer
const re = new RegExp('([a-zA-Z0-9]*$)', 'i')
const fixedUrl = reqUrl.match(re)
try {
await updateDocument(Card, fixedUrl, data)
const item = await getDocument(Card, fixedUrl)
return res.json(item )
} catch (err) {
throw err
Solution2: The much better solution is to create a base class (service), with the common functionality. And extend it for each model:
class BaseService {
constructor(model) {
this.model = model;
getDocument(data) {
return this.model.findOne(...);
updateDocument(data) {
return this.model.update(...);
class CardService extends BaseService {
constuctor() {


Path `comment` is required. MERN stack

I don't understand why I get this error. This is my controller:
export const createProductReview = async (req, res) => {
const { rating, comment } = req.body;
const product = await Product.findById(;
if (product) {
const alreadyReviewed =
r => r.user.toString() === req.user.userId.toString()
if (alreadyReviewed) {
throw new NotFoundError('Product already reviewed');
const review = {
user: req.user.userId,
name: req.user.username,
rating: Number(rating),
product.numOfReviews =;
product.rating =, item) => item.rating + acc, 0) /;
res.status(StatusCodes.OK).json({ message: 'Review added', review });
} else {
throw new NotFoundError('Product not found');
This is mine productPage where i dispatch addProductReview and passing product id from params and review object:
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0);
const [comment, setComment] = useState('');
const submitHandler = e => {
addProductReview(id, {
And this is my productSlice:
export const addProductReview = createAsyncThunk(
async (id, { review }, thunkAPI) => {
try {
const { data } = await
return data;
} catch (error) {
const message =;
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(message);
I have no clue why i got error Path comment is required. i pass review object to route.
The issue is with the parameters used in your Thunk payloadCreator. From the documentation...
The payloadCreator function will be called with two arguments:
arg: a single value, containing the first parameter that was passed to the thunk action creator when it was dispatched. This is useful for passing in values like item IDs that may be needed as part of the request. If you need to pass in multiple values, pass them together in an object when you dispatch the thunk, like dispatch(fetchUsers({status: 'active', sortBy: 'name'})).
thunkAPI: an object containing all of the parameters that are normally passed to a Redux thunk function, as well as additional options
Your payloadCreator has three arguments which is incorrect.
Try this instead
export const addProductReview = createAsyncThunk(
async ({ id, }, thunkAPI) => {
try {
const { data } = await
return data;
} catch (error) {
const message =;
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(message);
and dispatch it like this
dispatch(addProductReview({ id, rating, comment }));

I get undefined value when I make a request to the MongoDB database using the mongodb engine in Nodejs

I am using ExpressJS and MongoDB to create a blog for myself. I have created a mini library with the mongodb module to request the MongoDB database.
Here is the library:
'use strict'
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb')
const { config } = require('../config')
const USER = encodeURIComponent(config.mongodb.user)
const PASS = encodeURIComponent(config.mongodb.pass)
const NAME =
const HOST =
const URL = `mongodb+srv://${USER}:${PASS}#${HOST}/${NAME}?retryWrites=true&w=majority`
const OPTIONS = {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
class MongoLib {
constructor () {
this.client = new MongoClient(URL, OPTIONS) = NAME
connect () {
if (!MongoLib.connection) {
MongoLib.connection = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.client.connect(err => {
if (err) reject(err)
console.log('Connected successfully to MongoDB.')
return MongoLib.connection
getAll (collection, query) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).find({ query }).toArray()
get (collection, id) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) })
create (collection, data) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).insertOne(data)
}).then(result => result.insertedId)
update (collection, id, data) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }, { $set: data }, { upsert: true })
}).then(result => result.upsertedId || id)
delete (collection, id) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) })
}).then(() => id)
module.exports = MongoLib
The database is connecting correctly because I have a seed that injects data into the database using the create method of the library that you just saw.
In the service layer, I create a class with a method called getUser, which will call the getAll method of the MongoDB library, to which we pass a query so that it looks for the user.
'use strict'
const MongoLib = require('../lib/mongo')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
class UsersService {
constructor () {
this.collection = 'users'
this.mongoDB = new MongoLib()
async getUser ({ email }) {
// { email } is getted by basic authentication as a "username" to login
// I am receiving this data perfectly
const [user] = await this.mongoDB.getAll(this.collection, { email })
// But the problem start here, the value of user is undefined
return user
async createUser ({ user }) {
const { name, email, password } = user
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
const createUserId = await this.mongoDB.create(this.collection, {
password: hashedPassword
return createUserId
module.exports = UsersService
The problem here is that the user value is undefined. I don't understand why it causes conflict. I'm using async-await to wait for the database request to finish, and the data is in the database correctly.
Does anyone have an idea about this error? If more information needs it, please let me know.
Suspect your query is wrong, you are sending { { email: email } } to mongodb
getAll (collection, query) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).find(query).toArray()

How to achieve a one to many relationship with GraphQL & DataLoader

I'm having a hard time figuring out why my graphQL & DataLoader setup isn't working and could use some help.
I have a User and a Orchestra type, and I would like to transform a User to populate its createdOrchestras field and do the same thing with Orchestra and an owner field.
The following code causes an infinite loop:
Here are the DataLoaders, which are passed to the resolvers via context:
const DataLoader = require('dataloader');
const Orchestra = require('../models/orchestras');
const User = require('../models/users');
const batchOrchestras = async ids => {
const orchestras = await Orchestra.find({ _id: { $in: ids } });
const orchestraMap = {};
orchestras.forEach(o => {
orchestraMap[] = o;
return => orchestraMap[id] || new Error(`No result for ${id}`));
const batchUsers = async ids => {
const users = await User.find({ _id: { $in: ids } });
const userMap = {};
users.forEach(u => {
userMap[] = u;
return => userMap[id] || new Error(`No result for ${id}`));
module.exports = () => new DataLoader(batchUsers)
module.exports = () => new DataLoader(batchOrchestras);
Here are the transform functions which should be capable of fetching data for nested fields via data loaders and modify sensitive fields like the user password.
async function transformUser(userId, loaders) {
const user = await loaders.userLoader.load(userId.toString());
return {
createdOrchestras: await Promise.all( =>
transformOrchestra(orchestra, loaders)
async function transformOrchestra(orchestraId, loaders) {
const orchestra = await loaders.orchestraLoader.load(orchestraId.toString());
return {
owner: transformUser(orchestra._doc.owner, loaders)
module.exports = {
How should I restructure the code to prevent an infinite loop but keeping the transform functions as the final providers of data for a particular field ?

passing json formatted with information from multiple json documents nodeJs

I have a function where I would like to return an arrays of JSON objects with the necessary information. to send directly to the front everything ready.
async listProcessByOffice(req, res, next) {
try {
const actualPlayer = await PlayerOffice.findById(req.userId);
const actualOffice = await Office.findById(actualPlayer.Office);
const listProcesses = await Processes.find({ '_id': { $in: actualOffice.processes } });
const infosTable = {
protocol: ''
for (let i in listProcesses) {
this.protocol = listProcesses[i].prc_protocol;
return res.status(200).json({ infosTable });
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
Not sure what you are looking for but i am assuming that you want to response back with array list of objects. So simple answer will be,
const infosTable = [];
for (let i in listProcesses) {
this.protocol = listProcesses[i].prc_protocol;

Seeding mongoDB data in node.js by referencing ObjectId

i'm using mongoose-data-seed to seed data into mongodb, however it has no mechanism to allow passing of ObjectId() as references to other seed files
I found a way to store the output of each of the seeders in a json file and retrieve the ObjectIds from the previous seeds to use in the current seeder. This way i can reference ObjectIds from previous seeders.
const fs = require('fs');
// const path = require('path');
const seedersTmpDataFolder = 'seeders/bin';
class SeedingHelper {
static saveData(filename, data) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.writeFile(`${seedersTmpDataFolder}/${filename}.json`, JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'), (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
static readData(filename) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.readFile(`${seedersTmpDataFolder}/${filename}.json`, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
module.exports = SeedingHelper;
const { Seeder } = require('mongoose-data-seed');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const ResourceAction = require('../models/resourceAction');
const SeedingHelper = require('../helpers/seeding-helper');
const { Types: { ObjectId } } = mongoose;
const data = [
_id: ObjectId(),
name: 'test1'
_id: ObjectId(),
name: 'test2'
class ResourceActionSeeder extends Seeder {
async shouldRun() { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return ResourceAction.count().exec().then(count => count === 0);
async run() { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
let result;
await SeedingHelper.saveData('resourceActions', data)
.then(() => {
result = ResourceAction.create(data);
return result;
module.exports = ResourceActionSeeder;
const { Seeder } = require('mongoose-data-seed');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Resource = require('../models/resource');
const SeedingHelper = require('../helpers/seeding-helper');
const { Types: { ObjectId } } = mongoose;
class ResourcesSeeder extends Seeder {
async shouldRun() { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return Resource.count().exec().then(count => count === 0);
async run() { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
let result;
await SeedingHelper.readData('resourceActions')
.then((resourceActionsData) => {
const machinesId = ObjectId();
const actionTest1 = ObjectId(resourceActionsData.find(x => === 'test1')._id);
const actionTest2 = ObjectId(resourceActionsData.find(x => === 'test2')._id);
const data = [
_id: machinesId,
name: 'machines',
actions: [
result = Resource.create(data);
if (result) SeedingHelper.saveData('resources', data);
return result;
module.exports = ResourcesSeeder;
