Cassandra data modeling for real time data - cassandra

I currently have an application that persists event driven real time streaming data to a column family which is modeled as such:
CREATE TABLE current_data (
account_id text,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY (account_id)
Data is being sent every X seconds per accountId, so we overwrite an existing row every time we receive an event. This data contains current real time information, and we only care about the most recent event (no use for older data, that is why we insert over an already existing key).
From the application user end - we query a select by account_id statement.
I was wondering if there is a better way to model this behaviour and was looking at Cassandra's best practices and similar questions asked (How to model Cassandra DB for Time Series, server metrics).
Thought about something like this:
CREATE TABLE current_data_2 (
account_id text,
time timeuuid,
value text,
No overwrites will occur, and each insertion will also be done with a TTL (can be a TTL of a few minutes).
The question is HOW better, if at all, is the second data model over the first one. From what I understand, the main advantage will be in the READS - since the data is ordered by time all I need to do is a simple
SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE account_id = <id> LIMIT 1
while in the first data model Cassandra actually reads ALL rows that where overwritten the same key and then chooses the last one by its write timestamp (please correct me if I'm wrong).

First of all I encourage you to examine the official documentation about read path.
data is ordered by time
This is only true in your second case, when Cassandra reads a single SSTable and MemTable (check the flow diagram).
Cassandra actually reads ALL rows that where overwritten the same key
and then chooses the last one by its write timestamp
This happens at the Merge Cells by Timestamp step in the documentation (again check the flow diagram). Notice, that in each SSTable the number of rows will be one in your first case.
In both of your cases the main driving factor is that how many SSTables do you have to check during read. It's somewhat independent from how many records each SSTable contains.
But on the second case you have much bigger SSTabes which leads to longer SSTable compaction. Also TTL expiration performs additional writes. So first case is somewhat preferable.


Reduce cassandra tombstones

I have a table to store messages which are failed to process and I am retrying to process messages every 5 minutes through scheduler.
When message gets processed successfully, respective row from table is deleted, so that same message should not get processed again.
To fetch rows from table query is SELECT * FROM <table_name> , due to which we are facing tombstone issues if large number of rows gets deleted.
Table have timestamp as partition key and message_name(TEXT) as clustering key, TTL of 7 days and gc_grace_second of 2 days
As per my requirement, I need to delete records otherwise duplicate record will get processed. Is there any solution to avoid tombstone issues?
So I see two problems here.
Cassandra is being used as a queuing mechanism, which is an established anti-pattern.
All partitions are being queried with SELECT * FROM <table_name>, because there isn't a WHERE clause.
So with Cassandra, some data models and use cases will generate tombstones. At that point, there's not a whole lot to be done, except to design the data model so as to not query them.
So my thought here, would be to partition the table differently.
CREATE TABLE messages (
day TEXT,
message_time TIMESTAMP,
message_text TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((day),message_time))
With this model, you can query all messages for a particular day. You can also run a range query on day and message_time. Ex:
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE day='20210827'
AND message_time > '2021-08-27 04:00';
This will build a result set of all messages since 2021-08-27 04:00. Any tombstones generated outside of the requested time range (in this case, before 04:00) will not be queried.
Note that (based on the delete pattern) you could still have tombstones within the given time range. But the idea here, is that the WHERE clause limits the "blast radius," so querying a smaller number of tombstones shouldn't be a problem.
Unfortunately, there isn't a quick fix to your problem.
The challenge for you is that you're using Cassandra as a queue and it isn't a good idea because you run exactly into that tombstone hell. I'm sure you've seen this blog post by now that talks queues and queue-like datasets being an anti-pattern for Cassandra.
It is possible to avoid generating lots of tombstones if you model your data differently in buckets with each bucket mapping to a table. When you're done processing all the items in the bucket, TRUNCATE the table. This idea came from Ryan Svihla in his blog post Understanding Deletes where he goes through the idea of "partitioning tables". Cheers!

Cassandra read perfomance slowly decreases over time

We have a Cassandra cluster that consists of six nodes with 4 CPUs and 16 Gb RAM each and underlying shared storage (SSD). I'm aware that shared storage considered a bad practice for Cassandra, but ours is limited at the level of 3 Gb/s on reads and seems to be reliable against exigent disk requirements.
The Cassandra used as an operational database for continuous stream processing.
Initially Cassandra serves requests at ~1,700 rps and it looks nice:
The initial proxyhistograms:
But after a few minutes the perfomance starts to decrease and becomes more than three times worse in the next two hours.
At the same time we observe that the IOWait time increases:
And proxyhistograms shows the following picture:
We can't understand the reasons that lie behind such behaviour. Any assistance is appreciated.
Table definitions:
subject_id UUID,
package_id text,
type text,
status text,
ch text,
creation_ts timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY((subject_id, status), creation_ts)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subject.c_record(
c_id UUID,
s_id UUID,
creation_ts timestamp,
ch text,
PRIMARY KEY(c_id, creation_ts, s_id)
s int,
number text,
hold_number int,
hold_type text,
s_id UUID,
(s, number),
far from 100 Mb
While some opinions may vary on this, keeping your partitions in the 1MB to 2MB range is optimal. Cassandra typically doesn't perform well when returning large result set. Keeping the partition size small, helps queries perform better.
Without knowing what queries are being run, I can say that with queries which deteriorate over time... time is usually the problem. Take this PRIMARY KEY definition, for example:
PRIMARY KEY((subject_id, status), creation_ts)
This is telling Cassandra to store the data in a partition (hashed from a concatenation of subject_id and status), then to sort and enforce uniqueness by creation_ts. What can happen here, is that there doesn't appear to be an inherent way to limit the size of the partition. As the clustering key is a timestamp, each new entry (to a particular partition) will cause it to get larger and larger over time.
Also, status by definition is temporary and subject to change. For that to happen, partitions would have to be deleted and recreated with every status update. When modeling systems like this, I usually recommend status columns as non-key columns with a secondary index. While secondary indexes in Cassandra aren't a great solution either, it can work if the result set isn't too large.
With cases like this, taking a "bucketing" approach can help. Essentially, pick a time component to partition by, thus ensuring that partitions cannot grow infinitely.
PRIMARY KEY((subject_id, month_bucket), creation_ts)
In this case, the application writes a timestamp (creation_ts) and the current month (month_bucket). This helps ensure that you're never putting more than a single month's worth of data in a single partition.
Now this is just an example. A whole month might be too much, in your case. It may need to be smaller, depending on your requirements. It's not uncommon for time-driven data to be partitioned by week, day, or even hour, depending on the required granularity.

Does a Secondry index lock anything when it is being created?

Given the following table schema:
-- uuidv4
recordId STRING(36) NOT NULL,
-- uuidv4
userId STRING(36),
isActive BOOL
lastUpdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL OPTIONS (allow_commit_timestamp=true)
) PRIMARY KEY (recordId)
ON Record (userId, isActive)
For every record created we make a record (in the index) to be able able to get all of a user's records by their userId. Depending on what may be needed there could be an extra STORING clause with additional information columns.
My understanding is that as I add records to the Record table, Spanner will trigger a write to the index. Since the index is non-interleaved the data itself may have a different locality to the original record.
Under that assumption, will that write to the secondary index lock the Record table until it is completed or does one not affect the other?
I'm going to guess they are totally independent since an index can be created after the fact and Spanner will trigger a backfill operation that does not affect the operational status of the Record table.
The act of writing the index has to take some resources though from the node(s) so I would imagine that is really the limitation. Under a high write scenario for the Record table, we would also be effectively invoking a second write for the Index table RecordByUser consuming a bit more of the node(s) write throughput capacity.
So the act of adding to a Secondary Index doesn't require any locking on the source table (Record in this case). The primary concern would be the write throughput and any hotspots from those writes. For example, if we indexed on a timestamp as the first part of the index, the writes to the index would bunch up. Is my understanding here correct?
During the act of creating the index on an existing table, does the backfill process hold an exclusive lock on the index, like Postgres for example:
Or can new writes land in the index during the secondary index creation while backfill is taking place?
I can imagine a backfill process on spanners end of things that takes a read snapshot and starts writing. Given Spanners fancy clocks if it encounters a row in the index newer than the row it is attempting to write, it just drops the old row on the floor and carries on.
Thanks for the question. Google engineer here for the help.
+1 to chainicko# answer for the general locking mechanism. It is not "locked" in the sense that you can still read/write the original table despite the backfill is still running.
Read/query to the index itself are not allowed during the backfill. But writes to the original table are allowed. New writes are added to the index concurrently. After the backfill, Spanner will make sure only the latest data will be presented when queried.
As for the example of "indexed on a timestamp as the first part of the index", since it creates a hotspot on the index, so it would still have a negative impact on the system as a whole, even though it does not lock the original table.

Selecting records in Cassandra based on Time range in frequent intervals

I have a table in Cassandra where i am storing events as they are coming in , different processing are done on the events at different stages. The events are entered into the table with the event occurrence time. I need to get all the events whose event time is less than a certain time and do some processing on them. As its a select range query and its invariably will use scatter gather. Can some one suggest best way to do this. This process is going to happen in every 5 secs and scatter gather happening in Cassandra happening frequently is not a good idea as its an overhead on Cassandra itself which will degrade my overall application Performance.
The table is as below:
PAS_REQ_STAGE (PartitionKey = EndpointID, category ; clusterkey= Automation_flag,alertID)
BatchPickTime: Timestamp
Automation_time: Timestamp
Eventtime which i have referred above is the BatchPickTime..
A scheduler wakes up at regular interval and gets all the records whose BatchPickTime is Less than the current scheduler wakeup time and sweeps them off from the table to process them.
Because of this usecase i cannot provide any specific Partition key for the query as it will have to get all data which has expired and is less than the current scheduler wake-up time.
Hi and welcome to Stackoverflow.
Please post your schema and maybe some example code with your question - you can edit it :)
The Cassandra-way of doing this is to denormalize data if necessary and build your schema around your queries. In your case I would suggest putting your events in to a table together with a time bucket:
CREATE TABLE events (event_source int, bucket timestamp,
event_time timestamp, event_text text PRIMARY KEY ((event_source, bucket),event_time));
The reason for this is that it is very efficent in cassandra to select a row by its so called partition key (in this example (event_source, bucket)) as such a query hits only one node. The reminder of the primary key is called clustering columns and defines the order of data, here all events for a day inside the bucket are sorted by event_time.
Try to model your event table in a way that you do not need to make multiple queries. There is a good and free data modeling course from DataStax available:
One note - be careful when using cassandra as queue - this is maybe an antipattern and you might be better of with a message queue as ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ or similar.

In Cassandra, how to implement a fixed number of rows in one partition?

I'm implementing a kind of history table using Cassandra 2.2.
My current schema has a row key for userid, and cluster key for timestamp, then in each row is a user behavior record. I want to keep only 10 latest rows for an given userid. How can I implement this smartly?
Thanks for any suggestion!
Given a Data model of:
CREATE TABLE history (
userid text,
activity_time timeuuid,
behavior text,
PRIMARY KEY ((userid),timeuuid)
The best I can think of would be to do the following:
Insert all "history" records with some reasonable TTL.
How long of a TTL depends on your particular use case
When querying by a userid, limit your returned result set to 10
SELECT * FROM history WHERE userid='fromanator' LIMIT 10;
However with this approach if a user hasn't had any history within the TTL then you will get no results back. Depending on your use case this may be acceptable.
If you absolutely need to keep at least the last 10 records, then you're going to have a much more complicated data model and application code to achieve this in Cassandra.
This may not be the most elegant solution and won't strictly adhere to only storing 10 records at any given time, but you could store the row data as a list (if there is structure to the row data, you'd have to handle this structuring yourself or use user defined types). If you already have this list available to you when you write to it, you'd just truncate it to the latest 10 values before writing, otherwise you could wait until the next time a read is done on that list, truncate it to 10 records, then write that back to Cassandra.
If you're not so much concerned with how much data is stored, but rather are only interested in retrieving the last 10 results, then fromanator's solution (with or without a TTL depending on whether you care more about the size of the data or ensuring 10 results) is the best.
