OFFIS DICOM scope toolkit Structured report link to image - scope

Does anybody knows how to create a structured report using dicom scope toolkit via console (ubuntu 16.04) with a link to a related image?
The thing is that I have an image of some kind of trauma and I have to connect with a report which is in a text file. The last file should be in .dcm format which contains annotation and a link to an image. I have to use dicom scope program.

Maybe others refrain from answering because your question needs a very long answer. I cannot provide step-by-step instructions, a few hints, though.
The way I would go is to:
(assuming that your image is available in DICOM format):
obtain a sample structured report. I think that the "simple" Basic Text SR is what you want to go for. You can find some samples here.
convert the SR to an XML file using dsr2xml
edit the contents in XML. Do not forget to include your image reference in (0040,a730) Content Sequence -> (0008,1199) Referenced SOP Sequence
convert the XML back to DICOM SR using xml2dsr
By the way: From your question, I did not really understand why you want to use a structured report, as you wrote that your report is plain text. Instead of digging into the complex structure of SR, you may want to consider exporting the report to an Encapsulated PDF document which can reference images as well.


Parsing SEC tabular data

My requirement is to parse SEC tabular data. Please find the sample tabular data in the below image.
I'm using Python for it. I found that the tabular data is being stored in XBRL format. In the beginning, I tried to parse the XBRL data as the way we parse XML using the lxml module. Later I realized that it's a complex model to parse and we have many libraries for parsing XBRL document. I've gone through different libraries like python-xbrl, xbrl, and, installed servers(raptorXMLXBRL server) for parsing XBRL documents. But none worked as expected. As I mentioned earlier, my goal is to get the tabular data from the SEC. WE can find sample documents in this link. Can you please suggest me a process/module for parsing the tabular data. Thanks in advance.
Like you, I tried parsing xbrl documents using whatever tools are available in python - without much success. So one way to work around the problem is to get to the html filing underlying the xbrl filing.
So, to use your example link, the url of the first 10K there is
Simply strip the /ix?doc= string from the url, and you are left with
which is the same 10k filing, but in html format. From there you can just use your normal html tools to extract whatever data you are interested in.

Crawler reading a pdf

i am trying to create a crawler that can read a pdf and extract certain information from it (to save in a database).
However, i am unsure which method / Tool to use.
My initial thought was to use PhantomJs but after reading a lot it doesn't seem that it has the capabilities. if I wanted to use Phantomjs I would have to download the pdf, convert it into an HTML page and then afterwards crawl it using Phantom which seems like a tedious task that should be able to be done faster.
So my question is, how can I read a pdf from an online source and gather these pieces of information?
If you are not limited in terms of programming language, consider using iText.
It can easily extract all the text from a given PDF document. It also offer utility methods to look for regular expressions within a file, giving you back the exact location (coordinates) and the matching text.
iText is available both for c# and java lovers.
File inputFile = new File("");
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(inputFile));
String content = PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(pdfDocument.getPage(1));
Have a look at the website to learn more.

How to have node convert `.emf` to `.jpg` (or anything I can place on a webpage)

Stuck in this weird situation at work. I have .doc files I'm parsing with Node.JS. They have photos in them that are .emf I want to display in my web app. I have no issue getting the emf file out of the word doc, but I can't figure out how to display it on a webpage. Simply embedding as is didn't work. I tried to find a utility to convert them automatically but with no luck. I thought of converting them myself but can't find any tecnhical info on the .emf file.
Any suggestions?
EMF (WMF) are the SVG like formats of the 1990's.
I can't give you the full solution in this space but checkout this thread that uses Apache Batik
If you don't want to build it yourself perhaps try the paid version of converters
If you can't afford I would recommend to host the Batik and make a service endpoint and make calls to generate the desired format from EMF. It may turn out actually faster.

Java converter from kml/shapefile to Geojson

I would like to write a command line program using Java that take in KML/Shapfile and output GeoJSON file.
What I usually did is go over ogre2ogre and manually convert my file.
Once I got the GeoJson I modified the content of it a little bit before output final GeoJSON.
I would like to skip the manual part and find some API that do the conversion for me.
Anyone could help please.
OSMBonusPack provides a KML+GeoJSON toolkit, with both a KML parser/writer and a GeoJSON parser/writer, all in Java.
So this allows to read KML content, and write it as GeoJSON.
You can test this conversion using the demo app OSMNavigator.
It is targeting Android, so for your need you would have to pick the relevant classes, and remove code sections you don't need (icon loading, overlay building, Parcelable implementation, for instance).

how can I add tracking meta information to jpg files?

I have a client that wants to be able to find their proprietary images other places on the internet if someone steals them.
Is there a way to add meta information that we can track for this purpose inside a jpg file?
My answer was getting too long for comment so posting it as answer.
you can add an entry in EXIF IFD(metadata in binary) of jpeg image. It is not visible in image as it is. There are many EXIF editor/reader tools which will allow you to edit/read it. for example you can add a particular string in makernote of jpeg.
As I said, there are tools available in market, this also means that people can edit also reset the complete EXIF metadata which will erase your data too....
To get around this you can add your copyrighted IFD entry which only you can understand. For this you have to edit some EXIF tool and tweak according to your need.
But while adding your entry in JPEG metadata please take care that you adhere to EXIF/TIFF specifications so that image is not corrupted and readable in all platforms.
Here are some links to help you understand EXIF/TIFF -
