DSpace migration from 1.8.x to 6.x - data-migration

I am in need of migrating from DSpace 1.8.2 to 6. I have installed the new DSpace in CentOS7 server with PostgreSQL 9.5. Now I want to get all the data from old repository to new repository.
What is the best way to do it?


Laravel 4.2 and Cassandra

How can i connect cassandra with laravel 4.2 ?
I already install php-driver from datastack and I can use it outside the laravel framework.
Need help.
Cassandra Laravel Installation
• Install DataStax PHP Driver for Apache Cassandra on the server
See https://github.com/datastax/php-driver
pecl install cassandra
This command will add cassandra extension in our php. Check cassandra extension using phpinfo();
Restart php after installing the extension.
Common issue:
• Install laravel cassandra eloquent wrapper and query builder
See https://github.com/cubettech/lacassa
See http://cubettech.com/laravel-cassandra/
Add config for database. \config\database.php
Add new providers in app. \config\app.php => 'Cubettech\Lacassa\CassandraServiceProvider'

Migration of data and upgrading from Bitnami GitLab 8.9.6 to latest GitLab CE omnibus

Since Bitnami stopped Centos installer and started to support only ova, we are stuck with old version, Looking for document which talks about migrating Bitnami Gitlab to Latest Gitlab CE omnibus. We use external dbs.
In this link you can find the process a user followed to upgrade Gitlab from non-omnibus to omnibus: https://community.bitnami.com/t/migration-of-data-and-upgrading-from-bitnami-gitlab-7-10-1-to-latest-gitlab-enterprise-version/46741/12?u=jsalmeron
From the GitLab backup/restore docs:
You can only restore a backup to exactly the same version and type (CE/EE) of GitLab on which it was created. The best way to migrate your repositories from one server to another is through backup restore.
Here's what I would do:
Create a full backup of the old GitLab instance using the rake task
Install a new instance of GitLab 8.9.6 in your new server (using Omnibus distro package)
Restore the backup to your new server
Slowly upgrade your new server to the latest version
I would only skip about 2-4 minor versions at a time, and recommend going back through and reading the release notes of each version.
E.g. yum install gitlab-ce-9.1.0

update gitlab source to omnibus: no rpm?

I'm attempting to migrate from a GitLab 7.1.0 (Source) installation (on Centos6) to latest omnibus (on Centos7) using these instructions:
Essentially it boils down to:
Set up a new machine,
Install the omnibus version on the new machine that matches your source version,
Do an "backup" from the source version,
Restore that backup into the omnibus version,
update the omnibus version to latest.
I'm stuck on #2. I've added the GitLab repo, but the oldest version of the "gitlab-ce" package available is 7.10.0. Also they're named weirdly, e.g. "7.10.0~omnibus-1", "7.10.0~omnibus.1-1", etc. instead of simply "7.13.0-ce.0.el7".
What are my options? If I install 7.13.0 Omnibus from the repo then try to restore a backup from 7.1.0 into it, should I expect that to work? Will I lose data?
Is there a 7.1.0 omnibus RPM available somewhere?
If the new machine needs to be Centos6 in order to install a 7.1.0 omnibus package then I can reimage.
If you look in the official RPM repo it looks like 7.10 is the oldest version of the omnibus available for CentOS.
I think your best option is to perform the source upgrade outlined in 6.x-or-7.x-to-7.14.md which should let you upgrade to v7.14. Then you can resume the normal "upgrade source installation to omnibus installation" method you found.
Also, in case it's helpful, the docs repo has incremental source upgrade procedures for many more versions.

How to update PHPMailer and check installed version

I need to update PHPMailer on few servers if any old version was installed.
How to check installed version
How to update it to PHPMailer 5.2.20 (for example)
It depends on how you installed it. If you're using the recommended method of using composer, then a simple composer update will get you the latest version. Your composer.lock file will show you which version you currently have, or you can open the VERSION file which will show you the version number you've got - or if you have a very old version that predates the VERSION file, look in the source files instead - they will also say what version they are. If you've installed it manually, just download the latest version from Github and replace your current version.

Icinga 2 Installation

I have installed Icinga version Icinga Classic UI 1.11.5 (Backend 1.11.5) - But I want to install Icinga 2 on my CentOS 6.
Can you please let me know which file do I want to take backup so that my previous Icinga version will not be overwritten? Or how could I upgrade my current Icinga version to Icinga 2?
Please provide the steps to install Icinga 2 on my CentOS 6?
You don't have to backup your old icinga folder since icinga2 will be installed in /etc/icinga2, e.g. a new directory.
The icinga2 configuration files differ from icinga(1) though, so you have to recreate them using the icinga2 syntax.
Upgrading Icinga 2 is usually quite straightforward. Ordinarily the only manual steps involved are scheme updates for the IDO database. 1) Upgrade the mysql database 2) OR if postgre just upgrade the postgre database .If you are migrating from ICINGA1 to ICINGA2 then its better you follow the documentation as it describes the migration plan throughout.
For Icinga2 and icinga-web installation
