I am new to data factory.
Data Factory v2 just released new Control flows and Data flows that resemble the workings of SSIS.
Is there a way to migrate your existing SSIS dtsx file to a data factory pipeline ?
You can now easily lift your existing SSIS packages into the cloud using new managed SSIS hosting capabilities in Data Factory. You can do that by provisioning an Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR), and then deploy your SSIS package against the Azure-SSIS IR using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) or SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/tutorial-deploy-ssis-packages-azure#deploy-ssis-packages to get started today.
I am trying to create a scheduled nightly SSIS package that does the following:
Execute an Azure app insights query
Dump the data into an on-prem database server
Is there a way to do this directly in SSIS? I have already installed the Azure Feature Pack for Integration Services (SSIS). I see a bunch of connection managers like AzureSubscription, AzureStorage, etc.
I have a linked service from Azure data factory to onprem SQL server.
The linked service is using a Self-Hosted IR.
Why on earth do I need an Azure-SSIS Proxy to connect to the SSIS? What am I gaining??
Why can't it use the Self-Hosted IR?
The communication is working, but I just need to understand why.
If data movement uses Data Factory copy activity, it does not need Azure SSIS integration runtime.
If data movement logic is inside SSIS package, and uses Execute SSIS package activity, it needs Azure SSIS integration runtime, and self-hosted IR as proxy.
I have Installed Microsoft Integration Runtime configuration Manager When I have Migrated Data from On-Premise SQL Server to Azure Data Lake and when I'm trying to use for another Azure Data Factory I don't find a space to add new key for the data factory. How to do it.
Thanks in Advance
On the machine where your Integration Runtime is installed, you should have a file named:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration Runtime\3.0\PowerShellScript\RegisterIntegrationRuntime.ps1
Running it with your domain\username as your $credential and your Key1 from ADF as your $gatewayKey will result in a re-registration, binding your local IR process to the IR identity in your new Data Factory.
Source: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/7956
I cannot comment on Casper Lehmann's post, but I wanted to say that I tried running the script on PowerShell core (version 7.2.4) and it didn't work; however, in regular PowerShell (included in Windows) it works. Just FYI.
You can reuse an existing self-hosted integration runtime infrastructure that you already set up in a data factory. This enables you to create a linked self-hosted integration runtime in a different data factory by referencing an existing self-hosted IR (shared).
To share a self-hosted integration runtime by using PowerShell, see Create a shared self-hosted integration runtime in Azure Data Factory with PowerShell.
For a twelve-minute introduction and demonstration of this feature, watch the following video: Hybrid data movement across multiple Azure Data Factories.
For more details, refer "Sharing the self-hosted integration runtime with multiple data factories".
Is it possible to execute an SSIS package from a Data Factory pipeline where the SSIS packages are deployed to an existing SQL Server instance on a VM also in Azure?
I looked into creating a self-hosted integration runtime but this is only data migration related. Also looked at executing a stored procedure but there is no returned value on success/fail etc.
Spoke to Microsoft and they confirmed you cannot run or trigger SSIS packages that are not hosted in the Azure Integration Runtime. No plans to change that anytime soon.
I have already tried to deploy SSIS using AzureVM and it's working fine for us. Just want to explore other options.
Is it possible to deploy SSIS on Azure Sql Service without using AzureVM? If yes, then provide some guidance.
How to connect local (on-premises) database (For example. Oracle) from Azure SQL using SSIS without using AzureVM?
No, this requires an Azure VM or an on premise installation of SSIS- SSIS as a Service is not an Azure offering at this time.
Azure SQL Database won't allow for Linked Servers and, elastic query may not fit your use case; It may not be possible to do from Azure SQL. However, you could try defining one data source for SQL Azure and one for your on-prem database (or even Oracle) within SSIS and run your report on the data that way. More about establishing data sources/connections.
Now you can deploy your SSIS package on Azure by creating Integration Run-time in Data factory which will create a SSISDB and under SSISDB, Integration Service Catalog will be available.
SSIS Project deployment is available as of now on Integration Service Catalog.
For more details and steps, click below link-