Return the quotation marks in return statement - python-3.x

I made a function that returns a string as shown below but I was wondering how do I keep the double quotes for the quote?
def quote_maker(quote, name, year):
''' (string, string, number)-> None
Returns a sentence displaying in what given year the
given name of a person said the given quote.
return (' In '+ str(year) +', a person called '+ name +' said: '+ quote)
For example my function returns:
quote_maker("Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.", "Albert Einstein", 1933)
'In 1933, a person called Albert Einstein said: Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.'
Instead of: (with double quotes)
'In 1933, a person called Albert Einstein said: "Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler."'

You can escape characters (done with \) that have a special meaning to treat them as characters:
" this is quoted: \"example\" "
represents the string:
this is quoted: "example"

I think best way is to use string formating. And return the variable.
sentence = 'In {0}, a person called {1} said: "{2}".'.format(year, name, quote)
For complicated string you should use escape characters. For more details enter link description here


How to replace specific characters in a string in Clojure?

I'm trying to replace all single quotation marks with double quotation marks in Clojure. i.e. if the string id " 'name' " I want it to become " "name" ". How can I do that?
I've been trying to use the replace function like this:
(clojure.string/replace " 'The color is red' " #"'" """)
but it is not working.
You've forgotten to escape the double quotation mark
(clojure.string/replace " 'The color is red' " #"'" "\"")
I do this so often I made some convenience functions:
You can find the details here. You may also find this template project useful, esp. the documentation list at the end.

Python3: convert apostrophe unicode string

I have a string value with an apostrophe like this:
"I\\xE2\\x80\\x99m going now."
How can I get correct apostrophe value?
"I`m going now."
As you know, \xE2\x80\x99 is the a unicode character U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, but I have a string representation instead of byte...
Perhaps this is what you want:
utf8_apostrophe = b'\xe2\x80\x99'.decode("utf8")
str = "I"+utf8_apostrophe+"m going now"
I ran into this when converting a single quotation mark, within a UTF-8-encoded tweet, into a normal single quote.
import re
original_tweet = 'I’m going now'
string_apostrophe = "'"
print re.sub(utf8_apostrophe, string_apostrophe, original_tweet)
which produces
I'm going now

Input a string, but the program does not recognize the spaces between words

I would like this to accept "John Smith" or "Smith, John". Currently this only accepts JohnSmith Smith,John etc. What is the issue?
while not str(NAME).isalpha():
NAME=input("Enter patient's name : ")
The isalpha method checks if the string is one word, e.g. no numbers and no spaces. For multiple words, you can use something like
while not all(s.isalpha() for s in NAME.replace(',', ' ').split()):
where the .replace(',', ' ') is what allows for treating spaces and commas on the same footing.

Find index of a specific character in a string then parse the string

I have strings which looks like this [NAME LASTNAME/NAME.LAST#emailaddress/123456678]. What I want to do is parse strings which have the same format as shown above so I only get NAME LASTNAME. My psuedo idea is find the index of the first instance of /, then strip from index 1 to that index of / we found. I want this as a VBScript.
Your way should work. You can also Split() your string on / and just grab the first element of the resulting array:
Const SOME_STRING = "John Doe/"
WScript.Echo Split(SOME_STRING, "/")(0)
John Doe
Edit, with respect to comments.
If your string contains the [, you can still Split(). Just use Mid() to grab the first element starting at character position 2:
Const SOME_STRING = "[John Doe/]"
WScript.Echo Mid(Split(SOME_STRING, "/")(0), 2)
Your idea is good here, you should also need to grab index for "[".This will make script robust and flexible here.Below code will always return strings placed between first occurrence of "[" and "/".
var = "[John Doe/]"
WScript.Echo Mid(var, (InStr(var,"[")+1),InStr(var,"/")-InStr(var,"[")-1)

Smalltalk, how to insert tab in a string

How do you insert a "tab" in a string? I thought it was t enclosed in <> , but I do:
'Name <t> Age <t> Occupation'
prints exactly how it's typed. I would like to get
Name Age Occupation
instead of
Name <t> Age <t> Occupation
'Name ', String tab, ' Age ', String tab, ' Occupation'
If String does not understand #tab, you have to :
'Name ', Character tab asString, ' Age ', Character tab asString, ' Occupation'
As Damien noted, you can simply concatenate several calls to String tab to achieve what you wanted. The <t> trick you're trying, though, happens in Squeak-based Smalltalks if you call expandMacros on your string. E.g.,
'Here is<t>a tab and<n>a blank line' expandMacros
This mechanism is generic, and quite easily extensible; see String>>expandMacrosWithArguments: for more information.
