Adding an image to AnyGantt datagrid column - gantt-chart

Is it possible to add an image next to the name of the resource in a datagrid column of anychart.ganttResource() view?
I tried to use a customFormatter with useHtml(true), but looks like it only formats the text, no luck inserting an <img> tag in there.
Thank you.

As of September 2017, AnyGantt 7.14.3 doesn't provide images in datagrid. Method useHTML() influences only on text settings. You may learn more about useHTML() method here:


How can I render the fields and datatable by using <p:panelGrid>?

I have no idea how to render the below image with input fields and datatable with the exact alignment in UI.
I referred some documentation with examples, but I can't find the pattern for datatable. Attached the image below. Kindly share your thoughts for this as outline.
I would consider using PrimeFlex instead of p:panelGrid.
You basically need a 3 column grid layout. See the first example:
An the input can be done using form layout. See the horizontal examples:
For the data table, simply use the p:dataTable. See:

How to customize vue-json-excel?

I'm using vue-json-excel plugin to download a table and some contents into an Excel document.
What I need to know is that whether there are any methods which I can use to customize the excel document - changing the background color of a cell, font colors, adding table borders etc.
Thanks in advance for your valuable time.
use other library because vue-json-excel doesnt have any customizability
just download with PRO version

Selecting multiple items in AnyGantt

Can I enable multiple selection in AnyGantt, either in the datagrid part or (preferably) in the chart part?
Thank you.
As of September 2017, AnyGantt 7.14.3 provides only single mode selection for the purpose of showing extra information about selected item or a row in the datagrid.

How can I show the selected item centred of the pivot header in UWP?

By default the item selected from the pivot header appears on the left side. This behavior can be changed so that it appears centered or right side?
I have a list of 20 items and therefore they don't appear all at the pivot header. So it is visually more appealing if the selected item appears centered on the screen.
Currently is working like the follow image:
enter image description here
I would like it will work like the follow image:
enter image description here
Here's what you need, skip to 26:30.
There's a lot to it, but you can do it using the Pivot control.
Best of luck.
please check this post
you need to modify HorizontalContentAllignment property to center the content
Here is some example modifying the style with setters

Format lookup column to display Name (FileLeafRef)

I have a custom publishing page layout I have created. The content type behind the page layout has a lookup column pointing to a document library where I store images. Basically, the pages I am creating from the layout are 'articles' and I have an associated image with each.
As you can probably guess by now, I want to display the lookup image on the page. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. I have been inserting columns into the page layout via controls, but I'm not sure how to format it to look at the source document behind the lookup column. I am wondering if it is possible somehow through controls, and if not this way, if it can be done through modifying the XSL of a webpart. My last option which I don't want to use but I know it would work is a workflow (on new item creation, copy Name (FileLeafRef) into a hidden single line text field I coult utilize).
Does anyone know how to format a lookup column to display Name (FileLeafRef)?
Help is greatly appreciated!
