When does duck typing matter or apply? - programming-languages

Does duck typing matter/apply only when
a programming language doesn't declare the type of any object, and
objects are passed as arguments to a function and are used inside the function to access the methods provided by the types of the objects?
In other words, if a programming language requires declaration the type of any object, or if objects are used in ways other than passed as arguments to a function and used inside the function to access the methods of their types, does duck typing still matter/apply?


Why do I need "use rand::Rng" to call gen() on rand::thread_rng()?

When I'm using Rust's rand crate, if I want to produce a rand number, I would write:
use rand::{self, Rng};
let rand = rand::thread_rng().gen::<usize>();
If I don't use rand::Rng, an error occurs:
no method named gen found for struct rand::prelude::ThreadRng in the current scope
That's quite different from what I'm used to. Usually I treat mods like:
import rand from "path";
Once I import the mod I don't need to import something else, and I can use every method it exports.
Why must I use rand::Rng to enable the gen method on rand::thread_rng()?
That's quite different from what I used to know.
It feels different because it is indeed different. You are probably used to dynamic dispatch via some kind of virtual method table (as in e.g. C++), or, in case of JS, to dynamic dispatch by looking up either the own properties of the receiver object, or its ancestors via the __proto__-chain. In any case, the object on which you are invoking a method carries around some data that tells it how to get the method that you're invoking. Given the signature of the invoked method, the receiver object itself knows how to get the method with that signature.
That's not the only way, though. For example,
modules / functors in OCaml or SML
Typeclasses in Haskell
implicits / givens in Scala
traits in Rust
work on a rather different principle: the methods are not tied to the receiver, but to the module / typeclass / given / trait instances. In each case, those are entities that are separate from the receiver of the method call. It opens some new possibilities, e.g. it allows you to do some ad-hoc polymorphism (i.e. to define instances of traits after the fact, for types that are not necessarily under your control). At the same time, the compiler typically requires a bit more information from you in order to be able to select the correct instances: it behaves somewhat like a little type-directed search engine, or even a little "theorem prover", and for this to work, you have to tell the compiler where to look for the suitable building blocks for those synthetically generated instances.
If you've never worked before with any language that has a compiler with a subsystem that is "searching for instances" based on type information, this should indeed feel quite foreign. The error messages and the solution approaches do indeed feel rather different, because instead of comparing your implementation against an interface and looking for conflicts, you have to guide this instance-searching mechanism by providing more hints (e.g. by importing more traits etc.).
In your particular case, rand::thread_rng returns a struct ThreadRng. On its own, the struct knows nothing about the gen method, because this method is not tied directly to the struct. Instead, it's defined in the Rng trait. But at the same time, it could be defined in some entirely unrelated trait, and have some completely different meaning. In order to disambiguate the intended meaning, you therefore have to explicitly specify that you want to work with the Rng trait. This is why you have to mention it in the use-clause.
I don't know the specific library you're using, but I can guess at the problem. I would guess that Rng is a trait which defines gen. Traits can be thought of as somewhat like Java's interfaces: they enable ad-hoc polymorphism by allowing you to define different behaviors for the same function on different datatypes.
However, Rust's traits fix one major problem (well, they fix several major problems, but one that's relevant here) with Java's interfaces. In Java, if you define an interface, then anyone writing a class can implement the interface, but you can't implement it for other people. In particular, the built-in types String and int and the like can never implement any new interfaces downstream. In Rust, either the trait writer or the struct/enum writer can implement the trait.
But this poses another issue. Now, if I have a value foo of type Foo and I write foo.bar(), then bar might not be a method defined on Foo; it might be something some trait writer implemented in some other file. We can't go search every Rust file on your computer for possible matching traits, so Rust makes the logical decision to restrict this search to traits that are in scope. If you want to call foo.bar() and bar is a method on trait Bar, then trait Bar has to be in scope when you call it. Otherwise, Rust won't see it.
So, in your case, thread_rng() returns a rand::prelude::ThreadRng. The method gen is not defined on rand::prelude::ThreadRng. Instead, it's defined on a trait called rand::Rng which is *implemented by ThreadRng. That trait has to be in-scope to use the method.

What do creating an object "explicitly" and "implicitly as a result of elaboration" mean?

From p498 of Programming Language Pragmatics, by Scott
With a reference model for variables, every object is created
explicitly, and it is easy to ensure that an appropriate constructor
is called.
With a value model for variables, object creation can happen
implicitly as a result of elaboration. In Ada, which doesn’t provide
automatic calls to constructors by default, elaborated objects begin
life uninitialized, and it is possible to accidentally attempt to use
a variable before it has a value. In C++, the compiler ensures that an
appropriate constructor is called for every elaborated object, but the
rules it uses to identify constructors and their arguments can
sometimes be confusing.
What does it mean by creating an object "explicitly" and "implicitly as a result of elaboration"?
What does "elaboration" mean?

Program against an interface in node.js?

Dependency injection and programming against an interface is standard in C# and Java. I am wondering can this be achieved in Node.js too? For example I am programming a memory cache module and ideally it should expose an interface, let's say with two methods getKey and putKey. I can have one implementation with ioredis and another one with just plain memory cache. But my application will only depend on the memory cache interface.
Javascript uses Duck Typing
In computer programming with object-oriented programming languages,
duck typing is a style of dynamic typing in which an object's current
set of methods and properties determines the valid semantics, rather
than its inheritance from a particular class or implementation of a
specific interface.
from Wikipedia - Duck typing
This means that you can make a function expect a object as an argument and assume it has some specific functions or properties. i.e:
function addAreas(s1, s2){
//We can't know for sure if s1 or s2 have a getArea() function before the code is executed
return s1.getArea() + s2.getArea();
To test if an object have a specific function, we can do the following:
function isShape(obj){
return obj.implements("getArea") && obj.implements("getPerimeter");
Both can be combined into the following:
function addAreas(s1, s2){
if(isShape(s1) && isShape(s2))
return s1.getArea() + s2.getArea();
throw "s1 or s2 are not a shape!"
Here you can find a great blog post on the subject.
In your example, both your implementations should have a getKey and putKey functions, and the code which expects an object with those functions must test if they were implemented before executing.

What is different between First-class function and Anonymous function?

I saw two concepts
First-class function
Anonymous function
It seems that these two concepts are the same? (lambda)
I'm confused?
A first class function is one which is reified - i.e. it can be manipulated as part of the language, can be passed to other functions, be the value of a variable.
An anonymous function is just one which does not have a name (or does not have a "function" name, if functions and variables occupy separate namespaces).
It would be moderately difficult to design a language with anonymous, non-first-class functions, but the two concepts are sufficiently distinct that you at least kinda-sorta could. Equally, you definitely could have a language with first class functions, but no anonymous functions. These languages are rare, because there's little point in such a design.
Marcin has the right answer. To give some examples: C and C# 1.0 both have first-class functions, but do not have anonymous functions. In both cases, you can only explicitly declare named functions, but once you have, you can get references to them and store them in variables.

About first-,second- and third-class value

First-class value can be
passed as an argument
returned from a subroutine
assigned into a variable.
Second-class value just can be passed as an argument.
Third-class value even can't be passed as an argument.
Why should these things defined like that? As I understand, "can be passed as an argument" means it can be pushed into the runtime stack;"can be assigned into a variable" means it can be moved into a different location of the memory; "can be returned from a subroutine" almost has the same meaning of "can be assigned into a variable" since the returned value always be put into a known address, so first class value is totally "movable" or "dynamic",second class value is half "movable" , and third class value is just "static", such as labels in C/C++ which just can be addressed by goto statement, and you can't do nothing with that address except "goto" .Does My understanding make any sense? or what do these three kinds of values mean exactly?
Oh no, I may have to go edit Wikipedia again.
There are really only two distinctions worth making: first-class and not first-class. If Michael Scott talks about a third-class anything, I'll be very depressed.
Ok, so what is "first-class," anyway? Well, it is a term that barely has a technical meaning. The meaning, when present, is usually comparative, and it applies to a thing in a language (I'm being deliberately vague here) that has more privileges than a comparable thing. That's all people mean by it.
Let's look at some examples:
Function pointers in C are first-class values because they can be passed to functions, returned from functions, and stored in heap-allocated data structures just like any other value. Functions in Pascal and Ada are not first-class values because although they can be passed as arguments, they cannot be returned as results or stored in heap-allocated data structures.
Struct types are second-class types in C, because there are no literal expressions of struct type. (Since C99 there are literal initializers with named fields, but this is still not as general as having a literal anywhere you can use an expression.)
Polymorphic values are second-class values in ML because although they can be let-bound to names, they cannot be lambda-bound. Therefore they cannot be passed as arguments. But in Haskell, because Haskell supports higher-rank polymorphism, polymorphic values are first-class. (They can even be stored in data structures!)
In Java, the type int is second class because you can't inherit from it. Type Integer is first class.
In C, labels are second class, because they don't have values and you can't compute with them. In FORTRAN, line numbers have values and so are first class. There is a GNU extension to C that allows you to define first-class labels, and it is jolly useful. What does first-class mean in this case? It means the labels have values, can be stored in data structures, and can be used in goto. But those values are second class in another sense, because a label from one procedure can't meaningfully be used in a goto that belongs to another procedure.
Are we getting an idea how useless this terminology is?
I hope these examples convince you that the idea of "first-class" is not a very useful idea in thinking about programming languages overall. When you're talking about a particular feature of a particular language or language family, it can be a useful shorthand ("a language isn't functional unless it has first-class, nested functions") but by and large you're better off saying just what you mean instead of talking about "first-class" or "not first-class" things.
As for "third class", just say no.
Something is first-class if it is explicitly manipulable in the code. In other words, something is first-class if it can be programmatically manipulated at run-time.
This closely relates to meta-programming in the sense that what you describe in the code (at development time) is one meta-level, and what exists at run-time is another meta-level. But the barrier between these two meta-levels can be blurred, for instance with reflection. When something is reified at run-time, it becomes explicitly manipulable.
We speak of first-class object, because objects can be manipulated programmatically at run-time (that's the very purpose).
In java, you have classes, but they are not first-class, because the code can normally not manipulate a class unless you use reflection. But in Smalltalk, classes are first-class: the code can manipulate a class like an regular object.
In java, you have packages (modules), but they are not first-class, because the code does not manipulate package at run-time. But in NewSpeak, packages (modules) are first-class, you can instantiate a module and pass it to another module to specify the modularity at run-time.
In C#, you have closures which are first-class functions. They exist and can be manipulated at run-time programmatically. Such things does not exists (yet) in java.
To me, the boundary first-class/not first-class is not exactly strict. It is sometimes hard to pronounce for some language constructs, e.g. java primitive types. We could say it's not first-class because it's not an object and is not manipulable through a reference that can be passed along, but the primitive value does still exists and can be manipulated at run-time.
PS: I agree with Norman Ramsey and 2nd-class and 3rd-class value make no sense to me.
First-class: A first-class construct is one which is an intrinsic element of a language. The following properties must hold.
It must form part of the lexical syntax of the language
It may have operators applied to it
It must be referenceable (for example stored in a variable)
Second-class: A second-class construct is one which is an intrinsic element of the language with the following properties.
It must form part of the lexical syntax of the language
It may have operators applied to it
Third-class: A third-class construct is one which forms part of the syntax of a language.
Roger Keays and Andry Rakotonirainy. Context-oriented programming. In Pro- ceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wire- less and Mobile Access, MobiDe ’03, pages 9–16, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM.
Those terms are very broad and not really globally well defined, but here are the most logical definitions for them:
First-class values are the ones that have actual, tangible values, and so can be operated on and go around, as variables, arguments, return values or whatever.
This doesn't really need a thorough example, does it? In C, an int is first-class.
Second-class values are more limited. They have values, but they can't be used directly, so the compiler deliberately limits what you can do with it. You can reference them, so you can still have a first-class value representing them.
For example, in C, a function is a second-class value. It can't be altered, but it can be called and referenced.
Third-class values are even more limited. They not only don't have values, but interaction is completely absent, and often it only exists to be used as compile-time attributes.
For example, in Rust, a lifetime is a third-class value. You can't use the lifetime at all. You can only receive it as a template parameter, you can only use it as a template parameter (only when creating a new variable), and that's all you can do with it.
Another example, in C++, a struct or a class is a third-class value. This doesn't need much explanation.
