mlt double tent fade in and fade out - blur

Yesterday I saw the wonderfull screen transition effect of a samsung smartphone, where the fade out and fade in was not just all screen getting black and coming back, butthe black color is arriving troug h2 lateral "tents" that arriving are making the screen black and the opposite. How to do it with melt?
the tents are blur and not just black blocks coming to blacking all the screen.

MLT has a transitions module named "luma" that takes a grayscale image to define the reveal of the second image or clip. There are some examples in this video.
Most of those examples are hard edge, but there is also a softness parameter. As for the blur, you can attach a blur filter to either clips and/or the transition as well. In addition, the blurriness parameter can be animated over time.


Fade in Fade Out animation between Videos (AVPlayer)

I want do play different videos according to selected button and I want to make a smooth transition between the videos with a fade in fade out transition.
Every time when I change the video, a black background appears and the video start.

Without alpha path how to decrease edge effect while paste icon

I got a RGB332 LCD and a poor MCU to drive it . The MCU do not have a hardware accelerator nor do RGB332 display support an alpha path.
So I used the color "black" as a "alpha color" to deal with icon paste work.Which means I fill the icon color data to background buffer while the data is not black.
The problem I meet is that the icon showed it's own antialiased edge while the background is not black. And the "antialiased edge" just makes an edge effect from the background.
Is there any way to deal with the situation ?
The main problem is that I don't have "Layer" and "Alpha" to do the PS-like merge work.
But the Icons are Pasted to a Frame buffer one by one.
So my solution is :
When each icon is being pasted,I could decide the front/background,
which means I could detect the "antialiased edge" of the icons just
like I have "layers".
After I find the antialiased edges ,I filled the pixels with the
middle color of the front/background.
The LCD is RGB332,and the middle color calculation is just filling
the edge with 75% background color + 25% front color. If the icon
color is carefully designed, you don't even need a float calculation
The work maybe not that effective ,but really solved my problem.

How can I make website objects appear to fadeout as you scroll? (Transparent gradient)

I have a website with some text on the body and a fixed menu bar on top.
I want the text to 'fade-out' as you scroll, instead of disappearing behind other element.
My website's background is grey, so II made a gradient that goes from grey to transparent.
It works great, except that you can sort of tell that there's a grey band across the website.
Notice the band (starting right above the red arrow) on this screen I printed
Why does irt show an off color?
I know about PNG gamma correction, but this is not it, I have removed the gAMA part, I have also tried "fine-tuning" it, nothing will work. (I know I am doing this right because I tried it on a solid PNG, stripped the gamma data, and it perfectly matches the CSS background).
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?! (I can use any other method, doesn't need to be a PNG gradient, but I do need it to be a fade-out).
Make a gradient from opaque gray to transparent white.

Animating UIButton alpha with a PNG background: why does the animation get bright white as it transitions from alpha = 0 to alpha = 1?

This is something that is stumping me; I have a simple UIButton with the following PNG as it's background:
I'm using an iOS 4 block animation, and all I'm doing is animating it's alpha property from 0.0 to 1.0. However, while the animation is in progress, the UIButton gets bright white, before finally settling to look like the above image when the property reaches 1.0.
I'm pretty stumped - if, for example, I open that image in Paint.NET and slide the image's opacity from 0 to 255, I see a nice fade-in effect - which is exactly what I'm going for. But when I animate an opacity change in iOS, the button gets bright white during the middle part of the animation.
If I change the animation's duration to something extended, like 5 seconds, the effect is even more prominent. Any ideas?
Edit: I am using Xcode 4.1, and running iOS 4.3.3 (first gen iPad).
It turns out, after much consideration, that the issue was my UIButton was a Round Rect button; the type needed to be changed to Custom. Even though the background images I set for my button worked when the type was Round Rect, applying an alpha animation to the button still caused the default white Round Rect style to appear for the duration of the animation. That is what my eyes interpreted as "bright white" during the animation - it had nothing to do with my PNG background, and everything to do with the underlying type of the button I was using.
Problem solved. Moral of the story? Change your UIButton type to Custom if you're going to animate the button while using your own background images.

Round Rect Button behavior when using a flipview controller

I am using some round rect buttons with own images for their states. Each time am displaying a different view for some stuff, the buttons become white and my images are fading in briefly later.
The problem occurs only with the UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve animation.
The other 3, UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical, UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal and UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl, don't show this effect.
The effect would be ok, ok if the starting color would be black. I didn't find any way to change that color in IB. Where does it come from? Any idea?
Tried to set the background over the inherited properties of UIImage, but he simply ignored it. Switching the Round rect button to a custom one solved it. Leaves the question what to do if I want a round rect. A black background image didn't help. He seems to use the background color to fade.
