I have an excel file that contains data exported from LTSpice simulations. There are 280 different runs however the data is exported as two columns (time and voltage) with a run cell at the start of a new run. The number of data points in each run varies. Looks something like this:
Run 1/280
Time1 Voltage1
Time2 Voltage2
Run 2/280
Time1 Voltage1
Time2 Voltage2
Time3 Voltage3
Run 3/280
I would like to have the run cells as row and the time and voltage columns beneath them.
Run 1/280 Run 2/280 Run 3/280
Time1 Voltage1 Time1 Voltage1
Time2 Voltage2 Time2 Voltage2
Time3 Voltage3
I haven't found an easy way to do this yet, so any help would be appreciated.
Without VBA...
For each row of your input list, you need to identify its type (Run x/xxx header or terminal, voltage pair) and the row and pair of columns in the output where this input row belongs.
In the picture below, columns A and B perform this task. Column A identifies the output column pair and B the output row, where row 0 indicates the header row of the output.
The header row of the output utilises the fact that if an array is sorted in ascending order and has repeated values then MATCH(x,array,0) finds the index of the first element in array equal to x. The cumbersome repetition of the SUMPRODUCT term in the formulae for the other rows is necesssary for the following reason. If there is no matching pair in columns A and B to the current output row and column pair number then the SUMPRODUCT delivers 0 and, unfortunately, the INDEX(array,SUMPRODUCT()) term evaluates to INDEX(array,0) which delivers the first element of array (*) - which is not what is wanted.
You obviously need sufficient helper values in row 1 and column E of the worksheet in the output area - the maximum values of columns B and A, respectively determine the requirements. Oversizing the output (as the picture has done) is not a problem as the formulae in any redundant positions simply evaluate to "".
(*) In fact, for a single column array the formula =INDEX(array,0) evaluates to the array itself. When used as cell formula (rather than being used as an array formula across a range of cells) formula simply picks the first value from array.
Please try this code.
Sub SplitToColumns()
' 16 Sep 2017
Dim WsS As Worksheet ' S = "Source"
Dim WsD As Worksheet ' D = "Destination"
Dim WsDName As String
Dim RunId As String ' first word in "Run 1/280"
Dim RowId As Variant ' value in WsS.Column(A)
Dim Rl As Long ' last row (WsS)
Dim Rs As Long, Rd As Long ' row numbers
Dim Cd As Long ' column (WsD)
WsDName = "RemoteMan" ' change to a valid tab name
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Set WsD = Worksheets(WsDName)
If Err Then
' create WsD if it doesn't exist:
Set WsD = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
WsD.Name = WsDName
Cd = -1
' continue adding new data to the right of existing,
With WsD.UsedRange
Cd = .Columns.Count - 1
If Cd = 1 And .Rows.Count = 1 Then Cd = -1
End With
End If
Set WsS = Worksheets("Remote") ' change to a valid tab name
With WsS
' presume "Run" & Time in column A, Voltage in Column B
' presume: no blank rows
Rl = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
RunId = .Cells(2, 1).Value ' row 2 must have the RunId
RunId = Left(RunId, InStr(RunId, " ") - 1)
For Rs = 2 To Rl ' assume data start in row 2 (A1 may not be blank!)
RowId = .Cells(Rs, "A").Value
If InStr(1, RowId, RunId, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
Rd = 1 ' first row to use in WsD
Cd = Cd + 2 ' determine next columns
End If
WsD.Cells(Rd, Cd).Value = RowId
WsD.Cells(Rd, Cd + 1).Value = .Cells(Rs, "B").Value
Rd = Rd + 1 ' next row to use
Next Rs
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I have a for loop that iterates through each sheet in my workbook. Each sheet is identical for most purposes. I am making an overview sheet in my workbook to express the results from the data in the other sheets(the ones that are identical).
There are 11 vehicles, each with their own sheet that has data from a test from each day. On any given day there can be no tests, or all the way to 30,000 tests. The header of each column in row 47 states the date in a "06/01/2021 ... 06/30/2021" format. The data from each iteration of the test will be pasted in the column of the correct date starting at row 49.
So what my overview page needs to display is the data from the previous day. In one cell on my overview there is a formula for obtaining just the number of the day of the month like 20 or 1 etc. Using this number, the number of the day is the same as the column index that the previous day's data will be in conveniently. So in my for loop I want to have a table that has the name of each sheet in column B, in column C I want to display the total number of tests done in that day(not the sum of all the data), in column D I need the number of tests with a result of 0, in column E I need the number of tests that have a result above the upper tolerance, and in column F I need the number of tests that have a result below the lower tolerance minus the result in column D.
I've been playing with the Application.WorksheetFunction.Count and CountIf functions but I keep getting 0 for every single cell. I made two arrays for the upper and lower tolerance values which are type Longs called UTol and LTol respectively. TabList is a public array that has each of the sheet names for the vehicles stored as strings. finddate is an integer that reads in Today's day number which is yesterday's column index. I've included a picture of the table in question and my for loop code:
finddate = Worksheets("Overview").Range("A18").Value
For TabNRow = 1 To 11
startcol = 3
Debug.Print (TabList(TabNRow))
'Total number of tests done that day
Worksheets("Overview").Cells(startrow, startcol).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(Range(Cells(49, finddate), Cells(30000, finddate)))
startcol = 4
'Total number of 0 results, this used to get the number of 0's from each sheet but that row has since been deleted
Worksheets("Overview").Cells(startrow, startcol).Value = Worksheets(TabList(TabNRow)).Cells(48, finddate).Value
startcol = 5
'Total number of results above tolerance
Worksheets("Overview").Cells(startrow, startcol).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(49, finddate), Cells(30000, finddate)), ">" & UTol(TabNRow))
startcol = 6
'Total number of results below tolerance
Worksheets("Overview").Cells(startrow, startcol).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(49, finddate), Cells(30000, finddate)), "<" & LTol(TabNRow))
startrow = startrow + 1
Next TabNRow
No need to select/activate sheets when referencing them. See: How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA
Something like this should work:
Dim wsOv As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, rngData As Range
Set wsOv = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Overview")
finddate = wsOv.Range("A18").Value
For TabNRow = 1 To 11
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(TabList(TabNRow))
Set rngData = wsData.Range(wsData.Cells(49, finddate), _
wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, finddate).End(xlUp))
Debug.Print wsData.Name, rngData.Address 'edited
With wsOv.Rows(2 + TabNRow)
.Columns("C").Value = Application.Count(rngData)
.Columns("D").Value = Application.CountIf(rngData, 0)
.Columns("E").Value = Application.CountIf(rngData, ">" & UTol(TabNRow))
.Columns("F").Value = Application.CountIf(rngData, "<" & LTol(TabNRow)) _
- .Columns("D").Value
End With
Next TabNRow
I need to copy date and time, code and names from a big data sheet, which contains multiple columns. Row counts may differ.
The sequence of actions should be:
Copy the consecutive Range from A3 which is the first active cell through to the data at column AZ - This is a manual selection.
Using the VBA linked Command button start the process of copying data in next sheet:
for example
sheet1.column B = sheet2.column A
sheet2.column B= ""
'empty and data copy is not needed, please just generate the empty row
sheet1.column Y = sheet2.column C
After the copying process is over, clear all data from sheet1
My core problem is the data count for above rows differs every time. I can't find a correct sequence of commands to get these columns in the order I need from sheet1. To add to that, the formatting breaks and the time values are 'stringified', so it can't be reused.
The generated data needs to be exported to another workbook and the copying process is critically important as I do it repeatedly. Locating and copying each column manually every time.
The solution to your problem is of the form f(x) = y where x is the column no. of the source sheet and y is the column number of that very same column on the destination sheet.
f(x) is a simple mapping between a Source column and transformed into a destination column no.
As you still need to define the problem better by including sample data, I'll simply brief you on The 3 steps to resolve your problem.
I hope you know your VBA well enough to encode the steps into the specific VBA code you need to solve this permanently.
Create a sheet as a "ControlPanel" that maps the columns you need.
Assuming your sheets are named appropriately as per the code below.
Kindly do apply your VBA skills and discretion to customize the code below as per your needs.
Public Sub Add_Msng_And_Check_Prev_EmpData()
'' Objective : Check missing employees from the incoming data placed in the Destination_Sheet sheet which is the client's format.
'' The _Source_Sheet sheet is our destination where processed data sits,
'' columns from Destination_Sheet are mapped to specific columns of the _Source_Sheet sheet.
'' Copy the missing emp codes to these mapped columns.
'' Support : myfullnamewithoutspaces#gmail.com
'' Status : Production 14-Dec-2016 10.32 PM
'' Version : 1.0
'' To Do : 10 is the column number on Source_Sheet where the emp code resides
'' Convert this magic number to a generic solution
Dim Src_Sheet, Destination_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping, Src_Sheet_Column_Location As Range
Set Src_Sheet = Sheets("Source_Sheet")
Set Destination_Sheet = Sheets("Destination_Sheet")
Set Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping = Sheets("ControlPanel").Range("A2:A60")
Set Src_Sheet_Column_Location = Sheets("ControlPanel").Range("D2:D60")
Dim myMap() As Integer
Dim myRow As Variant
ReDim myMap(Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping.Count + 1)
'' Map the source_columns to the destination_columns
For Each myRow In Src_Sheet_Column_Location
'' Index corresponds to Source_Sheet column
'' Value at Index to Destination_Sheet
'' for eg: Destination_Sheet.column = myMap(Src_Sheet.column)
myMap(myRow) = Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping.Cells(myRow, 1).Value
Next myRow
Dim Primary_Key_Not_Null As Collection
Set Primary_Key_Not_Null = New Collection
Dim Master, Src_Sheet_Range, Src_Range As Range
Dim MissingEmployeeCode, LookupValue, tempVar, LookupResult As Variant
Dim LastRow, i, Src_Range_Rows_Count, Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count As Integer
'' This is the source of all new entries we need to search for.
Set Src_Sheet_Range = Destination_Sheet.Range(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1, myMap(10)), Destination_Sheet.Cells(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1048576, myMap(10)).End(xlUp).Row, myMap(10)))
Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count = Src_Sheet_Range.Rows.Count
'' This is the database of all previous existing entries we need to search against.
Set Src_Range = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(1, 10), Src_Sheet.Cells(Src_Sheet.Cells(1048576, 10).End(xlUp).Row, 10))
Src_Range_Rows_Count = Src_Range.Rows.Count
For i = 3 To Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count
'' Skip the blank rows and header at rows 0 to 2
On Error Resume Next
LookupValue = Destination_Sheet.Cells(i, myMap(10)).Value
LookupResult = Application.Match(LookupValue, Src_Range, 0)
If (IsError(LookupResult)) Then
'' To Do : Check for Duplicates within the previously added values
'' LookupValue becomes your missing empcode and i is the row number it's located at
'' The row number i becomes critical when you want to copy the same record that you have just found missing.
Primary_Key_Not_Null.Add i '' LookupValue
'' LookupValue is the actual missing empcode, however we need the row number for the copy operation later
End If
Next i
LastRow = Src_Sheet.Cells(1048576, 10).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Dim FirstRow, LastColumn, j, Src_Range_Columns_Count As Integer
FirstRow = LastRow
''--Phase 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'' Objective : Get and paste data for each missing empcode
With Src_Range
LastColumn = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
LastRow = Primary_Key_Not_Null.Count + FirstRow
Set Src_Range = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
Src_Range_Columns_Count = Src_Range.Columns.Count
For i = FirstRow To LastRow ''FirstRow + 3 '' Commented for Debugging
For j = 1 To Src_Range_Columns_Count '' 59
'' The simple logic is Row Numbers and Column numbers obtained from all the above operations
'' define the cells in the Src_Sheet sheet that we need this data pasted ito.
'' For details please see the code below.
Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Value = Destination_Sheet.Cells(Primary_Key_Not_Null(i - FirstRow + 1), myMap(j)).Value
Next j
Next i
End With
''--Phase 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'' Objective : For the previous range in Source_Sheet, check each cell in each column against the mapped columns in the Destination_Sheet.
'' When you find a discrepancy: style it Bad, for the matches: style it Good,
'' for the not found : Style it neutral.
LastRow = FirstRow
FirstRow = 2
Set Src_Range = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(2, 1), Src_Sheet.Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
Src_Range.Style = "Normal"
Dim FoundRow, FoundColumn As Integer
FoundRow = 0
FoundColumn = 10
Dim LookupRange, LookupDatabase As Range
Set LookupRange = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(1, 10), Src_Sheet.Cells(LastRow, 10))
Set LookupDatabase = Destination_Sheet.Range(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1, myMap(10)), Destination_Sheet.Cells(Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count, myMap(10)))
Dim FoundRows As Collection
Set FoundRows = New Collection
'' Locate the row of each employee code on Emp Master, push it into a collection and let the emp code be it's key
Dim LookupRange_Row_Count As Integer
LookupRange_Row_Count = LookupRange.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To LookupRange_Row_Count
On Error Resume Next
FoundRow = Application.Match(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value, LookupDatabase, 0)
If (Not IsError(FoundRow)) Then
'' myRow contains EmpCode which is the key, FoundRow = Where I Found it, becomes the value.
FoundRows.Add FoundRow, CStr(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
End If
Next i
Dim Src_Sheet_Value, EmpMstrValue, myEmpCodeString As String
For i = FirstRow To LastRow '' 2 to 1029
For j = 1 To Src_Range_Columns_Count '' 59
'' Handle 4 cases.
'' 1. Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and matches = Good
'' 2. Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and does not match = Bad
'' 3. Src_Sheet Cell Value Not Found or not in Scope and hence does not match = Neutral
'' 4. Src_Sheet Cell Value is a duplicate of a value which is already checked earlier. = ??
Src_Sheet_Value = Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Value
myEmpCodeString = CStr(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
myRow = CInt(FoundRows(myEmpCodeString))
EmpMstrValue = Destination_Sheet.Cells(myRow, myMap(j)).Value
'' Implements 1. Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and matches = Good
If Src_Sheet_Value = EmpMstrValue Then
Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Style = "Good"
Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Style = "Bad"
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I found myself in the same situation as yourself sometime back. Although the code is conceptually simple, it requires you to thoroughly define your problem in the Source, Destination, Transformation pattern.
Do Feel free to mail me at myfullnamewithoutspaces#gmail.com. I'll assist any way I can.
I have a column(missing col) that gets all the missing numbers from my id column. So from the entire range of cells most are empty, I want to make another column of just the values that are not empty - mainly cause there are thousands or rows and I need to see those numbers at the top. I have not seen two missing in a row, but that would make a comma separated id cell - i.e. PW140000024,PW140000025 - which may need to dealt with at some point.
Function that makes the missing col:
id column | missing col | missing without empty rows
PW140000023 | | PW140000024
PW140000025 | PW140000024 | PW140000027
PW140000026 | PW140000027 | PW140000029
PW140000028 | PW140000029,PW140000030 | PW140000030
PW140000031 | |
PW140000032 | |
Assuming your data looks like this with the header row in row 1 and your data starting in row 2, the id columns is Column E and you want the "Missing" column to be column F:
In cell F2 and copied down is this formula:
The formula will work great for small sets of data like this sample, but I can see how it would start slowing down Excel drastically for larger data sets. Because of this complication, I would instead recommend creating a VBA subroutine to get the results for you.
Something like this should work:
Sub tgr()
Const strIDcol As String = "E" 'Change to the actual column containing the id's
Const strOPcol As String = "F" 'Change to the actual column you want to OutPut results to
Const lStartRow As Long = 2 'Change to the row your data actually starts on (NOT the header row)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rngIDs As Range
Dim IDCell As Range
Dim arrMissing() As String
Dim MissingIndex As Long
Dim IDMin As Long
Dim IDMax As Long
Dim i As Long
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'Assuming we're working with the active workbook and active worksheet
Set rngIDs = Range(strIDcol & lStartRow, ws.Cells(Rows.Count, strIDcol).End(xlUp))
IDMin = Val(Replace(rngIDs.Cells(1).Value, "PW", vbNullString))
IDMax = Val(Replace(rngIDs.Cells(rngIDs.Cells.Count).Value, "PW", vbNullString))
ReDim arrMissing(1 To IDMax - IDMin + 1 - rngIDs.Cells.Count, 1 To 1)
For i = IDMin To IDMax
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(strIDcol), "*" & i) = 0 Then
MissingIndex = MissingIndex + 1
arrMissing(MissingIndex, 1) = "PW" & i
End If
Next i
Range(strOPcol & lStartRow).Resize(MissingIndex).Value = arrMissing
End Sub
An equivalent result seems possible by creating a list of ids starting PW140000023 (say with ="PW"&140000022+row() in Row1), matching these to id column (say with =MATCH(A1,Sheet1!A:A,0) copying both down to suit, fixing those results as values and then filtering to delete numeric results for matches.
I am quite new in excel macros and need to extract data from entire row, if you select any row. Suppose there is a sheet having following data:
s.no amount account
1 1234 1234
2 2345 6359
If I select 1st row 1 then it gives value of entire row :
1 1234 1234
I have tried a lot to extract value but I am unable to get value.
You will have to loop through the cells in the row and concatenate the values. There is no function that I'm aware of that returns the "value" of the row. For example:
Dim objSheet As Worksheet
Set objSheet = Sheets(1)
Dim intLastCellIndexInRow As Integer
intLastCellIndexInRow = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
Dim i As Integer
Dim strRowValue As String
For i = 1 To intLastCellIndexInRow
strRowValue = strRowValue & " " & objSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, i)
MsgBox strRowValue
The Value of a row is an array of the values in that Row
RowData = Range("A1:C1").Value
would fill the Array "RowData" the same as the code
RowData = Array(1,1234,1234)
If you wanted a String like what rory.ap had answered, you use Join
'Same Msgbox result as rory.ap's Answer
strRowValue = Join(RowData, " ")
MsgBox strRowValue
So to get a row as a Space (" ") separated string in one line
strRowValue = Join(Range("A1:C1").Value, " ")
Now I put in the Range "A1:C1" because your data is Columns A thru C
The Entire Row 1 is the Code
But that Includes EVERY Column until the MAX, Which we really don't want in our string or even need to deal with.
Excel can Detect your data by using the .CurrentRegion from a Starting Point. So if we use A1 as our starting point, get the CurrentRegion and then limit it to the first row we'll only get the Columns used.
'Is Equivalent to Range(A1:C1) on your Data Example
'Is Equivalent to Range(A2:C2) on your Data Example
I am trying to compare two data series with dates and on a third column show ONLY the dates that are common in both data series (ordered in descending mode). A friend of mine helped me put together some code that seems to work but it seems to be taking a long time to generate the result when I have quite a long series of data. Is there a way to write this code differently that might get calculated faster? (I am currently using excel 2010.
The Function I enter on D2 and then I copy it down is: =next_duplicate(A2:$A$535,B2:$B$535,D1:$D$1)
Function next_duplicate(list1, list2, excluded)
For Each c In list1
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(excluded, c) = 0 Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(list2, c) > 0 Then
next_duplicate = c
Exit For
End If
End If
Next c
If next_duplicate = 0 Then
next_duplicate = "N/A"
End If
End Function
You can do this without VBA.
In Column C use COUNTIF to extract dates that appear only in both Columns A and B
=IF(COUNTIF($B$2:$B$7,"="&A2) > 0, A2, 0)
Then in Column D use an array formula (from here) to sort and remove blanks. Don't forget to select the range and then press control, shift and enter.
=INDEX(C2:C7, MATCH(LARGE(IF(ISBLANK(C2:C7), "", IF(ISNUMBER(C2:C7), COUNTIF(C2:C7, "<"&C2:C7), COUNTIF(C2:C7, "<"&C2:C7)+SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(C2:C7), 1, 0))+1)), ROW()-ROW($D$2)+1), IF(ISBLANK(C2:C7), "", IF(ISNUMBER(C2:C7), COUNTIF(C2:C7, "<"&C2:C7), COUNTIF(C2:C7, "<"&C2:C7)+SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(C2:C7), 1, 0))+1)), 0))
If #Dan's solution works, go with that since formula solutions are usually cooler :) If you need to use VBA, you can try this:
Sub Common()
Dim Date1 As Range
Dim Date2 As Range
Dim CommonDates() As Variant
Dim UniqueDates As New Collection
Set Date1 = Range("A2:A6")
Set Date2 = Range("B2:B6")
' Change the max array size to equal the length of Date1
' This is arbitrary and could be more efficient, for sure :)
ReDim CommonDates(Date1.Count)
' Set a counter that will increment with matches
i = 0
' Since a match needs to be in both, iterate through Date1 and check
' if the Match function returns a True value when checking Date2.
' If so, add that value to the CommonDates array and increment the counter.
For Each DateVal In Date1
If IsError(Application.Match(DateVal, Date2, 0)) = False Then
CommonDates(i) = DateVal.Value
i = i + 1
End If
' Filter out dupes (in case that is possible - if not, this can be removed
' and the bottom part reworked
On Error Resume Next
For Each Value In CommonDates
UniqueDates.Add Value, CStr(Value)
Next Value
' Now go to the first cell in your Common Dates range (I'm using C2) and
' print out all of the results
For j = 1 To UniqueDates.Count
ActiveCell.Value = UniqueDates(j)
Next j
' Back to the beginning
' Use this if you don't need to filter dupes
'For Each r In CommonDates
' ActiveCell.Value = r
' ActiveCell.Offset(1).Activate
End Sub
It basically iterates over Date1 and checks if the Match formula succeeds/fails in Date2. A success = match, which means a common date. Those are then printed to another column. Hope this helps!