Haskell pattern matching on a function result - haskell

I have an algebraic data type like:
data Toll = Vok Int Bool | Bok Int | Cokd String Char
and another function
getVal :: Int -> Toll
getVal 1 = Cokd "hello" 'c'
getVal _ = Bok 12
I want to call getVal in some function and extract the arguments of Cokd (if the answer was of type Cokd) (maybe using pattern matching).
can I do like:
hello :: Int -> Bool
hello x = if st == "hell" then True else False
where (Cokd st ch) = getVal x
I cannot use monads.
How to do that?

You can use case to pattern-match the result of getVal:
data Toll = Vok Int Bool | Bok Int | Cokd String Char
getVal :: Int -> Toll
getVal 1 = Cokd "hello" 'c'
getVal _ = Bok 12
hello :: Int -> Bool
hello x =
case getVal x of
Cokd st ch ->
st == "hell"
_ -> False
Or create a separate function and pattern match the argument:
hello :: Int -> Bool
hello =
helloToll . getVal
helloToll (Cokd st ch) = st == "hell"
helloToll _ = False
The example, that you've provided in the question compiles (with few modifications), but it will throw a runtime exception when you try to call hello with 2 (or any other value different from 1, in which case getValue returns Bok 12, thus (Cokd st ch) = getVal x fails to pattern-match).

Your code seems totally fine, just one correction: the pattern if <expr> then True else False can be replaced with <expr>.
hello :: Int -> Bool
hello x = st == "hell" where (Cokd st ch) = getVal x
However, this code will fail for values other than 1 due to non-exhaustive pattern matching. You need to cover all cases:
hello :: Int -> Bool
hello x = case getVal x of
Cokd st ch -> st == "hell"
_ -> False


How to replace multiple characters in a string in Haskell?

I am making a program that replaces stuff using the Esperanto X-System to Esperanto, so I need it to transform "cx" to "ĉ", "sx" to "ŝ", "gx" to "g", "jx" to "ĵ", and "ux" to "ŭ", and the same for uppercase letters.
Currently it converts "a" to "b", and "c" to "d". The method I am currently using will only work for replacing single character, not multiple characters. So how do I replace multiple characters (like "cx") instead of a single one (like "a")?
replaceChar :: Char -> Char
replaceChar char = case char of
'a' -> 'b'
'c' -> 'd'
_ -> char
xSistemo :: String -> String
xSistemo = map replaceChar
So currently "cats" will transform to "dbts".
As #AJFarmar pointed out, you are probably implementing Esperanto's X-system [wiki]. Here all items that are translated are digraphs that end with x, the x is not used in esperato itself. We can for example use explicit recursion for this:
xSistemo :: String -> String
xSistemo (x:'x':xs) = replaceChar x : xSistemo xs
xSistemo (x:xs) = x : xSistemo xs
xSistemo [] = []
where we have a function replaceChar :: Char -> Char, like:
replaceChar :: Char -> Char
replaceChar 's' = 'ŝ'
-- ...
This then yields:
Prelude> xSistemo "sxi"
Prelude> putStrLn (xSistemo "sxi")
A generic method:
The problem looks similar to question 48571481.
So you could try to leverage the power of Haskell regular expressions.
Borrowing from question 48571481, you can use foldl to loop thru the various partial substitutions.
This code seems to work:
-- for stackoverflow question 57548358
-- about Esperanto diacritical characters
import qualified Text.Regex as R
esperantize :: [(String,String)] -> String -> String
esperantize substList st =
let substRegex = R.subRegex
replaceAllIn = foldl (\acc (k, v) -> substRegex (R.mkRegex k) acc v)
replaceAllIn st substList
esperSubstList1 = [("cx","ĉ"), ("sx","ŝ"), ("jx","ĵ"), ("ux","ŭ")]
esperantize1 :: String -> String
esperantize1 = esperantize esperSubstList1 -- just bind first argument
main = do
let sta = "abcxrsxdfuxoojxii"
putStrLn $ "st.a = " ++ sta
let ste = esperantize1 sta
putStrLn $ "st.e = " ++ ste
Program output:
st.a = abcxrsxdfuxoojxii
st.e = abĉrŝdfŭooĵii
We can shorten the code, and also optimize it a little bit by keeping the Regex objects around, like this:
import qualified Text.Regex as R
esperSubstList1_raw = [("cx","ĉ"), ("sx","ŝ"), ("jx","ĵ"), ("ux","ŭ")]
-- try to "compile" the substitution list into regex things as far as possible:
esperSubstList1 = map (\(sa, se) -> (R.mkRegex sa, se)) esperSubstList1_raw
-- use 'flip' as we want the input string to be the rightmost argument for
-- currying purposes:
applySubstitutionList :: [(R.Regex,String)] -> String -> String
applySubstitutionList = flip $ foldl (\acc (re, v) -> R.subRegex re acc v)
esperantize1 :: String -> String
esperantize1 = applySubstitutionList esperSubstList1 -- just bind first argument
main = do
let sta = "abcxrsxdfuxoojxiicxtt"
putStrLn $ "st.a = " ++ sta
let ste = esperantize1 sta
putStrLn $ "st.e = " ++ ste

Avoiding mutable state to update String

I'm attempting to write a function that will continually loop checking if a randomly generated int is less than 5, if it is less than 5 then "e" is appended to a string, once "eee" is generated then exit out of the loop.
This Haskell code prints if a random value between 1 - 10 is less than 5 :
useInt :: Int -> Int
useInt x = x
test :: IO ()
test = do
let l = "eee";
int <- randomRIO (1, 10) :: IO Int
if(int < 5) then
putStrLn "less"
putStrLn "greater"
But I'm unsure how to modify a string without introducing mutable state.
To achieve this using pseudo haskell code can use :
var mutableString = "" :
useInt :: Int -> Int
useInt x = x
test :: IO ()
test = do
let l = "eee";
int <- randomRIO (1, 10) :: IO Int
while(mutableString != "eee"){
if(mutableString == "eee")
break out of loop
if(int < 5) then
mutableString = mutableString + "e"
putStrLn "less"
putStrLn "greater"
Any pointers to translate above pseudo code to valid Haskell ?
Use recursion:
test :: IO ()
test = let
loop "eee" = putStrLn "ending" -- end of the "loop"
loop l = do -- "loop" iteration
int <- randomRIO (1, 10) :: IO Int
if int < 5
then do
putStrLn "less"
loop l -- same value for l
else do
putStrLn "greater"
loop ('e':l) -- updated value for l
in loop "" -- "loop" start with initial value for l
The idea is that loop l takes as a parameter the current value of the "mutable" l. When we recurse, we pass the new value of l. In the then branch above we pass the same value since we don't want to modify it. In the else branch we prepend an 'e' character.

Return a concatenated string in Haskell recursive function

I am trying to write a function in haskell that would take an integer and return a concatenated (number of times the input) string
For Instance,
Input: 3
Output: hi1\nhi2\nhi3
main = do
let str = func 2 ""
putStrLn str
func :: Int -> String -> String
func i str = do
if i>(-1)
then do
str ++ "hi" ++ (show i)
func (i-1) str
else str
Thanking you!
This is a much more idiomatic solution than using if-else
a function that would take an integer and return a concatenated (number of times the input) string
func :: Int -> String -> String
func 0 s = ""
func n s = s ++ func (n - 1) s
main = putStrLn (func 3 "hi")
I wonder if 'logarithmic' solution is faster:
main = putStrLn $mul 7 "Hi"
mul :: Int -> String -> String
mul 0 _ = ""
mul 1 s = s
mul _ "" = ""
mul n s = let
(q, r) = n `quotRem` 2
s' = mul q s
in (if r == 1 then s else "") ++ s' ++ s'
The easiest way to make your code "work" (I'll explain the double quotes later) is to call func with the concatenated string as a parameter directly, without intermediate steps:
func :: Int -> String -> String
func i str = do
if i > (-1)
then func (i-1) (str ++ "hi" ++ (show i) ++ "\n")
else str
I also added the newline character to the output, which means that the last character of the result will be a new line. Therefore it is better to write
let str = func 2 ""
putStr str
That way you'll avoid an extra new line at the end.
I wrote "works" in double quotes in the first sentence, because my code prints
You need to modify func so that the lines are printed in reverse order. Hint: you can store the lines in a list and reverse the list at the end.
P.S. I'm not sure whether zero should be a valid suffix. If not, then you have to change the condition in your if statement.

Does Maybe MonadPlus Parsers need to be in certain order?

Im working through the exercises on wikibooks/haskell and there is an exercise in the MonadPlus-chapter that wants you to write this hexChar function. My function works as shown below, but the thing is that when I try to switch the 2 helper parsers (digitParse and alphaParse) around the function ceases to work properly. If I switch them around I can only parse digits and not alphabetic chars anymore.
Why is this so?
char :: Char -> String -> Maybe (Char, String)
char c s = do
let (c':s') = s
if c == c' then Just (c, s') else Nothing
digit :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
digit i s | i > 9 || i < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = do
let (c:_) = s
if read [c] == i then Just i else Nothing
hexChar :: String -> Maybe (Char, String)
hexChar s = alphaParse s `mplus` digitParse s -- cannot switch these to parsers around!!
where alphaParse s = msum $ map ($ s) (map char (['a'..'f'] ++ ['A'..'F']))
digitParse s = do let (c':s') = s
x <- msum $ map ($ s) (map digit [0..9])
return (intToDigit x, s')
if read [c] == i then Just i else Nothing
The marked code has a flaw. You're using Int's Read instance, e.g. read :: String -> Int. But if it's not possible to parse [c] as an int (e.g. "a"), read will throw an exception:
> digit 1 "doesnt start with a digit"
*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
> -- other example
> (read :: String -> Int) "a"
*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
Instead, go the other way:
if [c] == show i then Just i else Nothing
This will always works, since show won't fail (not counting cases where bottom is involved).

Haskell pattern matching - how to use constants variable

I would ideally like to write something like this:
myValue1 = 1 :: Int
myValue2 = 2 :: Int
myFunc :: Int -> Bool
myFunc myValue1 = True
myFunc myValue2 = False
Calling myFunc myValue2 returns True - not what I intend. I know why this happens, but is there a way to express this in Haskell without resorting to C-style #define statements?
Well, Haskell doesn't unify names like this. Those new 'myValue1' and '2' identifiers are new variables you're binding.
The most Haskelly way is to use strong types and pattern matching:
data Values
= D1
| D2
myFunc :: Values -> Bool
myFunc D1 = True
myFunc D2 = False
Giving you a static guarantee only "1" or "2" can be passed to myFunc, proper symbolic matching and you even retain conversion to integers by deriving Enum.
You cannot match against variable values as Don explained.
But you can use guards in this case:
myValue1 = 1 :: Int
myValue2 = 2 :: Int
myFunc :: Int -> Bool
myFunc x
| x == myValue1 = True
| x == myValue2 = False
If you don't want to create another data type, the usual solution is to use guards:
myValue1 = 1 :: Int
myValue2 = 2 :: Int
myFunc :: Int -> Bool
myFunc val | val == myValue1 = True
| val == myValue2 = False
What you put after the pipe can be any boolean condition; if it's true, the corresponding function body will be run.
If the idea is just to define some constants to use in patterns, you can also use the language extension PatternSynonyms:
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
pattern MyValue1 = 1
pattern MyValue2 = 2
myFunc :: Int -> Bool
myFunc MyValue1 = True
myFunc MyValue2 = False
