NodeJS | Crypto Encryption is not producing correct results - node.js

I have a tricky problem to resolve. Not sure how to explain it correctly but will try my best. So here is what I am trying to do: I am trying to use a 3rd Party API, which wants me to encrypt a value and submits it. I successfully achieved it through C# code using the following block:
public string Encrypt(byte[] dataToEncrypt, byte[] keyBytes)
AesManaged tdes = new AesManaged();
tdes.KeySize = 256;
tdes.BlockSize = 128;
tdes.Key = keyBytes;
tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
ICryptoTransform crypt = tdes.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] cipher = crypt.TransformFinalBlock(dataToEncrypt, 0, dataToEncrypt.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipher, 0, cipher.Length);
Now, I am trying to achieve the same in Node. I wrote the following function.
var buffbytes = new Buffer('my app key goes here to be used as password','utf8'); //converts the app key into buffer stream
return this.encrypt_key(new Buffer(buffer,'utf8'), buffbytes);
encrypt_key(buffer, keybytes){
var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb',keybytes);
var crypted = cipher.update(buffer,'utf8','base64');
crypted = crypted+'base64');
return crypted;
This encryption code works fine. It encrypts it fine, but it doesn't encrypt it similar to what c# code does. When I take the encrypted text from C# code, and inject the encrypted result into the API call, it passes through fine, but when I use my encrypted result into the API call, it fails mentioning that the format of my key is incorrect.
I would like to know if these code blocks are same or not. I assume it is same, because both code using 128 bit AES, ECB Cipher and default padding for Crypto Node module is PKCS5 which is same as PKCS7 for 128 bit encryption. Please Help!
Edit: 9/19/2017
Fixed as per #smarx solution:
var buffbytes = new Buffer(helper.Constants.AppKey,'utf8'); //converts the app key into buffer stream
return this.encrypt_key(new Buffer(buffer,'utf8'), helper.Constants.AppKey);
encrypt_key(buffer, key){
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-ecb',key,new Buffer(0));
var crypted = cipher.update(buffer,'utf8','base64');
crypted = crypted+'base64');
console.log('printed: ', crypted);
return crypted;

In your Node.js code, you're using the wrong cipher algorithm. Use aes-256-ecb, since you're using a 256-bit key. Also, be sure to use createCipheriv, since createCipher expects a password from which it derives an encryption key.
One-line fix:
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-ecb', key, new Buffer(0));
The below two programs produce identical output (Q9VZ73VKhW8ZvdcBzm05mw==).
var key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456");
var data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, World!");
var aes = new AesManaged {
Key = key,
Mode = CipherMode.ECB,
aes.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length)));
const crypto = require('crypto');
const key = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456';
const data = 'Hello, World!';
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-ecb', key, new Buffer(0));
console.log(cipher.update(data, 'utf-8', 'base64') +'base64'));


How to properly encode strings so to decrypt with CryptoJs in NodeJS?

I am working out a custom hybrid encryption system. I've got symmetric encryption & asymmetric encryption & decryption all handled server-side. All I need to work out now is symmetric decryption.
I got some trouble because my client is sending symmetric key, iv & data all in string format (after asymmetric decryption), but CryptoJS is very touchy with it's encoding. It's also very confusing and vague as far as documentation goes- at least for a relatively new developer. I just can't figure out what encoding CryptoJS wants for each argument. I figure I should have guessed right by now, but no.
Some help I've gotten previously
I'm requesting help getting the encoding right so that I can decrypt with the following. And thanks a lot for any assistance.
Example of data after asymmetric decryption as per below (throw away keys):
symmetricKey: bDKJVr5wFtQZaPrs4ZoMkP2RjtaYpXo5HHKbzrNELs8=,
symmetricNonce: Z8q66bFkbEqQiVbrUrts+A==,
dataToReceive: "hX/BFO7b+6eYV1zt3+hu3o5g61PFB4V3myyU8tI3W7I="
exports.transportSecurityDecryption = async function mmTransportSecurityDecryption(dataToReceive, keys) {
const JSEncrypt = require('node-jsencrypt');
const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
// Asymmetrically decrypt symmetric cypher data with server private key
const privateKeyQuery = new Parse.Query("ServerPrivateKey");
const keyQueryResult = await privateKeyQuery.find({useMasterKey: true});
const object = keyQueryResult[0];
const serverPrivateKey = object.get("key");
const crypt = new JSEncrypt();
let decryptedDataString = crypt.decrypt(keys);
let decryptedData = JSON.parse(decryptedDataString);
// Symmetrically decrypt transit data
let symmetricKey = decryptedData.symmetricKey;
let symmetricNonce = decryptedData.symmetricNonce;
// Works perfectly till here <---
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
{iv: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(symmetricNonce)}
return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
You are using the wrong encoders for data, key and IV. All three are Base64 encoded (and not hex or Utf8). So apply the Base64 encoder.
The ciphertext must be passed to CryptoJS.AES.decrypt() as a CipherParams object or alternatively Base64 encoded, which is implicitly converted to a CipherParams object.
When both are fixed, the plain text is: "[\"001\",\"001\"]".
var symmetricKey = "bDKJVr5wFtQZaPrs4ZoMkP2RjtaYpXo5HHKbzrNELs8="
var symmetricNonce = "Z8q66bFkbEqQiVbrUrts+A=="
var dataToReceive = "hX/BFO7b+6eYV1zt3+hu3o5g61PFB4V3myyU8tI3W7I="
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
dataToReceive, // pass Base64 encoded
//{ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(dataToReceive)}, // pass as CipherParams object, works also
{iv: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(symmetricNonce)}
<script src=""></script>

nodejs recover createCipher data with createCipheriv

I have some encrypted data in my database
I did it few years ago using crypto.createCipher
const cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes192', password);
As createCipher and createDecipher is deprecated, I would like to change to createCipheriv and createDecipheriv. The problem is that the data I have in my database are encoded without iv.
Is it possible to decode with createDecipheriv data encoded with createDecipher and to generate the same secret with createCipher and createCipheriv.
I tried setting the iv to null but not working
Thanks, because the database migration is an heavy work !
I tried setting the iv to null but not working
This is because this method didn’t allow for passing an initialization vector (IV), and instead derived the IV from the key using the OpenSSL EVP_BytesToKey derivation function, using a null salt meaning that the IV would be deterministic for a given key which is an issue for ciphers with counter mode like CTR, GCM and CCM.
Looking at your code:
const cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes192', password);
If you want to make this code backwards compatible, you need to call OpenSSL’s EVP_BytesToKey function yourself, typically through evp_bytestokey module which makes it available in JS userland.
Is it possible to decode with createDecipheriv data encoded with createDecipher and to generate the same secret with createCipher and createCipheriv.
Yes, you can. check out my example code here:
const crypto = require('crypto');
const EVP_BytesToKey = require('evp_bytestokey')
const ALGO = 'aes192';
const password = 'Your_Password_Here';
const KEY_SIZE = 24;
function decrypt_legacy_using_IV(text) {
const result = EVP_BytesToKey(
KEY_SIZE * 8, // byte to bit size
let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, result.key, result.iv);
let decrypted = decipher.update(text, 'hex','utf8') +'utf8');
return decrypted.toString();
function encrypt_legacy_using_IV(text) {
const result = EVP_BytesToKey(
KEY_SIZE * 8, // byte to bit size
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, result.key, result.iv);
var encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex') +'hex');
return encrypted.toString();
For complete running example, clone node-snippets and run node apogee-legacy-crypto-cipheriv.js.
However the reason this function is deprecated in the first place is because you shouldn’t use it, and instead use a random unpredictable IV, which requires you to change your code to something like this:
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16)
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes192', password, iv)
Here, for AES-192 in CBC mode (aes192 being aliased to AES-192-CBC by OpenSSL), the IV size is expected to be the same as the block size, which is always 16 bytes.
In order to decrypt the message, you will need the IV as well. Typically you’d store the IV together with the message, as the important part is for the IV to not be predictable ahead of time.

How to decrypt a value in frontend which is encrypted in the backend (nodejs)?

Backend developers have encrypted a value in nodejs using crypto module. The code is shown below:
const _encrypt = async function(text){
var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-256-cbc','123|a123123123123123#&12')
var crypted = cipher.update(text,'utf8','hex')
crypted +='hex');
console.log("in generic function....encrpted val", crypted)
return crypted;
I need to decrypt this value in the front end (Angular). So I tried decrypting like below:
let bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt("e0912c26238f29604f5998fa1fbc78f6",'123|a123123123123123#&12');
let m = JSON.parse(bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
console.log("data ",m);
using hardcoded value. But Im getting Error: Malformed UTF-8 data error. Can anybody please tell me how to decrypt this in angular side?
This is a tricky enough one.. the crypto.createCipher function creates a key and IV from the password you provide (See the createCipher documentation for details).
This is implemented using the OpenSSL function EVP_BytesToKey.
A JavaScript implementation is available here: openssl-file.. we'll use this to get a key and IV from the password.
So there are two steps here:
Get a key and IV from your password.
Use these with Crypto.js to decode your encoded string.
Step 1: Get key and IV (Run in Node.js )
const EVP_BytesToKey = require('openssl-file').EVP_BytesToKey;
const result = EVP_BytesToKey(
console.log('key:', result.key.toString('hex'));
console.log('iv:', result.iv.toString('hex'));
Step 2: Decrypt string:
const encryptedValues = ['e0912c26238f29604f5998fa1fbc78f6', '0888e0558c3bce328cd7cda17e045769'];
// The results of putting the password '123|a123123123123123#&12' through EVP_BytesToKey
const key = '18bcd0b950de300fb873788958fde988fec9b478a936a3061575b16f79977d5b';
const IV = '2e11075e7b38fa20e192bc7089ccf32b';
for(let encrypted of encryptedValues) {
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({ ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(encrypted) }, CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(key), {
iv: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(IV),
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC
console.log('Ciphertext:', encrypted);
console.log('Plain text:', decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
<script src=""></script>
Note that if you change the password you need to generate a new key and iv using EVP_BytesToKey.
I should note that createCipher is now deprecated, so use with caution. The same applies to EVP_BytesToKey.

Decryption returns empty result - nodejs crypto

function encrypt() {
const iv = '3af545da025d5b07319cd9b2571670ca'
, payload = '01000000000000000000000000000000'
, key = 'c1602e4b57602e48d9a3ffc1b578d9a3';
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes128', new Buffer(key, 'hex'), new Buffer(iv, 'hex'));
const encryptedPayload = cipher.update(new Buffer(payload, 'hex'));
let encryptedPayloadHex = encryptedPayload.toString('hex');
console.log(encryptedPayloadHex); // returns 'ae47475617f38b4731e8096afa5a59b0'
function decrypt() {
const iv = '3af545da025d5b07319cd9b2571670ca'
, key = 'c1602e4b57602e48d9a3ffc1b578d9a3'
, payload = 'ae47475617f38b4731e8096afa5a59b0';
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes128', new Buffer(key, 'hex'), new Buffer(iv, 'hex'));
const decryptedPayload = decipher.update(new Buffer(payload, 'hex'), 'hex', 'hex');
console.log(decryptedPayload); // returns empty string
// decipher.update(new Buffer(payload, 'hex')) // returns empty buffer
const decryptedPayloadHex ='hex'); // returns 'EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt' error
// console.log(decryptedPayloadHex);
The decryption result, though, is always empty.
The nodejs docs state that update returns the value as string in given encoding, if provided, otherwise as Buffer. Nevertheless I tried using final as well, but no success.
P.S. In fact, I receive the encryptedPayload value and the iv from external source (they're not encrypted and generated by me), but I decided to test out the encryption (I have the plain payload value) and my encryption returns the same result as the one that I'm receiving externally.
Ok, so the problem turned out to be the padding. I got inspiration from here. I simply added
right after I crete the decipher object.
That is weird though, because padding problems could occur when encryption is done in one language and decryption in another, but should not happen when encryption and decryption are done in the same language (as I did my testing here)... If anyone has comments on the padding issue - please add them, so that future viewers can gain knowledge (as well as me).

How to decrypt cookie with nodejs

I am trying to make run this
function hex2a(hex) {
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2)
str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
return str;
//Raw cookie
var cookie = "B417B464CA63FE780584563D2DA4709B03F6195189044C26A29770F3203881DD90B1428139088D945CF6807CA408F201DABBADD59CE1D740F853A894692273F1CA83EC3F26493744E3D25D720374E03393F71E21BE2D96B6110CB7AC12E44447FFBD810D3D57FBACA8DF5249EB503C3DFD255692409F084650EFED205388DD8C08BF7B941E1AC1B3B70B9A8E09118D756BEAFF25834E72357FD40E80E76458091224FAE8";
//decryptionKey from issuers <machineKey>
var deckey = "FFA87B82D4A1BEAA15C06F6434A7EB2251976A838784E134900E6629B9F954B7";
var crypto = require('crypto');
var ivc = cookie, iv, cipherText, ivSize = 16, res = "";
ivc = new Buffer(ivc, 'hex');
iv = new Buffer(ivSize);
cipherText = new Buffer(ivc.length - ivSize);
ivc.copy(iv, 0, 0, ivSize);
ivc.copy(cipherText, 0, ivSize);
c = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', hex2a(deckey), iv.toString('binary'));
res = c.update(cipherText, "binary", "utf8");
res +='utf8');
In this Q&A, it mentions about differences about node js versions, I tried that apply that one but with out success:
res = c.update(cipherText, "binary", "utf8");
line result such result
res +='utf8');
gives this error
0606506D:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:wrong final block length
nodejs version: 4.1.2 and crypto version 0.0.3
How can I properly decrypt cookie with this algorith or can you suggest any other?
[Assuming you are trying to decrypt a .NET framework cookie]:
(Note: This answer was completely rewritten as things were not as simple as it seemed)
The encryption schema is described here, citing interesting parts:
VERIFY + DECRYPT DATA (fEncrypt = false, signData = true)
Input: buf represents ciphertext to decrypt, modifier represents data to be removed from the end of the plaintext (since it's not really plaintext data)
Input (buf): E(iv + m + modifier) + HMAC(E(iv + m + modifier))
Output: m
The 'iv' in the above descriptions isn't an actual IV. Rather, if ivType = > IVType.Random, we'll prepend random bytes ('iv') to the plaintext before feeding it to the crypto algorithms. Introducing randomness early in the algorithm prevents users from inspecting two ciphertexts to see if the plaintexts are related. If ivType = IVType.None, then 'iv' is simply an empty string. If ivType = IVType.Hash, we use a non-keyed hash of the plaintext.
The 'modifier' in the above descriptions is a piece of metadata that should be encrypted along with the plaintext but which isn't actually part of the plaintext itself. It can be used for storing things like the user name for whom this plaintext was generated, the page that generated the plaintext, etc. On decryption, the modifier parameter is compared against the modifier stored in the crypto stream, and it is stripped from the message before the plaintext is returned.
Which is (hopefully) implemented with the following script:
// Input
var cookie = "B417B464CA63FE780584563D2DA4709B03F6195189044C26A29770F3203881DD90B1428139088D945CF6807CA408F201DABBADD59CE1D740F853A894692273F1CA83EC3F26493744E3D25D720374E03393F71E21BE2D96B6110CB7AC12E44447FFBD810D3D57FBACA8DF5249EB503C3DFD255692409F084650EFED205388DD8C08BF7B941E1AC1B3B70B9A8E09118D756BEAFF25834E72357FD40E80E76458091224FAE8";
var decryptionKey = "FFA87B82D4A1BEAA15C06F6434A7EB2251976A838784E134900E6629B9F954B7";
var validationKey = "A5326FFC9D3B74527AECE124D0B7BE5D85D58AFB12AAB3D76319B27EE57608A5A7BCAB5E34C7F1305ECE5AC78DB1FFEC0A9435C316884AB4C83D2008B533CFD9";
// Parameters
var hmacSize=20
// Make buffers for input
var cookieBuffer = new Buffer(cookie, 'hex');
var decryptionKeyBuffer = new Buffer(decryptionKey, 'hex');
var validationKeyBuffer = new Buffer(validationKey, 'hex');
// Parse cookie
var curOffset=0;
var cipherText = new Buffer(cookieBuffer.length - hmacSize);
curOffset+=cookieBuffer.copy(cipherText, 0, curOffset, curOffset+cipherText.length);
var hmac = new Buffer(hmacSize);
curOffset+=cookieBuffer.copy(hmac, 0, curOffset, curOffset+hmac.length);
// Verify HMAC
var crypto = require('crypto');
var h = crypto.createHmac('sha1', validationKeyBuffer);
var expectedHmac = h.digest();
console.log('Expected HMAC: ' + expectedHmac.toString('hex'));
console.log('Actual HMAC: ' + hmac.toString('hex'));
//if(!expectedHmac.equals(hmac)) { // Note: Requires nodejs v0.11.13
// throw 'Cookie integrity error';
// Decrypt
var zeroIv = new Buffer("00000000000000000000000000000000", 'hex');
var c = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', decryptionKeyBuffer, zeroIv);
var plaintext = Buffer.concat([c.update(cipherText),]);
// Strip IV (which is the same length as decryption key -- see notes below)
var res = new Buffer(plaintext.length-decryptionKeyBuffer.length);
plaintext.copy(res, 0, decryptionKeyBuffer.length, plaintext.length);
// Output
console.log('HEX: ' + res.toString('hex'));
console.log('UTF-8: ' + res.toString('utf8'));
Giving result:
Expected HMAC: 88e332b9a27b8f6f8d805ae718c562c1c8b721ed
Actual HMAC: 6beaff25834e72357fd40e80e76458091224fae8
HEX: 010112ea9a47b2f2ce08fe121e7d78b6f2ce0801085400650073007400550073006500720016540065007300740020007400650073007400730073006f006e002c00200072006f006c0066007a006f007200012f00ff1d892908d9c497bd804f5f22eab043ff6368702c
UTF-8: ��G���}x�TestUserTest testsson, rolfzor/���ė��O_"��C�chp,
Some (random) notes about this code:
it assumes that AES is used for encryption and HMAC-SHA1 is used for authentication
as the used authentication key is not known, the integrity check condition is commented out and verification key from this very related question is used (which is the reason for authentication tag mismatch)
the padding used for AES encryption is PKCS#7
the 'modifier' field is assumed empty. If this is not the case you would have to check it and remove it from the plaintext
for production environment you definitely should check the authentication tag (otherwise you would expose yourself to nasty attacks)
to avoid even nastier attacks, the authentication tag should be tested for equality in constant time (which might be tricky to implement in nodejs). Please note that the commented-out code is very probably vulnerable to timing-attacks.
the IV length is equal to the key length (see here for the reason)
Disclaimer: I did not study the original .NET code thoroughly, nor am I a crypto expert so please do validate my thoughts
Good luck!
