Flask-restplus: how to define a nested model with 'allOf' operation? - python-3.x

Creating a python flask rest plus server application,
I'm trying to create a model for input body (in POST operation) with 'allOf' operator,
which is equivalent to the following example, taken from swagger.yaml I've created with the swagger editor:
description: something...
type: string
- oper_a
- oper_b
- oper_c
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperA'
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperB'
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperC'
It should be something like (just in my crazy imagination):
xxx_oper_model = api.model('XXXOperation', {
'oper_type': fields.String(required=True, enum['oper_a', 'oper_b', 'oper_c']),
'operation': fields.Nested([OperA, OperB, OperC], type='anyof')
when OperA, OperB, OperC are also defined as models.
How can I do that?
Actually, I prefer to use 'oneOf', but as I understand it's not supported even in the swagger editor, so I try to use the 'allOf' with not required fields.
Versions: flask restplus: 0.10.1, flask: 0.12.2, python: 3.6.2
Thanks a lot

You need to use api.inherit. As mentioned in page 30 of documentation example;
parent = api.model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String,
'class': fields.String(discriminator=True)
child = api.inherit('Child', parent, {
'extra': fields.String
this way, Child will have all properties of Parent + its own additional property extra
"Child": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Parent"
"properties": {
"extra": {
"type": "string"


How to create schema model depend on have data element on mongoDB in NodeJs?

How to create dynamically schema element depend on data have in Nodejs for MongoDB ? Which syntax can use for create, add , update data object element like as the follow json format.
WorkTasks: [
PerformedBy: "Joe",
StartDate: 2021-07-19T17:43:06.693+00:00,
EndDate: 2021-07-19T17:43:06.693+00:00,
Remarks: "Pad error",
Failure: "DDPP 20 - 090"
PerformedBy: "Karen",
StartDate: 2021-07-19T17:43:06.693+00:00
From Node.js Best Practices:
Though validation can be coded or relied upon classes and types
(TypeScript, ES6 classes) the community seems to increasingly like
JSON-based schemas as these allow declaring complex rules without
coding and share the expectations with the frontend. JSON-schema is an
emerging standard that is supported by many npm libraries and tools
(e.g. jsonschema, Postman), joi is also highly popular with sweet
syntax. Typically JSON syntax can't cover all validation scenario and
custom code or pre-baked validation frameworks like validator.js come
in handy.
Example - JSON-Schema validation rules
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#",
"title": "Product",
"description": "A product from Acme's catalog",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"description": "Name of the product",
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number",
"exclusiveMinimum": 0
"required": ["id", "name", "price"]
Example - Validating an entity using JSON-Schema
const JSONValidator = require('jsonschema').Validator;
class Product {
validate() {
const v = new JSONValidator();
return v.validate(this, schema);
static get schema() {
//define JSON-Schema, see example above

How to use scope in loopback filter in json format

I am trying to make call from my angular service to loopback api. I have a parcelStatuses collection that contains a parcelId so i am able to include parcel collection too but I also need to check against a particular vendorId and that vendorId exists in parcel collection. I am trying to make use of scope to check against particular vendorId but i think i am not writing correct json syntax/call. Here is my function inside service
private getParcelsByFilter(
limit: number,
skip: number,
vendorId: string,
filter: string
) {
const checkFilter = {
"where": {
"and": [{"statusRepositoryId": filter}]
"include": [
"parcel": [
"scope": {"vendorId": vendorId}
"limit": limit,
"skip": skip,
return this._http.get<IParcel[]>(
Here is my demo view of parcelStatus collection object
Demo json of parcel
Please help me with writing correct call
Formatting aside, there's several issues with the query:
Unnecessary and
This line:
where: {
and: [{statusRepositoryId: filter}]
Can be simplified to:
where: {
statusRepositoryId: filter
As there is only 1 where condition, and becomes redundant.
Misuse of include and scope
include is used to include relations while scope applies filters to those relations. They can work in tandem to create a comprehensive query:
include: [
relation: "parcels",
scope: {
where: {vendorId: vendorId},
This will include the parcels relation as part of the response, while filtering the parcels relation with a where filter.
That means the final code should look similar to the following:
private getParcelsByFilter(
limit: number,
skip: number,
vendorId: string,
filter: string
) {
const checkFilter = {
where: {statusRepositoryId: filter},
include: [
relation: "parcels",
scope: {
where: {vendorId: vendorId},
limit: limit,
skip: skip,
return this._http.get<IParcel[]>(
Further reading
Please review these resources to get a better understanding on how to use filters.

Adaptive Cards and Microsoft Bot Framework: will only permit 'openUrl' action?

EDIT 2: The following schema (provided by a colleague) works. I removed the quotation marks from the schema in the examples from Microsoft, but that still didn't work. I'm not sure what the issue is. I leave the question open in case someone else wants to provide an answer, but I've got it working.
const card = {
contentType: 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive',
content: {
$schema: 'http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json',
type: 'AdaptiveCard',
version: '1.0',
type: 'Input.Text',
placeholder: 'Name',
style: 'text',
maxLength: 50,
id: 'defaultInput'
actions: [
type: 'Action.Submit',
title: 'Siguiente',
data: {} // will be populated with form input values
I'm trying to make a form in my MS Bot using Adaptive Cards. I took the sample form from the MS site (https://blog.botframework.com/2019/07/02/using-adaptive-cards-with-the-microsoft-bot-framework/) but get the following error
The error seems to be thinking that my action type is Action.openUrl but I don't see that in my code, which is below. Any help much appreciated. Using Microsoft Bot Framework 3, Node 12.13.0.
function askPolicyNumber(session) {
const card = {
'$schema': 'https://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json',
'type': 'AdaptiveCard',
'version': '1.1',
'body': [
'type': 'Input.Text',
'id': 'id_text'
'type': 'Input.Number',
'id': 'id_number'
'actions': [
'type': 'Action.messageBack',
'title': 'Submit',
'data': {
'prop1': true,
'prop2': []
const msg = new builder.Message(session).attachments([card]);
return session.send(msg);
It seems that no matter what I set the action to it keeps thinking it's an openUrl action. In fact, if I set it to openUrl and give it a url property, it works fine.
I looked at this page -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-actions#adaptive-cards-actions -- and followed the instructions there for 'Adaptive Cards with messageBack action', but it didn't change anything
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "Click me for messageBack",
"data": {
"msteams": {
"type": "messageBack",
"displayText": "I clicked this button",
"text": "text to bots",
"value": "{\"bfKey\": \"bfVal\", \"conflictKey\": \"from value\"}"
There are a lot of problems with what you're doing. It is recommended that everyone use Bot Builder v4 instead of v3. The main problem that your colleague solved was that you were trying to use an Adaptive Card object as though it was an Attachment object.
The blog post you linked to explains that Adaptive Cards must follow the Adaptive Cards schema. There is no Action.messageBack in the Adaptive Cards schema. Please continue referring to the documentation for more information.

Custom mapping type in Elasticsearch 7.3.2 using nodejs

I am trying to create custom mapping type in elasticsearch 7.3.2 using nodejs client!.But it's only creating default _doc type mapping.When I provide custom doc type it throws me an error that you should give include_type_name = true but in elasticsearch 7.3.2 mapping type has been deprecated!
I have already tried giving custom mapping type with include_type_name=true.
var indexName = req.body.indexName;
var mappingType = req.body.mappingType;
const mapping = {
properties: {
name: {
type: "text",
analyzer: "autocomplete",
search_analyzer: "standard"
createdate: {
type: "date"
await esClient.indices.putMapping({
index: indexName,
type: mappingType,
body: mapping
}, (err: any, resp: any, status: any) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).json({ status, err });
res.status(200).json({ resp, status });
Expected:I am trying to create custom mapping type because when I ingest the data from Mongodb by using Transporter it takes the mapping type as the name of the collection and the mapping that I am creating which has a default _doc type mapping.
Error:"Rejecting mapping update to [tag] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [_doc, tags]" tags(collection name
Yes, that's an expected behavior in ES 7 (onwards), only a single mapping type is supported and it's is called _doc by default.
As you've noticed, you can change that behavior in ES7 by adding include_type_name=true to your call. (That won't work in ES8 anymore, though).
The thing is that you can only do it at index creation time, i.e. you cannot modify the mapping type name after the index has been created. So, since you don't control the index creation from MongoDB, all you can do is to create an index template in ES that will kick in once your index will be created.
Run this in Kibana Dev Tools before the index creation:
PUT _template/tags?include_type_name=true
"index_patterns": ["my-index*"], <--- change this pattern to match yours
"mappings": {
"tags": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "autocomplete",
"search_analyzer": "standard"
"createdate": {
"type": "date"
That way, when the my-index index gets created, it will automatically get a mapping type called tags instead of the default _doc one.

Create subscription with addon using node-recurly

Using node-recurly, I can create a subscription object and pass it to recurly.subscriptions.create call:
const subscription = {
plan_code: plan.code,
currency: 'USD',
account: {
account_code: activationCode,
first_name: billingInfo.first_name,
last_name: billingInfo.last_name,
email: billingInfo.email,
billing_info: {
token_id: paymentToken,
I would also like to add subscription_add_ons property, which, looking at the documentation, supposed to be an array of add-ons. I tried passing it like this:
subscription_add_ons: [
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
The server returned an error:
Tag <subscription_add_ons> must consist only of sub-tags named
I attempted this:
subscription_add_ons: [
subscription_add_on: {
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
Got back this error:
What's the proper format to pass subscription add on in this scenario?
The proper format is:
subscription_add_ons: {
subscription_add_on: [{
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
I ended up doing this which works whether you have 1 add-on or multiple add-ons. subscription_add_ons is an array which can contain 1 or more subscription add ons. I then send over the details (along with other info) in the subscription update call. This is similar to what you attempted in your original post so I'm not sure why that didn't work for you.
details.subscription_add_ons = [
{ subscription_add_on: {add_on_code: "stream", quantity: 3} },
{ subscription_add_on: {add_on_code: "hold", quantity: 2} }
