Installing node takes up to 8 minutes - node.js

I am on the latest High Sierra build.
When I am installing an npm (node), it takes up to 8 minutes to install...
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/node/8.5.0: 4,152 files, 47.8MB, built in 7 minutes 51 seconds
Is this normal behaviour?

It is not normal. I should take longer if you're building from the sources and shorter if you're installing the binary packages. See the install options at:
Also you can see this tutorial on installing Node using any type of those packages (binary and source) with exact commands that you need to run:
I never recommend installing a programming language runtime (Node, Python, Ruby, Perl etc.) with anything other than official packages because it can cause all sorts of problems. Those runtimes have their own package manager s that you should use to install modules and libraries and using something else for that can cause hard to track problems and is usually not worth the hassle. The only tool that I can recommend here is nvm because I've read its source code and I know what it's doing, though I would never run the recommended way of piping the curl output straight to bash without seeing what I downloaded first.


Node Version Manager runs very slow on M1 Macbook Air

I am currently finding that running Node Version Manager on my M1 Macbook (using zsh console), it is running node commands very slowly.
An npm install can take 30+ minutes to complete.
However, if I don't use NVM and decide to install the same version of node directly, the commands runs much faster as expected (2 minutes for an npm install).
I have tried using different versions of node with NVM and the commands still run slow.
I have also tried to run terminal using Rosetta and they still take forever to run.
Looking around I have seen people complain about NVM starting slowly but mine loads almost instantly, its just commands running that takes a long time.
Is this just an M1 chip issue or have I possibly done something wrong?
I had the same problem, installing the node version using the 64-bit X86 architecture fixed the issue.
Here is the instruction(look at section: Macs with M1 chip):
Eventually, I found that changing the version of node helped immensely.
I was using node 12 at the time of the question and since upgrading to node 15 using NVM, I found that it ran much quicker and was actually usable.

Angular compiler is slow between two identical model laptops

Coworker and I are trying to figure out why compilation times are different. We have the same exact Dell Laptop 7030 model, same SSD, same hard drive, same memory, specs. Our task manager process look similar.
Corporate orders the identical model computers.
We are downloading from Angular Git Repository, with config and package json, with same node size memory.
Question is, Initial build between our laptops is 2 min compared to 8 min.
When we edit a single word in same file, his only takes 5 seconds to recompile, my takes 20 seconds.
Only programs running on the identical computer is Angular command ng serve.
Does anyone have ideas to resolve this issue, and slow compile time?
Is there anything I can change in my work station to the compile speed similar?
Attemped the solutions for all coworkers, still slow
We have same Node.js versions
updated from Angular 8 to 10 in Company Project Git Repo
tried npm cache clear
attempted Uninstalling and Reinstalling Angular and Nodejs
ScanDisk from Windows does not show errors on SSD drive
compared package-lock.json with coworker, they are the exact same, compared in source control diff
turned on Windows Defender Exclusion on the Angular Git Folder
Angular compilation slow
How to speed up the Angular build process
Just noticed my laptop really stalls on styles.scss file at 48%
As you described enough, All the things are the same, whether node or angular versions, Hardware models, software and configurations. You also ensured that build pipelines are the same.
The only thing which comes to mind is a few difference in dependencies, yes the version mismatch inside node_modules packages. Considering that when you dont specify exact versions like ^x.x.x (aka semantic versioning) includes everything greater than the particular version in the same major range for dependency to be installed by npm or yarn. There's a tool named npm semver to show this. In this way, You have to check the installed packages versions too, by opening each one and looking inside package.json file. Specially for those which you think affect the performance like sass loader. Performance for each release may be different.
If you are running exactly the same codebase.
I would with a high degree of confidence say that it is
node.js or different npm versions that is the problem
try running
node --version
npm --version
yarn --version
to see which versions of them you have installed.
for angular 9 I would suggest running node 12, which is the current LTS (Long Time Support) version.
until node 14 which is also out now, but it's LTS release is not until october 2020.
I find yarn to be magnitudes faster than npm, so if you want a speed boost try running that if you haven't tried it.
Also Try clearing the npm cache, as mentioned per comments.
npm cache clear

Golang cross-compilation: gccgo - unrecognized command line option `-marm`

I'm trying to compile a Go app for linux/arm and keep running into problems on my Ubuntu machine. When I run GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build in my source directory, I get tons of erorrs that are variations of:
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option `-marm`
Running gccgo --help informs me that options starting with -g, -f -m (and others) will be passed on to any sub-processes started by gccgo, so I don't know which process it's sending -marm to.
Any clues? Ubuntu 14.10 LTS, 64bit
So thanks to a clue by Dean, I've worked out the issue and solved it.
The issue was caused by me installing Go via apt-get, then removing it (via apt-get), then installing Go from the golang website. There were still files left over from the first install, which were probably older versions and therefore didn't have support for the -marm flag.
I was going to wipe my dev machine anyway, so I did, installed Ubuntu again, installed Go from the website (not via apt-get) and everything worked first time. If you don't want to wipe your machine, then just make sure to look around to see if there are version conflicts.
I've been stung by this sort of thing before (when installing node.js via apt-get, realising it was many versions out of date, then removing, and installing node.js via source), so if anyone is reading this, be careful when installing software via apt-get, then upgrading, as you might have similar version issues like I did!

how to compile apache,mysql and php in linux

I have never used Linux OS. Want to know how we can start compiling Apache,Mysql and php in Linux and is it necessary to configure it.
I tried doing it by using cd/user/scr/httpd_2.0.09
Do we need to downloads the set up from google
Do yourself a favour and don't try to compile your own webserver etc. ;)
Aside from the fact that it's a lot of work to set up the tools for compiling, resolve dependencies, and debug possible errors, you will have to do the same procedure with every tiny update – instead of simply getting a new version via your package manager.
If you use a common distribution, install the packages required for the so-called LAMP stack, and configure them properly. That will be hard enough for starters.
If you're using Ubuntu, have a look here:
Actually installing binaries from repositories is less painful than compiling, but if you really want so, you may install Gentoo or other source-based distributive. I've simply described compilation of MySQL 5.5 in my blog.
To compile packages on Debian based systems you need to install build-essential and cmake package (and maybe some other *-dev packages, which appears to be missing during source configure).
For example to compile MySQL 5.5 it is enough to run:
cmake . #yep, with dot. Will prepare your source according to your system
make install #will install compiled binaries to system

Where is linux-tick-processor on node.js ubuntu native package installation?

I have installed Node.js on an Ubuntu 64bit server using a standard apt-get and would like to profile scripts through the "--prof" flag.
Web searching shows there should be a tool to process the v8.log output located in "deps/v8/tools/linux-tick-processor" but I don't seem to have any of those directories. Do they come with the native install? should they be installed separately? if so how?
Thank you
You need to download the source package with sudo apt-get source nodejs.The path you mentioned is in there.
You'll need to scons prof=on d8 in deps/v8 to build the debugger first, which might have some trouble on a 64-bit machine (v8 is 32-bit only), see here for more info.
Here's how I did it for Node.js 0.10.25 and 0.10.26:
I downloaded the source for Node.js that corresponds to the binaries I'm using. (I'm on Debian testing, which is a bit behind the releases from the Node.js web site.)
I checked the version of v8 bundled in the node sources. (Look at deps/v8/ChangeLog. It was 3.14.5 for Node.js 0.10.25 and 0.10.26.)
I downloaded this exact version of v8 from the v8 site.
Why? I tried running make native in Node.js deps/v8 directory but the Makefile was complaining about a missing test directory. From this we can infer that the Node developers are not including the entire v8 distribution. Once upon a time, with an earlier version of Node (0.8.something) I did build v8 from what was available in deps/v8 but this time I decided to use a different approach.
As explained in v8's build/README.txt, in the top level of the source tree for v8, I did:
$ svn co build/gyp
(Linking my installed gyp to build/gyp as suggested in OrangeDog's answer did not work. That's why I did the above.)
I ran:
$ CXX=g++-4.7 make native
Why the CXX setting? I ran into a compilation problem right away when I tried with the default gcc. I checked the version. It was 4.8 and I remembered a story on Slashdot about how 4.8 was giving people trouble. So I installed 4.7. Worked fine.
I linked out/native/d8 to a location which is in my PATH. This is because the linux-tick-processor script does a poor job at finding d8. The simplest solution was to make it available in my PATH. Your mileage may vary.
After all this, linux-tick-processor can be used with the v8.log files that Node produces.
Either install the source package - sudo apt-get source nodejs, or switch to the official source as the ubuntu packages are very out of date.
To build d8, go to the deps/v8 directory.
Create a symlink at build/gyp to the directory where gyp can be found (e.g. /usr/bin).
Run make native.
Copy/symlink out/native/d8 to somewhere on your PATH.
