Express.js - get selected item rows from a table in ejs - node.js

I'm trying to get selected rows from a table in express js.
Here is a html+ejs table code I have in my ejs view file. I'm trying to get only the rows where the checkbox is checked.
<table class="table">
<thread class = "thread-inverse">
<th>Item Id</th>
<th>Buying Price</th>
<th>Selling Price</th>
<% for(var i =0; i < itemList.length; i++){%>
<td><%= itemList[i].productId %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].itemName %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].category %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].manufacturer %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].supplier %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].buyingPrice %></td>
<td><%= itemList[i].sellingPrice %></td>
<td><input type="text" name="quantity""></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="productId" value="<%= itemList[i].productId %>"> | ADD </td>
<% } %>
I have tried several things but nothing is working..
Can anyone please give me a solution ?

Modify your code a bit,
//add a **onclick** listener on checkbox
<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="productId" value="<%= itemList[i].productId %>"> | ADD </td>
//In java script file
$('.checkbox').click(function() {
var productId = $(this).closest("tr").find('td:eq(0)').text();
//changing td:eq(x) will give you corresponding clicked row's cell

I tried with the following way, and works well.
Modify the code snippet by adding class name to :
<% for(var i =0; i < itemList.length; i++){%>
<tr class="tbl-item">
<% } %>
And implement the click function:
$(".checkbox").each(function(index) {
$(this).click(function(e) {
let item = $(".tbl-item")[index];
}) ;
Then the console will show the desired tag data and you can get every item like:


How to use "Flat Json"-Bootstrap 5 Table example with ejs + nodejs + expressjs

I want to use the "Flat Json"-Bootstrap 5 Table example. [Link][1]
I am using expressjs with nodejs and ejs.
My Code so far:
```<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<table id="table" data-toggle="table" data-flat="true" data-search="true" >
<th data-field="" data-sortable="true">Order ID</th>
<th data-field="" data-sortable="true">Liefertermin</th>
<th data-field="" data-sortable="true">Fertigstellungstermin</th>
<th data-field="" data-sortable="true">Keyline Nr</th>
<% var count = 0; %>
<% orders.forEach((order)=>{ %>
<tr data-index="<%= count %>">
<td><%= order.order_id %></td>
<td><%= order.due_at %> </td>
<td><%= order.deliver_at %> </td>
<td><%= %> </td>
<% count +=1; %>
<% }) %>
I am loading the content from my mongoDB Database. The Variable "orders" is an array of order documents.
At the moment the data is loading but the searchfield doesnt appear at all and all the styling doesnt work although I have loaded the bootsrap css and js.
i think the problem is that the is successfully sent but the respond is in json as the browser waiting
you can check data is received or not by => clicking right click on the screen =>press inspect => Network => click on the page file => then choose Response
you will find your html page with the updated data in it
you can render it from your js script after fetching api like so
await fetch(----your fetching code-----).then(res=>{;
res.text().then(function(text) {

Geting the position of an array element in node js express

i have retrieved a list of abjects from firebase onto my ejs file: and i am retrieving them in this manner:
<form id="eventform" method="post" action="/dasha">
<tbody id="event" name="event">
<input type="hidden" id="categ" name="categ" value="<%=notes[key].event %>">
<td id="evname" name="evname"><%=notes[key].event %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].location %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].codes %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].date %></td>
<% }) %>
I am however trying to implement an Onclick for so that when an item is clicked on it carries its info to the next page: I have tried to store it in aninput field like:
**<input type="hidden" id="categ" name="categ" value="<%=notes[key].event %>">**
But i just cant get the individual item it pulls the whole array when i check for the value.Any help
Here is the sample data
Then i use jquery to submit:
$(document).ready(function () {
var en = $("#evname").val();
Here is the rendered htmlsource and images /:
<tbody id="eventName" class="eventName" style="cursor: crosshair;" name="eventName">
<td id="tid" name="tid" class="tid" ><%= idx %></td>
<form name="eventForm-<%= idx %>" class="eventForm" method="post" action="/dasha">
<input type="hidden" id="categ-<%= idx %>" name="categ" class="categ" value="<%=notes[key].event %>">
<input type="hidden" id="idd" name="idd" class="idd" value="<%= idx %>">
<td id="evname-<%= idx %>" name="evname-<%= idx %>"><%=notes[key].event %></td>
<td id="elocation" name="elocation"><%=notes[key].location %></td>
<td id="ecodes" name="ecodes"><%=notes[key].code %></td>
<td id="edate" name="edate"><%=notes[key].date %></td>
<% }) %>
Here is the rendered html from the browser:
<tbody id="eventName" class="eventName" style="cursor: crosshair;" name="eventName">
<td id="tid" name="tid" class="tid">0</td>
<form name="eventForm-0" class="eventForm" method="post" action="/dasha"></form>
<input type="hidden" id="categ-0" name="categ" class="categ" value="zuri.png">
<input type="hidden" id="idd" name="idd" class="idd" value="0">
<td id="evname-0" name="evname-0">zuri.png</td>
<td id="elocation" name="elocation">zuri.png</td>
<td id="ecodes" name="ecodes"></td>
<td id="edate" name="edate">-LZfAvzWGudUK78TGtT_</td>
<td id="tid" name="tid" class="tid">1</td>
<form name="eventForm-1" class="eventForm" method="post" action="/dasha"></form>
<input type="hidden" id="categ-1" name="categ" class="categ" value="Africa Tourism Technology and Innovation Awards">
<input type="hidden" id="idd" name="idd" class="idd" value="1">
<td id="evname-1" name="evname-1">Africa Tourism Technology and Innovation Awards</td>
<td id="elocation" name="elocation">USIU – Africa</td>
<td id="ecodes" name="ecodes">AA24VI</td>
<td id="edate" name="edate">25th – 26th April, 2019</td>
<td id="tid" name="tid" class="tid">2</td>
<form name="eventForm-2" class="eventForm" method="post" action="/dasha"></form>
<input type="hidden" id="categ-2" name="categ" class="categ" value="2nd Annual Global M I C E Summit">
<input type="hidden" id="idd" name="idd" class="idd" value="2">
<td id="evname-2" name="evname-2">2nd Annual Global M I C E Summit</td>
<td id="elocation" name="elocation">Trademark Hotel</td>
<td id="ecodes" name="ecodes">RT79XV</td>
<td id="edate" name="edate">11th – 13th September, 2019</td>
You have a number of issues with your code, and despite trying to highlight them in comments there isn't enough space, hence this 'incomplete' answer
For starters you are opening a form tag before your forEach loop. You then close it during the first loop. So on your subsequent iterations there isn't a form to find.
Secondly, you have reused the same ID during the loop, which you should not do as it will generate multiple items with the same ID if you have multiple Objects you're looping through. If you have 2 elements with an ID of 'foo', using multiple of the same ID will lead to unintended consequences , each ID should be unique.
Thirdly you don't have a <table> tag around your tbody, some browsers therefore strip the tbody so you're click event will never fire. Also your rows are within a <tr> element so you should attach your click handler to this.
<form id="eventform" method="post" action="/dasha">
<tbody id="event" name="event">
<input type="hidden" id="categ" name="categ" value="<%=notes[key].event %>">
<td id="evname" name="evname"><%=notes[key].event %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].location %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].codes %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].date %></td>
<% }) %>
Now this isn't tested, and as I don't know the complete layout of your page it's a bit of a stab in the dark, but you could try something like the following and see if you have any luck
<tbody id="event-<%= idx =>" name="event" class="eventName">
<tr class="row">
<form name="eventForm-<%= idx %>" class="eventForm" method="post" action="/dasha">
<input type="hidden" id="categ-<%= idx %>" name="categ" class="categ" value="<%=notes[key].event %>">
<td id="evname-<%= idx %>" name="evname-<%= idx %>"><%=notes[key].event %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].location %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].codes %></td>
<td><%=notes[key].date %></td>
<% }) %>
And a click handler similar to
$(document).ready(function () {
let form = ev.currentTarget.querySelector('form');
A simpler version using vanilla JS can be found here

Cannot Get POST Route

I am working on a project but unable to find the bug i have made in the following code.
I dont find any issues (imo) in the following code but somehow it's not posting requests.
Im unable to receive post requests on this route:
Error: Cannot POST /campgrounds/5c023e5f1452761b2b937e91/maketreasurer"/:id/adminpanel/maketreasurer",function(req,res){
Im sending my request from this page:
<% include ../partials/header %>
//show all faculty heads
//select faculty header
//assign faculty head
<table id="t01">
<th>Faculty Number</th>
<th>Student Number</th>
<% parm.users.forEach(function(users){ %>
<td><%= users.firstname %></td>
<td><%= users.username%></td>
<td><%= users.facultynumber%></td>
<td><%= users.studentnumber%></td>
<% }); %>
Make A Treasurer
<form action="/campgrounds/<>/maketreasurer"
The error is pretty obvious,
Cannot POST `/campgrounds/5c023e5f1452761b2b937e91/maketreasurer`
where id = 5c023e5f1452761b2b937e91
Now, you're route is /:id/adminpanel/maketreasurer considering /campgrounds as base url, where is adminpanel? The post request should have been:

What is the equivalent to PHP's print_r() in C#?

I am unable to debug my post submitted data in browser like we do in PHP function:
I'm going to assume you don't need a pretty solution (I think you'd use this for anything other than debugging). Then you can simply do this:
<h1>Posted values</h1>
<% foreach (string key in Request.Form.Keys) { %>
<td><%= key %></td>
<td><%= Request.Form[key] %></td>
<% } %>
MVC (put in view file)
<h1>Posted values</h1>
#foreach (var key in Request.Form.AllKeys) {
<td>#Request.Form[key] %></td>
I hope that helps.

Loop JSON in EJS

I have codes in EJS below,
<% for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { %>
<td><%= data[i].id %></td>
<td><%= data[i].name %></td>
<% } %>
My data is like this:
I can manipulate the row to populate the table in JS => id and name but i cannot do that to description: name , url
This will output the following table (using the example data from above):
Helps appreciated.
This is because the "description" is an array. So you can use a nested loop to access its data:
<% for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { %>
<td><%= data[i].id %></td>
<td><%= data[i].name %></td>
<td><% for(var j=0; j < data[i].description.length; j++) { %>
<% } %></td>
<% } %>
