How to test advanced interactions when developing an Alexa Skill - node.js

I am developing an Alexa Skill, and I am struggling a bit in understanding if I setup everything in the best way possible to debug while developing.
Right now I am developing locally using Node.js, uploading to the cloud when ready, and testing all the responses to intents using the Service Simulator in the Test section of the developer console.
I find the process a bit slow but working... But still, I have two questions:
1) Is there a way of avoiding the process of uploading to the cloud?
And mostly important 2) How do I test advanced interactions, for examples multi-step ones, in the console? How for example to test triggering the response to an intent, but then asking the user for confirmation (Yes/No)? Right now the only way of doing it is using the actual device.
Any improvement is highly appreciated

Like #Tom suggested - take a look at for testing skills locally.
Also, the Alexa Command Line Interface was recently released and it has some command line options you might look into.
For example, the 'api invoke-skill' command lets you invoke the skill locally via the command line (or script) so you don't have to use the service simulator. Like this...
$ask api invoke-skill -s $SKILL_ID -f $JSON --endpoint-region $REGION --debug
Here is a quick video I did that introduces the ASK CLI. It doesn't specifically cover testing but it will provide a quick intro.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: Had another thought for testing locally. If you're using node and Lambda functions, you can call the index.js file from another local .js file (example: test.js) and pass in the event data and context. Here is an example:
//path to the Lambda index.js file
var lambdaFunction = require('../lambda/custom/index.js');
// json representing the event - just copy from the service simulator
var event = require('./events/GetUpdateByName.json');
var context = {
'succeed': function (data) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null,'\t') );
'fail': function (err) {
console.log(' occurred');
console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null,'\t') );
function callback(error, data) {
if(error) {
console.log('error: ' + error);
} else {
// call the lambda function
lambdaFunction.handler (event, context, callback);

Here's how I'm testing multi-step interactions locally.
I'm using a 3rd party, free, tool called BSTAlexa:
It emulates Amazon's role in accepting requests, feeding them to your skill, and maintaining the state of the interactions.
So I start my test script by configuring BSTAlexa - pointing it to my skill config (eg. intents) and to a local instance of my skill (in my case I'm giving it a local URL).
Then I feed BSTAlexa a sequence of textual requests and verify that I'm getting back the expected responses. And I put all this in a Mocha script.
It works quite well.

Please find answers (Answering in reverse order),
You can test multiple steps using simulator ( but each time you have to press and hold Mic button (Or hold on space bar). Say for example first you are asking something to Alexa with echosim and alexa responding to confirm'yes/no' then you have to press and hold mic button again to respond to confirm it.
You can automate the lambda deployment process. Please see the link,
It would be good to write complete unit tests so that you can test your logic before uploading Lambda. Also it will help to reduce the number of Lambda deployments


Using gcloud commands in nodejs application

Some gcloud commands don't have API or client library support (for example - this one).
In these cases, is there a simple way to run gcloud commands from a nodejs application?
The gcloud endpoints service commands for IAM policy are difficult for me to check quickly but, if IIRC (and if this is similar to gcloud projects commands for IAM policy), it's not that there's no API, but that there's no single API call.
What you can always do with gcloud is append --log-http to see what happens beneath the covers. With IAM policy mutations (off-top-of-head), you get the policy, mutate it, and then apply the changes back using the etag the GET gave you. The backend checks the policy's state (the etag is like a hash of the policy) and, if it's unchanged, you can make the change.
If this is what's happening here, you should be able to repro the functionality in NodeJS using the existing (!) APIs and, if you're using API Client Libraries (rather than Cloud Client libraries), the functionality will be available.
Apart from the complexity involved in shelling out to gcloud, you'll need to also authenticate it and then you'll need to (un)marshal data to the shell and manage errors. Ergo, it's messy and generally discouraged.
In node.js ,we have child_process module. As the name suggests the child_process provides function like spawn or exec that creates new child process that executes shell command like independent process. spawn is a function that takes the main command as
first argument and other command line options as an array values in place of second parameter.
So with respect to link that you share, you might end-up writing something like this :
const { spawn } = require("child_process");
const listening = spawn('gcloud', ['endpoints', 'services', 'blah', '--option','someValue']);
listening.stdout.on("data", data => {
console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
listening.stderr.on("data", data => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);
listening.on('error', (error) => {
console.log(`error: ${error.message}`);
References :
I'm not sure this directly answers your question but there is an npm package that can help you run unix commands from within the app.
Check out shell.js

Trying to write to a json file using Node fs.writeFile

I hope I'm saying this correctly. What I'm trying to do is write to a json file using fs.writeFile.
I can get it to work using the command line but what I want to do is call a function maybe a button click to update the json file.
I figure I would need some type of call to the node server which is local port 8080. I was researching and seen somebody mention using .post but still can't wrap my head around how to write the logic.
$(".button").on("click", function(event) {
fs.writeFile("./updateme.json", "{test: 1}", function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("The file was saved!");
Using jQuery along with fs? Wow that could be great! Unfortunately that is not as simple as that!
Let me introduce you to server-side VS client-side JavaScript. Well actually there are a lot of resources on the net about that - just google it, or check the answers to this other StackOverflow question. Basically JavaScript can run either on a browser (Chrome, Mozilla...) or as a program (usually a server written in NodeJS), and while the language is (almost) the same, both platforms don't have the same features.
The script that you're showing should run in a browser, because it's using jQuery and interacting with buttons and stuff (aka the DOM). Can you imagine what a mess it would be if that script could interact with the file system? Any page you'll visit will be able to crawl around in your holiday pictures and other personal stuff you keep on your computer. Bad idea! That is why some libraries like fs are not available in the browser.
Similarly, some libraries like jQuery are not available (or simply useless) in the server, because there is no HTML and user interaction, only headless programs running.
So, what can I do to write a JSON file after a user clicks on a button?
You can set up:
A NodeJS server that will write a JSON file
Make jQuery call this server with the data to be written after the user clicks on a button
If you want further guidelines on this, tell me in the comments! I'll be ready to edit my question so as to include instructions on setting up such an environment.

Running a jar file in bluemix, inside a dialog app

I'm currently trying to create an application like a Virtual Agent, using Watson Dialog. I have to use Node.js with this Watson service, but I have never used it before, so I took my time.
For now, I can use Java to call the dialog service to simulate an user. But I want to use Node.js to call Java to simulate the Agent.
In Watson Dialog, the Agent has a number of sentences written in a file like dialog.xml. But instead I want my Agent to ask specific questions according to the user's profile.
That's why I'm using a BRMS tool, written in Java. I created a .jar and want to call it in /public/demo.js to fill the variable response:
var texts = dialog.conversation.response;
var response = texts.join('<br/>');
I tried this in /public/demo.js:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var child = exec('java -jar C:\\PATH\\Example.jar',
function (error, stdout, stderr){
response += stdout;
if(error !== null){
console.log("Error -> "+error);
Using that code in another application, it works without any problem, I can run my .jar. I'm sure of it. But once written in my Bluemix app, the first line make it crash. Am I missing something in the manifest.yml file? Do I need to change a config? Or maybe it comes from the demo.js file?
Thank you for helping.

How to use lambda and api getaway to trigger a custom event?

I'm trying to understand how The AWS api gateway works with lambda. What i am wanting to do is quite simple :
When I submit a basic form in a localhosted web page, this simple action should invoke a lambda function.
I know i need to use aws api gateway to complete this action and i read some tutorials online but i can't figure out how to start a lambda function after a custom event.
Thanks yor any help.
It is easier to understand if you work backwards. First, make your custom event handler. Amazon provides a good overview of what you need to do here:
If you need more of a kick in the right direction, LithosTech has a well-written guide to handling FORM POST events in Lambda here:
At its simplest level, you're going to have a function that takes an event parameter and does something with its values:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
// TODO: Do something with,, event.*, ...
After you make this function in a .JS file, upload it using the Lambda Web console - you can do it entirely from the command line, but it's easier to use the Web interface when you're first starting out. The biggest benefit to doing it this way is that during the creation process, you'll be asked if you want to make an API gateway endpoint for the function - say yes! This will automatically create a suitable entry for you and give you the details. Drop those in your form and you're off to the races!

Speech recognition, nodeJS

I'm currently working on a tool allowing me to read all my notifications thanks to the connection to different APIs.
It's working great, but now I would like to put some vocal commands to do some actions.
Like when the software is saying "One mail from Bob", I would like to say "Read it", or "Archive it".
My software is running through a node server, currently I don't have any browser implementation, but it can be a plan.
What is the best way in node JS to enable speech to text?
I've seen a lot of threads on it, but mainly it's using the browser and if possible, I would like to avoid that at the beginning. Is it possible?
Another issue is some software requires the input of a wav file. I don't have any file, I just want my software to be always listening to what I say to react when I say a command.
Do you have any information on how I could do that?
Both of the answers here already are good, but what I think you're looking for is Sonus. It takes care of audio encoding and streaming for you. It's always listening offline for a customizable hotword (like Siri or Alexa). You can also trigger listening programmatically. In combination with a module like say, you could enable your example by doing something like:
say.speak('One mail from Bob', function(err) {
Sonus.trigger(sonus, 1) //start listening
You can also use different hotwords to handle the subsequent recognized speech in a different way. For instance:
"Notifications. Most recent." and "Send message. How are you today"
Throw that onto a Pi or a CHIP with a microphone on your desk and you have a personal assistant that reads your notifications and reacts to commands.
Simple Example:
Something a bit more complex:
Full documentation:
Disclaimer: This is my project :)
To recognize few commands without streaming them to the server you can use node-pocketsphinx module. Available in NPM.
The code to recognize few commands in continuos stream should look like this:
var fs = require('fs');
var ps = require('pocketsphinx').ps;
modeldir = "../../pocketsphinx/model/en-us/"
var config = new ps.Decoder.defaultConfig();
config.setString("-hmm", modeldir + "en-us");
config.setString("-dict", modeldir + "cmudict-en-us.dict");
config.setString("-kws", "keyword list");
var decoder = new ps.Decoder(config);
fs.readFile("../../pocketsphinx/test/data/goforward.raw", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
decoder.processRaw(data, false, false);
Instead of readFile you just read the data from microphone and pass it to recognizer. The list of keywords to detect should look like this:
read it /1e-20/
archive it /1e-20/
For more details on spotting with pocketsphinx see Keyword Spotting in Speech and Recognizing multiple keywords using PocketSphinx
To get audio data into your application, you could try a module like microphone, which I haven't used by it looks promising. This could be a way to avoid having to use the browser for audio input.
To do actual speech recognition, you could use the Speech to Text service of IBM Watson Developer Cloud. This service supports a websocket interface, so that you can have a full duplex service, piping audio data to the cloud and getting back the resulting transcription. You may want to consider implementing a form of onset detection in order to avoid transmitting a lot of (relative) silence to the service - that way, you can stay within the free tier.
There is also a text-to-speech service, but it sounds like you have a solution already for that part of your tool.
Disclosure: I am an evangelist for IBM Watson.
