node-red wait for async query for http-response - node.js

I have REST-endpoint done with node-red which do some async tasks, for example odbc-query to the database.
When I'm resulting query to the http-response. It's just hangs on browser.
Looks like I need forward req and res object to the http-response. But how I do it?
Here is the flow:
[{"id":"a35e6901.509a1","type":"http in","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","url":"/get","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":287.8571472167969,"y":1660.357177734375,"wires":[["7c116e0a.f8d67"]]},{"id":"98e22918.79bc4","type":"sqldbs","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","mydb":"8df7f8b0.bd44c","querytype":"select","name":"","x":723.5714111328125,"y":1644.6428833007812,"wires":[["de837ef9.5c1cf8"]]},{"id":"7c116e0a.f8d67","type":"function","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","func":"msq.topic = \"Select * from User\"\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":469.28570556640625,"y":1613.9286499023438,"wires":[["98e22918.79bc4"]]},{"id":"de837ef9.5c1cf8","type":"http response","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{},"x":922.1428833007812,"y":1677.8570861816406,"wires":[]},{"id":"8df7f8b0.bd44c","type":"sqldbsdatabase","z":"","host":"","port":"1433","db":"test","dialect":"mysql"}]

You need to make sure that it's the same message object that flows from the http-in node all the way to the http-out node.
This message object will have fields of msg.req and msg.res and the msg.res field will be used by the http-out node to send the response back to the browser.
Any node that takes an input and then forwards it on should preserve these field and not just create a new object for the output. All the built in nodes do this correctly and as should all the published 3rd party nodes. If you find one that does not follow this pattern you should raise a bug with the maintainer.
Your flow looks ok, but I've never used the DB nodes you have so can't comment on those.


Multiple api call

I'm trying to build a nodejs app that runs and if statement to query multiple api's to return a result. Example, running yelps api first, if it finds then break, else continue query another api such as google places or white pages api until it finds a result.
I am passing in either a name of a business, address to return a telephone number. the results expected are in json. I am drawing a blank.
so the way to achieve this is you should be able to make http req from your server side and when a result comes with a response then you should check that response. If your requested answer is not in it then you should keep on trying other API end points untill u come across with a suitable response..
so here are some npm packages to achieve this simply
http - node js built in package
Axios - here
request - here
try using one of these packages .. I would use axios .. read their doc and try to do it .. It should clear somethings out for you

How to Use HTTP Receive GET Message in Orchestration?

I have set up a HTTP Receive (req-response) adapter and the message appears to be getting to the message box. When I create an orchestration using a direct bound logical port, I am getting the message but everything I have tried to read the message body has failed (using passthrough pipeline, XML pipeline with allow unrecognized files = true) but I get exceptions any time I try to use the incoming message (message assignments, sending the message to a custom module to try to read the part(s)).
Rather than go into details on exceptions, can anyone point to instructions on what the proper way to access/use the body of the HTTP Get messages within an orchestration? To explain what I am trying to do, I want to take the query string (body) and send it verbatim to another orchestration for processing, so I simply want to extract the body (query string) from the message.
For a GET request without a body you need to use the WCF-WebHttp adapter rather than the deprecated BTSHTTPReceive.dll
With the WCF-WebHttp you can use the Variable Mapping to populate message context properties with the URI parameters.
So the answer was to NOT use the HTTP adapter for GET requests. I did not realize the HTTP adapter has effectively been deprecated. For basic GET requests I had to switch to the WCF-WebHTTP adapter and make sure to include the property in the property schema and then make sure to set the schema in the variable mapping as the property schema, not the message type schema of the incoming message. I wish the Microsoft documentation was more clear that the HTTP adapter cannot be used for very basic GET requests in which a body is not provided in the request.

Handling parallel REST post requests

I have created my own REST service based on the examples from "Domino Sample REST Service Feature" from 901v00_11.20141217-1000 version of XPages Extension Library.
As far as I understand the design of the library each REST request will be run in its own thread on the server. This approach does not allow to handle parallel POST requests to the same document.
I have not found any examples in XPages Extension Library which would handle post requests as transactions on the server, i.e. which would block the server resource for the whole request processing time and would put put next requests in the queue?
Can anybody point to the source code of the service which would allow to handle parallel requests?
The skeleton for my post request processing function is this
public Response myPost(
String requestEntity,
#Context final UriInfo uriInfo)
LogMgr.traceEntry(this, "myPost");
String myJson = ... // Process post
Response response = buildResponse(myJson);
LogMgr.traceExit(this, "myPost", "OK");
return response;
And I would like to implement something like this
// Start transaction
String myJson = ... // Process post
// Stop transaction
Is there a way to do it in Java?
I suppose you could use document locking in traditional Notes/Domino context - and synchronized in Java :-)
Have you tried any of these? I cannot see why they should not work.
I agree with John. You can use document locking to prevent simultaneous updates to the same document. You might also want to consider some changes to the definition of your REST API.
First, you imply you are using POST to update an existing document. Usually, POST is used to create a new resource. Consider using PUT instead of POST.
Second, even with document locking, you still might want to check for version conflicts. For example, let's say a client reads version 2 of a document and then attempts to update it. Meanwhile, another client has already updated the document to version 3. Many REST APIs use HTTP ETags to handle such version conflicts.

Access to requestContent within AfterRequest Script soapui

I'm trying to simulate an asynchronous response on a webservice mock. The goal is to response a synchronous acknowledge message and then a delayed message back to the replyTo address. The approach I have selected uses mock service that will handle the acknowledge and then run a test case that will handle the processed message back to the replyTo. I'm using OnRequest Script to generate the acknowledged message and AfterRequest Script to run the test case that will emulate the delay and the response back to the replyTo.
So the question is which script object I can use to have access to the requestContent. I have seen examples using:
def holder = new mockRequest.requestContent )
but the mockRequest instance is not available on AfterRequest, Which object I can use instead to have a holder with the request content?
I did find that
def holder = new mockResult.getMockRequest().requestContent )
do the trick, but now I find that running a test script in AfterRequest delays the synchronous response back, Why could this be happening? Isn't AfterRequest's script executed after the mock service response back? Do i have to explicitly execute something at Dispatch or at OnRequest in order to summit back the response before AfterRequest code being executed?
I know this is really old question, but I just faced the same issue myself. I have no idea why it works as it works, but you can avoid the problem by accessing the request content in OnRequest, then store needed information to context and use the context in AfterRequest to get the information you need.

Accessing Request, Response, Service and Db Context, etc. in ServiceStack

In my previous project, I use a framework (Agatha RRSL) similar to ServiceStack, in that everything is made of Request, Response and Handler. It also has Interceptors that can attach to handler and you can inject other interfaces to the handler as well. I can use this to open a transaction BeforeHandling, access to both request and response in AfterHandling, create audit, save to database and close transaction if needed.
I try to experiment similar with SerivceStack. But seems with Filters, I can't grab request and response together?
With custom ServiceRunner. When I try to debug OnAfterExecute(...), I can see the name of my request dto in IRequestContext {ServiceStack.ServiceHost.HttpRequestContext}. But just the name, I couldn't figure out how to retrieve the actual request object to work with the response object.
Another thing I haven't figure out is if it's possible to inject the auto wired service interface into it, like a db context or audit service. Maybe this one is too far ahead in the pipeline?
The final thing is, it seems I can only register one custom service runner? With Interceptor, I can drop a bunch of them, and they will wrap around each other.
Any thoughts? Thanks
The RequestContext also contains the HttpRequest and HttpResponse which you can get access with:
var httpReq = RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>();
var httpRes = RequestContext.Get<IHttpResponse>();
See the docs on Accessing HTTP Specific features for more info.
