I am following the instructions in the docs to generate an ecert with test attributes. But I am not being able to do it. I am using fabric-ca-client version 1.1.0-preview which according to this issue, should have support for attribute certificates (I have also tried more recent versions).
What I do:
Enroll the admin:
$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca;
fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin:adminpw#localhost:7054
Register the client:
$ fabric-ca-client register --id.name user1 --id.secret user1pw --id.type user --id.affiliation org1 --id.attrs attr1=val1:ecert
Enroll the client:
$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca/clients/user1; fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://user1:user1pw#localhost:7054
But then, openssl x509 -in /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca/clients/user1/msp/signcerts/cert.pem -text -noout shows a certificate without attributes.
Is it even possible to generate certificates with attributes using the fabric-ca-client utility? According to this issue "The "fabric-ca-client register" CLI command will be enhanced to support ...". But then, in the main documentation, it is explained as if it is already possible to do it.
If it is indeed possible, what am I doing (or may be doing) wrong? Since I am using the admin identity to register and enroll the new ecert, I assume there are no restrictions as to what attributes I may add to ecerts (however, I have also tried to follow the conditions stated here).
If it is not possible, what is the recommended way to do it? Does generation with any of the SDKs work?
It turns out I was not using fabric-ca-client version 1.1.0-preview. With that version, the sequence of commands in the question correctly generate certificates with attributes.
I'm following the AWS supply chain workshop. I created an EC2 instance and set up a VPC just like the workshop said. Now I'm connected to the EC2 instance using SSH and I've already downloaded the required packages, setup Docker, downloaded fabric-ca-client. My problem is configuring the fabric-ca client.
When I run the command fabric-ca-client enroll with the required params/flags, it retuns the following error: Error: Failed to create default configuration file: Failed to parse URL 'https://$USER:=9_phK63?#$CA_ENDPOINT': parse https://user:password#ca_endpoint: invalid port ":=9_phK63?" after host
Here's the complete command I'm trying to run: fabric-ca-client enroll -u https://$USER\:$PASSWORD#$CA_ENDPOINT --tls.certfiles ~/managedblockchain-tls-chain.pem -M admin-msp -H $HOME
I'm wondering if the ? in the password is causing the problem. If so, where can I change it?
Workshop link for reference: https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/ce1e960e-a811-475f-a221-2afcf57e386a/en-US/02-set-up-a-fabric-client/05-configure-client/06-create-fabric-admin
my name is Forrest and I am a Blockchain Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. I'd be happy to help you with this.
When using passwords with special characters, these need to be URL-encoded. For example, $ equates to %24. As OP mentioned in comments below, there is a Javascript method encodeURIComponent() that can serve this function. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent
Please make sure your environment variables are all still correctly set as well:
echo $USER
Your CA endpoint should resolve to something like:
I checkout project fabric-samples and run file startFabric.sh to start Fabric blockchain network. After that, I run node enrollAdmin.js to enroll the new admin
Now, I want to use the command line of fabric-ca-client to add a new user to org1. I execute the commands below:
Access to ca_peerOrg1 docker
docker exec -it ca_peerOrg1 bash
I check the value of
$FABRIC_CA_HOME is /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
Go to /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server directory and check command
And run this command
fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin:adminpw#localhost:7054
But it occurs error below:
Anyone could help? Thanks for reading
I just encountered the same problem. For anyone who is interested, this error indicates fabric-ca-server is running with TLS enabled.
To get rid of this error, you need to make the following changes to the fabric-ca-client command:
use https instead of http in the url
use ca host name instead of localhost in the url
provide the TLS cert file for the server's listening port via --tls.certfile
e.g. fabric-ca-client enroll -u https://admin:adminpw#ca.org0.example.com:7054 --tls.certfiles /certs/ca/ca.org0.example.com-cert.pem
The TLS cert file was generated by fabric-ca-server at startup. The default file location is $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/tls-cert.pem. Otherwise, the location is specified by $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_CERTFILE or fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
It would be grateful if someone helps me out with this. I do wanted to access the certificates and keys from the common storage . if i give the path it is creating a folder near msp and creating the certificates.
I tired by changing the path in docker-compose.yml file. The path changed but it is creating near the msp folder.
I wanted to know , where the default path must be changed.
fabric-ca-client allows you to specify the directory in which keys/certificates will be stored created by using the -M option:
fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://enrollid:enrollsecret#myca:7054 -M /path/to/myfolder
If you are using Docker to run the fabric-ca-client and want to make the key/certs available outside the Docker container, you will need to mount an external volume.
So let's say you want to store the key/certs in the /var/mycerts directory on your host system. You can do:
docker run --rm -v /var/mycerts:/var/mycerts hyperledger/fabric-ca fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://enrollid:enrollsecret#myca:7054 -M /var/mycerts
we get this error whenever we try to run fabric-ca-client. Example below:
# fabric-ca-client register --url https://ica-org:7054 --id.name user-org --id.affiliation=org
2019/03/19 20:18:07 [INFO] Configuration file location: /home/fabric-ca-client-config.yaml
2019/03/19 20:18:07 [INFO] TLS Enabled
2019/03/19 20:18:07 [ERROR] Enrollment check failed: Idemix enrollment information does not exist
Error: Enrollment information does not exist. Please execute enroll command first. Example: fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://user:userpw#serverAddr:serverPort
How can we fix this?
This happens when fabric-ca-client cannot find any X509 or Idemix identity. fabric-ca-client needs to be initialized with an identity (except when its being used to enroll a user). It first tries to load an X509 identity from the mspdir location specified in the fabric-ca-client-config.yaml file or the -M command line argument which takes precedence over mspdir in config file. And if its not able to find X509 identity it will look for an idemix identity. If this fails as well it displays the error in question.
For X509 identity:
its public cert needs to be in signcerts
and private key needs to be in keystore
and the public cert of the authority who issued the public/private keypair needs to be in cacerts folder (if an intermediate ca was used then its cert needs to be in intermediatecerts)
all the folders above are under the mspdir
Solution 1
A potential cause if the folder indicated by FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME is not created you'll get that error. You have to check if FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME points to an existing folder. This happens too when indicating a wrong MSP path
fabric-ca-client gencrl -M ~/wrong_path
Resolution to issue fabric-ca-client identity list command is as follows:
start the network with the CA option
./network.sh up -ca
after the network is up, navigate to (assumes you are already in the test-network directory):
cd organizations/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com
export cert path using this command:
export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_TLS_CERTFILES=$PWD/ca/ca.org1.example.com-cert.pem
export fabric-ca-client home using this command:
issue the following command:
fabric-ca-client identity list
Since you use TLS, you should be using the --tls.certfiles flag or set the FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_TLS_CERTFILES environment variable when using the fabric-ca-client command. This should hold the full path to your organisation's TLS certificate.
I am able to register & enroll peer/orderer identity with fabric-ca. Now I want to generate tls certs and key for that. Does anyone know how to do that?
Any reference/steps would be helpful
Use the -m and --enrollment.profile flags with the fabric-ca-client ( https://hyperledger-fabric-ca.readthedocs.io/en/latest/clientcli.html ).
fabric-ca-client enroll -m $HOSTNAME --enrollment.profile tls ...
$HOSTNAME is host to use (e.g. peer0.org1.example.com, localhost, peer0). If you need to supply multiple SANS, you can use the --csr.hosts option which takes a comma-separated list. Fabric CA has a built-in tls profile which issues X509 certs with the proper extended key usages.