Why does SparkContext.parallelize use memory of the driver? - apache-spark

Now I have to create a parallelized collection using sc.parallelize() in pyspark (Spark 2.1.0).
The collection in my driver program is big. when I parallelize it, I found it takes up a lot of memory in master node.
It seems that the collection is still being kept in spark's memory of the master node after I parallelize it to each worker node.
Here's an example of my code:
# my python code
sc = SparkContext()
a = [1.0] * 1000000000
rdd_a = sc.parallelize(a, 1000000)
sum = rdd_a.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y)
I've tried
del a
to destroy it, but it didn't work. The spark which is a java process is still using a lot of memory.
After I create rdd_a, how can I destroy a to free the master node's memory?

The job of the master is to coordinate the workers and to give a worker a new task once it has completed its current task. In order to do that, the master needs to keep track of all of the tasks that need to be done for a given calculation.
Now, if the input were a file, the task would simply look like "read file F from X to Y". But because the input was in memory to begin with, the task looks like 1,000 numbers. And given the master needs to keep track of all 1,000,000 tasks, that gets quite large.

The collection in my driver program is big. when I parallelize it, I found it takes up a lot of memory in master node.
That's how it supposed to be and that's why SparkContext.parallelize is only meant for demos and learning purposes, i.e. for quite small datasets.
Quoting the scaladoc of parallelize
parallelize[T](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD.
Note "a local Scala collection" that means that the collection you want to map to a RDD (or create a RDD from) is already in the memory of the driver.
In your case, a is a local Python variable and Spark knows nothing about it. What happens when you use parallelize is that the local variable (that's already in the memory) is wrapped in this nice data abstraction called RDD. It's simply a wrapper around the data that's already in memory on the driver. Spark can't do much about that. It's simply too late. But Spark plays nicely and pretends the data is as distributed as other datasets you could have processed using Spark.
That's why parallelize is only meant for small datasets to play around (and mainly for demos).

Just like Jacek's answer, parallelize is only demo for small dataset, you can access all variables defined in driver within parallelize block.


Can I use Spark for custom computation?

I have some (200ish) large zip files (some >1GB) that should be unzipped and processed using Python geo- and imageprocessing libraries. The results will be written as new files in FileStore, and later used for ML tasks in Databricks.
What would the general approach be, if I want to exploit the Spark cluster processing power? I'm thinking of adding the filenames to a DataFrame, and using user defined functions to process them via Select or similar. I believe I should be able to make this run in parallel on the cluster, where the workers will get just the filename, and then load the files locally.
Is this reasonable, or is there some completely different direction I should go?
Update - Or maybe like this:
zipfiles = ...
def f(x):
print("Processing " + x)
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('myApp').getOrCreate()
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(zipfiles)
Update 2:
For anyone doing this. Since Spark by default will reserve almost all available memory you might have to reduce that with this setting: spark.executor.memory 1g
Or you might run out of memory quickly on the worker.
Yes, you can use Spark as a generic-parallel-processing engine, give or take some serialization issues. For example, in one project I've used spark to scan many bloom filters in parallel, and random-access indexed files where the bloom filters returned positive. Most likely you will need to use the RDD api for such tailor made solutions.

Spark executor out of memory on join

Hi I am using spark Mllib and doing approxSimilarityJoin between a 1M dataset and a 1k dataset.
When i do it I bradcast the 1k one.
What I see is that thew job stops going forward at the second-last task.
All the executors are dead but one which keeps running for very long time until it reaches Out of memory.
I checked ganglia and it shows memory keeping rising until it reaches the limit
and the disk space keeps going down until it finishes:
The action I called is a write, but it does the same with count.
Now I wonder: is it possible that all the partitions in the cluster converge to only one node and creating this bottleneck?
Here is my code snippet:
var dfW = cookesWb.withColumn("n", monotonically_increasing_id())
var bunchDf = dfW.filter(col("n").geq(0) && col("n").lt(1000000) )
withColumn("min_distance", min(col("EuclideanDistance")).over(Window.partitionBy(col("datasetA.uid")))
filter(col("EuclideanDistance") === col("min_distance")).
I'll try to answer as best as I can.
In Spark there are things that are called shuffle operations, and they do exactly what you thought , after some calculations they transfer all the information to a single node.
If you think about it there's no other way for those operations to work without putting all the data in a single node in the end.
example for join operation:
you have to partitions on 2 different nodes
partition 1:
s, 1
partition 2:
s, k
and you want to join by the s.
If you dont get both rows on a single machine it will be impossible to calculate they need to be joined.
It is the same with count and reduce and many more operations.
You can read about shuffle operations or ask me if you want more clarification.
a possible solution for you is :
instead of only saving data in memory you can use something like :
there are other options for persist but what it does basically is saving the partitions and data not only in memory but in disk as well in a Serialized way to save space.

How does mllib code run on spark?

I am new to distributed computing, and I'm trying to run Kmeans on EC2 using Spark's mllib kmeans. As I was reading through the tutorial I found the following code snippet on
I am having trouble understanding how this code runs inside the cluster. Specifically, I'm having trouble understanding the following:
After submitting the code to master node, how does spark know how to parallelize the job? Because there seem to be no part of the code that deals with this.
Is the code copied to all nodes and executed on each node? Does the master node do computation?
How do node communitate the partial result of each iteration? Is this dealt inside the kmeans.train code, or is the spark core takes care of it automatically?
Spark divides data to many partitions. For example, if you read a file from HDFS, then partitions should be equal to partitioning of data in HDFS. You can manually specify number of partitions by doing repartition(numberOfPartitions). Each partition can be processed on separate node, thread, etc. Sometimes data are partitioned by i.e. HashPartitioner, which looks on hash of the data.
Number of partitions and size of partitions generally tells you if data is distributed/parallelized correctly. Creating partitions of data is hidden in RDD.getPartitions methods.
Resource scheduling depends on cluster manager. We can post very long post about them ;) I think that in this question, the partitioning is the most important. If not, please inform me, I will edit answer.
Spark serializes clusures, that are given as arguments to transformations and actions. Spark creates DAG, which is sent to all executors and executors execute this DAG on the data - it launches closures on each partition.
Currently after each iteration, data is returned to the driver and then next job is scheduled. In Drizzle project, AMPLab/RISELab is creating possibility to create multiple jobs on one time, so data won't be sent to the driver. It will create DAG one time and schedules i.e. job with 10 iterations. Shuffle between them will be limited / will not exists at all. Currently DAG is created in each iteration and job in scheduled to executors
There is very helpful presentation about resource scheduling in Spark and Spark Drizzle.

On which way does RDD of spark finish fault-tolerance?

Spark revolves around the concept of a resilient distributed dataset (RDD), which is a fault-tolerant collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel. But, I did not find the internal mechanism on which the RDD finish fault-tolerance. Could somebody describe this mechanism?Thanks.
Let me explain in very simple terms as I understand.
Faults in a cluster can happen when one of the nodes processing data is crashed. In spark terms, RDD is split into partitions and each node (called the executors) is operating on a partition at any point of time. (Theoretically, each each executor can be assigned multiple tasks depending on the number of cores assigned to the job versus the number of partitions present in the RDD).
By operation, what is really happening is a series of Scala functions (called transformations and actions in Spark terms depending on if the function is pure or side-effecting) executing on a partition of the RDD. These operations are composed together and Spark execution engine views these as a Directed Acyclic Graph of operations.
Now, if a particular node crashes in the middle of an operation Z, which depended on operation Y, which inturn on operation X. The cluster manager (YARN/Mesos) finds out the node is dead and tries to assign another node to continue processing. This node will be told to operate on the particular partition of the RDD and the series of operations X->Y->Z (called lineage) that it has to execute, by passing in the Scala closures created from the application code. Now the new node can happily continue processing and there is effectively no data-loss.
Spark also uses this mechanism to guarantee exactly-once processing, with the caveat that any side-effecting operation that you do like calling a database in a Spark Action block can be invoked multiple times. But if you view your transformations like pure functional mapping from one RDD to another, then you can be rest assured that the resulting RDD will have the elements from the source RDD processed only once.
The domain of fault-tolerance in Spark is very vast and it needs much bigger explanation. I am hoping to see others coming up with technical details on how this is implemented, etc. Thanks for the great topic though.

Spark job out of RAM (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError), even though there's plenty. xmx too low?

I'm getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with my Spark job, even though only 20% of the total memory is in use.
I've tried several configurations:
1x n1-highmem-16 + 2x n1-highmem-8
3x n1-highmem-8
My dataset consist of 1.8M records, read from a local json file on the master node. The entire dataset in json format is 7GB. The job I'm trying to execute involves a simple computation followed by a reduceByKey. Nothing extraordinary. The job runs fine on my single home computer with only 32GB ram (xmx28g), although it requires some caching to disk.
The job is submitted through spark-submit, locally on the server (SSH).
Stack trace and Spark config can be viewed here: https://pastee.org/sgda
The code
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Json.load()) // load everything
.map(fooTransform) // apply some trivial transformation
.flatMap(_.bar.toSeq) // flatten results
.map(c => (c, 1)) // count
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
The root of the problem is that you should try to offload more I/O to the distributed tasks instead of shipping it back and forth between the driver program and the worker tasks. While it may not be obvious at times which calls are driver-local and which ones describe a distributed action, rules of thumb include avoiding parallelize and collect unless you absolutely need all of the data in one place. The amounts of data you can Json.load() and the parallelize will max out at whatever largest machine type is possible, whereas using calls like sc.textFile theoretically scale to hundreds of TBs or even PBs without problem.
The short-term fix in your case would be to try passing spark-submit --conf spark.driver.memory=40g ... or something in that range. Dataproc defaults allocate less than a quarter of the machine to driver memory because commonly the cluster must support running multiple concurrent jobs, and also needs to leave enough memory on the master node for the HDFS namenode and the YARN resource manager.
Longer term you might want to experiment with how you can load the JSON data as an RDD directly, instead of loading it in a single driver and using parallelize to distribute it, since this way you can dramatically speed up the input reading time by having tasks load the data in parallel (and also getting rid of the warning Stage 0 contains a task of very large size which is likely related to the shipping of large data from your driver to worker tasks).
Similarly, instead of collect and then finishing things up on the driver program, you can do things like sc.saveAsTextFile to save in a distributed manner, without ever bottlenecking through a single place.
Reading the input as sc.textFile would assume line-separated JSON, and you can parse inside some map task, or you can try using sqlContext.read.json. For debugging purposes, it's often enough instead of using collect() to just call take(10) to take a peek at some records without shipping all of it to the driver.
