Perisistent in-memory database in Apache Spark - apache-spark

I have a custom foreach writer for Spark streaming. For each row I write to JDBC source. I also want to do somekind of fast lookup before I perform a JDBC operation and update the value after I perform JDBC operations, like "Step-1" and "Step-3" in below sample code ...
I don't want to use external databases like REDIS, MongoDB. I want something with low foot print like RocksDB, Derby, etc ...
I'm okay with storing one-file per application, just like checkpointing , I'll create a internal-db folder ...
I could not see any in-memory DB for Spark ..
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val brokers = "quickstart:9092"
val topic = "safe_message_landing_app_4"
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").appName("Ganesh-Kafka-JDBC-Streaming").getOrCreate();
val sparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext;
val sqlContext = sparkSession.sqlContext;
val kafkaDataframe = sparkSession.readStream.format("kafka")
.options(Map("kafka.bootstrap.servers" -> brokers, "subscribe" -> topic,
"startingOffsets" -> "latest", "" -> " Jai Ganesh", "checkpoint" -> "cp/kafka_reader"))
val sqlDataframe = sqlContext.sql("select concat ( topic, '-' , partition, '-' , offset) as KEY, string(value) as VALUE from kafka_view")
val customForEachWriter = new ForeachWriter[Row] {
override def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long) = {
println("Open Started ==> partitionId ==> " + partitionId + " ==> version ==> " + version)
override def process(value: Row) = {
// Step 1 ==> Lookup a key in persistent KEY-VALUE store
// JDBC operations
// Step 3 ==> Update the value in persistent KEY-VALUE store
override def close(errorOrNull: Throwable) = {
println(" ************** Closed ****************** ")
val yy = sqlDataframe

What you are looking for, "Spark and your in-memory DB as one seamless cluster, sharing a single process space", with support for MVCC is exactly what SnappyData provides. With SnappyData, the tables that you want to do a fast lookup on are in the same process that is running your Spark streaming job. Check it out here
SnappyData has a Apache V2 license for the core product and the specific use that you are referring to is available in the OSS download.
(Disclosure: I am a SnappyData employee and it makes sense to provide a product specific answer to this question because the product is the answer to the question)


How to create dataframe inside ForeachWriter[Row]

I have a streaming query that I'm reading from Kafka as the source. I want to perform some logic on each batch that I receive from the stream. Here's how I have done it so far
val streamDF = spark
//val bc = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(spark)
.foreach( new ForeachWriter[Row] {
def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {true}
def process(record: String) = {
val aRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq('a','b','C'))
val aDF = spark.createDataframe(aRDD)
//val aDF = bc.vlaue.createDataframe(aRDD)
// do something with aDF
def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {}
I'm using Spark 2.3.2 so I'm stuck with ForeachWriter (I cannot use foreachBatch, this would've made my life simpler). I'm also aware that the foreach() performs on executors.
So, keeping that in mind, I broadcasted sparkSession to all the executors. But that did not help either. This is the commented part of the code snippet.
I'm looking for a solution to process data as dataframe inside foreach in Spark 2.3.2 (I have to use dataframe/datasets as the operations are pretty heavy.. they include actions as well)
I found a similar question but there is no response on it --> similar q
Sorry, well not really, but NOT possible to create dataframe on an Executor.
A dataframe is a distributed collection in Spark. They are only able to be created on Driver node or via Transformation (via Actions) in your Spark App.

Filtering and selecting data from a DataFrame in Spark

I am working on a Spark-JDBC program
I came up with the following code so far:
object PartitionRetrieval {
var conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark-JDBC")
val log = LogManager.getLogger("Spark-JDBC Program")
val conFile = "/home/hmusr/ReconTest/inputdir/"
val properties = new Properties()
properties.load(new FileInputStream(conFile))
val connectionUrl = properties.getProperty("gpDevUrl")
val devUserName = properties.getProperty("devUserName")
val devPassword = properties.getProperty("devPassword")
val driverClass = properties.getProperty("gpDriverClass")
val tableName = "source.bank_accounts"
try {
} catch {
case cnf: ClassNotFoundException =>
log.error("Driver class: " + driverClass + " not found")
case e: Exception =>
log.error("Exception: " + e.printStackTrace())
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).master("yarn").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
val gpTable ="jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl)
val rc = gpTable.filter(gpTable("source_system_name")==="ORACLE").count()
println("gpTable Count: " + rc)
In the above code, will the statement:val gpTable ="jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl) dump the whole data of the table: bank_accounts into the DataFrame: gpTable and then DataFrame: rc gets the filtered data. I have this doubt as the table: bank_accounts is a very small table and it doesn't have an effect if it is loaded into memory as a dataframe as a whole. But in our production, there are tables with billions of records. In that case what is the recommended way to load data into a DataFrame using a JDBC connection ?
Could anyone let me know the concept of Spark-Jdbc's entry point here ?
will the statement ... dump the whole data of the table: bank_accounts into the DataFrame: gpTable and then DataFrame: rc gets the filtered data.
No. DataFrameReader is not eager. It only defines data bindings.
Additionally, simple predicates, like trivial equality, checks are pushed to the source and only required columns should loaded when plan is executed.
In the database log you should see a query similar to
SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE source_system_name = 'ORACLE'
if it is loaded into memory as a dataframe as a whole.
No. Spark doesn't load data in memory unless it instructed to (primarily cache) and even then it limits itself to the blocks that fit into available storage memory.
During standard process it keep only the data that is required to compute the plan. For global plan memory footprint shouldn't depend on the amount of data.
In that case what is the recommended way to load data into a DataFrame using a JDBC connection ?
Please check Partitioning in spark while reading from RDBMS via JDBC, Whats meaning of partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions parameters?, for questions related to scalability.
Additionally you can read Does spark predicate pushdown work with JDBC?

Structured Streaming Aggregations return wrong values

I have written a Structured Streaming aggregation that takes events from a Kafka Source, performs a simple count and writes them back to a Cassandra Database. The code looks like this:
val data = stream
.groupBy(functions.to_date($"timestamp").as("date"), $"type".as("type"))
val query: StreamingQuery = data
.option("checkpointLocation", config.getString("checkpointLocation") + "/" + "group-by-type")
.option("keyspace", "analytics")
.option("table", "aggregations")
.option("partitionKeyColumns", "project,type")
.option("clusteringKeyColumns", "date")
The problem is that the count is just over every single batch. So I will see counts dropping in Cassandra. The counts should never drop over a day, how can I achieve that?
I have tried using window aggregations too, same thing
So the error in this case wasn't actually in my query or in Spark.
To figure out where the problem is I used the console sink and that one did not show the problem.
The problem was in my Cassandra sink which looked like this:
class CassandraSink(sqlContext: SQLContext, keyspace: String, table: String) extends Sink {
override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = {
data.write.mode(SaveMode.Append).cassandraFormat(table, keyspace).save()
It uses the Datastax Spark Cassandra connector to write data frames.
The problem is that the variable data contains a streaming DataSet. In the ConsoleSink that's provided by Spark the DataSet gets copied into a static DataSet before writing. So I've changed it and now it works. The finished version looks like this:
class CassandraSink(sqlContext: SQLContext, keyspace: String, table: String) extends Sink {
override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = {
val ds = data.sparkSession.createDataFrame(
ds.write.mode(SaveMode.Append).cassandraFormat(table, keyspace).save()

Issue while storing data from Spark-Streaming to Cassandra

SparkStreaming context reading a stream from RabbitMQ with an interval of 30 seconds. I want to modify the values of few columns of corresponding rows existing in cassandra and then want to store data back to Cassandra. For that i need to check whether the row for the particular primary key exist in Cassandra or not if, yes, fetch it and do the necessary operation. But the problem is, i create the StreamingContext on the driver and actions get performed on Worker. So, they are not able to get the StreamingContext object reason being it wasn't serialized and sent to workers and i get this error : org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext. I also know that we cannot access the StreamingContext inside foreachRDD. But, How do i achieve the same functionality here without getting serialization error?
I have looked at fews examples here but it didn't help.
Here is the snippet of the code :
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf,30)
val receiverStream = RabbitMQUtils.createStream(ssc, rabbitParams)
val lines =
lines.foreachRDD{ x => if (x.toLocalIterator.nonEmpty) {
x.foreachPartition { it => for (tuple <- it) {
val cookieid = tuple.cookieid
val sessionid = tuple.sessionid
val logdate = tuple.logdate
val EventRows = ssc.cassandraTable("SparkTest", CassandraTable).select("*")
.where("cookieid = '" + cookieid + "' and logdate = '" + logdate+ "' and sessionid = '" + sessionid + "')
Somelogic Whether row exist or not for Cookieid
} } }
The SparkContext cannot be serialized and passed across multiple workers in possibly different nodes. If you need to do something like this you could use forEachPartiion, mapPartitons.
Else do this withing your function that gets passed around
CassandraConnector(SparkWriter.conf).withSessionDo { session =>
session.executeAsync(<CQL Statement>)
and in the SparkConf you need to give the Cassandra details
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.ui.enabled", "true")
.set("spark.executor.memory", "8g")
// .set("spark.executor.core", "4")
.set("spark.eventLog.enabled", "true")
.set("spark.eventLog.dir", "/ephemeral/spark-events")
//to avoid disk space issues - default is /tmp
.set("spark.local.dir", "/ephemeral/spark-scratch")
.set("spark.cleaner.ttl", "10000")
.set("", cassandraip)
The Java CSCParser is a library that is not serializable. So Spark cannot send it possibly different nodes if you call map or forEach on the RDD. One workaround is using mapPartion, in which case one full Parition will be executed in one SparkNode. Hence it need not serialize for each call.Example
val rdd_inital_parse = rdd.mapPartitions(pLines).
def pLines(lines: Iterator[String]) = {
val parser = new CSVParser() ---> Cannot be serialized, will fail if using => parseCSVLine(x, parser.parseLine))
Try with x.sparkContext.cassandraTable() instead of ssc.cassandraTable() and see if it helps

Handle database connection inside spark streaming

I am not sure if I understand correctly how spark handle database connection and how to reliable using large number of database update operation insides spark without potential screw up the spark job. This is a code snippet I have been using (for easy illustration):
val driver = new MongoDriver
val hostList: List[String] = conf.getString("mongo.hosts").split(",").toList
val connection = driver.connection(hostList)
val mongodb = connection(conf.getString("mongo.db"))
val dailyInventoryCol = mongodb[BSONCollection](conf.getString("mongo.collections.dailyInventory"))
val stream: InputDStream[(String,String)] = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder, (String, String)](
ssc, kafkaParams, fromOffsets,
(mmd: MessageAndMetadata[String, String]) => (mmd.topic, mmd.message()));
def processRDD(rddElem: RDD[(String, String)]): Unit = {
val df = => {
}).flatMap(x => x).toDF()
if (!isEmptyDF(df)) {
var mongoF: Seq[Future[dailyInventoryCol.BatchCommands.FindAndModifyCommand.FindAndModifyResult]] = Seq();
val dfF2 = df.groupBy($"CountryCode", $"Width", $"Height", $"RequestType", $"Timestamp").agg(sum($"Frequency")).collect().map(row => {
val countryCode = row.getString(0); val width = row.getInt(1); val height = row.getInt(2);
val requestType = row.getInt(3); val timestamp = row.getLong(4); val frequency = row.getLong(5);
val endTimestamp = timestamp + 24*60*60; //next day
val updateOp = dailyInventoryCol.updateModifier(BSONDocument("$inc" -> BSONDocument("totalFrequency" -> frequency)), false, true)
val f: Future[dailyInventoryCol.BatchCommands.FindAndModifyCommand.FindAndModifyResult] =
dailyInventoryCol.findAndModify(BSONDocument("width" -> width, "height" -> height, "country_code" -> countryCode, "request_type" -> requestType,
"startTs" -> timestamp, "endTs" -> endTimestamp), updateOp)
mongoF = mongoF ++ dfF2
//split into small chunk to avoid drying out the mongodb connection
val futureList: List[Seq[Future[dailyInventoryCol.BatchCommands.FindAndModifyCommand.FindAndModifyResult]]] = mongoF.grouped(200).toList
//future list
futureList.foreach(seqF => {
Await.result(Future.sequence(seqF), 40.seconds)
Basically, I am using Reactive Mongo (Scala) and for each RDD, I convert it into dataframe, group/extract the necessary data and then fire a large number of database update query against mongo. I want to ask:
I am using mesos to deploy spark on 3 servers and have one more server for mongo database. Is this the correct way to handle database connection. My concern is if database connection / polling is opened at the beginning of spark job and maintained properly (despite timeout/network error failover) during the whole duration of spark(weeks, months....) and if it will be closed when each batch finished? Given the fact that job might be scheduled on different servers? Does it means that each batch, it will open different set of DB connections?
What happen if exception occurs when executing queries. The spark job for that batch will failed? But the next batch will keep continue?
If there is too many queries (2000->+) to run update on mongo-database, and the executing time is exceeding configured spark batch duration (2 minutes), will it cause the problem? I was noticed that with my current setup, after abt 2-3 days, all of the batch is queued up as "Process" on Spark WebUI (if i disable the mongo update part, then i can run one week without prob), none is able to exit properly. Which basically hang up all batch job until i restart/resubmit the job.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate if you can help me address the issue.
Please read "Design Patterns for using foreachRDD" section in This will clear your doubts about how connections should be used/ created.
Secondly i would suggest to keep the direct update operations separate from your Spark Job. Better way would be that your spark job, process the data and then post it into a Kafka Queue and then have another dedicated process/ job/ code which reads the data from Kafka Queue and perform insert/ update operation on Mongo DB.
