If the size of the file exceeds the maximum size of the file system, what happens? - linux

For example, In FAT32 partition, The maximum file size is 4GB. but I was able to create a 5GB file with vim and I saved the file and opened it again, the console output was broken like a staircase. I have three questions.
If the size of the file exceeds the maximum size of the file system, what happens?
In my case, Why break?
In Unix system call, stat() can succeed up to a 2GB(2^31 - 1). Does this have anything to do with the file system? Is there a relationship between the limits of data in stat() and the limits of each feature in the file system?

If the size of the file exceeds the maximum size of the file system, what happens?
By definition, that can never happens. What really happens is that some system call (probably write(2) ...) is failing, and the code doing that should take care of that case.
Notice that FAT32 filesystems restrict the maximal size of files to 2Gigabytes. Use a better file system on your USB key if you want more (or split(1) large files in smaller chunks before copying them to your FAT32-formatted USB key).
If using <stdio.h> notice that fflush(3), fprintf(3), fclose(3) (and most other standard functions) can fail (e.g. because they will do some failing write(2)).
the console output was broken like a staircase
probably because your pseudoterminal was in some broken state. See stty(1), reset(1), termios(3) and read the tty demystified.
In Unix system call, stat() can succeed up to a 2GB(2^31 - 1)
You are misunderstanding stat(2). Read again its documentation
Read Advanced Linux Programming then syscalls(2).
I was able to create a 5GB file with vim
To understand the behavior of vim read first its documentation then study its source code (it is free software, and you can and perhaps should study its code).
You could also use strace(1) to understand what system calls are done by some command or process.


Efficiently inserting blocks into the middle of a file

I'm looking for, essentially, the ext4 equivalent of mremap().
I have a big mmap()'d file that I'm allocating arrays in, and the arrays need to grow. So I want to make the first array larger at its current location, and budge all the other arrays along in the file and the address space to make room.
If this was just anonymous memory, I could use mremap() to budge over whole pages in constant time, as long as I'm inserting a whole number of memory pages. But this is a disk-backed file, so the data needs to move in the file as well as in memory.
I don't actually want to read and then rewrite whole blocks of data to and from the physical disk. I want the data to stay on disk in the physical sectors it is in, and to induce the filesystem to adjust the file metadata to insert new sectors where I need the extra space. If I have to keep my inserts to some multiple of a filesystem-dependent disk sector size, that's fine. If I end up having to copy O(N) sector or extent references around to make room for the inserted extent, that's fine. I just don't want to have 2 gigabytes move from and back to the disk in order to insert a block in the middle of a 4 gigabyte file.
How do I accomplish an efficient insert by manipulating file metadata? Is a general API for this actually exposed in Linux? Or one that works if the filesystem happens to be e.g. ext4? Will a write() call given a source address in the memory-mapped file reduce to the sort of efficient shift I want under the right circumstances?
Is there a C or C++ API function with the semantics "copy bytes from here to there and leave the source with an undefined value" that I should be calling in case this optimization gets added to the standard library and the kernel in the future?
I've considered just always allocating new pages at the end of the file, and mapping them at the right place in memory. But then I would need to work out some way to reconstruct that series of mappings when I reload the file. Also, shrinking the data structure would be a nontrivial problem. At that point, I would be writing a database page manager.
I think I actually may have figured it out.
I went looking for "linux make a file sparse", which led me to this answer on Unix & Linux Stack Exchange which mentioned the fallocate command line tool. The fallocate tool has a --dig-holes option, which turns parts of a file that could be represented by holes into holes.
I then went looking for "fallocate dig holes" to find out how that works, and I got the fallocate man page. I noticed it also offers a way to insert a hole of some size:
-i, --insert-range
Insert a hole of length bytes from offset, shifting existing
If a command line tool can do it, Linux can do it, so I dug into the source code for fallocate, which you can find on Github:
case 'i':
It looks like the fallocate tool accomplishes a cheap hole insert (and a move of all the other file data) by calling the fallocate() Linux-specific function with the FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE flag, added in Linux 4.1. This flag won't work on all filesystems, but it does work on ext4 and it does exactly what I want: adjust the file metadata to efficiently free up some space in the file's offset space at a certain point.
It's not immediately clear to me how this interacts with currently memory-mapped pages, but I think I can work with this.

Syncing a file system that has no file on it

Say I want to synchronize data buffers of a file system to disk (in my case the one of an USB stick partition) on a linux box.
While searching for a function to do that I found the following
sync() causes all buffered modifications to file metadata and
data to be written to the underlying file sys‐
syncfs(int fd) is like sync(), but synchronizes just the file system
containing file referred to by the open file
descriptor fd.
But what if the file system has no file on it that I can open and pass to syncfs? Can I "abuse" the dot file? Does it appear on all file systems?
Is there another function that does what I want? Perhaps by providing a device file with major / minor numbers or some such?
Yes I think you can do that. The root directory of your file system will have at least one inode for your root directory. You can use the .-file to do that. Play also around with ls -i to see the inode numbers.
Is there a possibility to avoid your problem by mounting your file system with sync? Does performance issues hamper? Did you have a look at remounting? This can sync your file system as well in particular cases.
I do not know what your application is, but I suffered problems with synchronization of files to a USB stick with the FAT32-file system. It resulted in weird read and write errors. I can not imagine any other valid reason why you should sync an empty file system.
From man 8 sync description:
"sync writes any data buffered in memory out to disk. This can include (but is not
limited to) modified superblocks, modified inodes, and delayed reads and writes. This
must be implemented by the kernel; The sync program does nothing but exercise the sync(2)
system call."
So, note that it's all about modification (modified inode, superblocks etc). If you don't have any modification, it don't have anything to sync up.

File Writing through C program

When we open a file using fopen() in C(Ubuntu platform and gcc compiler) and write to it,does the content is directly written to the hard disk address where the file resides or is it first brought into primary memory?
What is the actual process with which a file could be written or read from its location in hard disk through a C program in Linux.
The C library does not make the actual write to disk. It is the job of operating system. C library will make a system call to kernel to write it to the disk. It may even implement a buffer to minimize the number of system calls. And kernel also implement buffer to optimize real writing to disk. In general when you are working with C you don't think this much low level. However, you need to ensure that you have closed the file correctly. The actual disk management is the job of OS.
The Design of the UNIX Operating System by Maurice J. Bach contains nice explanation of Unix kernel. You may have a look as a beginning.
Under UNIX-like systems, generally, there are two levels of caching when writing information to a file on disk.
The first is in the C run time libraries, where it's likely to be buffered (unless you turn off buffering in some manner). You can use a C call like fflush to flush these buffers.
The second is at the operating system level, where buffers are held, before being written to the physical disk. A call to fsync can force these buffers to be flushed to disk.

how does kernel handle new file creation

I wish to understand the way kernel works when a user/app tries to create a file in a directorty.
The background - We have a java applicaiton which consumes messages over JMS, processes it and then writes the XML to an outbound queue+a local directory. Yesterday we obeserved unsual delays in writing to the directory. On 'ls|wc -l' we found >300,000 files in there. Did a quick strace on the process and found it full of mutex calls (More than 3/4 calls in the strace were mutex).
So i thought that new file creation is taking time becasue the system has to every time check certain things (e.g name of files to make sure that the new file with a specific name can be created) amongst 300,000 files and then create a file.
I cleared the directory and the applicaiton resumed to normal service levels.
My questions
Was my analysis correct (It seems cuz the app started working fine after a clear down)?
More imporatant, how does the kernel work when you try to creat a new file in directory.
Can the abnormal number of mutex calls be attributed to the high number of files in the directory?
Many thanks
Please read about the Linux Filesystem, i-nodes and d-nodes.
The file system is organized into fixed-sized blocks. If your directory is relatively small, it fits in the direct blocks and things are fast. If your directory is not too big, it fits in the direct blocks and some indirect blocks, and is still reasonably fast. If your directory becomes too big, it spills into double indirect blocks and becomes slow.
Actual sizes depend on file system and kernel configuration.
Rule of thumb is to keep the directory under 12 blocks, depending on your block size. Many systems use 8K blocks; a fast directory is under 98,304 bytes.
A file entry is something like 16*4 bytes in size (IIRC), so plan on no more than 1500 files per directory as a practical upper limit.
Directories with large numbers of entries are often slow - how slow depends on the underlying filesystem.
The common solution is to create a hierarchy of directories, so each dir only has a few hundred entries.
Mutex system calls are a result of the application (probably something in the JVM or the Java libraries) making mutex calls.
Synchronisation internal to the kernel you will not see via strace, as this only examines system calls themselves.
A directory with lots of files should not become inefficient if you are using a filesystem which uses directory indexes; most now do (ext3 does optionally but it's normally enabled nowadays).
Non-indexed directories (like those used on the bad old filesystems - ext2, vfat etc) get really bad with lots of files, and you'll see the "open" system call taking a lot longer.

Estimation or measurement of amount of iops to create a file

I'd like to know how many I/O operations (iops) does it take to create an empty file. I am interested in linux and GFS file system, however other file systems information is also very welcome.
Suggestions how to accurately measure this would be also very welcome.
Real scenario (requested by answers):
GFS file system (if you can estimate for another - pls do)
create a new file in existing directory, the file does not exist,
using the following code
Assume directory is in cache and directory depth is D
int fd = open("/my_dir/1/2/3/new_file", O_CREAT | S_IRWXU);
// assuming fd is valid
For an artifical measurement:
Create a blank filesystem on its own block device (e.g. vmware scsi etc)
Mount it, call sync(), then record the number of IOPS present on that block dev.
Run your test program against the filesystem, and do no further operations (not even "ls").
Wait until all unflushed blocks have been flushed - say about 1 minute or so
Snapshot the iops count again
Of course this is highly unrealistic, because if you created two files rather than one, you'd probably find that there were less than twice as many.
Also creating empty or blank files is unrealistic - as they don't do anything useful.
Directory structures (how deep the directories are, how many entries) might contribute, but also how fragmented it is and other arbitrary factors.
The nature of the answer to this question is; best case, normal case, worst case. There is no single answer, because the number of IOPS required will vary according to the current state of the file system. (A pristine file system is highly unrealistic scenario).
Taking FAT32 as an example, best case is 1. Normal case depends on the degree of file system fragmentation and the directory depth of the pathname for the new file. Worse case is unbounded (except by the size of the file system, which imposes a limit on the maximum possible number of IOPs to create a file).
Really, the question is not answerable, unless you define a particular file system scenario.
I did the following measurement, we wrote an application that creates N files as described in the question.
We ran this application on a disk which was devoted to this application only, and measured IOps amount using iostat -x 1
The result, on GFS and linux kernel 2.6.18 is 2 IOps per file creation.
This answer is based on MarkR answer.
