Nodemailer gmail copy - node.js

I am using nodemailer to send email using gmail, the email as send, but it store in on gmail account.
Any parameter on nodemailer to disable storage copy on send email?

If you're using a gmail smtp service this situation is not preventable. You have only 2 workarounds, first is to use another service (obviously) or use a filter from gmail side to delete mail from a specific field. The below reference is quite old but still valid.
Reference :!msg/gmail/reIlN3wHNYw/cznTPjdAa4IJ
On how to create a filter :


create outbuond smtp server using smtp-server nodejs

I was trying to create a SMTP server using nodejs module "smtp-server" and referred this: When I tried to send mail using nodemailer to server it went properly but when I tried to send mail to gmail account it was never receiver there.
I set up dkim and SPF for my smtp server and checked them using online checkers and my code is same as before as I mentioned here: Could not send mail to users email using my smtp server on website
For sending mail to gmail account I assumed that server automatically redirects mail to gmail server if I put my gmail account in "to:" section of message. Later I studied multiple article and found that there is some thing like outbounding which is used to redirect mail to other server. Kindly tell me how can I set it up for smtp-server module.

Allow customer to send me email

I'm bulding website where I want to allow future customers to send me an email. I'm using Node.js to handle sending and thought SendGrid would be good solution. There's actually problem, because SendGrid requires me to define sender and that's impossible because I'd like to customer fill form with his email, etc so I would get this data on my inbox. Is it even possible with SendGrid or maybe there's other tool that would fit me better?
Thanks in advance
what I have implemented in the past was a solution where the application sends an email to it self, and the email address of the user was added to the email header reply-to, this way whenever somebody with the access to the email client would press the Reply button, the user's mail would be the destination.
Example: ---> Sends an email to ---> (with the user's message and his email address in the mail header reply-to).

How to receive emails with mailgun in Node.js?

I'm already using mailgun to send some data to an email (my gmail account). Now I want to receive emails using
I saw this other question with 2 answers that seem useless.
I have already set a Route so I receive any msg send to ** and to forward them to my personal email at gmail:
So I tried sending an email to my personal gmail but I'm not receiving any emails.
I have my website on a VPS in digital ocean in case that is important.
So I just needed to add the MX records to DigitalOcean provided by mailgun here:
(link for more info:
Now I send data from another email to and then I recieve it.
When I try sending data to from the same domain that is set in the forward rule it does not work so try with a third party email it you have any problems.

Send email from using SendGrid in Azure

I have my web app working in azure. What I would like is to be able to send emails from Is that possible using SendGrid?
For example, if I use gmail's smtp, emails are sent from the email address specified in the NetworkCredentials user name, even if in the MailMessage I use a different email address.
If I use SendGrid instead, will emails come from the user name created by azure or will I be able to achieve this?
You will be able to send email from whatever address you want, just specify the correct from address (e.g. when sending the email.
You will need to use what SendGrid calls "Whitelabels":
To access this page, log into then click on Settings > Whitelabels > Domains:
SendGrid will then ask you to enter 3 CNAME records to prove that you own/ have authorised access to that domain.

Choose email account before sending mail?

I am creating a application with mail sending functionality. I am sending mail using MFMailComposeViewController. What I want to do is if there are multiple Mail accounts configured on user device then before sending mail it should ask for the sender email account. That from which user wants to send mail.
Is there any way to do this or this is provided by default. I am working on simulator so can't test right now.
First you need to set multiple accounts in your mail app. If you have multiple accounts there than while presenting MFMailComposer View there in from field it will allow you to choose your mail account from which you want to send mail. Its a default behaviour of Mail Composer.
Hope this helps :)
