Orchard CMS - remove an alternative - orchardcms

I have created a shape alternative, 'List.cshtml' but don't need this.
Now that I deleted the file from the Views folder, Blog Post list throws an error trying to find view file in theme directory and list of Content items in dashboard doesn't display any items.
So how do I delete a published view alternative and have Orchard go back to using the version from the module?
Version 1.10.0

Sounds like you need to restart the site. I recommend going into IIS and recycle the app pool.
Is this a deployed version of the site? I think that is the only time it will error when you remove a view file, if you're running the source in Visual Studio it will go back up the cascade to the proper view file/location.


SPSolution Pages: Where are they found?

I am currently training on sharepoint and have few weeks experice with regards to development in sharepoint. My current task involves deploying a .wsp solution on a server farm, and did that using the powershell through the Add-SPSolution, Install-SPSolution, and did that successfully. The problem I am encountering is that in the spsolution I had a webpage named TestPage.aspx, I cant find where the page is residing such that I can access it. there a specific place where the page resides or any command which I can use?
Visual Studio usually creates a folder for application pages, so you may try:
where foldername is the name of your project/solution.
If you get "The resource cannot be found" - HTML 404 error, the site is not there.
Otherwise, even if it says "An Unexpected error has occurred" it does not mean the site is not there.
The site may exist, but has some errors. In that case the best way would be to check Windows Event Viewer and logs.
You cannot just add an aspx file and deploy on sharepoint.
Maybe what you are after is how to deploy an application page, an application page sits at the application level, so every site collection will be able to access it.
How to deploy an application page:
To add an application page do the following:
create a new empty sharepoint project
add "Sharepoint "Layouts" Mapped Folder to the project
in layouts folder create a folder (usually the name of the project)
add an application page to that folder.
that application uses sharepoint masterpage, put some content in.
Deploy using visual studio or compile and deploy the wsp using the method above
access the page in /_layouts/foldernamed/test.aspx*
If you are looking only to add some content to a sharepoint page, then I suggest you use a visual web control. it is basically a user control wrapped in a webpart. After deployed you can add it to a webpart page that you can create using the Sharepoint UI.

Remove default Site Templates in Liferay

I am working with Liferay 6.1. The default Liferay comes with 2 Site Templates (Community Site Template, Intranet Site).
Is there any way to have a default Liferay instance without these Site Templates? That means, if I start Liferay, it should not install/add these Site Templates.
Few updates
I checked portal.properties, did not find any property to control this.
I checked the portal-data-sample.vm and portal-data-*.sql files, did not find any entry in LayoutSetPrototype table.
Any help would be great!
I think that the initial DB scripts are setting these Templates. For example, if you try opening a clean Liferay portal, in /data/hsql/lportal.script, you can see that the initail portal will have these values , eg.:
INSERT INTO LAYOUT VALUES(NULL,27,23,1,NULL,NULL,'1',1,0,'<?xml version="1.0"?>\u000a\u000a<root>\u000a <name>Liferay, Inc. Intranet</name>\u000a</root>',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'portlet','layout-template-id=2_columns_ii\u000acolumn-1=3,\u000acolumn-2=19,','0','/1',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL)
INSERT INTO LISTTYPE VALUES(10012,'intranet','com.liferay.portal.model.Account.website')
INSERT INTO LISTTYPE VALUES(10013,'public','com.liferay.portal.model.Account.website')
INSERT INTO LISTTYPE VALUES(12019,'intranet','com.liferay.portal.model.Organization.website')
INSERT INTO LISTTYPE VALUES(12020,'public','com.liferay.portal.model.Organization.website')
I think that your best bet is to alter the Liferay portal, and bundle it for your next installations, something like:
install the portal
set up with the absolut minimum configs, and set your Templates
export your database
shutdown your server
replace the initial db scripts with your script
delete the portal-setup-wizard.properties and portal-ext.properties, so after each time you deploy your site, the setup will run again
compress your Liferay Folder from the parent folder of 'data' and keep it as a starting bundle for your next projects
I finally found the place. Liferay has the new set of events. One of them is AddDefaultDataAction. This calls one more action called AddDefaultLayoutPrototypesAction. In this class, the liferay creates default site templates.

Issues with converting HTML file to master page in SharePoint 2013

Right now I have an HTML file and I'm trying to convert it to a master page. I'm using a VM on CloudShare.
So I create a new site collection and go into the site settings. Under “Look and Feel”, Design Manager isn’t there so I’ve found that if I go to “Site Collection Features” under “Site Collection Administration”, and activate “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” Design Manager will show up. So I go into design manager, but under Edit Master Pages none of the file or folder names will show up, and when I convert the html file the status column doesn’t show up either, so I can’t go to preview it or to the snippets gallery.
The only thing I can find online is to create a new site collection, which I’ve tried a few times. This happened on my old CloudShare VM, and creating a new site collection fixed it, but it’s not working for this. Can anyone help?
Personally when working with new master pages I have found that the best application to use is SharePoint Designer. You should be able to download it for free. Here are the instructions to configure SharePoint designer using it with CloudShare.
Figured it out - I made a new site collection and set it to a Publishing site template and it fixed the issue.

Kentico Not Showing Added Pages from Visual Studio 2010

I am working with Kentico in Visual Studios (web project) on my local computer. When I add folders or files to the solution and then run it in the browser, the pages do not show up in the CMS desk or site manager. Am I creating these folders/files in the wrong place in the solution (ex: {directory of web project}/CMSPages/filename.aspx)? Or maybe have incorrect settings?
This is not the way how it works - the system has no idea about your pages if you place them on the file system. However, you can create ASPX page templates and then use then for the documents. Please see the Devnet forum
Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus
Where Do you want to use this page?
In the visitor sites or CMS Page
If you want to use visitor site you can create a webpart and add you webpart to the Page create on content tree.
If you want to use in the cmsdesk the you need to register your page in the module

Deploying Layouts in SharePoint

I am developing publishing site. I have some layouts that are pre-populated with web parts and have a problem when I need to make some change on the layout.
Deployment succeeds but I still see old version. If make I change in SP Designer it is reflected OK but not if the change is done by the feature that is being deployed.
It looks like after I deploy particular layout any site collection in that web application will have the first version.
I have tried deleting complete site, all the pages, layouts and nothing happens, after deployment I still see old layout.
Current solution for this problem was that I take new virtual image and start with clean machine.
Real problem is how to solve this on clients installation without reverting to clean machine. There will be some bug fixes and I will have to send new WSP file with some changes in layout.
Is there any way to force SharePoint to use newly deployed layout and not some old Unghosted version?
If the layouts are without web parts I don't have this problem.
I am using default "Publishing Portal" and deploying layouts using features. For development I am using VSeWSS 1.3.
tried in SharePoint designer to detach page from layout and attach it again but still no results.
Since you are using VSeWSS, you can execute your own code upon feature activation. So try writing an SPFeatureReceiver that will call SPWeb.RevertAllDocumentContentStreams() to reghost directly after feature activation on the web(s) in question.
If this doesn't work, then the problem isn't about ghosting, maybe it's about Orphans then. But try this first.
If it's a feature that you are deploying you have do deactivate the feature and activate it after deployment again. And don't forget to do an IISRESET or an AppPool recycle.
If your new site collection has the first version of the layout make sure that it is really your new feature version that you are activating.
Try to reject your solution first and add the new one after that.
Are you using Site Definitons or Site Templates? If you are using either of these it may not update after initial provisioning.
Try completely retracting and deleting the solution from central admin, resetting AppPools and then redeploying the solution.
Make sure your element manifest for your feature specifies that existing files should be overwritten.
Looks like some folks have had problems with layouts too...
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms459213.aspx
If you are developing new sitedefinition, you can attach your new layout in the onet.xml file by using the property, i hope it will help you
