Keras Regression Not predicting High values - python-3.x

I am trying to build a regressor with Keras but it seems my model is not able to predict very high values and hence giving me high (Mean Absolute) loss at the output. Other than that, it can recognize the pattern as shown below.
def build_model(features):
# create model
main_input = Input(shape=(len(features[0]),), dtype='float32', name='main_input')
main_out = Dense(20, kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", bias_initializer="glorot_uniform", activation='tanh')(main_input)
x = Dropout(0.1)(main_out)
output = Dense(1, name='main_output')(x)
model = Model(inputs=[main_input], outputs=[output])
return model
After I normalized both my input and output and edited the model, I still have the problem that my regressor cannot predict very high values.


how can i improve number predictions?

I've got some number classification model, on test data it works OK, but when I want to classifier other images, I faced with problems that my model can't exactly predict what number is it. Pls, help me improve the model.predict() performance.
I've tried to train my model in many ways, in the code below there is a function that creates classification model, I trained this model actually many ways, [1K < n < 60K] of input test data, [3 < e < 50] of trained iterations.
def load_data():
(train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
train_images = tf.keras.utils.normalize(train_images, axis = 1)
test_images = tf.keras.utils.normalize(test_images, axis = 1)
return (train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels)
def create_model():
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation = tf.nn.relu))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation = tf.nn.relu))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation = tf.nn.softmax))
data = load_data(n=60000, k=5)
model.compile(optimizer ='adam',
metrics=['accuracy'])[0][0][:n], data[0][1][:n], epochs = e)# ive tried from 3-50 epochs
def load_model():
return tf.keras.models.load_model(config.model_name)def predict(images):
model = load_model()
model = load_model()
images = tf.keras.utils.normalize(images, axis = 0)
d = load_data()
plot_many_images([d[0][0][0].reshape((28,28)), images[0]],['data', 'image'])
predictions = model.predict(images)
return predictions
I think that my input data isn't looking like the data is predicting model, but I've tried to make it as similar as I can. On this pic( on the LEFT is train data image, and on RIGHT is my parsed image, they are both 28x28 pix, both a cv2.noramalized
for the test image predictions I've used this( sudoku, it's already formatted to be similar with a test data numbers, but when I test this image with the model prediction the result is not so nice(
As you can see predicted data leaves much to be desired.
P.S. the (' ') items in predicted data result made by my hands(I've replaced numbers at that positions by ' '), cos after predictions they all have some value(1-9), its not necessary now.
what do you mean "on test data it works OK"? if you mean its works good for train data but do not has a good prediction on test data, maybe your model was over-fit in training phase. i suggest to use train/validation/test approach to train your network.

Modify ResNet50 output layer for regression

I am trying to create a ResNet50 model for a regression problem, with an output value ranging from -1 to 1.
I omitted the classes argument, and in my preprocessing step I resize my images to 224,224,3.
I try to create the model with
def create_resnet(load_pretrained=False):
if load_pretrained:
weights = 'imagenet'
weights = None
# Get base model
base_model = ResNet50(weights=weights)
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-3)
base_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=optimizer)
return base_model
and then create the model, print the summary and use the fit_generator to train
history = model.fit_generator(batch_generator(X_train, y_train, 100, 1),
validation_data=batch_generator(X_valid, y_valid, 100, 0),
shuffle = 1)
I get an error though that says
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected fc1000 to have shape (1000,) but got array with shape (1,)
Looking at the model summary, this makes sense, since the final Dense layer has an output shape of (None, 1000)
fc1000 (Dense) (None, 1000) 2049000 avg_pool[0][0]
But I can't figure out how to modify the model. I've read through the Keras documentation and looked at several examples, but pretty much everything I see is for a classification model.
How can I modify the model so it is formatted properly for regression?
Your code is throwing the error because you're using the original fully-connected top layer that was trained to classify images into one of 1000 classes. To make the network working, you need to replace this top layer with your own which should have the shape compatible with your dataset and task.
Here is a small snippet I was using to create an ImageNet pre-trained model for the regression task (face landmarks prediction) with Keras:
def create_model(input_shape, top='flatten'):
if top not in ('flatten', 'avg', 'max'):
raise ValueError('unexpected top layer type: %s' % top)
# connects base model with new "head"
BottleneckLayer = {
'flatten': Flatten(),
'avg': GlobalAvgPooling2D(),
'max': GlobalMaxPooling2D()
base = InceptionResNetV2(input_shape=input_shape,
x = BottleneckLayer(base.output)
x = Dense(NUM_OF_LANDMARKS, activation='linear')(x)
model = Model(inputs=base.inputs, outputs=x)
return model
In your case, I guess you only need to replace InceptionResNetV2 with ResNet50. Essentially, you are creating a pre-trained model without top layers:
base = ResNet50(input_shape=input_shape, include_top=False)
And then attaching your custom layer on top of it:
x = Flatten()(base.output)
x = Dense(NUM_OF_LANDMARKS, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model = Model(inputs=base.inputs, outputs=x)
That's it.
You also can check this link from the Keras repository that shows how ResNet50 is constructed internally. I believe it will give you some insights about the functional API and layers replacement.
Also, I would say that both regression and classification tasks are not that different if we're talking about fine-tuning pre-trained ImageNet models. The type of task mostly depends on your loss function and the top layer's activation function. Otherwise, you still have a fully-connected layer with N outputs but they are interpreted in a different way.

Keras: feed output as input at next timestep

The goal is to predict a timeseries Y of 87601 timesteps (10 years) and 9 targets. The input features X (exogenous input) are 11 timeseries of 87600 timesteps. The output has one more timestep, as this is the initial value.
The output Yt at timestep t depends on the input Xt and on the previous output Yt-1.
Hence, the model should look like this: Model layout
I could only find this thread on this: LSTM: How to feed the output back to the input? #4068.
I tried to implemented this with Keras as follows:
def build_model():
# Input layers
input_x = layers.Input(shape=(features,), name='input_x')
input_y = layers.Input(shape=(targets,), name='input_y-1')
# Merge two inputs
merge = layers.concatenate([input_x,input_y], name='merge')
# Normalise input
norm = layers.Lambda(normalise, name='scale')(merge)
# Hidden layers
x = layers.Dense(128, input_shape=(features,))(norm)
# Output layer
output = layers.Dense(targets, activation='relu', name='output')(x)
model = Model(inputs=[input_x,input_y], outputs=output)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=Adam())
return model
def make_prediction(model, X, y):
y_pred = [y[0,None,:]]
for i in range(len(X)):
y_pred = np.asarray(y_pred)
y_pred = y_pred.reshape(y_pred.shape[0],y_pred.shape[2])
return y_pred
# Fit
model = build_model()[X_train, y_train[:-1]], [y_train[1:]]], epochs=200,
batch_size=24, shuffle=False)
# Predict
y_hat = make_prediction(model, X_train, y_train)
This works, but is it not what I want to achieve, as there is no connection between input and output. Hence, the model doesn't learn how to correct for an error in the fed-back output, which results in poor accuracy when predicting as the error on the output is accumulated at every timestep.
Is there a way in Keras to implement the output-input feed-back during training stage?
Also, as the initial value of Y is always known, I want to feed this to the network as well.

Accuracy goes to 0.0000 when training RNN with Keras?

I'm trying to use custom word-embeddings from Spacy for training a sequence -> label RNN query classifier. Here's my code:
word_vector_length = 300
dictionary_size = v.num_tokens + 1
word_vectors = v.get_word_vector_dictionary()
embedding_weights = np.zeros((dictionary_size, word_vector_length))
max_length = 186
for word, index in dictionary._get_raw_id_to_token().items():
if word in word_vectors:
embedding_weights[index,:] = word_vectors[word]
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=dictionary_size, output_dim=word_vector_length,
input_length= max_length, mask_zero=True, weights=[embedding_weights]))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, activation= 'relu', return_sequences=False)))
model.add(Dense(v.num_labels, activation= 'sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
optimizer = 'adam',
metrics = ['accuracy']), Y_train, batch_size=200, nb_epoch=20)
here the word_vectors are stripped from spacy.vectors and have length 300, the input is an np_array which looks like [0,0,12,15,0...] of dimension 186, where the integers are the token ids in the input, and I've constructed the embedded weight matrix accordingly. The output layer is [0,0,1,0,...0] of length 26 for each training sample, indicating the label that should go with this piece of vectorized text.
This looks like it should work, but during the first epoch the training accuracy is continually decreasing... and by the end of the first epoch/for the rest of training, it's exactly 0 and I'm not sure why this is happening. I've trained plenty of models with keras/TF before and never encountered this issue.
Any idea what might be happening here?
Are the labels always one-hot? Meaning only one of the elements of the label vector is one and the rest zero.
If so, then maybe try using a softmax activation with a categorical crossentropy loss like in the following official example:
This will help constraint the network to output probability distributions on the last layer (i.e. the softmax layer outputs sum up to 1).

Training only one output of a network in Keras

I have a network in Keras with many outputs, however, my training data only provides information for a single output at a time.
At the moment my method for training has been to run a prediction on the input in question, change the value of the particular output that I am training and then doing a single batch update. If I'm right this is the same as setting the loss for all outputs to zero except the one that I'm trying to train.
Is there a better way? I've tried class weights where I set a zero weight for all but the output I'm training but it doesn't give me the results I expect?
I'm using the Theano backend.
Outputting multiple results and optimizing only one of them
Let's say you want to return output from multiple layers, maybe from some intermediate layers, but you need to optimize only one target output. Here's how you can do it:
Let's start with this model:
inputs = Input(shape=(784,))
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inputs)
# you want to extract these values
useful_info = Dense(32, activation='relu', name='useful_info')(x)
# final output. used for loss calculation and optimization
result = Dense(1, activation='softmax', name='result')(useful_info)
Compile with multiple outputs, set loss as None for extra outputs:
Give None for outputs that you don't want to use for loss calculation and optimization
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[result, useful_info])
loss=['categorical_crossentropy', None],
Provide only target outputs when training. Skipping extra outputs:, {'result': train_labels}, epochs=.., batch_size=...)
# this also works:, [train_labels], epochs=.., batch_size=...)
One predict to get them all
Having one model you can run predict only once to get all outputs you need:
predicted_labels, useful_info = model.predict(new_x)
In order to achieve this I ended up using the 'Functional API'. You basically create multiple models, using the same layers input and hidden layers but different output layers.
For example:
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
from keras.models import Model
# This returns a tensor
inputs = Input(shape=(784,))
# a layer instance is callable on a tensor, and returns a tensor
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inputs)
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
predictions_A = Dense(1, activation='softmax')(x)
predictions_B = Dense(1, activation='softmax')(x)
# This creates a model that includes
# the Input layer and three Dense layers
modelA = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions_A)
modelB = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions_B)
