Connecting one document to multiple documents in arangodb - arangodb

Am fairly new to Arangodb and am trying to find an example where if you are given one user{} and a list of [user{}] how can you create multiple friend edges from that one user{} to the list of [user{}] in one go. I read the documentation and there is an example for a single edge creation, to, data, options)
and am thinking of running a for loop but I have a feeling that the mutations are not batched. What would be the best way to do this?


How to use Azure Search Service with heterogenous data sources

I have worked on Azure Search service previously where I created an indexer directly on a SQL DB in the Azure Portal.
Now I have a use-case where I would want to ingest from multiple data sources each having different data schema. Assume these data sources to be 3 search APIs of X,Y,Z teams. All of them take search term and gives back results in their own schema. I want my Azure Search Service to be proxy for these so that I have one search API that a user can use to get results from multiple sources, ordered correctly.
How should I go about doing it? I assume that I might have to create a common schema and whenever user searches something, I would call these 3 APIs and get results, map them to a common schema and then index this data in common schema into Azure Search index. Finally, call this Azure Search API to give back the results to the caller.
I would appreciate any help! If I can get hold of a better documentation for doing this work, that will be great as well.
Your assumption is correct. You can work with 3 different indexes and fire queries against them, or you can try to combine all of them in the same index. The benefit of the second approach is a better way to implement ordering / paging as all the information will be stored in the same index.
It really depends on what you mean by ordered correctly. Should team X be able to see results from teams Y and Z? The only way you can get ranked results like this is to maintain a single index with a common schema containing data from all teams.
One potential pitfall with this approach is conflicts in the schema. For example if one team requires a field to be of a specific datatype or use a specific analyzer, while another team has different requirements. We do this in our indexes, but with some carefully selected common fields and then dedicated fields prefixed according to our own naming convention to avoid conflicts.
One thing to consider is the need to reset the index. If you need to add, change or remove fields you will have to delete the index and create it again with a new schema. If you have a common index and team X needs to add a new property, you would need to reset (delete and create) the common index which affects all teams.
So, creating separate indexes per team has its benefits. Each team can have their own schema without risk of conflicts and they can reset their index without affecting the other teams.

Mongo Collection or Document

I'm looking at the possibility of switching from Filemaker to a MERN app. I get the basic idea of NoSQL databases but its a very different way of thinking. I have recreated what I need in MySQL, but Mongo DB (or Firestore) interests me.
The app is used to record workouts of clients. Each person has many workouts, each workout has many items within it. I'm not sure the best way to do this in Mongo.
I'm between using a collection for all workouts, and each workout has an array of all the items (exercises) they did. Or have the items as a separate collection with a workout_ID to link them up.
Probably the most important thing I'm looking for here is the ability to see all the instances someone did an exercise. From my understanding, if I do it the first way, every single record will be pulled. But the second would only return the documents in that collection that would match exercise_ID and person_ID.
Which is the best approach for such a project?
The second option is the best way to store the data in your case. You can always separate the items in a different collection and store the item Ids in your main collection i.e workouts here.
If you are concerned about querying(joins) them, mongoose provide 'populate' to fetch data between multiple collections using ids as references.
Or you can also use aggregate queries to achieve the same.
hope this helps :)
I think the best option for me would be having an array of the items inside each workout, because that's basically the purpose of using no-SQL databases, to access faster to the data.
However there's a basic rule.. if you think the array of items of each workout it's gonna grow very fast and it will get so big.. then it's better to have a separate collection for the items. if it's not.. then keep those inside an array.
Hope this can be helpful to you.. greetings! :)

Couchbase retrieving relational docs in nodeJS

I am still debating which way to go and possibly store certain information in its own doc. so for example the customer can have addresses with each address would be its own doc and then in the customer doc there would be an array of ref keys stored under addresses. The benefit would be i could update these docs simply based on the key value vs having to get the customer doc first, finding the array index of the address and then either modify the whole doc or go and use subdoc to replace the content of the array with the index.
Where i am stuck is how to retrieve those referenced subdoc's. is N1QL the only way to go or does the KV API offer a way to do this short of retrieving the whole customer doc, then looping thru address array and retrieving all referenced docs that way. I know Ottoman offers something like that but i am having an issue with the latest version of SDK 2.6 and Ottoman as its not very well maintained. So hopefully someone can share some insight what and why its the best way.
If you want to rely on key/value, then you'll need to do the multiple lookup as you've described. I'm not very familiar with Ottoman: it might do this for you, but behind the scenes it will still be multiple key/value operations and/or N1QL.
With N1QL, you can perform JOINs, but again, behind the scenes it's going to eventually be pulling documents out by key/value. It just does those extra steps for you. Direct key/value is always going to be the fastest route.
If you are still in the process of deciding whether to split the data amongst multiple documents or "denormalize" the data into a single doc, one thing you should think about is how often you're going to access customer+addresses together and how often you're going to customer/access separately. If you're reading/writing customer+address often, consider putting it in one document. Otherwise, consider putting it in multiple documents.
The third option is to store it both places, or rather "cache" the address data in the customer document. This is tricky, because it could get out of sync if you're not careful. So make sure it's worth it before you go down that road.

Designing indices to have paging with filters and random page jump Elasticsearch

I just want to have an expert opinion about my use case and the way I am planning to use indices to see if there is no problem in my approach or if there are any better ways to achieve it. Since I am new to ES, your opinions would really help me. We are storing data in couchdb in different databases based for each type of data.
I have database that serves as a link between 2 databases. For example, database A has 'floor' data, database B that links floor to items and then separate database for each item that a floor can have (e.g., card reader, camera etc).
We need to search for items that are linked to a floor and get them with filtering and paging. (Right now my links database has only ids and type but I am also planning to save name for each type as well in links db so that I can have filtering while I can do paging).
The way I want to achieve filtering and paging in my datastore is, I'll just have indices for each db. So based on floor, i'll get all its linked items for a type and 'search filter' (from index of links db) that would give me a page of certain items, i'll then use ids from that result to get those full objects (from index of) db of that item type.
Please let me know if there is any better approach in handling that, like e.g., if I can create one index for my floor and links and item databases and is it possible to do that through logstash couchdb plugin.
Many thanks.
Your setup does not sound wrong, but there are alternatives. You can use nested objects or parent-child relationships for an easier setup. Both approaches have their advantages. It all depends on the type of queries that you would like to do, and the amount of items that are related.
I would start by reading he next section of the definitive guide, that should give you a good start.

Implement site wide search with neo4j db using node-neo4j

I am using node-neo4j to communicate with my neo4j. Following was a real help to get started. Still learning my way to get things done, I am looking to solve a few issues, I'd appreciate any heads up you give me.
Implement site wide search.
We have users indexed with their email id's, and want to index stories/posts by tags or keywords. How do we search across all nodes, do we maintain indices for all nodes of various types, what would be a good approach? Should I go with google to enable this feature? How to index same node with multiple tags/keywords?
Specify custom id's for nodes
We are fine with integer indices for nodes, but since these id's can be re-used, we would like to identify nodes with unique id's, Is there a way to make neo4j use uuid's, adding an uid attribute would do but want to avoid having to maintain two id's.
Traversing nodes
How do we traverse nodes using node-neo4j, Cipher-lang looks like the answer, I am yet to get used to it. Does node-neo4j help do this out of the box?
I may sound silly, but can I do transactional operations with node-neo4j?
Too many questions, I feel most of my doubts would clear once I get more used to querying the db, but any input from you will give me a headstart.
You probably should have broken this up into separate questions. I can answer a couple of them but not all.
Yes, node-neo4j can handle Cypher out of the box, with the query method: Help with Cypher--you should watch this intro video:
For your uuid, you probably should add a separate attribute to the nodes, and have an index on it--just ignore the regular ids except during transient queries where it's more convenient. As far as I know there's no way to override the incrementing ID--that sure would be nice, though.
Hope that helps.
