BreezeJS SaveChanges() security issue - security

I'm using BreezeJS and have a question regarding how data is saved. Here's my code and comments
* I want to point out the security hole here. Any Authorized user is able to pass to this method
* a saveBundle which will be saved to the DB. This saveBundle can contain anything, for any user,
* or any table.
* This cannot be stopped at the client level as this method can be called from Postman, curl, or whatever.
* The only way I can see to subvert this attack would be to examine the saveBundle and verify
* no data is being impacted that is not owned or related directly to the calling user.
* Brute force could be applied here because SaveResult contains Errors and impacted Entities.
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _efContext.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
To limit access to a callers ability to retrieve data I first extract from the access_token the user_id and limit all my queries to include this in a where clause, making it somewhat impossible for a user to retrieve another users data.
But that would not stop a rogue user who had a valid access_token from calling SaveChanges() in a brute force loop with incremental object ids.
Am I way off on this one? Maybe I'm missing something.
Thanks for any help.

The JObject saveBundle that the client passes to the SaveChanges method is opaque and hard to use. The Breeze ContextProvider converts that to a map of entities and passes it to the BeforeSaveEntities method. BeforeSaveEntities is a method you would implement on your ContextProvider subclass, or in a delegate that you attach to the ContextProvider, e.g.:
var cp = new MyContextProvider();
cp.BeforeSaveEntitiesDelegate += MySaveValidator;
In your BeforeSaveEntities or delegate method, you would check to see if the entities can be saved by the current user. If you find an entity that shouldn't be saved, you can either remove it from the change set, or throw an error and abort the save:
protected override Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> BeforeSaveEntities(
Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> saveMap)
var user = GetCurrentUser();
var entityErrors = new List<EFEntityError>();
foreach (Type type in saveMap.Keys)
foreach (EntityInfo entityInfo in saveMap[type])
if (!UserCanSave(entityInfo, user))
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
{ ReasonPhrase = "Not authorized to make these changes" });
return saveMap;
You will need to determine whether the user should be allowed to save a particular entity. This could be based on the role of the user and/or some other attribute, e.g. users in the Sales role can only save Client records that belong to their own SalesRegion.


Identify If User is Group using the client object model

I have a sharepoint field in a list that can be either a user or a group. Using the Server Object Model, I can identify easily whether the user is a group or not.
However, I cannot find a way to achieve this using the Managed Client Object model. Is there a way to know.
I only managed to make it work by looping the list of groups and checking if the there is a group with the name. Howver, this is not exactly correct or efficient. Maybe there is a way to find out using the ListItem of the user. But I did not see any fields that show that user is administrator. I have also tried EnsureUser. This crashes if the user is not a group. So I could work out by using a try/catch but this would be very bad programming.
To do this get the list of users from ClientContext.Current.Web.SiteUserInfoList and then check the ContentType of each item that is returned to determine what it is.
Checking the content type is not very direct though, because all you actually get back from each item is a ContentTypeID, which you then have to look-up against the content types of the user list at ClientContext.Current.Web.SiteUserInfoList.ContentTypes. That look-up will return a ContentType object, and you can read from the Name property of that object to see what the list item is.
So an over simplified chunk of code to do this would be:
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
ClientContext context = ClientContext.Current;
var q = from i in context.Web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItems(new CamlQuery()) select i;
IEnumerable<ListItem> Items = context.LoadQuery(q);
context.ExecuteQueryAsync((s, e) => {
foreach (ListItem i in Items) {
//This is the important bit:
ContentType contenttype = context.Web.SiteUserInfoList.ContentTypes.GetById(i["ContentTypeId"].ToString());
context.Load(contenttype); //It's another query so we have to load it too
switch (contenttype.Name) {
case "SharePointGroup":
//It's a SharePoint group
case "Person":
//It's a user
case "DomainGroup":
//It's an Active Directory Group or Membership Role
//It's a mystery;
(s, e) => { /* Query failed */ }
You didn't specify your platform, but I did all of this in Silverlight using the SharePoint client object model. It stands to reason that the same would be possible in JavaScript as well.
Try Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.Utility.SearchPrincipals(...):
var resultPrincipals = Utility.SearchPrincipals(clientContext, clientContext.Web, searchString, PrincipalType.All, PrincipalSource.All, null, maxResults);
The return type, PrincipalInfo, conveniently has a PrincipalType property which you can check for Group.

Unboundid LDAP domain attributes

I need to evaluate an user's password expiration time against an Active Directory.
I'm using Android and Unboundid sdk. I can successfully connect to server using this code
final SocketFactory _socket_factory;
final SSLUtil _ssl_util = new SSLUtil(new TrustAllTrustManager());
try {
_socket_factory = _ssl_util.createSSLSocketFactory();
catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "*** Unable to initialize ssl", e);
return null;
LDAPConnectionOptions _ldap_connection_options = new LDAPConnectionOptions();
LDAPConnection _ldap_connection = new LDAPConnection(_socket_factory, _ldap_connection_options, _host, _port);
BindRequest _bind_request = new SimpleBindRequest(_username, _password);
BindResult _bind_result = _ldap_connection.bind(_bind_request);
I retreive user attributes using a search
Filter _filter = Filter.create("(userPrincipalName=lorenzoff)");
SearchRequest _search_request = new SearchRequest(_server._base_dn, SearchScope.SUB, _filter);
But how can I read the domain's attribute 'maxPwdAge'? I can see it in among the domain attributes...
I need it to evaluate the remaining days until user's password expires.
I had the same issue and found a solution. the idea is simple you have to access the base DN and get that attribute:
SearchRequest _search_request = new SearchRequest(_server._base_dn,
SearchScope.BASE, "(objectClass=*)","maxPwdAge");
with this you should get the result with that attribute, if you get SearchRequest.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES you will have all the attributes shown on your screenshot.
That attribute is common for all users, the next thing you need to do is to search your specific user as you where doing before an get the attribute pwdLastSet, as you would expect it has the timestamp of the last time the user changed his password.
now is simple, you need to find the expiration date with the last time the user change it, and the password age
hope it helps
If maxPwdAge is an "operational" attribute, it must be explicitly requested as part of your search request. "User" attributes are returned (as permissions permit), but "operational" attributes must be explicitly requested. To request maxPwdAge create your request as follows:
SearchRequest _search_request = new SearchRequest(_server._base_dn,
SearchScope.SUB, _filter,"maxPwdAge");
The SeachRequest constructor actually accepts a variable length list of attribute types also:
SearchRequest _search_request = new SearchRequest(_server._base_dn,
requests maxPwdAge, minPwdAge, and all other user attributes. To request all operational attributes, use SearchRequest.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES.

Spring security integration with open id in grails

I am working on Integrating spring security with openId for my grails Application using springsecurity core and springsecurity openid plugins. I have integrated it, and it works well but I need to access the email for the logged in person. How can I get that, all that I am able to access is a token which is used for identifying the person.
Thanks to Ian Roberts.
He gives me this reply,Which exactly solves my problem.
His reply was:
As it happens I implemented exactly this in one of my applications
yesterday :-) Unfortunately it's not an open-source app so I can't just
point you at my code but I can explain what I did.
The spring-security-openid plugin supports the "attribute exchange"
mechanism of OpenID, although the support is not documented much (if at
all). How well it works depends on the provider at the far end but this
at least worked for me using Google and Yahoo.
In order to request the email address from the provider you need to add
the following to Config.groovy:
= ""
Now to wire that into your user registration process you need an email
field in your S2 user domain class, and you need to edit the generated
OpenIdController.groovy in a few places.
add an email property to the OpenIdRegisterCommand
in the createAccount action there's a line
"if(!createNewAccount(...))" which passes the username, password and
openid as parameters. Change this along with the method definition to
pass the whole command object instead of just these two fields.
in createNewAccount pass the email value forward from the command
object to the User domain object constructor.
And finally add an input field for email to your
You can do the same with other attributes such as full name.
= ""
The important thing to wire it together is that the thing after the last
dot following requiredAttributes (fullname in this example) must match
the name of the property on the OpenIdRegisterCommand.
Charu Jain
I've never used the springsecurity openid plugin, but when using springsecurity core you can expose additional information about the current user by implmenting a custom UserDetails. In my app, I added this implementation, so that I can show the name property of logged-in users. You'll need to change this slightly, so that the email address is exposed instead
* Custom implementation of UserDetails that exposes the user's name
class CustomUserDetails extends GrailsUser {
// additional property
final String name
CustomUserDetails(String username,
String password,
boolean enabled,
boolean accountNonExpired,
boolean credentialsNonExpired,
boolean accountNonLocked,
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities,
long id,
String displayName) {
super(username, password, enabled, accountNonExpired, credentialsNonExpired, accountNonLocked, authorities, id) = displayName
You then need to create a custom implementation of UserDetailsService which returns instances of the class above
class UserDetailsService implements GrailsUserDetailsService {
* Some Spring Security classes (e.g. RoleHierarchyVoter) expect at least one role, so
* we give a user with no granted roles this one which gets past that restriction but
* doesn't grant anything.
static final List NO_ROLES = [new GrantedAuthorityImpl(SpringSecurityUtils.NO_ROLE)]
UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username, boolean loadRoles) {
return loadUserByUsername(username)
UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) {
User.withTransaction { status ->
User user = User.findByUsername(username)
if (!user) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException('User not found', username)
def authorities = user.authorities.collect {new GrantedAuthorityImpl(it.authority)}
return new CustomUserDetails(
authorities ?: NO_ROLES,,
You need to register an instance of this class as a Spring bean named userDetailsService. I did this by adding the following to Resources.groovy

How to secure the segment passed to the controller in CI

I am trying to pass a segment to a controller. The url is like base_url/controller/function/seg1. I want to ensure that if the user try to enter the segment in the address bar, the controller would make sure there are not other words to be proceeded except the segment I want to pass.
For example, If the user tries to type base_url/main/function/(change this to other words) in address bar, the controller will filter the segment. I am not sure how to do it and would appreciate if someone can help me out.
Okay, so the best way to "secure" against such things would be to simply create a session at the time the user logs into your site with two values stored in that session;
1) Their database primary key id, and
2) a session item called 'logged_in'
At the time that your user would log into your site, you would store those two values like this;
$this->session->set_userdata('logged_in', true);
$this->session->set_userdata('user_id', $id);
Where $id is pulled from their user record during authentication.
Now that you have those in there, the next part would be that, in your controller, you would put an if statement in that checks if the user is logged in, as such;
function show($id) {
if($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) {
$posts = $this->Model_posts->get_user_posts($id);
Now, in your model, you would create a function for pulling the record that you want the user to be able to view based on their user_id. We'll say user posts for example.
function get_user_posts($user_id, $post_id) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id = ? AND id = ?";
$binds = array($user_id, $post_id);
$qry = $this->db->query($sql, $binds);
$result = array();
while($row = $qry->result_array()) {
array_push($result, $row);
return $result;
Now, when a logged in user or visitor tries to access records that don't belong to them, they will not retrieve any records because the select statement limits what's returned only to that user.
The structure you have there is
So, your controller is already "filtering" it out because if you don't have a method/function in the controller (methods = actions) then your controller will trigger a 404 Page Not Found error. Of coarse, you could then handle your errors however you see fit, but from what you presented, the item you wish to filter is known as a controller action.
So for instance;
denotes that you wish to call the add (function) in the users controller.
If you want to pass the add action an argument, then you would do this as;
Where show would be a controller action and 1 would be the id of the user you wish to show.
I know it seems like I'm giving a basic intro to MVC methodologies, but like I said, the structure you showed plays out like I described.
Hope this helps.

Where to check user email does not already exist?

I have an account object that creates a user like so;
public class Account
public ICollection<User> Users { get; set; }
public User CreateUser(string email)
User user = new User(email);
user.Account = this;
In my service layer when creating a new user I call this method. However there is a rule that the users email MUST be unique to the account, so where does this go? To me it should go in the CreateUser method with an extra line that just checks that the email is unique to the account.
However if it were to do this then ALL the users for the account would need to be loaded in and that seems like a bit of an overhead to me. It would be better to query the database for the users email - but doing that in the method would require a repository in the account object wouldn't it? Maybe the answer then is when loading the account from the repository instead of doing;
var accountRepository.Get(12);
//instead do
var accountRepository.GetWithUserLoadedOnEmail(12, "");
Then the account object could still check the Users collection for the email and it would have been eagerly loaded in if found.
Does this work? What would you do?
I'm using NHibernate as an ORM.
First off, I do not think you should use exceptions to handle "normal" business logic like checking for duplicate email addresses. This is a well document anti-pattern and is best avoided. Keep the constraint on the DB and handle any duplicate exceptions because they cannot be avoid, but try to keep them to a minimum by checking. I would not recommend locking the table.
Secondly, you've put the DDD tag on this questions, so I'll answer it in a DDD way. It looks to me like you need a domain service or factory. Once you have moved this code in a domain service or factory, you can then inject a UserRepository into it and make a call to it to see if a user already exists with that email address.
Something like this:
public class CreateUserService
private readonly IUserRepository userRepository;
public CreateUserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public bool CreateUser(Account account, string emailAddress)
// Check if there is already a user with this email address
User userWithSameEmailAddress = userRepository.GetUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress);
if (userWithSameEmailAddress != null)
return false;
// Create the new user, depending on you aggregates this could be a factory method on Account
User newUser = new User(emailAddress);
return true;
This allows you to separate the responsiblities a little and use the domain service to coordinate things. Hope that helps!
If you have properly specified the constraints on the users table, the add should throw an exception telling you that there is already a duplicate value. You can either catch that exception in the CreateUser method and return null or some duplicate user status code, or let it flow out and catch it later.
You don't want to test if it exists in your code and then add, because there is a slight possibility that between the test and the add, someone will come along and add the same email with would cause the exception to be thrown anyway...
public User CreateUser(string email)
User user = new User(email);
user.Account = this;
catch (SqlException e)
// It would be best to check for the exception code from your db...
return null;
Given that "the rule that the users email MUST be unique to the account", then the most important thing is to specify in the database schema that the email is unique, so that the database INSERT will fail if the email is duplicate.
You probably can't prevent two users adding the same email nearly-simultaneously, so the next thing is that the code should handle (gracefully) an INSERT failure cause by the above.
After you've implemented the above, seeing whether the email is unique before you do the insert is just optional.
