CodeNarc - disable few rules - groovy

I am working on static Groovy scripts analysis. Only tool I've found is CodeNarc, but how can I edit rulesets, without editting CodeNarc.jar?
I am calling CodeNarc from command line:
java -classpath "binary-tools/CodeNarc/groovy-all-2.4.6-jenkins-1.jar:binary-tools/CodeNarc/CodeNarc-1.0.jar:binary-tools/CodeNarc/log4j-1.2.17.jar:binary-tools/CodeNarc/slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar:binary-tools/CodeNarc/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.2.jar" org.codenarc.CodeNarc -rulesetfiles="rulesets/basic.xml,rulesets/generic.xml,rulesets/logging.xml,rulesets/dry.xml,rulesets/serialization.xml"
I see that I can specify which rulesets form INSIDE CodeNarc I can use, I'd like to disable single rules from given ruleset. How to do it?

Depending on what you are using to manage the jar, there should be a configuration option available to set the rules. The location will vary depending on the configuration in gradle, etc. You can see more at I highly recommend configuring the ruleset to your preferences as some rules are better for certain types of groovy projects than others. If you add some info about your project type (grails, spring boot, etc) and your build system(gradle, maven, etc), I can provide more specific help.


Shopware 6 administration build only plugin

Is there a command to build only the administration part of a specified plugin? Right now I am building the whole administration to build the public resources for the plugin, which of course takes more time. Since every plugin has it's own resources, shouldn't it be possible to do this?
Since Shopware it seems to be possible to only build the extensions (not a single one, but at least only extensions) by adding the environment variable SHOPWARE_ADMIN_BUILD_ONLY_EXTENSIONS=1
There are no out-of-the-box scripts to selectively build only one module.
The build is based on one single webpack config in vendor/shopware/administration/Resources/app/administration which includes each extension's code as as submodule.
If you are asking to speed up development, you might want to use bin/ which should only rebuild changed files when you save them.

How to override hybris platform files other than customize

So, I can see many files under customize folder under platform.
Is there any other way to oveerride platform in general other than putting it in customize folder?
If we have to override some OOTB file there are two ways:
1) If its in some extension, we can create customized extension and do our changes.
2) Add stuff into customize folder and do ant customize.
What if OOTB file is in platform? Is there any other way?
I expect to customize platform without adding it to customize folder.
Is the function/bean you want to override is injected through Spring?
If no, and you need to override say some jar, class or xml. You have choice of ant customize or buildcallbacks.xml
If yes, it's no different than overriding any other beans from parent extension. The only thing is that you will not need to create an extension dependency as platform is available globally.
For example : If you wish to override some function in DefaultCatalogDao to give your own implementation. You can do it like...
Create your own implementation extending the platform related service
Inject your custom bean with alias of the defaultCatalogDao
<alias alias="catalogDao" name="customCatalogDao"/>
<bean id="customCatalogDao" class="......CustomCatalogDao" parent="defaultCatalogDao"/>
For Commerce Cloud
You can change platform files using customize folder in Commerce Cloud V2 too. You would need to create a folder in your custom repository with name _CUSTOMIZE_ and then as you do in non cloud version, add your files (with exact folder structure as in platform).
Once you creare above folder, CCV2 build strategy automatically picks and deploys it, without any additional configuration.
Hope it helps!
Using buildcallbacks you can replace the files even the files in platform jar .
You can simply copy paste your file or write your own shell script to execute it and copy file to platform but how would it be different from ant customize. And why would you want to go away from standard hybris practices? Would that give you any extra benefit? I am sure that would only lead to issues during upgrade etc. Its not spring bean injection where you could tell your platform to use your implementation instead on other. There is no sense in wasting time in finding something which doesnt go along with product best practices.

How to Add CodeNarc Rules to Sonar Groovy Plugin

CodeNarc has 346 rules, but the Sonar Groovy plugin (which utilizes CodeNarc) only uses 59 of those rules.
I need to add more rules in Sonar to the Groovy analysis. How can I do this?
I think you are talking about the default quality profile of the Sonar Groovy Plugin which indeed activate only 59 rules by default (as you can see on nemo (public instance of SonarQube analyzing open source projects))
The other rules of CodeNarc would be available in the rules section. You can see them by filtering by language and rule repository :|repositories=grvy
To use them you need to activate those rules in a quality profile and set it for your project : see the documentation of quality profile for this.

Setting a "hard-coded" flag in sources during build process

I am developing a (Groovy) application that I build via Gradle (on a Continuous Integration server). That application should be compiled into two versions: one development build (including some features I only want to enable for myself), and one public build (which would not include or just disable those "development features").
One solution to this would be to have something like a global flag directly in the main class of the application, something like static final boolean PUBLIC_RELEASE. Then within my code I could check for that flag and enable or disable a certain feature.
Now in my Gradle build script I could check for an environment variable (set by the Continuous Integration server). If that variable is set, then I could set (i.e. change) the current value of the flag to either true or false before the sources are being compiled.
I am sure that approach would work. However, it does not feel right to modify the sources themselves during the build process. On the other hand I would assume this is kind of a standard task for many software projects.
Is there any "best practice" to deal with this requirement?
Is can work out three way for handling the scenario - ordered in the way I would do that:
Create a dedicated properties file the is filtered during build and added to the final jar. Application behavior is determined by this file on runtime. Basically this is how such scenario is handled, but such file can be modified in jar directly by the user.
Source code filtering, hint ReplaceTokens. This seems the best way of securing the application, since the behavior is compiled into code directly, but also problematic when it comes to filtering.
Configure the behavior of application by passing system properties -D at runtime. There's a possibility that a lot of such properties should be passed so it might be problematic for the end user and the configuration of the application is explicitly exposed.

How can I enable Groovy plugin features in my eclipse plugin?

I am writing an eclipse plugin which needs to support features from the Groovy eclipse plugin.
The Groovy website talks about Groovy eclipse plugins, and Groovy compiler support within eclipse and maven, but I did not find anything similar to what I need to do here.
If I look at the list of available plugin dependencies, I see a number of them:
How can I enable some discovery mechanism or otherwise, in order to install the Groovy plugin after the installation of my plugin completes?
Which plugin can I add as dependency to achieve this? Or should I have to individually add all of them?
If you want to add single plug-ins you can easily do that in the Manifest-Editor of your plug-in. If you need to add a dependency to a feature, you need to create a feature for your own plug-in and add the additional feature dependency in the feature-Editor.
To find out which groovy plug-ins are required to add the "groovy compiler support", I suppose you must rather look at the groovy features in your installation. Usually complex features like a compiler or the like are grouped within a feature.
Add on:
I think the discovery mechanism is already integrated in p2.
I suppose these plug-ins are part of a feature. Find this feature and add that to your product.
For stability I would recommend to add the specific plug-ins to your product/feature. That way you can be sure, people are using the exact version you proposed in your implmentation.
