Rename file while keeping the extension in Linux? - linux

I have a directory that contains multiple files with different extensions (pdf, doc, txt...etc).
I'm trying to rename all files according to the directory name while keeping the file extension the same. The code below works fine if all files are PDF otherwise it will change txt file extension to pdf too.
How can I rename files while preserving the file extension
mv "$file" "${dir}/${dir}-${count}.pdf"

I assume you're doing this in some kind of loop? If so, you could grab the file extension first with
ext="${file##*.}" # eg. ext="txt", ext="pdf"...
And replace pdf with $ext in your mv command. Tested with sh, bash, dash, ksh.

you can do this through bash.
can you please provide more details. how your deciding this $dir and $count variable value.
if you already know by what you want to change the file name like below
if you want to replace it by specific names then you can prepare a list like above and then traverse through the file by while or for loop. below is simple bash snippet for case where you have files under multiple directory
while IFS="|" read OLD NEW PATH
cd $Path
filename=`echo $NEW|awk -F '.' '{print $1}'`
filetype=`echo $NEW|awk -F '.' '{print $2}'`
mv $OLD $filename.$filetype
if want to perform operation under single directory then below snippet will work.
for i in $(ls /tmp/temp)
filename=`echo $i|awk -F "." '{print $1}'`
fileType=`echo $i|awk -F "." '{print $2}'`
mv $i $filename.$fileType


Create folders automatically and move files

I have a lot of daily files that are sort by hours which comes from a data-logger (waveform). I downloaded inside a USB stick, now I need to save them inside folders named with the first 8 characters of waveform.
Those files have the following pattern:
for example, inside the USB I have:
2020-10-01-0000-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-10-01-0100-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-10-02-0300-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-10-20-0000-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-10-20-0100-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-11-15-2000-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-11-15-2100-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-11-19-0400-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE; 2020-11-19-0900-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE;
I modified a little a code from #user3360767 (shell script to create folder daily with time-stamp and push time-stamp generated logs) to speed up the procedure of creating a folder and moving the files to them
for filename in 2020-10-01*EHE; do
foldername=$(echo "$filename" | awk '{print (201001)}');
mkdir -p "$foldername"
mv "$filename" "$foldername"
echo "$filename $foldername" ;
Here I list all hours from 2020-10-01-0000-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE
foldername=$(echo "$filename" | awk '{print (201001)}');
Here I create the folder that belongs to 2020-10-01 and with the following lines create the folder and then move all files to created folder.
mkdir -p "$foldername"
mv "$filename" "$foldername"
echo "$filename $foldername" ;
As you may notice, I will always need to modify the line for filename in 2020-10-01*EHE each time the file changes the date.
Is there a way to try to create folders with the first 8 number of the file?
Use date
And since the foldername doesn't change, you don't need to keep creating one inside the loop.
files="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)*EHE"
foldername=$(date +%Y%m%d)
mkdir -p "$foldername"
for filename in $files; do
mv "$filename" "$foldername"
echo "$filename $foldername"
If you want to specify the folder each time, you can pass it as an argument and use sed to get the filename pattern
files=$(echo $1 | sed 's/\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)/\1-\2-\3/')
mkdir -p "$foldername"
for filename in $filepattern; do
mv "$filename" "$foldername"
echo "$filename $foldername"
You call it with
./<yourscriptname>.sh 20101001
I think you want to move all files whose names end in *EHE into subdirectories. The subdirectories will be created as necessary and will be named according to the date at the start of each filename without the dashes/hyphens.
Please test the following on a copy of your files in a temporary directory somewhere.
for filename in *EHE ; do
# Derive folder by deleting all dashes from filename, then taking first 8 characters
echo "Would move $filename to $folder"
# Uncomment next 2 lines to actually move file
# mkdir -p "$folder"
# mv "$filename" "$folder"
Sample Output
Would move 2020-10-01-0000-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE to 20201001
Would move 2020-10-01-0100-03.AM_REDDE_00_EHE to 20201001
Note that the 2 lines:
use "bash parameter substitution", which is described here if you want to learn about it, and obviate the need to create whole new processes to run awk, sed or cut to extract the fields.

How to move files in Linux based on its name in a folder with a corresponding name?

I would need to move a series of files in certain folders via scripts. The files are of the format and I have to move them to a folder whose name is the same value given.
For example:
file hello.20190131.0000
in folder 20190131
The ideal would be to be able to create folders even before moving files but it is not a priority because I can create them by hand. I managed to get the value of dates on video with
ls * .0000 | awk -F. '{Print $ 2}'
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?
The initial awk command provided much of the answer. You just need to do something with the directory name you extract:
A simple option:
ls *.0000 | awk -F. '{printf "mkdir -p '%s'; mv '%s' '%s';",$2,$0,$2}' | sh
This might be more efficient with a large number of files:
ls *.0000 | awk -F. '{print $2}' |\
sort | uniq |\
while read dir; do
mkdir -p "$dir"
mv *."$dir".0000 "$dir"
I would do something like this:
ls *.0000 |\
sort |\
while read f; do
foldername="`echo $f | cut -d. -f2`"
echo mkdir +p "$foldername/"
echo mv "$f" "$foldername/"
i.e.: For eache of your files, I build the folder name using the cut command with a dot as field separator, and getting the second field (the date in this case); then I create that folder with mkdir -p (the -p flag avoids any warning if the folder should exist already), and finally I move the file to the brand new folder.
You can do that with rename, a.k.a. Perl rename.
Try it on a COPY of your files in a temporary directory.
If you use -p parameter, it will make any necessary directories for you automatically. If you use --dry-run parameter, you can see what it would do without actually doing anything.
rename --dry-run -p 'my #X=split /\./; $_=$X[1] . "/" . $_' hello*
Sample Output
'hello.20190131.0000' would be renamed to '20190131/hello.20190131.0000'
'hello.20190137.0000' would be renamed to '20190137/hello.20190137.0000'
All you need to know is that it passes you the current name of the file in a variable called $_ and it expects you to change that to return the new filename you would like.
So, I split the current name into elements of an array X[] with the dot (period) as the separator:
my #X = split /\./
That gives me the output directory in $X[1]. Now I can set the new filename I want by putting the new directory, a slash and the old filename into $_:
$_=$X[1] . "/" . $_
You could also try this, shorter version:
rename --dry-run -p 's/.*\.(\d+)\..*/$1\/$_/' hello*
On ArchLinux, the package you would use is called perl-rename.
On debian, it is called rename
On macOS, use homebrew like this: brew install rename

Changing the file names and copying into different directory

I have some files say about 1000 numbers.. Wanted to rename those files in such a way that, wanted to cut out only few chars from file name and copy it to some other directory.
Ex: Original file name.
Required O/P is cutting the ~and following chars.
O/P Ex:
But want to place n different directory.
If you are using bash or similar you can use the following simple loop:
for input in vfcon*xml
mv $input targetDir/$(echo $input | awk -F~ '{print $1".xml"}')
Or in a single line:
for input in vfcon*xml; do mv $input targetDir/$(echo $input | awk -F~ '{print $1".xml"}'); done
This uses awk to separate everything before ~ using it as a field separator and printing the first column and appending ".xml" to create the output file name. All this is prepended with the targetDir which can be a full path.
If you are using csh / tcsh then the syntax of the loop will be slightly different but the commands will be the same.
I like to make sure that my data set is correct prior to changing anything so I would put that into a variable first and then check over it.
files=$(ls vfcon*xml)
echo $files | less
Then, like #Stefan said, use a loop:
for i in $files
mv "$i" "$( echo "$file" | sed 's/~[0-9].//g')"
If you need help with bash you can use

Make directory structure from forward slashes

Im pulling an html document from a windows machine onto my linux box and the issue is the directory structure is not maintained between the two. This is how it looks in linux
Im thinking of using a bash script that will change the "\" into a "/" essentially making a folder. Im guessing their is a standard way of doing this but cannot figure it out.
This is what Im working with
for file in *; do mv $file echo $file | sed 's/\\/\//g' ; done
try mv $file ${file//\\/\/}. it substitutes each backslash with a forward slash in ${file}.
You have to capture
echo $file | sed 's/\\/\//g'
Because now you're moving a file, a non-existing file named 'echo' into file, and pipe the (erroneous) result to a sed that can't handle it.
let file have the list of files you want to modify:
for f in $file; do
cp "$f" "$f".backup
sed -i 's/\\/\//g' $f
it's a for loop in which a backup file is created first, then use sed to do inplace modification.
-i of sed means you want to do inplace modification, so the modification will be applied to file directly.

Move files and rename - one-liner

I'm encountering many files with the same content and the same name on some of my servers. I need to quarantine these files for analysis so I can't just remove the duplicates. The OS is Linux (centos and ubuntu).
I enumerate the file names and locations and put them into a text file.
Then I do a for statement to move the files to quarantine.
for file in $(cat bad-stuff.txt); do mv $file /quarantine ;done
The problem is that they have the same file name and I just need to add something unique to the filename to get it to save properly. I'm sure it's something simple but I'm not good with regex. Thanks for the help.
Since you're using Linux, you can take advantage of GNU mv's --backup.
while read -r file
mv --backup=numbered "$file" "/quarantine"
done < "bad-stuff.txt"
Here's an example that shows how it works:
$ cat bad-stuff.txt
$ while read -r file; do mv --backup=numbered "$file" "./quarantine"; done < "bad-stuff.txt"
$ ls quarantine/
foo foo.~1~ foo.~2~ foo.~3~
I'd use this
for file in $(cat bad-stuff.txt); do mv $file /quarantine/$file.`date -u +%s%N`; done
You'll get everyfile with a timestamp appended (in nanoseconds).
You can create a new file name composed by the directory and the filename. Thus you can add one more argument in your original code:
for ...; do mv $file /quarantine/$(echo $file | sed 's:/:_:g') ; done
Please note that you should replace the _ with a proper character which is special enough.
