How word2Vec or wod2Doc understand user sentiments - nlp

I have gone through numerous documents to read about doc2Vec and word2Vec. I do understand how powerful it is to represent the words as a vector and to perform simple operations like vector addition , subtraction to yield meaningful analogy between the words.
Although one thing I am still not able to understand is how this technique can be used to understand user sentiments .
Can someone please elaborate as to how user sentiments are analysed using these techniques ?

By representing a document or set of words with feature vectors, you can process text in other machine learning tasks. For example if you have a dataset which labeled each document x with its sentiment y, you can use the pretraind embedding as feature vectorisation to represent x as input to your machine learning method and test if these features help your task.


Text representations : How to differentiate between strings of similar topic but opposite polarities?

I have been doing clustering of a certain corpus, and obtaining results that group sentences together by obtaining their tf-idf, checking similarity weights > a certain threshold value from the gensim model.
tfidf_dic = DocSim.get_tf_idf()
ds = DocSim(model,stopwords=stopwords, tfidf_dict=tfidf_dic)
sim_scores = ds.calculate_similarity(source_doc, target_docs)
The problem is that despite putting high threshold values, sentences of similar topics but opposite polarities get clustered together as such:
Here is an example of the similarity weights obtained between "don't like it" & "i like it"
Are there any other methods, libraries or alternative models that can differentiate the polarities effectively by assigning them very low similarities or opposite vectors?
This is so that the outputs "i like it" and "dont like it" are in separate clusters.
PS: Pardon me if there are any conceptual errors as I am rather new to NLP. Thank you in advance!
The problem is in how you represent your documents. Tf-idf is good for representing long documents where keywords play a more important role. Here, it is probably the idf part of tf-idf that disregards the polarity because negative particles like "no" or "not" will appear in most documents and they will always receive a low weight.
I would recommend trying some neural embeddings that might capture the polarity. If you want to keep using Gensim, you can try doc2vec but you would need quite a lot of training data for that. If you don't have much data to estimate the representation, I would use some pre-trained embeddings.
Even averaging word embeddings (you can load FastText embeddings in Gensim). Alternatively, if you want a stronger model, you can try BERT or another large pre-trained model from the Transformers package.
Unfortunately, simple text representations based merely on the sets-of-words don't distinguish such grammar-driven reversals-of-meaning very well.
The method needs to be sensitive to meaningful phrases, and the hierarchical, grammar-driven inter-word dependencies, to model that.
Deeper neural networks using convolutional/recurrent techniques do better, or methods which tree-model sentence-structure.
For ideas see for example...
"Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank"
...or a more recent summary presentation...
"Representations for Language: From Word Embeddings to Sentence Meanings"

Unsupervised sentiment Analysis using doc2vec

I have searched Google for different type of papers/blogs/tutorials etc but haven't found anything helpful. I would appreciate if anyone can help me. Please note that I am not asking for code step-by-step but rather an idea/blog/paper or some tutorial.
Here's my problem statement:
Just like sentiment analysis is used for identifying positive and
negative tone of a sentence, I want to find whether a sentence is
forward-looking (future outlook) statement or not.
I do not want to use bag of words approach to sum up the number of forward-looking words/phrases such as "going forward", "in near future" or "In 5 years from now" etc. I am not sure if word2vec or doc2vec can be used. Please enlighten me.
It seems what you are interested in doing is finding temporal statements in texts.
Not sure of your final output, but let's assume you want to find temporal phrases or sentences which contain them.
One methodology could be the following:
Create list of temporal terms [days, years, months, now, later]
Pick only sentences with key terms
Use sentences in doc2vec model
Infer vector and use distance metric for new sentence
GMM Cluster + Limit
Distance from average
Another methodology could be:
Create list of temporal terms [days, years, months, now, later]
Do Bigram and Trigram collocation extraction
Keep relevant collocations with temporal terms
Use relevant collocations in a kind of bag-of-collocations approach
Matched binary feature vectors for relevant collocations
Train classifier to recognise higher level text
This sounds like a good case for a Bootstrapping approach if you have large amounts of texts.
Both are semi-supervised really, since there is some need for finding initial temporal terms, but even that could be automated using a word2vec scheme and bootstrapping

Multiclass text classification with python and nltk

I am given a task of classifying a given news text data into one of the following 5 categories - Business, Sports, Entertainment, Tech and Politics
About the data I am using:
Consists of text data labeled as one of the 5 types of news statement (Bcc news data)
I am currently using NLP with nltk module to calculate the frequency distribution of every word in the training data with respect to each category(except the stopwords).
Then I classify the new data by calculating the sum of weights of all the words with respect to each of those 5 categories. The class with the most weight is returned as the output.
Heres the actual code.
This algorithm does predict new data accurately but I am interested to know about some other simple algorithms that I can implement to achieve better results. I have used Naive Bayes algorithm to classify data into two classes (spam or not spam etc) and would like to know how to implement it for multiclass classification if it is a feasible solution.
Thank you.
In classification, and especially in text classification, choosing the right machine learning algorithm often comes after selecting the right features. Features are domain dependent, require knowledge about the data, but good quality leads to better systems quicker than tuning or selecting algorithms and parameters.
In your case you can either go to word embeddings as already said, but you can also design your own custom features that you think will help in discriminating classes (whatever the number of classes is). For instance, how do you think a spam e-mail is often presented ? A lot of mistakes, syntaxic inversion, bad traduction, punctuation, slang words... A lot of possibilities ! Try to think about your case with sport, business, news etc.
You should try some new ways of creating/combining features and then choose the best algorithm. Also, have a look at other weighting methods than term frequencies, like tf-idf.
Since your dealing with words I would propose word embedding, that gives more insights into relationship/meaning of words W.R.T your dataset, thus much better classifications.
If you are looking for other implementations of classification you check my sample codes here , these models from scikit-learn can easily handle multiclasses, take a look here at documentation of scikit-learn.
If you want a framework around these classification that is easy to use you can check out my rasa-nlu, it uses spacy_sklearn model, sample implementation code is here. All you have to do is to prepare the dataset in a given format and just train the model.
if you want more intelligence then you can check out my keras implementation here, it uses CNN for text classification.
Hope this helps.

Best for resume, document matching

I have used three different ways to calculate the matching between the resume and the job description. Can anyone tell me that what method is the best and why?
I used NLTK for keyword extraction and then RAKE for
keywords/keyphrase scoring, then I applied cosine similarity.
Scikit for keywords extraction, tf-idf and cosine similarity
Gensim library with LSA/LSI model to extract keywords and calculate
cosine similarity between documents and query.
Nobody here can give you the answer. The only way to decide which method works better is to have one or more humans independently match lots and lots of resumes and job descriptions, and compare what they do to what your algorithms do. Ideally you'd have a dataset of already matched resumes and job descriptions (companies must do this kind of thing when people apply), because it takes a lot of work to create a sufficiently large dataset.
Next time you take on this kind of project, start by considering how you are going to evaluate the performance of the solution you'll put together.
As already mentioned in answers, try ti use Doc2Vec.
Seems using Doc2Vec from Gensim on both corpora (CVs and job descriptions) separately and then using cosine similarity between the two vectors is the easiest flow to work. It works better than others on documents which are not similar in form and words content but similar in context and sematics, so merely keywords would not help much here.
Then you can try to train CNN on the corpus of pairs of matched CV&JD with labels like yes/no if available and use it to qulaify CVs/resumees against job descriptions.
Basically I'm going to try these aproaches in my pretty much the same task, pls see
Since its highly likely that job description and resume content can be different, you should think from semantics point of view. One thing possible you can do is use some domain knowledge. But its pretty difficult to gain domain knowledge for a variety of job types. Researchers sometimes use dictionary to augment the similarity matching between documents.
Researchers are using deep neural networks to capture both syntactic and semantic structure of documents. You can use doc2Vec to compare two documents. Gensim can produce doc2Vec representation for you. I believe that will give better results compared to keyword extraction and similarity computation. You can build your own neural network model to train on job descriptions and resumes. I guess neural networks will be effective for your work.

Article "Matching" Algorithm

I've rather specific question, at least it is so for me. Specific because after doing quite a lot searching I couldn't find anything useful. So as the title says, I am looking for an algorithm, that finds if two articles given in input "match", but not in the sense of usual string matching, instead, what I want to find is, if they talk for the same argument. Now what I predict, the "match" should be compared against some threshold, and using some kind of weights to determine how much do they "match", therefore the concept is fuzzy, so we can't talk about a complete "match", but we will talk about degree of "match".
Sadly, I don't have anything more. I would be really grateful if someone of you helps me in the topic, also theoretical ideas are welcome.
Thanks you.
There are many ways to find 'similarity' of articles, and it really depends on what you know on the articles, and what you use as your test case to show how good your results are.
One simple solution is using Jaccard Similarity on the vocabulary used by these documents. Pseudo code:
set1 <- getWords(doc1)
set2 <- getWords(doc2)
intersection <- set_intersection(set1,set2)
union <- set_union(set1,set2)
return size(intersection)/size(union)
Note that instead of getWords you can use also bigrams,trigrams,...n-grams.
More complex unsupervised solution could be building a language model from each document, and calculate their Jensen-Shannon divergence to judge if they are similar or not, based on the language models.
A simple language model is P(word|document) = #occurances(word,document)/size(document)
Usually we use some smoothing techniques to make sure no word has probability 0.
Other solutions are using supervised learning algorithms such as SVM. Your features can be the words (tf-idf model / bag of words model /...) and use these features to classify if doc1,doc2 are 'similar'. This requires obtaining a 'training set' that is basically a set of samples (doc1,doc2) and lables that tells you if (doc1,doc2) are 'smilar' or not. Feed the training data to a learner and build a model - that will later be used to classify new pairs of documents.
