Why does a single structured query run multiple SQL queries per batch? - apache-spark

Why does the following structured query run multiple SQL queries as can be seen in web UI's SQL tab?
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val rates = spark.
option("numPartitions", 1).
option("truncate", false).
option("numRows", 10).


How to execute SQL scripts with Spark

I want to create a database in Spark, and for this purpose, I have written a few SQL scripts which create the SQL tables.
My question is, how to integrate the SQL tables (the database) into Spark for later processing?
Could that be done using a Scala script or through the Spark console?
Thank you.
Using Scala :
import scala.io.Source
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.master("local[*]") //since the jar will be executed locally
val sqlQuery = Source.fromFile("path/to/data.sql").mkString //read file
spark.sql(sqlQuery) //execute query
Where spark is your spark session, already created.

How to run parallel threads in AWS Glue PySpark?

I have a spark job that will just pull data from multiple tables with the same transforms. Basically a for loop that iterates across a list of tables, queries the catalog table, adds a timestamp, then shoves into Redshift (example below).
This job take around 30 minutes to complete. Is there a way to run these in parallel under the same spark/glue context? I don't want to create separate glue jobs if I can avoid it.
import datetime
import os
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
# query the runtime arguments
args = getResolvedOptions(
["JOB_NAME", "redshift_catalog_connection", "target_database", "target_schema"],
# build the job session and context
glueContext = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args["JOB_NAME"], args)
# set the job execution timestamp
job_execution_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
tables = []
for table in tables:
catalog_table = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
database="test", table_name=table, transformation_ctx=table
data_set = catalog_table.toDF().withColumn(
"batchLoadTimestamp", lit(job_execution_timestamp)
# covert back to glue dynamic frame
export_frame = DynamicFrame.fromDF(data_set, glueContext, "export_frame")
# remove null rows from dynamic frame
non_null_records = DropNullFields.apply(
frame=export_frame, transformation_ctx="non_null_records"
temp_dir = os.path.join(args["TempDir"], redshift_table_name)
stores_redshiftSink = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_jdbc_conf(
"dbtable": f"{args['target_schema']}.{redshift_table_name}",
"database": args["target_database"],
"preactions": f"truncate table {args['target_schema']}.{redshift_table_name};",
) ```
You can do the following things to make this process faster
Enable concurrent execution of job.
Allot sufficient number of DPU.
Pass the list of tables as a parameter
Execute the job in parallel using Glue workflows or step functions.
Now suppose you have 100 table's to ingest, you can divide the list in 10 table's each and run the job concurrently 10 times.
Since your data will be loaded parallely so time of Glue job run will be decreased hence less cost will be incurred.
Alternate approach that will be way faster is to use redshift utility direct.
Create table in redshift and keep the batchLoadTimestamp column as default to current_timestamp.
Now create the copy command and load data into the table directly from s3.
Run the copy command using Glue python shell job leveraging pg8000.
Why this approach will be faster??
Because the spark redshift jdbc connector first unloads the spark dataframe to s3 then prepares a copy command to the redshift table. And while running copy command directly you are removing the overhead of running unload command and also reading data into spark df.

SQL query taking too long in azure databricks

I want to execute SQL query on a DB which is in Azure SQL managed instance using Azure Databricks. I have connected to DB using spark connector.
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.config.Config
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.connect._
val config = Config(Map(
"url" -> "mysqlserver.database.windows.net",
"databaseName" -> "MyDatabase",
"queryCustom" -> "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM dbo.Clients WHERE PostalCode = 98074" //Sql query
"user" -> "username",
"password" -> "*********",
//Read all data in table dbo.Clients
val collection = sqlContext.read.sqlDB(config)
I am using above method to fetch the data(Example from MSFT doc). Table sizes are over 10M in my case. My question is How does Databricks process the query here?
Below is the documentation:
The Spark master node connects to databases in SQL Database or SQL Server and loads data from a specific table or using a specific SQL query.
The Spark master node distributes data to worker nodes for transformation.
The Worker node connects to databases that connect to SQL Database and SQL Server and writes data to the database. User can choose to use row-by-row insertion or bulk insert.
It says master node fetches the data and distributes the work to worker nodes later. In the above code, while fetching the data what if the query itself is complex and takes time? Does it spread the work to worker nodes? or I have to fetch the tables data first to Spark and then run the SQL query to get the result. Which method do you suggest?
So using the above method uses a single JDBC connection to pull the table into the Spark environment.
And if you want to use the push down predicate on the query then you can use in this way.
val pushdown_query = "(select * from employees where emp_no < 10008) emp_alias"
val df = spark.read.jdbc(url=jdbcUrl, table=pushdown_query,
If you want to improve the performance than you need to manage parallelism while reading.
You can provide split boundaries based on the dataset’s column values.
These options specify the parallelism on read. These options must all be specified if any of them is specified. lowerBound and upperBound decide the partition stride, but do not filter the rows in table. Therefore, Spark partitions and returns all rows in the table.
The following example splits the table read across executors on the emp_no column using the columnName, lowerBound, upperBound, and numPartitions parameters.
val df = (spark.read.jdbc(url=jdbcUrl,
For more Details : use this link

Spark (pyspark) speed test

I am connected via jdbc to a DB having 500'000'000 of rows and 14 columns.
Here is the code used:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
properties = {'jdbcurl': 'jdbc:db:XXXXXXXXX','user': 'XXXXXXXXX', 'password': 'XXXXXXXXX'}
data = spark.read.jdbc(properties['jdbcurl'], table='XXXXXXXXX', properties=properties)
The code above took 9 seconds to display the first 20 rows of the DB.
Later I created a SQL temporary view via
and I ran the following query:
sqlContext.sql('SELECT AVG(XXX) FROM ZZZ').show()
The code above took 1355.79 seconds (circa 23 minutes). Is this ok? It seems to be a large amount of time.
In the end I tried to count the number of rows of the DB
sqlContext.sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ZZZ').show()
It took 2848.95 seconds (circa 48 minutes).
Am I doing something wrong or are these amounts standard?
When you read jdbc source with this method you loose parallelism, main advantage of spark. Please read the official spark jdbc guidelines, especially regarding partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound and numPartitions. This will allow spark to run multiple JDBC queries in parallel, resulting with partitioned dataframe.
Also tuning fetchsize parameter may help for some databases.

how to connect spark streaming with cassandra?

I'm using
Cassandra v2.1.12
Spark v1.4.1
Scala 2.10
and cassandra is listening on
For example, to connect kafka and spark-streaming, while listening to kafka every 4 seconds, I have the following spark job
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(stream, 'localhost:2181', "name", map1)
And spark-streaming keeps listening to kafka broker every 4 seconds and outputs the contents.
Same way, I want spark streaming to listen to cassandra and output the contents of the specified table every say 4 seconds.
How to convert the above streaming code to make it work with cassandra instead of kafka?
The non-streaming solution
I can obviously keep running the query in an infinite loop but that's not true streaming right?
spark job:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import sys
from random import random
from operator import add
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
from pyspark import SparkContext,SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.streaming import *
sc = SparkContext(appName="sparkcassandra")
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
lines = stream.socketTextStream("", 9160)
.options(table="users", keyspace="keyspace2")\
run like this
sudo ./bin/spark-submit --packages \
datastax:spark-cassandra-connector:1.4.1-s_2.10 \
and I get the table values which rougly looks like
So what's the correct way of "streaming" the data from cassandra?
Currently the "Right Way" to stream data from C* is not to Stream Data from C* :) Instead it usually makes much more sense to have your message queue (like Kafka) in front of C* and Stream off of that. C* doesn't easily support incremental table reads although this can be done if the clustering key is based on insert time.
If you are interested in using C* as a streaming source be sure to check out and comment on
Change Data Capture
Which is most likely what you are looking for.
If you are actually just trying to read the full table periodically and do something you may be best off with just a cron job launching a batch operation as you really have no way of recovering state anyway.
Currently Cassandra is not natively supported as a streaming source in Spark 1.6, you must implement a custom receiver for your own case(listen to cassandra and output the contents of the specified table every say 4 seconds.).
Please refer to the implementation guide:
Spark Streaming Custom Receivers
