how to fix not upating version in liferay? - liferay

i am using liferay framwork, some message showing "Not updating Demo *** because version 6.2.5 is newer than version" when try do deploy.plz help to fix and update version?

You just have to add this line: module-version= under module-incremental-version=1 in file. And it will work. That thing bothered me for a long time too, so I looked into the source code and now it works like a charm. You can experiment with module-version number. Example
author=Liferay, Inc.

My guess:
If you are getting this error while deploying a plugin to liferay server, check in your if there is a liferay version specified which is required by the portlet.
Update the version and if you are still getting the error, remove the portlet from webapps and redeploy again.


How do I manage FileScopes in HPCC version 7/8*?

I got a HPCC community version installation running. Whenever I try to add a new FilScope trhoug ECL Watch nothing happens. It simply doesn't create it.
I got some version 6.4 clusters running and this problem doesn't happen. Works fine there.
When I try to delete Scopes created on ver 6 through version 8 I got the error "BaseDN not specified". On the logs I see the same thing.
I am not missing any basedn configuration of the already in place basedn fields on environment.xml.
Thanks for posting this question. I just did some research, and found that this problem has been reported and is fixed in a newer release. Please try build 8.6.42 or newer.
FYI, it was fixed with this issue
Russ Whitehead

Unable to change runtime environment on server in Liferay Developer Studio

In Liferay Developer Studio, I am try to set the Runtime Environment for my local server. After selecting a runtime environment from the drop down, I then try to save the change and get the following message:
The server cannot be saved for the following reasons: [Overview] Changing runtime base directories is not supported.
Is this a change I need to do manually in a configuration file, or should I going elsewhere to change the runtime environment?
It seems to be a known issue in Liferay IDE, check the issue.
You may have a clean version of the Liferay-Tomcat bundle given along with the Liferay IDE. What I recommand you is to create a new server that refers to this runtime environnement.
If you don't have a clean version of the Liferay-Tomcat bundle you can download new one from Liferay official site.
I found a way to get the existing runtime evironment changed.
I first had to go to the server properties and select "Switch Location". This moved the server properties from "[workspace metadata] to my workspace/servers/ directory.
Inside the .server file, I just had to change the runtime-id property to one of my predefined runtimes, in my case...
runtime-id="Liferay v6.2 EE (Tomcat 7)"
My Liferay server is now working as expected.

Online Build Server TFS

I'm getting this list of errors*(C:\a\src\Allegro Web.nuget\nuget.targets (88): Unable to find version '' of package...*) all of a sudden after doing a normal commit, please find below, however i didnt change any nuget specific configuration recently.
It was an intermittent issue with Nuget which is fixed now.
More details on that here:

Liferay is Unable to Process Template?

I've just upgraded from Liferay CE to EE 6.2, and have successfully deployed the WAR on my weblogic 12c appserver. However, I am getting this error while trying to access my portal:
An unexpected system error occurred.
Unable to process template _SERVLET_CONTEXT_/html/themes/classic/templates/portal_normal.vm
I've read that this might be a cache issue, and I've deleted all temporary files and restarted my server but am still getting this error.
Any ideas as to why this occurs?
I've seen it before, but can't remember the exact circumstances. AFAIK it's been a temporary issue and I'm puzzled that restarting the server doesn't help..
However I've found LPS-12683, an issue that is marked as fixed, but maybe you find some circumstances in the description that haven't been fixed. Also this forum entry contains a nice hint to check
You need to import the init.ftl file from your parent theme and fix occurrences of:
stringUtil.equals(x, y)
x == y

How to set up ImageMagick with Liferay?

Following is my addition to for setting up ImageMagick with Liferay
I have installed ImageMagick in D drive as mention below :\\ImageMagick-6.8.3-Q16
preview functionality:
Set this to true to enable conversion and previewing of videos in the Document Library portlet:
In Server Administration--->External servics tab, I have configured it correctly and also downloaded/install jar related to Xuggler.
However, above settings are not working for me to generate preview functionality.
I am not even getting message dispalyed like "Generating preview require few more time, please refresh the page after some time....blah blah blah...."
Any help is appreciated.
Have you configured Xuggler properly? Do you get an UnsatisfiedLinkError exception?
See Xuggler's FAQ for the steps to configure your path properly
If it shows that message "Generating preview...", seems that Liferay doesn't detect this file as a video file (the Mime Type isn't any of the values in the property:
I also saw this problem when uploading videos using some browsers. Try uploading using another one.
For me, the solution was to symlink /usr/bin/convert to /usr/local/bin/convert
Whatever I did, nothing seemed to work. All configuration was pointing to /usr/bin (both control panel and As a last resort, not really believing that it will work, I just did the symlink, as that was the default location for liferay.
And it works! All my configuration still points to /usr/bin. So... it looks like liferay just ignores all that config and only looks to default folder.
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, imagemagick from package manager. Liferay 6.1.2 GA3.
I hope it helps someone.
