Access Object in Pug - node.js

i wanna to access at my var tab in my console on front
this is my backend code
let tab= global.queue.GetListOfTraitement();
res.render('index', { title: 'Express', test: tab});
the result in backend console
[ status {
Type: 'File',
NomFichier: 'F1504365806Mcmhs784.avi',
Depart: 1504880910657 },
status {
Type: 'File',
NomFichier: 'F1504364893Euyza324.avi',
Depart: 1504881249064 } ]
my pug file
extends layout
block content
h1= title
p Welcome to #{test}
h2= title
my result web page
Welcome to [object Object]
my result in console web
ReferenceError: test is not defined
my object is send has string [object Object] i can't acces of property of my object.
Can you help me please?

i have the solution, i can't show the index number with my console on backend, now i know i have index number
block content
h1= title
p Welcome to #{test[0].Type}
h2= title
But i always don't know how to pass object from backend to frontend.

You need to convert it to a string, with JSON.Stringify() then you can display the content of the object.


Cannot access object properties in handlebars partial

I'm working on nodejs application. And want to display Mongoose result in web page. Template engine is express handlebars.
data= [
{name: 'some name', image: '/some_name.jpg', location: 'some location'},
{name: 'some name2', image: '/some_name2.jpg', location: 'some location2'},
{name: 'some name3', image: '/some_name3.jpg', location: 'some location3'}
I want to render data in handlebars partial. At first I'm iterating each object using #each and passing that object into the partial. Below is code how I'm doing.
{{#each data}}
{{> somePartial this}}
In somePartial I want to access properties of the object.
<h5>Name: {{}}</h5>
<h5>Image: {{this.image}}</h5>
<h5>Location: {{this.location}}</h5>
I can't see any value rendering in browser. In server console I get some warning or something like this Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property 'xxxx' because it is not 'own property' of its parent..
Just use without this
{{> somePartial}}
<h5>Name: {{name}}</h5>
More info here:
To solve Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property 'xxxx' because it is not 'own property' of its parent.
Map the result array in new array.
let result2 =>{
return {field1: val.field1,field2: val.field2, field3: val.field3 and so on}
For security reason handlebar does not allow to pass fetched result directly. You need to map with required field so that no sensitive data got passed.

Serve both text and image data when rendering a template?

Trying to send both text and image data as local variables to a server-side rendered page using templates.
I know I have to set the Content-Type as 'image/png'.
How can I set the Content-Type for one variable when all the other variables are text?
Thank you so much!
res.render('profile.html', { locals: {
tasks: tasks,
msgExists: '',
photo: //how to set Content-Type for this variable?
the template is rendered on server side, and then sent to client. this means the content type of the response is "text/html", not "image/png".
your variables do not have "Content-Type", as they are not HTML responses. if you want to embed an image in an html, and you know its raw data, it usually looks like this:
now if you have the image data (like whatever after base64 part) somehow stored in a JS variable, and want to pass it to your template renderer to embed that image in the resulting html, it would look like this:
// node js code:
res.render('my.template.html', {
// whatever else ...
<!-- template code: -->
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{imgData}}"/>
<!-- whatever else -->
of course this can change a bit based on the exact format you are storing the image data.

Validation error messages are not displayed in angular json schema.

I am using angular-schema-form to display my json data in UI, which works fine as expected.
I wanted a material design for my page, so I used angular-schema-form-material decorator.
Example code:
var app = angular.module('myApp', [
"schemaForm",'ngMessages', 'ngMaterial', 'ui.ace' ])
var signalSchema = { /* Actual schema definition */};
var signalForm = ['*'];
var signalData = {/* Actual json data from DB */ };
<form name="signalsForm " layout="column" class="canOverviewSignals " sf-schema="signalSchema"
sf-form="signalForm " sf-model="signalData" sf-options="{validateOnRender: true} ">
The form is rendered properly and validation messages are displayed without material decorator. But on including the decorator the validation messages are not displaying. For example when a 'required' value is not entered, the error message 'field is required' is not displayed when the decorator in included. The below error message is displayed in browser console.
View Console error message here

Jade dynamic data

Using node.js I am passing some variables to jade view:
res.render('index', {
locals: {
hashpassword: JSON.stringify(user.hashPass),
languages: JSON.stringify(langs)}
In jade file I have:
h1 nodechat
label !{locals.languages} // working - printing whole json string
- var laangs = !{locals.languages} //not working here!
//SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
- each item in laangs
label= item.EnglishName
The problem is that I cannot pass locals.languages to a variable in jade file. If I assign it to a single html element (like label), it's working, but when I try with var = that doesn't work.
What may be the problem?
See my change below...
h1 nodechat
label !{locals.languages} // working - printing whole json string
//- Do it like this...You're already in JavaScript land after the -
- var laangs = locals.languages
- each item in laangs
label= item.EnglishName
Change !{locals.languages} into locals.languages

express+jade: provided local variable is undefined in view (node.js + express + jade)

I'm implementing a webapp using node.js and express, using the jade template engine.
Templates render fine, and can access helpers and dynamic helpers, but not local variables other than the "body" local variable, which is provided by express and is available and defined in my layout.jade.
This is some of the code:
app.set ('view engine', 'jade');
app.get ("/test", function (req, res) {
res.render ('test', {
locals: { name: "jake" }
and this is test.jade:
p hello
when I remove the second line (referencing name), the template renders correctly, showing the word "hello" in the web page. When I include the =name, it throws a ReferenceError:
500 ReferenceError: Jade:2 NaN. 'p hello' NaN. '=name' name is not defined
NaN. 'p hello'
NaN. '=name'
I believe I'm following the jade and express examples exactly with respect to local variables. Am I doing something wrong, or could this be a bug in express or jade?
app.set ('view engine', 'jade');
app.get ("/test", function (req, res) {
res.render ('test', {
name: "jake"
you can do it like this.
Rather than =, you can use #{variable-name}. Here is an example of how I'm using it:
This will render a page, with a menu for navigation. Passing the page title in each time the page is loaded, ofcourse you will need to create an app.get function for each page.
var navigation = {
home : {
uri : "/",
url : "index",
title : "Home"
lab : {
uri : "/lab",
url : "lab",
title : "Lab"
profile : {
uri : "/profile",
url : "profile",
title : "Profile"
timetable : {
uri : "/timetable",
url : "timetable",
title : "Timetable"
app.get(navigation.profile.uri, function(req, res){ //Profile
res.render(navigation.profile.url, {
title: navigation.profile.title,
navigation: navigation
h1#page-title #{title}
p Welcome to #{title}
!!! 5
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/reset.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
!= partial("partials/navigation")
section!= body
I think the error is sometime caused due to the request by the browser for favicon.ico.
Try adding these lines to the layout.jade head to link the icon
link(rel='icon', href='/images/siteicon.png')
This removed the same error that I was getting
