Confusing automatic dereferencing of Arc - rust

This is an example taken from the Mutex documentation:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
const N: usize = 10;
fn main() {
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let (tx,rx) = channel();
for _ in 0..N{
let (data, tx) = (data.clone(), tx.clone());
thread::spawn(move || {
// snippet
My question is where the snippet comment is. It is given as
let mut data = data.lock().unwrap();
*data += 1;
if *data == N {
The type of data is Arc<Mutex<usize>>, so when calling data.lock(), I assumed that the Arc is being automatically dereferenced and an usize is assigned to data. Why do we need a *in front of data again to dereference it?
The following code which first dereferences the Arc and then proceeds with just an usize also works in place of the snippet.
let mut data = *data.lock().unwrap();
data += 1;
if data == N {

Follow the docs. Starting with Arc<T>:
Does Arc::lock exist? No. Check Deref.
Deref::Target is T. Check Mutex<T>.
Does Mutex::lock exist? Yes. It returns LockResult<MutexGuard<T>>.
Where does unwrap come from? LockResult<T> is a synonym for Result<T, PoisonError<T>>. So it's Result::unwrap, which results in a MutexGuard<T>.
Therefore, data is of type MutexGuard<usize>.
So this is wrong:
so when calling data.lock(), I assumed that the Arc is being automatically dereferenced and an usize is assigned to data.
Thus the question is not why you can't assign directly, but how you're able to assign an usize value at all. Again, follow the docs:
data is a MutexGuard<usize>, so check MutexGuard<T>.
*data is a pointer dereference in a context that requires mutation. Look for an implementation of DerefMut.
It says that for MutexGuard<T>, it implements DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T.
Thus, the result of *data is &mut usize.
Then we have your modified example. At this point, it should be clear that this is not at all doing the same thing: it's mutating a local variable that happens to contain the same value as the mutex. But because it's a local variable, changing it has absolutely no bearing on the contents of the mutex.
Thus, the short version is: the result of locking a mutex is a "smart pointer" wrapping the actual value, not the value itself. Thus you have to dereference it to access the value.


Can I have a mutable reference to a type and its trait object in the same scope? [duplicate]

Why can I have multiple mutable references to a static type in the same scope?
My code:
static mut CURSOR: Option<B> = None;
struct B {
pub field: u16,
impl B {
pub fn new(value: u16) -> B {
B { field: value }
struct A;
impl A {
pub fn get_b(&mut self) -> &'static mut B {
unsafe {
match CURSOR {
Some(ref mut cursor) => cursor,
None => {
CURSOR= Some(B::new(10));
fn main() {
// first creation of A, get a mutable reference to b and change its field.
let mut a = A {};
let mut b = a.get_b();
b.field = 15;
println!("{}", b.field);
// second creation of A, a the mutable reference to b and change its field.
let mut a_1 = A {};
let mut b_1 = a_1.get_b();
b_1.field = 16;
println!("{}", b_1.field);
// Third creation of A, get a mutable reference to b and change its field.
let mut a_2 = A {};
let b_2 = a_2.get_b();
b_2.field = 17;
println!("{}", b_1.field);
// now I can change them all
b.field = 1;
b_1.field = 2;
b_2.field = 3;
I am aware of the borrowing rules
one or more references (&T) to a resource,
exactly one mutable reference (&mut T).
In the above code, I have a struct A with the get_b() method for returning a mutable reference to B. With this reference, I can mutate the fields of struct B.
The strange thing is that more than one mutable reference can be created in the same scope (b, b_1, b_2) and I can use all of them to modify B.
Why can I have multiple mutable references with the 'static lifetime shown in main()?
My attempt at explaining this is behavior is that because I am returning a mutable reference with a 'static lifetime. Every time I call get_b() it is returning the same mutable reference. And at the end, it is just one identical reference. Is this thought right? Why am I able to use all of the mutable references got from get_b() individually?
There is only one reason for this: you have lied to the compiler. You are misusing unsafe code and have violated Rust's core tenet about mutable aliasing. You state that you are aware of the borrowing rules, but then you go out of your way to break them!
unsafe code gives you a small set of extra abilities, but in exchange you are now responsible for avoiding every possible kind of undefined behavior. Multiple mutable aliases are undefined behavior.
The fact that there's a static involved is completely orthogonal to the problem. You can create multiple mutable references to anything (or nothing) with whatever lifetime you care about:
fn foo() -> (&'static i32, &'static i32, &'static i32) {
let somewhere = 0x42 as *mut i32;
unsafe { (&*somewhere, &*somewhere, &*somewhere) }
In your original code, you state that calling get_b is safe for anyone to do any number of times. This is not true. The entire function should be marked unsafe, along with copious documentation about what is and is not allowed to prevent triggering unsafety. Any unsafe block should then have corresponding comments explaining why that specific usage doesn't break the rules needed. All of this makes creating and using unsafe code more tedious than safe code, but compared to C where every line of code is conceptually unsafe, it's still a lot better.
You should only use unsafe code when you know better than the compiler. For most people in most cases, there is very little reason to create unsafe code.
A concrete reminder from the Firefox developers:

Extract original slice from SliceStorage and SliceStorageMut

I am working on some software where I am managing a buffer of floats in a Vec<T> where T is either an f32 or f64. I sometimes need to interpret this buffer, or sections of it, as a mathematical vector. To this end, I am taking advantage of MatrixSlice and friends in nalgebra.
I can create a DVectorSliceMut, for example, the following way
fn as_vector<'a>(slice: &'a mut [f64]) -> DVectorSliceMut<'a, f64> {
However, sometimes I need to later extract the original slice from the DVectorSliceMut with the original lifetime 'a. Is there a way to do this?
The StorageMut trait has a as_mut_slice member function, but the lifetime of the returned slice is the lifetime of the reference to the Storage implementor, not the original slice. I am okay with a solution which consumes the DVectorSliceMut if necessary.
Update: Methods into_slice and into_slice_mut have been respectively added to the SliceStorage and SliceStorageMut traits as of nalgebra v0.28.0.
Given the current API of nalgebra (v0.27.1) there isn't much that you can do, except:
life with the shorter life-time of StorageMut::as_mut_slice
make a feature request for such a function at nalgebra (which seems you already did)
employ your own unsafe code to make StorageMut::ptr_mut into a &'a mut
You could go with the third option until nalgebra gets update and implement something like this in your own code:
use nalgebra::base::dimension::Dim;
use nalgebra::base::storage::Storage;
use nalgebra::base::storage::StorageMut;
fn into_slice<'a>(vec: DVectorSliceMut<'a, f64>) -> &'a mut [f64] {
let mut inner =;
// from nalgebra
let (nrows, ncols) = inner.shape();
if nrows.value() != 0 && ncols.value() != 0 {
let sz = inner.linear_index(nrows.value() - 1, ncols.value() - 1);
unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(inner.ptr_mut(), sz + 1) }
} else {
unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(inner.ptr_mut(), 0) }
Methods into_slice and into_slice_mut which return the original slice have been respectively added to the SliceStorage and SliceStorageMut traits as of nalgebra v0.28.0.

Lifetimes in lambda-based iterators

My questions seems to be closely related to Rust error "cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for borrow expression" when attempting to mutate state inside a closure returning an Iterator, but I think it's not the same. So, this
use std::iter;
fn example(text: String) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<String>> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut chunk = None;
iter::from_fn(move || {
if i <= text.len() {
let p_chunk = chunk;
chunk = Some(&text[..i]);
i += 1;
Some(|s| String::from(s)))
} else {
fn main() {}
does not compile. The compiler says it cannot determine the appropriate lifetime for &text[..i]. This is the smallest example I could come up with. The idea being, there is an internal state, which is a slice of text, and the iterator returns new Strings allocated from that internal state. I'm new to Rust, so maybe it's all obvious, but how would I annotate lifetimes so that this compiles?
Note that this example is different from the linked example, because there point was passed as a reference, while here text is moved. Also, the answer there is one and half years old by now, so maybe there is an easier way.
EDIT: Added p_chunk to emphasize that chunk needs to be persistent across calls to next and so cannot be local to the closure but should be captured by it.
Your code is an example of attempting to create a self-referential struct, where the struct is implicitly created by the closure. Since both text and chunk are moved into the closure, you can think of both as members of a struct. As chunk refers to the contents in text, the result is a self-referential struct, which is not supported by the current borrow checker.
While self-referential structs are unsafe in general due to moves, in this case it would be safe because text is heap-allocated and is not subsequently mutated, nor does it escape the closure. Therefore it is impossible for the contents of text to move, and a sufficiently smart borrow checker could prove that what you're trying to do is safe and allow the closure to compile.
The answer to the [linked question] says that referencing through an Option is possible but the structure cannot be moved afterwards. In my case, the self-reference is created after text and chunk were moved in place, and they are never moved again, so in principle it should work.
Agreed - it should work in principle, but it is well known that the current borrow checker doesn't support it. The support would require multiple new features: the borrow checker should special-case heap-allocated types like Box or String whose moves don't affect references into their content, and in this case also prove that you don't resize or mem::replace() the closed-over String.
In this case the best workaround is the "obvious" one: instead of persisting the chunk slice, persist a pair of usize indices (or a Range) and create the slice when you need it.
If you move the chunk Option into the closure, your code compiles. I can't quite answer why declaring chunk outside the closure results in a lifetime error for the borrow of text inside the closure, but the chunk Option looks superfluous anyways and the following code should be equivalent:
fn example(text: String) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<String>> {
let mut i = 0;
iter::from_fn(move || {
if i <= text.len() {
let chunk = text[..i].to_string();
i += 1;
} else {
Additionally, it seems unlikely that you really want an Iterator<Item = Option<String>> here instead of an Iterator<Item<String>>, since the iterator never yields Some(None) anyways.
fn example(text: String) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> {
let mut i = 0;
iter::from_fn(move || {
if i <= text.len() {
let chunk = text[..i].to_string();
i += 1;
} else {
Note, you can also go about this iterator without allocating a String for each chunk, if you take a &str as an argument and tie the lifetime of the output to the input argument:
fn example<'a>(text: &'a str) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a {
let mut i = 0;
iter::from_fn(move || {
if i <= text.len() {
let chunk = &text[..i];
i += 1;
} else {

Vector holding mutable functions

I would like to have a vector with functions. Then I would like to iterate on this vector and execute functions one by one. The functions would mutate an external state. Additionally, I would like to be able to place the same function twice in the vector.
The problems I have are:
I cannot dereference and execute the function from the vector,
Adding the same function to the vector twice fails with, understandable, error that I cannot have two mutable references.
The closest I got is:
fn main() {
let mut c = 0;
let mut f = ||{c += 1};
let mut v: Vec<&mut FnMut()> = vec![];
v.push(&mut f);
// How to execute the stored function? The following complains about
// an immutable reference:
// assignment into an immutable reference
// (v[0])();
// How to store the same function twice? The following will fail with:
// cannot borrow `f` as mutable more than once at a time
// v.push(&mut f);
println!("c {}", c);
For the first problem, I don't really know why no mutable dereference happens here (in my opinion, it should), but there is a simple workaround: just do the dereference and then reference manually:
(&mut *v[0])();
Your second problem is more complex, though. There is no simple solution, because what you're trying to do violates Rust aliasing guarantees, and since you did not describe the purpose of it, I can't suggest alternatives properly. In general, however, you can overcome this error by switching to runtime borrow-checking with Cell/RefCell or Mutex (the latter is when you need concurrent access). With Cell (works nice for primitives):
use std::cell::Cell;
fn main() {
let c = Cell::new(0);
let f = || { c.set(c.get() + 1); };
let mut v: Vec<&Fn()> = vec![];
println!("c {}", c.get());
With RefCell (works nice for more complex types):
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn main() {
let c = RefCell::new(0);
let f = || { *c.borrow_mut() += 1; };
let mut v: Vec<&Fn()> = vec![];
println!("c {}", *c.borrow());
As you can see, now you have &Fn() instead of &mut FnMut(), which can be aliased freely, and whose captured environment may also contain aliased references (immutable, of course).

Mutating a variable in the body of a closure

I'm writing a bunch of assertions that all involve popping a value from a list.
Coming from a Scala background, I naturally did this:
let mut list = List::new();
let assert_pop = |expected| assert_eq!(list.pop(), expected);
So that I could just write assert_pop(None) or assert_pop(Some(3)) instead of having to write assert_eq!(list.pop(), None) or assert_eq!(list.pop(), Some(3)) every time.
Of course the borrow checker doesn't like this one bit because the closure essentially needs to borrow the value for an undisclosed amount of time, while the rest of my code goes around mutating, thus violating the rule of "no aliasing if you're mutating".
The question is: is there a way to get around this? Do I have to write a macro, or is there a funky memory-safe way I can get around this?
Note that I know that I can just define the closure like this:
let_assert_pop = |lst: &mut List, expected| assert_eq!(lst.pop(), expected);
But that would be less DRY, as I'd have to pass in a &mut list as the first argument at every call.
They key is to define the closure as mut, since it needs a mutable reference.
This works:
let mut v = vec![1, 2];
let mut assert_pop = |expected| assert_eq!(v.pop(), expected);
Note that the the pop closure borrows mutably, so you if you want to use the list afterwards, you have to scope it:
let mut v = vec![1,2];
let mut assert_pop = |expected| assert_eq!(v.pop(), expected);
v.push(33); // ERROR: v is borrowed mutably...
v.push(33); // Works now, since pop is out of scope.
Instead of directly answering your question (which is well-enough answered already), I'll instead address your other points:
just write assert_pop(None) or assert_pop(Some(3))
a memory-safe way solution
don't pass in a &mut list
To solve all that, don't use a closure, just make a new type:
type List<T> = Vec<T>;
struct Thing<T>(List<T>);
impl<T> Thing<T> {
fn assert_pop(&mut self, expected: Option<T>)
where T: PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug,
assert_eq!(self.0.pop(), expected);
fn main() {
let list = List::new();
let mut list = Thing(list);
// Take it back if we need to
let _list = list.0;
