How to convert System::string^ in to LPCTSTR ?
As my requirement is to clone a file using function CopyFile, it works fine if i give Fix name (OldFile.jpg and LatestFile.jpg) to its parameters (below Code: Works Fine)
LPCTSTR in_f,out_f;
in_f = _T("d:\\Old.jpg");
out_f = _T("d:\\Latest.jpg");
above code clone the Old.jpeg in to a Latest.jpg but when i trying to give name (Latest.jpg) which is coming out from some String it won't create file (below Code: NOT Working)
String^ Name = "Latest";
//------Capture Current Date & Time
DateTime datetime = DateTime::Now;
//-------Convert Date Timt in to String
Name = Name + String::Format("{0}",datetime);
Name = Name->Replace('/','-');
Name = Name->Replace(':','-');
Name = Name + ".jpg";
LPCTSTR in_f,out_f;
in_f = _T("d:\\Old.jpg");
out_f = (LPCTSTR)Name; //Trying to Assign Current Latest file Name With date Time here
The Problem is CopyFile Took LPCTSTR type as an argument , where as i am giving a type System::string^, So suggest me how to convert this System::string^ in to LPCTSTR so that i can add the current date time with in the name of my file.
I am Using VC++2010 and Windows form Application
Standard warning: While it's certainly possible to write the main body of your application in C++/CLI, or even write the GUI in C++/CLI using WinForms, it is not recommended. C++/CLI is intended for interop scenarios: where C# or other .Net code needs to interface with unmanaged C++, C++/CLI can provide the translation between the two. For primary development, it is recommended to use C# with either WinForms or WPF if you want managed code, or C++ with MFC if you want unmanaged.
I'm not sure I agree with Hans's comment that TCHAR is obsolete, but doing an explicit conversion to a wide string and calling CopyFileW is a good option.
Also, one could go the other direction, and convert from unmanaged to managed strings, and use the .Net method to copy files, File::Copy(String^, String^, Boolean).
To convert to a LPCTSTR, I would use marshal_as. Because it's implemented with templates, the compiler will resolve your LPCTSTR to call either the LPCSTR or LPCWSTR version, as appropriate.
Microsoft doesn't have dedicated documentation pages for each templated version of marshal_as, but the Overview of Marshaling in C++ page is a good place to start.
My test program:
#include <msclr\marshal.h>
int main(array<System::String^>^ args)
String^ managedStr = "I came from managed land!\r\n";
// This controls the lifetime of the LPCTSTR that marshal_as returns.
// When this goes out of scope, the LPCTSTR will no longer be valid,
// so be aware of its lifetime.
msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
LPCTSTR unmanagedStr = context.marshal_as<LPCTSTR>(managedStr);
return 0;
I came from managed land!
You need to append a \0 character at the end of the Name string, since CopyFile() expects zero-terminated strings.
EDIT: As LucasTrzesniewski has pointed out, pinning a .NET string automatically yields a zero-terminated character array. This is documented in the C# specification. See the comments below for more information.
Moreover, you have to "pin" the string in memory, so the garbage collector won't move it around. Then you can create a pointer to the first character of the string. C++/CLI provides some utility types and functions to do this. Here's an example:
pin_ptr<const WCHAR> psName = PtrToStringChars (Name)
PtrToStringChars() is an inline function declared in vcclr.h. psName should be assignable to a LPCTSTR parameter - if not, use a cast. Note that PtrToStringChars() doesn't work if the input string is a nullptr. You need to test explicitly for this case. (However, in your case, Name is certainly not a nullptr).
The String remains pinned until the variable psName gets out of scope. This happens after leaving the { ... } block in which it's declared, e.g. after leaving the current function. No explicit unpinning is needed.
You need to marshaling it to "const char *" and make a static_cast to LPCTSTR.
Take a look at this
I have got a library which was made for a desktop windows project. It is done in MFC VC++ by somebody else, and it works correctly. I will use one particular function from the library as an example for explaining the situation.
The example function goes like this:
CString GetFulPath(); // .h file
In the cpp file,
CString CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath()
CString path;
LPTSTR fullPath=path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, fullPath); //ITEMIDLISTからパスを得る
return path;
Now, I can include this library in my project and do something like:
CwFolderBrowser cFolderBrowser;
if(cFolderBrowser.ShowDialog() == TRUE)
cPath = cFolderBrowser.GetFullPath();
This will show a folder browser dialog and let me choose a folder. It works fine on desktop windows.
Currently, I am working on Windows CE device. We have converted the library for use with Windows CE by removing unsupported functions and stuff. The library compiles and builds correctly without errors.
Next, I create an MFC Smart Device project, include the converted library, its h file and lib files and set the proper directories for dlls. The project builds fine. I can #include the library's h file properly too.
The problem arises as soon as I call the GetFullPath function:
cPath = cFolderBrowser.GetFullPath();
It gives me an unresolved external link error! The Intellisense does show this function in its list and I can choose it and everything. But in vain.
Strangely, If I modify the library and change GetFullPath()'s signature as below,
LPCTSTR GetFulPath(); // .h file LPCTSTR instead of CString
In the cpp file,
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath() // Return type changed to LPCTSTR
{ // instead of CString
... // Body modified accordingly
then, the unresolved external Link error disappears and it works!
I am stumped about this strange behaviour, because, I can use CString normally in the MFC Smart Device project and there are no errors. The link error shows up only when I try to call functions from the library (and other such libraries) dll. At the same time, BOOL, int etc. seems to have no problems as function return types.
Ofcourse, I can go through each library and change every instanceof a CString return to LPCTSTR, but that would be a very big change. I would like to know why CString works fine in project as well as dll when on desktop, while, on Win CE, it works in the project but not i the DLL (At the same time, the DLL itself compiles fine without errors wether it uses CString or LPCTSTR!).
So, basically, I would like to keep the function CString if possible, and would like to know the reason why this happens. The exact same error also happenes in other libraries too.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I saw a page on ATL & MFC 7.0 which said about using the /Zc:wchat_t option. I have checked the Dll project as well as my application. Both use the same option of 'Treat wchar_t as Built-in type' as Yes. So, that option matches up.
Further, as I mentioned above, changing the function return to LPCTSTR works. The error disappears. Everything is going fine until I convert the returned LPCTSTR back to CString. The CString turns out as empty/Null. This happens both inside the dll code itself, as well as in my application code too.
Thanks to Michael and Cody, I changed the function to LPCTSTR and made sure that the values were not going out of scope before I could use them like they suggested. Now the empty/Null problem is solved and I can get the path values properly.
The problem that remains is that I have to convert all the CString functions to LPCTSTR, which is not exactly feasible. I would like to keep the functions as CString.
This is a classic problem and has been asked often here on SO.
This cannot work:
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath()
CString path;
LPTSTR fullPath=path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, fullPath);
return (LPCTSTR)path; // << here you return a pointer to the zero
// terminated string in the path object,
} // but path will be deleted as soon as it goes
// out of scope
Maybe in some cases the function appears to work because the memory of the deleted CString object has not yet been overwritten.
You should do this (no error treatment here for simplicity):
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath(TCHAR *pathbuffer)
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, pathbuffer);
return (LPCTSTR)pathbuffer;
// call like this
TCHAR pathbuffer[MAX_PATH];
using MFC and Unicode-Build
i want to change the colum-header-text of a listctrl and to do so i have to convert an LPCTSTR to an LPWSTR. what i do now is
void CSPCListViewCtrl::SetHeaderText(long lCol, LPCTSTR lColText)
CListCtrl& ListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
::ZeroMemory((void *)&lvc, sizeof(LVCOLUMN));
lvc.mask |= LVCF_TEXT;
ListCtrl.GetColumn(lCol, &lvc);
lvc.pszText = const_cast<LPWSTR>(lColText);
ListCtrl.SetColumn(lCol, &lvc);
it seems to work but the const_cast looks somewhat strange and wrong to me so i tried out something like
lvc.pszText = CT2W(lColText);
this seems to work in release-build but produces garbage in debug-build so i wonder what is the correct way to do it?
TL;DR: Using const_cast<LPTSTR>(lColText) is safe when calling CListCtrl::SetColumn.
But why then is the pszText member of the LVCOLUMN structure declared non-const? The LVCOLUMN structure is used both to set and retrieve information. When retrieving a column's text, you need to pass in a modifiable buffer (and length argument). When setting a columns text, on the other hand, the system uses the pszText member and internally stores a copy. It does not attempt to write to it. This is documented as well, even if very subtly:
Size in TCHARs of the buffer pointed to by the pszText member. If the structure is not receiving information about a column, this member is ignored.
This is a common pattern in the Windows API, where the same structure is used both as an input and output parameter. The only option to work around this would have been to introduce a const-ified version for those structures. When the Windows API was invented 30 years ago, this wasn't deemed necessary or useful. Besides, it would have made a common pattern (read-update-write) more tedious and error prone, as the data would have to be manually copied between unrelated types.
Now that you know, that using a const_cast is safe in the scenario you described, you may be wondering, if it is a good idea to use it. That depends on a number of factors, e.g.
Can you come up with a helpful comment to concisely explain, why this is ok? Something along the lines of // Totally safe, it's just that M$ sucks probably won't cut it.
Will all members on your team understand the implications, or will this present a red herring in heap corruption debug sessions?
Do you have coding guidelines that allow the use of const_casts?
Are you using static code analysis tools that won't produce false positives for const_casts?
If you find that you cannot satisfactorily answer all those questions, you may consider implementing (technically unnecessary) manual copying (and exchange a const_cast for exception handling):
void CSPCListViewCtrl::SetHeaderText(long lCol, LPCTSTR lColText) {
CListCtrl& ListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
LVCOLUMN lvc = {0};
lvc.mask |= LVCF_TEXT;
// Create modifiable copy of lColText
size_t colTextLength = _tcslen(lColText);
std::vector<TCHAR> buffer(colTextLength + 1);
std::copy(lColText, lColText + colTextLength + 1,;
lvc.pszText =;
ListCtrl.SetColumn(lCol, &lvc);
One more note on your use of character string encodings: You are mixing the use of Generic-Text Mappings with explicit Unicode (UTF-16LE) encoding. To add consistency, you should change the lColText argument to type LPCWSTR, and use an LVCOLUMNW structure (as well as a const_cast<LPWSTR> if you decide to go that route). Unfortunately, when using MFC, you will have to resort to using the generic-text mappings when calling any class members. But at least you will get a compiler error in case of mismatching character encodings.
You can use CString::GetBuffer()
void SetHeaderText(long lCol, LPCTSTR lColText)
::ZeroMemory((void *)&lvc, sizeof(LVCOLUMN));
lvc.mask |= LVCF_TEXT;
list.GetColumn(lCol, &lvc);
CString str = lColText;
lvc.pszText = str.GetBuffer();
list.SetColumn(lCol, &lvc);
//ReleaseBuffer is option in this case because
//"str" is local variable and is destroyed before being used again*
SetHeaderText(0, L"text");
In UNICODE, LPTSTR is just LPWSTR (or simply wchar_t*)
If for some reason you have ANSI text, then you can use CString for conversion
CStringA ansi = "Text";
CStringW wide = CStringW(ansi);
SetHeaderText(0, wide);
See also
I am using the following method to convert string type to a generic type
public static T Parse<T>(string value)
// or ConvertFromInvariantString if you are doing serialization
return (T)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T)).ConvertFromString(value);
I have to call it like this
Parse<Int32>(Some string value);
Parse<DateTime>(Some string value);
I am trying that instead of giving the result type explicitly, i can give it like
Parse<Type.GetType("Int32")>(Some string value);
Generics are off the table here. Primary issue is that you are trying to take a shortcut around type identity. The name of a type is not just the type name that you use in a program. It also includes the namespace it is declared in, the display name of the assembly in which it is stored, the version number of the assembly and the public key token for the assembly's strong name. In other words, the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName.
Which requires you to write your code similar to this:
Parse(Type.GetType("System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089""), SomeStringValue);
That will work just fine. But I'd guess that you are not going to enjoy writing that. Otherwise gives you insight in what a compiler does when it reads "Int32" in your program. It will look in its symbol table that was primed with the reference assemblies you added and notes what possible matches there may be in that table, considering what using directives are in effect.
You'd have to implement something similar in your program. The equivalent of the compiler's symbol table is a Dictionary<string, Type>. You can prime it by populating it with the kind of types that you prefer to use with a short string name. Like
LookupTable.Add("Int32", typeof(int));
LookupTable.Add("String", typeof(string));
// etc...
Now you can write:
Parse(LookupTable["Int32"], SomeStringValue);
That will work just fine. But I'd guess that you are not going to enjoy writing that. Pretty hard to beat the compiler.
I think that if you need to specify the type at runtime instead of compile time (as in your example where you have specified "Int32" as a string) then first you need to rewrite your code with something like:
public static object Parse(Type destinationType, string value)
return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType).ConvertFromString(value);
Now you can call this new method writing:
var myValue = Parse(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), "33243");
Type.GetType requires you to specify the full namespace and the assembly name (Assembly qualified name), but for mscorlib types (like all primitive types) or for the currently executing assembly types you only need to specify the full namespace, like System.Int32 or System.DateTime. See MSDN.
Consider also that there are other option to convert primitive types to and from string. I suggest you to use Convert.ChangeType. This method basically check if the specified type support the IConvertible interface. Basically you can write just:
var myValue = Convert.ChangeType("23423", typeof(Int32));
var myValue = Convert.ChangeType("23423", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
It also support InvariantCulture:
var myValue = Convert.ChangeType("23423", typeof(Int32), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
There is also a good library that combine IConvertible feature and TypeConverter, see Code Project: Universal Type Converter. This library as many useful features and it is free, also available on nuget.
So I'm trying to fill a table, which is made by using ListView. "a" is some int, and obviously I can not just add an item like this, cuz it asks for string^. How do I convert my int to this string^? And what's the difference between usual string and string^?
System::Windows::Forms::ListViewItem^ listView1Item;
private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ listView1;
listView1Item = gcnew Windows::Forms::ListViewItem(a);
To convert int a to a string, call a.ToString(). ToString is defined on the .Net base class Object, so just about everything has a ToString you can call. (Since you're in C++/CLI, things that are purely unmanaged will not have a ToString method. But anything that's managed, or primitives that are also used in .Net (e.g., int), will.)
As for the difference between String and String^, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the "usual string". I'm not sure whether you're referring to C++'s std::string, or to .Net's System::String, just without the ^. String^ refers to the .Net System::String class, as a manged reference. Managed references are roughly equivalent to unmanaged pointers, but the garbage collector is allowed to move things around as it does its work, and the managed reference continues to point at the proper object.
The answer was:
Thx everybody for help =)
I'm working on a C++ Metro style app and have to pass a string by reference (somehow). At first, I passed the String^ which doesn't work because strings are immutable how I have found out.
What would be a proper way to pass a string by reference?
Edit: OK, it seems that it's not that easy since the answers and comments suggest to use return values. But as far as I think this is not applicable in my situation: In this Metro app I have two pages and a string should be "shared" across those two pages.
So in the main page I do this in a click event:
this->Frame->Navigate(newPage, this->TestString);
In the OnNavigatedTo event of the second page I convert the second parameter to a String^ and change it. Then I use this->Frame->GoBack() to navigate back to the first page. There I'd like to have access to the changed string. Unfortunately, GoBack() doesn't allow to pass any parameters as far as I know.
You can use a tracking reference:
void ModifyTheParameter(String^% value) {
value = gcnew String("Blah");
That would modify the original variable you passed in as parameter (see MSDN for more info and examples). It would then be used just as any other method taking a String^ parameter.
But if possible, avoid using tracking references as parameters. I'd recommend just returning a String^ and assigning that to the original variable.
Yet another possibility: You could just create some kind of View-agnostic DataModel that contains your String (and possibly other data that you work with). You could then pass that DataModel to your method. Since the DataModel variable isn't changed (just a property of it), you wouldn't need to pass a reference to it.
See below an example of a function f which takes as a parameter a reference to a std::string.
std::string someString;
void f(std::string& s);