cURL not sending file data - linux

I have a cURL call that I'm trying to use to send file data to a remote server.
curl -X POST -u username:password -d 'data=#/path/to/file.ext&version=2&action=Parse'
curl -X POST -u username:password -d 'data=#localFile.ext&version=2&action=Parse'
cat file.ext | curl -X POST -u username:password -d 'data=#-&version=2&action=Parse'
The file contents are URI encoded already. Using Perl and CGI on the server side.
My problem is that when the server tries to access that "data" line, value I have is only "file.ext" - the path is stripped out and the file's contents are not used ($cgi->param("data") is just "file.ext", "localFile.ext" or "-" respectively).
Any indication as to what I'm doing wrong?

#MattJacob was correct; my syntax was wrong. data=#... should have been #... and the data= portion should have been in the file. Boy am I thick.


How to send a GET request with Wget and output it on the screen

The command below successfully sends GET requests to a secure server with the Wget Command which saves the output in the “response_from_API_server.json” file in the same directory.
Is there any way to show the command output on the screen instead of saving it into a file?
Sample code:
wget -S --ca-cert=/etc/ssl/AAA.crt
--header="Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
--header='Accept-Charset: UTF-8'
--header='Content-Type: application/json' -O response_from_API_server.json
--post-data '{"email": "", "accountID": "myaccount1234"}' https: //
Instead of -O response_from_API_server.json try -O-. Instead of saving the response to a file it prints to stdout.

curl download with username and password in varible

Hi I am writing a auto script in , attempting to download a file. It works fine when I use all hard code string. But it does not work with variables. Belong are my code example:
curl -v -k -u ${USER}:${PWD} ${NEXUS_URL}/${SP1}/60/${SP1} --output ${SP1}
Above code not working not able to download my file, but if I put it as :
curl -v -k -u "admin":"adminpass" ${NEXUS_URL}/${SP1}/60/${SP1}
--output ${SP1}
Then it works. So how do I get the variable credential working with this curl command?
Option 1
The parameter expansion will not include the double quotes. You can use:
USER='"'admin'"' #single quote, double quote, single quote
curl -v -k -u ${USER}:${PASS} ${NEXUS_URL}/${SP1}/60/${SP1}
Option 2
Alternatively, you can create a .netrc file and use curl -n as follows:
Documentation from
Create .netrc containing the following and place it in your home directory.
login admin
password adminpass
Run the command
curl -n -k --output ${SP1}
curl will automatically look for the .netrc file. You can also specify the file path with curl --netrc-file <netrc_file_path>

POST csv/Text file using cURL

How can I send POST request with a csv or a text file to the server running on a localhost using cURL.
I have tried curl -X POST -d #file.csv http://localhost:5000/upload but I get
"message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
My server is flask_restful API. Thanks a lot in advance.
There are many alternate ways to accomplish this. One way is
I have used the following:
curl -F ‘data=#<file_location>’ <URL>
Eg. curl -F data=#data.csv localhost:5000/h
Your command can also be changed slightly like this
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/csv' -d #file.csv http://localhost:5000/upload
The above is one of the many ways.It can be sent either as a part of form or data, or multipart, etc. You can refer Medium Post
Curl's default Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded so your problem is probably that the data you are POSTing is not actually form data. It might work if you set the content type header properly:
-H "Content-Type: text/csv"
Though it does depend on the server.

How to encrypt password for cURL command in shell script. -u option cannot be used

I am using cURL command in a shell script. If I use curl with -u login:password option, we can have access to these login and password as they are visible to anyone.
Is there way to make password not clear in script file (or encrypt and decrypt it)?
An example based on Base64:
curl -X GET -k -H 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==' -i ''
Base64 decoded: test:password
Base64 encoded: dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==

Difference between curl calls

What is the difference between this two curl calls:
curl -X POST -d "/path/file.txt" http://api-path
curl -X POST -d "#/path/file.txt" http://api-path
The first form sends the string "/path/file.txt" as data, probably not what you want. The # makes curl interpret it as a filename to read from. See, search for the "--data" option.
